Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2014, 57 | Verdrag |
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Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2014, 57 | Verdrag |
37 (1979) Nr. 14
Verdrag inzake het behoud van wilde dieren en planten en hun natuurlijk leefmilieu in Europa;
(met Bijlagen)
Bern, 19 september 1979
De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag, met Bijlagen, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1979, 175.
In dat Tractatenblad dient in de Engelse tekst de volgende correctie te worden aangebracht.
Op blz. 8 in artikel 8, onderdeel e, dient het woord „posession” te worden vervangen door „possession”.
Voor wijzigingen van de Bijlagen bij het Verdrag, zie rubriek J van Trb. 1988, 72, Trb. 1991, 101, Trb. 1992, 112, Trb. 1994, 215, Trb. 1995, 180, Trb. 1996, 77, Trb. 1997, 43, Trb. 1998, 51 en Trb. 1999, 109.
Zie Trb. 1980, 60.
Zie Trb. 1982, 28, en rubriek J van Trb. 1988, 72, Trb. 1991, 101, Trb. 1992, 112, Trb. 1995, 180, Trb. 1996, 77, Trb. 1997, 43, Trb. 1998, 51 en Trb. 1999, 109.
Zie rubriek E van Trb. 1979, 175 en rubriek F van Trb. 1988, 72.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Albanië |
31-10-95 |
13-01-99 |
R |
01-05-99 |
Andorra |
11-05-00 |
13-10-00 |
R |
01-02-01 |
Armenië |
13-03-06 |
14-04-08 |
R |
01-08-08 |
Azerbeidzjan |
28-03-00 |
T |
01-07-00 |
Belarus |
19-02-13 |
T |
01-06-13 |
België |
19-09-79 |
24-08-90 |
R |
01-12-90 |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
17-11-08 |
17-11-08 |
R |
01-03-09 |
Bulgarije |
31-01-91 |
T |
01-05-91 |
Burkina Faso |
14-06-90 |
T |
01-10-90 |
Cyprus |
21-10-81 |
16-05-88 |
R |
01-09-88 |
Denemarken |
19-09-79 |
08-09-82 |
R |
01-01-83 |
Duitsland |
19-09-79 |
13-12-84 |
R |
01-04-85 |
Estland |
03-08-92 |
T |
01-12-92 |
EU (Europese Unie) |
19-09-79 |
07-05-82 |
R |
01-09-82 |
Finland |
19-09-79 |
09-12-85 |
R |
01-04-86 |
Frankrijk |
19-09-79 |
26-04-90 |
R |
01-08-90 |
Georgië |
18-05-09 |
19-11-09 |
R |
01-03-10 |
Griekenland |
19-09-79 |
13-06-83 |
R |
01-10-83 |
Hongarije |
16-11-89 |
T |
01-03-90 |
Ierland |
19-09-79 |
23-04-82 |
R |
01-08-82 |
IJsland |
17-06-93 |
17-06-93 |
R |
01-10-93 |
Italië |
19-09-79 |
11-02-82 |
R |
01-06-82 |
Kroatië |
03-11-99 |
03-07-00 |
R |
01-11-00 |
Letland |
23-01-97 |
23-01-97 |
R |
01-05-97 |
Liechtenstein |
19-09-79 |
30-10-80 |
R |
01-06-82 |
Litouwen |
28-09-94 |
05-09-96 |
R |
01-01-97 |
Luxemburg |
19-09-79 |
23-03-82 |
R |
01-07-82 |
Macedonië, de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek |
17-12-98 |
17-12-98 |
R |
01-04-99 |
Malta |
26-11-93 |
26-11-93 |
R |
01-03-94 |
Marokko |
25-04-01 |
T |
01-08-01 |
Moldavië |
24-05-94 |
T |
01-09-94 |
Monaco |
07-02-94 |
T |
01-06-94 |
Montenegro |
03-03-09 |
01-10-09 |
R |
01-02-10 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
19-09-79 |
– Nederland: |
– in Europa |
28-10-80 |
R |
01-06-82 |
– Bonaire |
– |
– |
– Sint Eustatius |
– |
– |
– Saba |
– |
– |
– Aruba |
– |
– |
– Curaçao |
– |
– |
– Sint Maarten |
– |
– |
Noorwegen |
19-09-79 |
27-05-86 |
R |
01-09-86 |
Oekraïne |
17-08-98 |
05-01-99 |
R |
01-05-99 |
Oostenrijk |
19-09-79 |
02-05-83 |
R |
01-09-83 |
Polen |
24-03-95 |
13-09-95 |
R |
01-01-96 |
Portugal |
19-09-79 |
03-02-82 |
R |
01-06-82 |
Roemenië |
18-05-93 |
T |
01-09-93 |
Senegal |
13-04-87 |
T |
01-08-87 |
Servië |
09-01-08 |
09-01-08 |
R |
01-05-08 |
Slovenië |
20-10-98 |
29-09-99 |
R |
01-01-00 |
Slowakije |
28-04-94 |
23-09-96 |
R |
01-01-97 |
Spanje |
19-09-79 |
27-05-86 |
R |
01-09-86 |
Tsjechië |
08-10-97 |
25-02-98 |
R |
01-06-98 |
Tunesië |
12-01-96 |
T |
01-05-96 |
Turkije |
19-09-79 |
02-05-84 |
R |
01-09-84 |
Verenigd Koninkrijk |
19-09-79 |
28-05-82 |
R |
01-09-82 |
Zweden |
19-09-79 |
14-06-83 |
R |
01-10-83 |
Zwitserland |
19-09-79 |
12-03-81 |
R |
01-06-82 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R=Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Uitgebreid tot |
In werking |
Buiten werking |
Jersey |
25-10-2002 |
Man |
24-08-1992 |
Belarus, 19 februari 2013
Pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Belarus shall not apply the provisions of Article 6 of the Convention in respect to the following species included in Appendix II to the said Convention:
– Canis Lupus;
– Lutra lutra.
Pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Belarus shall not apply the provisions of Article 8 of the Convention in respect of the following prohibited means and methods of killing, capture and other forms of exploitation listed in Appendix IV:
– Snares, nets – in respect of the capture or killing of Castor fiber, Lutra lutra, Sciurus vulgaris, Martes martes,Martes foina, Putorius (Mustela) putorius, Canis lupus;
– Semi-automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition
– in respect of the capture or killing of all game animals;
– Devices for illuminating targets, sighting devices for night shooting comprising an electronic image magnifier or image converter, artificial light sources – in respect of the capture or killing of Canis lupus, Capreolus capreolus, Alces alces, Cervus elaphus, Cervus dama, Cervis nippon in the periods of hunting which is allowed in the nighttime;
– Tape recorders – in respect of the capture or killing of all game animals;
– Aircrafts – in respect of the capture or killing of Canis lupus;
– Motor vehicles in motion – in respect of the capture or killing of all game animals.
België, 24 augustus 1990
The Kingdom of Belgium declares that the capture of birds for recreational purposes, in limited numbers and without hindering the survival of the species concerned, will continue in the Region of Wallonie and that it intends to apply Article 9 of the Convention to that effect, without prejudice to Community texts.
The species concerned are the following: Emberiza citrinella, Emberiza schoeniclus, Chloris chloris, Carduelis carduelis, Carduelis spinus, Carduelis flavirostris, Carduelis cannabina, Carduelis flammea, Loxia curvirostra, Coccothraustes coccothraustes.
Bulgarije, 31 januari 1991
In pursuance of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats of 1979, the Republic of Bulgaria reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of the following species included in Annex II of the said Convention:
mammals – Citellus citellus, Canis lupus, Ursus arctus, Felis silvestris;
reptiles – Lacerta viridis, Lacerta trilineata, Lacerta agilis, Podarcis muralis, Podarcis taurica, Podarcis erhardii, Natrix tessellata;
amphibians – Rama dalmatina.
Because of their large population in the Republic of Bulgaria, the protection of these species in its territory does not prove to be necessary.
Cyprus, 16 mei 1988
In conformity with paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the said Convention the Republic of Cyprus enters the following reservations:
1. the undermentioned fauna species included in Appendix II as “Strictly protected fauna species” will be considered by the Republic of Cyprus as “protected fauna species” enjoying the regime of protection provided for by the Convention for the species included in Appendix III: Calandrella brachydactyla, Calandrella refuscens, Melanocorypha calandra, Merops apiaster.
2. the undermentioned fauna species included in Appendix II will not be considered by the Republic of Cyprus as enjoying the regime of protection provided for by the said Convention for the species included in the said Appendix: Vibera lebetina.
Denemarken, 8 september 1982
The Convention does not apply to Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Denemarken, 11 april 1991
I hereby, on behalf of the Danish authorities, have the honour to notify a partial objection in respect of the inclusion of lower plants (Bryophytes) in Appendix I. The objection is partial in the sense that it only concerns the obligations in Article 5, and it does not concern obligations according to other Articles of the Convention that follow from the amendment. In particular, it does not concern Article 4, paragraph 1.
Denmark thus has no objections to ensure the habitats of the Bryophytes with Danish occurence included in connection with the amendment of Appendix I, but it does not intend to carry out legislative species protection of these plants.
The objection applies to all Bryophyte species in Appendix I occuring in Denmark. According to present knowledge this includes the following 5 species from the amended list:
Buxbaumia viridis, Dichelyma capillaceum, Drepanocladus vernicosus, Meesia longiseta, Orthotrichum rogeri.
For the sake of good order I add that Denmark is not notifying any objections in connection with the amendments concerning higher plants (Ferns and Flowering plants) to Appendix I of the Convention.
Europese Unie, 30 november 2009
The Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community will enter into force on 1 December 2009.
As a consequence, as from that date, the European Union will replace and succeed the European Community (Article 1, third paragraph, of the Treaty on European Union as it results from the amendments introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon).
Therefore, as from that date, the European Union will exercise all rights and assume all obligations of the European Community, including its status in the Organisation, whilst continuing to exercise existing rights and assume obligations of the European Union.
In particular, as from that date, the European Union will succeed to all agreements concluded and all commitments made by the European Community with your Organisation and to all agreements or commitments adopted within your Organisation and binding on the European Community.
[Note by the Secretariat: As from 1 December 2009, any reference to “the European Economic Community”, “the European Community” or “the European Communities” contained in the text of the treaties and agreements concluded within the Council of Europe shall be read as “the European Union”. The website of the Treaty Office has been modified accordingly, and a Note by the Secretariat will be added to the texts of the treaties concerned.]
