Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2011, 226 | Verdrag |
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving.
Adressen en contactpersonen van overheidsorganisaties.
U bent hier:
Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2011, 226 | Verdrag |
56 (1954) Nr. 9
Verdrag inzake de bescherming van culturele goederen in geval van een gewapend conflict;
(met Reglement van uitvoering en Protocol)
’s-Gravenhage, 14 mei 1954
De Franse en de Engelse tekst van het Verdrag, met Reglement van uitvoering en Protocol, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1955, 47.
Zie Trb. 1955, 47.
Zie Trb. 1958, 148.
Artikel 1 van de Wet van 17 mei 2010 (Stb. 2010, 348) luidt als volgt:
De volgende verdragen worden goedgekeurd met het oog op het voornemen de toepassing ervan uit te breiden tot Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba:
5. Verdrag inzake de bescherming van culturele goederen in geval van een gewapend conflict; ’s-Gravenhage, 14 mei 1954 (Trb. 1955, 47);
6. Protocol bij het Verdrag inzake de bescherming van culturele goederen in geval van een gewapend conflict; ’s-Gravenhage, 14 mei 1954 (Trb. 1955, 47);
Deze wet is gecontrasigneerd door de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken M. J. M. VERHAGEN en de Staatssecretaris van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties A. TH. B. BIJLEVELD-SCHOUTEN.
Voor de behandeling in de Staten-Generaal zie Kamerstukken II 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 32047; Handelingen II 2009/2010, 32047; Kamerstukken I 2009/2010, 32047 en 31954; Handelingen I 2009/2010, 32047.
Zie rubriek E van Trb. 1955, 47 en rubriek F van Trb. 1958, 148.
Partij |
Onder tekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Albanië |
20-12-60 |
T |
20-03-61 |
Andorra |
14-05-54 |
Argentinië |
22-03-89 |
T |
22-06-89 |
Armenië |
05-09-93 |
VG |
21-09-91 |
Australië |
14-05-54 |
19-09-84 |
R |
19-12-84 |
Azerbeidzjan |
20-09-93 |
T |
20-12-93 |
Bahrein |
26-08-08 |
T |
26-11-08 |
Bangladesh |
23-06-06 |
T |
23-09-06 |
Barbados |
09-04-02 |
T |
09-07-02 |
Belarus |
30-12-54 |
07-05-57 |
R |
07-08-57 |
België |
14-05-54 |
16-09-60 |
R |
16-12-60 |
Bolivia |
17-11-04 |
T |
17-02-05 |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
12-07-93 |
VG |
06-03-92 |
Botswana |
03-01-02 |
T |
03-04-02 |
Brazilië |
31-12-54 |
12-09-58 |
R |
12-12-58 |
Bulgarije |
07-08-56 |
T |
07-11-56 |
Burkina Faso |
18-12-69 |
T |
18-03-70 |
Cambodja |
17-12-54 |
04-04-62 |
R |
04-07-62 |
Canada |
11-12-98 |
T |
11-03-99 |
Chili |
11-09-08 |
T |
11-12-08 |
China |
05-01-00 |
T |
05-04-00 |
Colombia |
18-06-98 |
T |
18-09-98 |
Congo, Democratische Republiek |
18-04-61 |
T |
18-07-61 |
Costa Rica |
03-06-98 |
T |
03-09-98 |
Cuba |
14-05-54 |
26-11-57 |
R |
26-02-58 |
Cyprus |
09-09-64 |
T |
09-12-64 |