Finland, 9 december 1985
In conformity with paragraph 1 of Article 22, Finland enters a reservation regarding the following species specified in Appendices II and III:
Appendix II:
Canis lupus
Ursus arcto
Accipiter gentilis
Appendix III:
Microtus ratticep
Vipera berus
Finland, 10 maart 1988
Objections notified by Finland:
Appendix II:
Aeshna viridis
Leucorrhinia albifrons
Leucorrhinia caudalis
Leucorrhinia pectoralis
Dytiscus latissimus
Graphoderus bilineatus
Euphydryas (Eurodryas) aurinia
Lopinga achine
Hypodryas maturna
Appendix III:
Lampetra planeri
Abramis ballerus
Cottus poecilopus
Myoxocephalus quadricornis
Pomatoschistus microps
Pomatoschistus minutus
Frankrijk, 26 april 1990
At the time of the deposit of the instrument of approval of this Convention, the Government of the French Republic makes a reservation concerning the Appendix II “Stricly protected fauna species” and concerning the species “Chelonia mydas” or green turtle.
Frankrijk, 6 maart 1992
I have the honour to inform you, pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 3 of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, that the Government of the French Republic objects to the inclusion of the Trapa natans L. specie in Appendix I of the said Convention, decided during the 11th meeting of the Standing Committee.
As this specie is not endangered in France, measures of protection provided for by the Convention are not justified in its respect.
Georgië, 19 november 2009
Pursuant to Article 22 of the Convention, Georgia reserves the right not to apply provisions of Article 5 of the Convention in respect to the following species contained in Appendix I to the Convention occurring on the territory of Georgia:
Marsilea quadrifolia L;
Salvinia natans L. All;
Vaccinium arctostaphylos L;
Dracocephalum ruyschiana L;
Cyclamen coum Mill;
Typha minima Funk;
Zostera marina L. (Med.);
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (L.) Ledeb;
Paeonia tenuifolia L.
Pursuant to Article 22 of the Convention, Georgia reserves the right not to apply provisions of Article 6 of the Convention in respect to the following species contained in Appendix II to the Convention occurring on the territory of Georgia:
Merops apiaster
Melanocorypha calandra
Motacilla alba
Emberiza cia
Sturnus roseus
Natrix tessellata
Bufo viridis
Pursuant to Article 22 of the Convention, Georgia reserves the right not to apply provisions of Article 6 of the Convention in respect to the species contained in Appendix III to the Convention occurring on the territory of Georgia, and shall provide their protection pursuant to Article 7 of the Convention, i.e. shall treat them as having being included in Appendix III to the Convention. These species are:
Canis Lupus
Ursus arctos
Felis silvestris
Ixobrychus minutus
Accipiter nisus
Accipiter gentilis
Buteo buteo
Sterna albifrons
Sterna hirundo
Otus scops
Upupa epops
Coracias garrulus
Dendrocopos major
Hirundo rustica
Delichon urbica
Eremophila alpestris
Motacilla flava
Lanius collurio
Prunella modularis
Prunella collaris
Oenanthe Oenanthe
Oenanthe finischii
Oenanthe isabellina
Phoenicurus ochruros
Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Erithacus rubecula
Parus major
Parus caeruleus
Sitta europaea
Troglodytes troglodytes
Emberiza melanocephala
Carduelis cannabina
Carduelis carduelis
Carduelis spinus
Carduelis chloris
Vipera lebetina
Ophysaurus apodus
Coluber najadum
Coronella austriaca
Hyla arborea
Pursuant to Article 22 of the Convention, Georgia reserves the right not to apply provisions of Article 7 of the Convention in respect to the following species contained in Appendix III to the Convention occurring on the territory of Georgia:
Sciurus vulgaris
Pursuant to Article 22 of the Convention, Georgia reserves the right to implement provisions of Appendix IV concerning prohibited means and methods of killing, capture and other forms of exploitation, under the following conditions: “Georgia agrees with prohibition of snares and traps, but allows purposeful and specific use for mammals capture only for scientific purposes, or in cases, where this is related to removal of particular problematic species from the nature”.
Griekenland, 6 maart 1992
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Bern Convention, reservations are made as set below in respect to flora species included in Appendix I of the Bern Convention, according to the relevant decision of the Standing Committee:
i. A temporal reservation, until the designation of key sites in Greece for the following species: Pilularia minuta, Ranunculus fontanus, Trapa natans, Adonis cyllenea, Trachelium asperuloides, Verbascum cylleneum, Bupleurum capillare.
ii. For the species Linaria hellenica, a reservation for the site Vatika Lakonia, Peloponese.
iii. For the species Carlina diae, a reservation for the Gianissada site.
Griekenland, 4 maart 1998
Referring to the amendments of Appendix I – Strictly Protected Flora Species – which have been adopted by the 17th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention, as they appear in Appendix 4 of document T-PVS(97)Misc 2, Greece enters an objection for the species:
Ophrys oestriphera
Ophrys taurica
Orchis provencialis
in the sense of examining their conservation status, with regard to their potential European Community interest, in the context of the NATURA 2000 network establishment.
Hongarije, 16 november 1989
Appendix I
From among the plant species specified in Appendix I, three species occur in Hungary. The following plant species are not protected:
Centaurea horrida Badaro, Rheum rhaponticum L.
There are 414 protected plant species in Hungary which are not listed in Appendix I of the Convention.
Appendix II
From among the species specified in Appendix II, the following ones are not protected in Hungary in any way:
Cricetus cricetus, Coenagrion fregi, Coenagrion mercuriale, Stylurus (= Gomphus) flavipes, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Oxygastra curtisii, Leucorrhinia caudalis, Leucorrhinia pectoralis, Graphoderus bilineatus, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Melanargia arge, Erebia calcaria, Lopinga achine, Lycaena dispar, Maculinea arion, Maculinea teleius.
Appendix III
From among the species specified in Appendix III, the following ones are not protected in Hungary:
Martes foina, Putorius putorius, Phalacrocorax carbo, Fulica atra, Streptopelia decaocto, Passer montanus, Eudontomyzon mariae, Eudontomyzon vladykovi, Lampetra planeri, Alosa pontica, Coregonus albula, Coregonus lavarodus, Thymallus thymallus, Abramis ballerus, Abramis sapa, Abramis vimba, Chalcalburnus chalcoides, Chondrostoma nasus, Pelecus cultratus, Rhodeus sericeus, Rutilus frisii, Rutilus pigus, Gymnocephalus baloni, Astacus astacus, Helix pomatia, Hirudo medicinalis.
Appendix IV
For the capture of Cervidae the use of anaesthetic shot and anaesthetic bait is allowed in Hungary.
For the capture of Lepus capensis the use of nets is allowed in Hungary.
For the killing of the following species the use of semi-automatic weapons is allowed in Hungary:
Lepus capensis, Phasianus colhicus, Perdix perdix, Anser Albifrons, Anser fabalis, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas querquedula, Anas crecca, Anas penelope, Aythya ferina, Fulica atra, Scolpax rusticola, Streptopelia decaocto, Columba palumbus.
IJsland, 17 juni 1993
Reservations are made regarding the following species:
In Appendix I regarding Saxifraga hirculus.
In Appendix II
a. regarding the taking of eggs from Sterna paradisaea and Bucephala islandica.
b. regarding the Gavia stellata, Branta leucopsis, Alopex lagopus, Orcinus orca, Globicephala melaena, Phocaena phocaena, Hyperoodon rostratus, Lagenorhynchus albirostris, Sibbaldus musculus, Megaptera novaengliae, Eubalaena glacialis, Balaena mysticetus, Thalarctos maritimus, Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus and Lagenorhynchus acutus.
In Appendix III regarding Corvus corax and Stercorarius parasiticus.
IJsland, 25 april 1996
With this letter, and in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Government of Iceland notifies objections to the amendments adopted by the Standing Committee on 26 January 1996, regarding inclusion of Monodon monoceros, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Stenella frontalis, Kogia breviceps, Balaenoptera edeni and Balaenoptera physalus in Appendix II of the Convention.
As has been clearly expressed by the Icelandic delegation at the meeting of the Standing Committee, no criteria were used for including cetaceans in Appendix II. It is this lack of defined criteria, as well as disregard of available scientific information on population and population trends of species, which is unacceptable to Iceland. The decision is also not in conformity with the results of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. In particular, Iceland pointed out that the proposal included species which, according to reliable scientific data, are not threatened. A particular concern of the Icelandic Government is the inclusion of Balaenoptera physalus and Monodon monoceros in Appendix II.
We would also like to state that if new scientific information shows that these species are in fact threatened, measured against reasonable criteria, taking into account the precautionary principle, the Government of Iceland is willing to reconsider this notification.
With respect to the other species concerned on which no data was provided, Iceland will reassess its position when defined criteria have been developed by the Standing Committee and data provided on the state of these species.
Kroatië, 3 juli 2000
Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 22, the Republic of Croatia makes the following reservations relating to Articles 5, 6 and 7 of the Convention:
Appendix I
– Salvinia natans: protection not to be implemented on fish farms.
– Trapa natans: protection not to be implemented on fish farms.
– Rheum rhaponticum.
Appendix II
To be considered a species mentioned in Appendix III:
– Felis silvestris
– Ursus arctus
– Vipera ammodytes
Appendix III
– Paracentrotus lividius
Letland, 23 januari 1997
In pursuance of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of the following accordingly.
Appendix I:
Cypripedium calceolus L.
Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich
Pulsatilla patens (L.) Miller
Appendix II:
Canis Lupus
Rana arvalis
Appendix III:
Corvus corax
Lampetra fluviatilis
Abramis vimba
Appendix IV:
Artificial light sources
Litouwen, 5 september 1996
In accordance with Article 22 of the said Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares the following reservations:
I. Reservation in respect of Appendix II of the Convention:
A reservation is made concerning the fauna species Canis lupus, included in Appendix II as a “strictly protected fauna species”, which will be considered by the Republic of Lithuania as a “protected fauna species” enjoying the regime of protection provided by the Convention for the species included in Appendix III.
II. Reservations regarding certain means or methods of killing and capture listed in Appendix IV for certain species:
For the capture of Sus scrofa, the use of devices for illuminating targets is allowed in Lithuania;
For the killing of Cervidae and birds, the use of semi-automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition is allowed in Lithuania;
For the capture of Castor fiber, the use of traps of special construction for selective capture is allowed in Lithuania.
Malta, 20 februari 1997 en 25 maart 1997
Malta wishes to withdraw from two reservations it had made, when acceding to the Convention, namely the reservation re the shooting and taking of the Streptoptelia turtus and Coturnix coturnix, and from its reservation re the means used for taking birds under Appendix IV.
Malta is in a position to withdraw its reservation re the Fringilla coelebs under Appendix III. Furthermore, Malta’s withdrawal from the reservation regarding the use of nets for trapping, applies also to wild rabbits.
As from 17 February 1997, the reservation reads as follows:
In pursuance of paragraph 1 of article 22 of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats of 1979, the Republic of Malta reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of the following, accordingly:
a) AVES – birds which can be trapped from the 1st of September to the 31st of January.
Appendix II
Carduelis chloris
Carduelis carduelis
Carduelis spinus
Carduelis cannabina
Serinus serinus
Coccothraustes coccothraustes.
Malta, 4 maart 1998
In pursuance of Article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Malta is making an objection in respect of the following species included in Appendix III (as recently amended):
Appendix III
Epinephelus marginatus
Lamna nasus
Palinurus elephas
Raja alba
Squatina squatina
Noorwegen, 19 september 1979
The Norwegian Government wishes, upon the occasion of the signing of the Convention on the Protection of Wildlife and Natural Habitats in Bern on the 19 of September, to place on record that pending further national discussion in connection with ratification, it may prove necessary to enter a reservation with respect to a particular species covered by the Convention. The Norwegian Government also reserves the right in connection with ratification to make clear its understanding that nothing in this Convention shall prejudice the obligations of Contracting Parties with respect to provisions contained in, or decisions already adopted – or which may be adopted – pursuant to international agreements already existing.
Noorwegen, 27 mei 1986
A reservation is made in respect of the prohibition listed in Appendix IV for the use of semi-automatic weapons capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition for the hunting of the following species included in Appendix III: Red deer (Cervus elaphus), Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), Moose (Alces alces).
This reservation applies furthermore to the use of semi-automatic weapons used for sealing and whaling, conducted in accordance with Norwegian laws and regulations.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 21, this Convention shall apply to the continental territory of the Kingdom.
With respect to the territory of the Kingdom in Svalbard and Jan Mayen, the Government of Norway will promote national policies for the conservation of wild flora, wild fauna and natural habitats, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, with a reservation in respect of the conservation and management of the population of Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) in Svalbard.
The Government of Norway undertakes to co-ordinate its efforts for the protection of migratory species specified in Appendices II and III whose ranges extend into Svalbard or Jan Mayen with the efforts of other Contracting Parties on a basis of mutual co-operation and reciprocity.
The Government of Norway confirms its understanding that nothing in the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats shall prejudice the obligations of Norway with respect to provisions contained in, or decisions already adopted – or which may be adopted – pursuant to international agreements already existing.
Noorwegen, 3 oktober 1989
Referring to our meeting in December 1987 of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention concerning amendments to Appendices II and III.
Norway abstained from voting on the proposal from Portugal regarding whale species. The Norwegian delegation needed consultations with the competent authorities in Norway.
At present, further consultations are needed as a basis for a definite Norwegian position on this proposal. Under these circumstances, Norway hereby make a formal, but provisional reservation to the decision of listing six whale species on Appendix II of the Bern Convention: Orcinus orca, Lagenorhynchus albirostris, Lagenorhynchus acutus.
We will communicate our final position on this matter in a few months.
Noorwegen, 13 maart 1997
At its 16th meeting in Strasbourg, 2-6 December 1996, the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention adopted several amendments to the Appendices of the Convention. The decision implies including a number of species for Appendix I, i.e. strictly protected plant species, Appendix II, i.e. strictly protected fauna species, and III, i.e. protected fauna species.
On behalf on the Norwegian Government the Directorate for Nature Management would like to notify an objection to the inclusion of the plant species Rheum rhaponticum L. in Appendix I of the Convention. The reason why Norway has come to this conclusion is that Rheum rhaponticum L. has been introduced to Norway, and that its inclusion in Appendix I from our point of view, comes into conflict with the objectives of Article 11-2b of the Convention, which call for the strict control of non-native species. According to our present state of knowledge Rheum rhaponticum L has been used as an ornamental and medicinal plant, and is thought to originate from Middle Asia. Finally, however, we would like to inform you that our objection does not imply that Norway at present have any intentions of changing her management practice concerning this species.
Interpretation with regard to listing of marine species – geographical coverage
Concerning the adopted list of marine species for the inclusion in Appendices II and III, Norway understands that these listings only apply to the geographical area of the Mediterranean Sea, as it is reflected in Article 1.1 of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean adopted in Barcelona on 16 February 1976 and amended on 15 June 1995. It reads:
“Article 1
Geographical Coverage
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the Mediterranean Sea Area shall mean the maritime waters of the Mediterranean Sea proper, including its gulfs and seas, bounded to the west by the meridian passing through Cape Spartel lighthouse, at the entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar, and to the east by the southern limits of the Straits of the Dardanelles between Mehmetcik and Kumkale lighthouses.”
This interpretation is also reflected in a letter from the Bern Convention Secretariat of 5 March 1997. Norway therefore understands that the listing of these marine species in Appendix II and III has no consequences for populations or parts of populations appearing outside this area.
On this background we would like to emphasize the importance of a practice giving Parties the possibility of listing populations to the Convention.
Noorwegen, 12 november 2013
The Government of Norway withdraws the following objections [concerning Article 17]
1. Objection made by the Directorate for Nature Management of Norway, dated 9 April 1991, partial objection with respect to the inclusion of Bryophytes in Appendix I. The objection applies to all Bryophite species added to Appendix I. According to our present knowledge, the following species are registered in Norway: Scapania massalongi, Atractylocarpus alpinus, Buxbaumia viridis, Cynodontium suecicum.
2. Objection made by the Directorate for Nature Management of Norway, dated 20 February 1998, with respect to the plant species Dracocephalum ruyschiana L. in Appendix I of the Convention.
Macedonië, de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek, 17 december 1998
The Republic of Macedonia shall be considered bound by all the paragraphs of the Convention, with the following exceptions:
1. Appendix II – Strictly protected fauna species does not apply to Canis lupus, Felis silvestris, Anser erythropus, Gallinago media and Accipiter gentilis.
2. Appendix III – Protected fauna species does not apply to Meles meles, Mustela nivalis, Putorius putorius, Vormela perugusna, Martes martes, Martes foina, Phalacrocorax carbo and Ardea cinerea.
Oekraïne, 5 januari 1999
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declares that Ukraine has become a party of the Convention, with reservations as follows:
1. It is allowed in Ukraine, in restricted number and under conditions of relevant control, towards such species mentioned in Appendix II to the Convention:
– spot regulation of number of Canis lupus and ursus arctos with a view to prevent their negative influence on other species, serious harm to livestock and other objects of property;
– exploitation of Gallinago media because of its big number and diffusion.
2. It is allowed to use the following means and methods of killing, capture and other forms of exploitation, mentioned in Appendix IV to the Convention:
– snares and nets – for catching mammals and birds, mentioned in Appendix III, with scientific purpose and migration;
– traps – for exploitation of Canis lupus, mentioned in Appendix II; Marmota marmota bobac, Castor fiber, Putorius(Mustela) putorius, Martes martes, Martes foina, mentioned in Appendix III to the Convention.
Polen, 20 mei 1998
Pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 1, the Republic of Poland makes the following reservations regarding Appendices I, II and III:
1. The undermentioned flora species specified in Appendix I as “strictly protected” are not endangered in Poland and will not be placed under protection:
Marsilea quadrifolia L., Botrychium simplex Hitchc., Ophioglossum polyphyllum A. Braun, Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl., Luronium natans (L.) Raf., Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass., Saxifraga hirculus L., Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & W.L. Schmidt, Thesium ebracteatum Hayne, Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox, Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffman, Drepanocladus vernicosus (Mitt.) Warnst., Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam & DC.) Brid, ex Moug & Nestl., Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myr., Pyramidula tetragona (Brid.) Brid., Meesia longiseta Hedw., Orthotrichum rogeri Brid.
2. From among fauna species listed in Appendix II as “strictly protected”, Canis lupus will enjoy in Poland another regime of protection than provided for by the Convention.
3. From among fauna species listed in Appendix III, Leucaspius delineatus is not a species endangered in Poland and will not be placed under protection.
Slovenië, 29 september 1999
Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 22 and in connection with Article 6 of the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia makes reservations to the Appendix II for the species of wolf (Canis lupus) and brown bear (Ursus arctus).
Slowakije, 28 april 1994
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic makes a reservation in respect of two species specified in Appendix II. These species are the wolf (Canis lupus) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos). The reason for making this reservation with regard to conditions for the protection of these species, according to Article 6 of the Convention, is that the present level of their population in the Slovak Republic permits the regulation of their numbers without detriment to their survival and to the functions of these species in the natural ecosystems.
Slowakije, 23 september 1996
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic makes a reservation regarding two kinds of animals according to Appendix II (Strictly Protected Fauna Species) – Canis lupus and Ursus arctos.
Spanje, 19 september 1979
Reservations concerning the list of species set out in Appendix II
The undermentioned species are excluded from this list as far as Spain is concerned:
Canis lupus, Otis tarda, Otis tetrax, Burhinus oedicnemus, Pterocles orientalis, Pterocles alchata, Carduelis chloris, Carduelis carduelis, Carduelis spinus, Carduelis cannabina, Serinus serinus, Sturnus unicolor, Lacerta lepida, Emys orbicularis, Mauremys caspica, Vipera latasti.
This list of species will be transferred in full to Appendix III.
2. Reservations concerning the list of species set out in Appendix III
As far as Spain is concerned the species Sus scrofa meridionalis is excluded from this list.
3. Reservations concerning prohibited means and methods of killing etc. set out in Appendix IV
Prohibition of the use of snares is accepted apart from their use in the capture of Canidae, Mustelidae, Viverridae and Oryctolagus cuniculus.
Prohibition of the use of traps is accepted apart from their use in the capture of Canidae, Mustelidae, Viverridae and Oryctolagus cuniculus.
Prohibition of gassing and smoking out is accepted apart from their use for the capture of Vulpes vulpes.
Prohibition of the use of poisoned bait is accepted apart from its use in temporary hunting emergency situations.
Prohibition of the use of automatic or semi-automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition cannot be accepted for the time being.
Prohibition of the use of snares is accepted apart from their use in the capture of Sturnus vulgaris, Turdus philomelos and Turdus iliacus in certain areas and at certain times.
Prohibition of the use of nets is accepted apart from the use of nets specially authorised for the capture of Columba palumbus, Sturnus vulgaris and Passer domesticus in certain areas and at certain times and for the capture of Fringillidae alive.
Prohibition of the use of poisoned bait is accepted apart from its use in temporary hunting emergency situations.
Prohibition of the use of automatic or semi-automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition cannot be accepted for the time being.
Spanje, 27 mei 1986
A reservation is made concerning the fauna species Canis lupus, Sturnus unicolor, Lacerta Lepida and Vipera latasti, Carduelis-Carduelis, Carduelis Chloris, Carduelis Cannabina and Serinus Serinus, included in Appendix II as “Strictly protected fauna species”, which will be considered by Spain as “Protected fauna species” enjoying the régime of protection provided for by the Convention for the species included in Appendix III.
Tsjechië, 25 februari 1998
The Czech Republic makes the following reservations, pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention:
– Reservation to the inclusion of the following species in Appendix II of the Convention: Canis lupus, Ursus arctos, Bubo bubo, Buteo buteo, Buteo lagopus, Accipiter gentilis and Falco tinnunculus with respect to the current proliferation of these species in the territory of the Czech Republic, with respect to the need for regulation of nutrition specialists and with respect to the current use of falconry. In the event of an emergency the regime corresponding to the species specified in Appendix II shall be applied to all the above mentioned wild fauna species.
– Reservation to the inclusion of Capra aegagrus in Appendix II of the Convention with respect to the existence of breeding only in game-parks of genetically unsuitable animals of this species which is not indigenous to the Czech Republic.
– Reservation to the inclusion in Appendix IV of the Convention of semi-automatic or automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition with respect to Act No. 23/1962 on gamekeeping as amended by later regulations and Ordinance No. 134/1996 on the Implementation of the Act on Gamekeeping, which permit the use of such weapons for hunting.
Tunesië, 12 januari 1996
The Republic of Tunisia declares that, in pursuance of the provisions of Article 22 of the Convention, it is making reservations and does not consider itself bound to take measures for the protection of some vegetal and animal species mentioned in the Annexes, being considered that the increase of these species in Tunisia is at present incompatible with the protection stipulated in the Convention.
These species are:
Annex 1: Reseda decursiva Forssk. Gibraltar, Sideritis incana L. ssp. glauca (Cav.) Malagarriga
Annex 2: Bufo viridis
Turkije, 2 mei 1984
Mammals: RODENTIA Sciuridae
Citellus citellus
Canis lupus Ursidae
All species
Capra aegagrus Suidae
Sus scrofa meridionalis
Birds: ANSERIFORMES Anatidae
Anser erythropus
Tadorna tadorna
Tardona ferruginea
Oxyura leucocephala
Gallinago media
Pterocles alchata
Pterocles orientalis
Reptiles: TESTUDINES TestudinidaeTestudo hermanni
Testudo graeca
Testudo marginata
Amphibians: ANURA RanidaeRana arvalis
Rana dalmatina
Rana latastei
Prohibited means and methods of killing, capture and other forms of exploitation
Mammals: Semi-automatic or automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition.
Turkije, 9 maart 1988
With reference to the decision taken during the last meeting of the Standing Committee on the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, held in Strasbourg from 8 to 11 december 1987, and in accordance with Article 17.3 of the said Convention, I have the honour to send you herewith the list of species, the inclusion of which is objected to by Turkey.
Appendix II
Pelobates syriacus, Pelodytes caucasicus
Agama stellio, Ophisops elegans, Lacerta agilis, Ophisaurus apodus, Chalcides ocellatus, Coluber najadum, Natrix tessellata, Telescopus fallax
Felis silvestris (catus)
Vormela peregusna
Calopteryx syriaca, Sympecma braueri, Coenagrion freyi, Coenagrion mercuriale, Aeshna viridis, Stylurus (= Gomphus) flavipes, Gomphus graslinii, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Lindenia tetraphylla, Macromia splendens, Brachythemis fuscopalliata, Leucorrhinia albifrons, Leucorrhinia caudalis, Leucorrhinia pectoralis, Carabus olympiae, Dytiscus latissimus, Graphoderus bilineatus, Osmoderma eremita, Buprestis splendens, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Cerambyx cerdo, Papilio hospiton, Papilio alexanor, Zerynthia polyxena, Parnassius apollo, Parnassius mnemosyne, Apatura metis, Fabriciana elisa, Euphydryas (Eurodryas) aurinia, Melanargia arge, Erebia christi, Erebia sudetica, Erebia calcaria, Coenonympha hero, Coenonympha oedippus, Lopinga achine, Lycaena dispar, Maculinea arion, Maculinea teleius, Maculinea nausithous, Plebicula golgus, Hypodryas maturna, Eriogaster catax, Hyles hippophaes, Proserpinus prosperpina.
Macrothele calpeiana
Geomalacus maculosus, Elona quimperiana, Margaritifera auricularia.
Appendix III
Margaritifera margaritifera, Unio elongatulus, Microcondylaea compressa.
Hirudo medicinalis
Chalcalburnus chalcoides, Abramis vimba, Alburnoides bipunctatus, Alburnus albidus, Aspius aspius, Barbus plebejus, Chondrostoma nasus, Rutilus frisii, Rutilus rubilio, Siluris glanis, Gobius ophiocephalus, Gobius syrman, Proterorhinus marmoratus.
Verenigd Koninkrijk, 31 maart 1997
Great Britain
Reservations are made, as set out below, in respect of the prohibitions listed in Appendix IV.
Snares (except for self-locking snares)
Tape Recorders
Electrical Devices capable of killing and stunning
Artificial light sources
Mirrors and other dazzling devices
Devices for illuminating targets
Sighting devices for night shooting comprising an electronic image magnifier or image converter
Semi-automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than 2 rounds of ammunition Aircraft
Motor vehicles in motion.
A reservation is made on prohibited methods as for Hare above, with the addition of gassing or smoking out.
A reservation is made on prohibited methods as for Hare above, with the addition of gassing or smoking out.
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus): Stags from 1 August to 30 April inclusive; Hinds from 1 November to 29 February inclusive.
Fallow Deer (Dama dama): Buck from 1 August to 30 April inclusive; Doe from 1 November to 29 February inclusive.
Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus): Buck from 1 April to 31 October inclusive; Doe from 1 November to 29 February inclusive.
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon): Stags from 1 August to 30 April inclusive; Hinds from 1 November to 29 February inclusive.
For any person entering land without the consent of the owner/occupier/ lawful authority (unless subject to limited exception under S10, 10A, and 11 of the Deer Act 1963 as amended by Schedule 7 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981).
Tape Recorders
Electrical Devices capable of killing and stunning
Mirrors and other dazzling devices
Semi-automatic weapons with a magazine capable of holding more than 2 rounds of ammunition (except for other extensive prohibitions on firearms, weapons and ammunition)
Devices for illuminating targets.
For lawful killing under the Deer (Scotland) Act 1959 as amended
Tape Recorders
Artificial light sources
Mirrors and other dazzling devices
Devices for illuminating targets
Semi-automatic weapon with a magazine capable of holding more than 2 rounds of ammunition Aircraft.
Open Seasons in Scotland
Species/Open Seasons
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), Sika /Male, 1 July – 20 October inclusive
Deer (Cervus nippon) and Red-Sika, Deer hybrids (Cervus elaphus-Cervus nippon) / Female, 21 October – 15 February inclusive
Fallow Deer (Dama dama) / Male, 1 August – 30 April inclusive – Female, 21 October – 15 February inclusive
Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) / Male, 1 April – 30 October inclusive – Female, 21 October – 31 March inclusive
Grey Seal from 1 January to 31 August inclusive
Common Seal from 1 September to 31 May inclusive
Tape Recorders
Electrical Devices capable of killing and stunning
Artificial light sources
Mirrors and other dazzling devices
Devices for illuminating targets
Sighting devices for night shooting comprising an electronic image magnifier or image converter
Any rifle using ammunition having a muzzle energy of not less than 600 footpounds and a bullet weighing not less than 45 grains
Motor vehicles in motion.
Verenigd Koninkrijk, 29 februari 1988
1. The United Kingdom Government has been giving further careful consideration to the decision to amend Appendices II and III of the Bern Convention taken by the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee on 8-11 December 1987. Most of the proposed amendments are acceptable to the United Kingdom. However, two of the species of invertebrates proposed for inclusion in Appendix II are not afforded protection under our domestic legislation. These are Coenagrion mercuriale, Euphydras aurinia.
2. Neither of the species meets our criteria for inclusion under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as both are quite widespread throughout Great Britain and are therefore considered inappropriate for inclusion among our strictly protected species.
3. Consequently, and in accordance with Article 17 paragraph 3 of the Convention, I am by means of this letter lodging a formal objection on behalf of the United Kingdom Government to the inclusion in Appendix II of the two species listed above.
Verenigd Koninkrijk, 24 oktober 2001
In accordance with Article 21, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom declares that the Convention shall extend to the Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom in the island of Cyprus, subject to the following reservation made in accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention:
the under-mentioned fauna species included in Appendix II will not be considered by the United Kingdom as enjoying the regime of protection provided by the said Convention for the species included in the said Appendix: Vipera lebetina.
Zie Trb. 1982, 28 en rubriek J van Trb. 1988, 72, Trb. 1991, 101, Trb. 1992, 112, Trb. 1994, 215, Trb. 1995, 180, Trb. 1997, 43, Trb. 1998, 51, Trb. 1998, 98 en Trb. 1999, 109.
Voor verwijzingen en overige verdragsgegevens, zie Trb. 1979, 175, Trb. 1982, 28, Trb. 1988, 72, Trb. 1991, 101, Trb. 1992, 112, Trb. 1994, 215, Trb. 1995, 180, Trb. 1996, 77, Trb. 1997, 43, Trb. 1998, 51, Trb. 1998, 98 en Trb. 1999, 109.
Titel |
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Statuut van de Raad van Europa; Londen, 5 mei 1949 |
Laatste Trb. |
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Titel |
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Verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens en de fundamentele vrijheden; Rome, 4 november 1950 |
Laatste Trb. |
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Titel |
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Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie1); Rome, 25 maart 1957 |
Laatste Trb. |
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