Denemarken |
18-10-54 |
26-03-03 |
R |
26-06-03 |
Dominicaanse Republiek, de |
05-01-60 |
T |
05-04-60 |
Duitsland |
14-05-54 |
11-08-67 |
R |
11-11-67 |
Ecuador |
30-12-54 |
02-10-56 |
R |
02-01-57 |
Egypte |
30-12-54 |
17-08-55 |
R |
07-08-56 |
El Salvador |
14-05-54 |
19-07-01 |
R |
19-10-01 |
Equatoriaal Guinee |
19-11-03 |
T |
19-02-04 |
Eritrea |
06-08-04 |
T |
06-11-04 |
Estland |
04-04-95 |
T |
04-07-95 |
Filipijnen, de |
14-05-54 |
Finland |
16-09-94 |
T |
16-12-94 |
Frankrijk |
14-05-54 |
07-06-57 |
R |
07-09-57 |
Gabon |
04-12-61 |
T |
04-03-62 |
Georgië |
04-11-92 |
VG |
09-04-91 |
Ghana |
25-07-60 |
T |
25-10-60 |
Griekenland |
14-05-54 |
09-02-81 |
R |
09-05-81 |
Guatemala |
02-10-85 |
T |
02-01-86 |
Guinee |
20-09-60 |
T |
20-12-60 |
Heilige Stoel |
24-02-58 |
T |
24-05-58 |
Honduras |
25-10-02 |
T |
25-01-03 |
Hongarije |
14-05-54 |
17-05-56 |
R |
17-08-56 |
Ierland |
14-05-54 |
India |
14-05-54 |
16-06-58 |
R |
16-09-58 |
Indonesië |
24-12-54 |
10-01-67 |
R |
10-04-67 |
Irak |
14-05-54 |
21-12-67 |
R |
21-03-68 |
Iran |
14-05-54 |
22-06-59 |
R |
22-09-59 |
Israël |
14-05-54 |
03-10-57 |
R |
03-01-58 |
Italië |
14-05-54 |
09-05-58 |
R |
09-08-58 |
Ivoorkust |
24-01-80 |
T |
24-04-80 |
Japan |
06-09-54 |
10-09-07 |
R |
10-12-07 |
Jemen |
06-02-70 |
T |
06-05-70 |
Joegoslavië (< 25-06-1991) |
14-05-54 |
13-02-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Jordanië |
22-12-54 |
02-10-57 |
R |
02-01-58 |
Kameroen |
12-10-61 |
T |
12-01-62 |
Kazachstan |
14-03-97 |
VG |
16-12-91 |
Koeweit |
06-06-69 |
T |
06-09-69 |
Kroatië |
06-07-92 |
VG |
08-10-91 |
Kyrgyzstan |
03-07-95 |
T |
03-10-95 |
Letland |
19-12-03 |
T |
19-03-04 |
Libanon |
25-05-54 |
01-06-60 |
R |
01-09-60 |
Libië |
14-05-54 |
19-11-57 |
R |
19-02-58 |
Liechtenstein |
28-04-60 |
T |
28-07-60 |
Litouwen |
27-07-98 |
T |
27-10-98 |
Luxemburg |
14-05-54 |
29-09-61 |
R |
29-12-61 |
Macedonië, de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek |
30-04-97 |
VG |
17-11-91 |
Madagaskar |
03-11-61 |
T |
03-02-62 |
Maleisië |
12-12-60 |
T |
12-03-61 |
Mali |
18-05-61 |
T |
18-08-61 |
Marokko |
30-08-68 |
T |
30-11-68 |
Mauritius |
22-09-06 |
T |
22-12-06 |
Mexico |
29-12-54 |
07-05-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Moldavië |
09-12-99 |
T |
09-03-00 |
Monaco |
14-05-54 |
10-12-57 |
R |
10-03-58 |
Mongolië |
04-11-64 |
T |
04-02-65 |
Montenegro |
26-04-07 |
VG |
03-06-06 |
Myanmar |
31-12-54 |
10-02-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
14-05-54 |
– Nederland: |
– in Europa |
14-10-58 |
R |
14-01-59 |
– Bonaire |
10-10-10 |
R |
10-01-11 |
– Sint Eustatius |
10-10-10 |
R |
10-01-11 |
– Saba |
10-10-10 |
R |
10-01-11 |
– Aruba |
– |
– |
– Curaçao |
– |
– |
– Sint Maarten |
– |
– |
Nicaragua |
14-05-54 |
25-11-59 |
R |
25-02-60 |
Nieuw-Zeeland |
20-12-54 |
24-07-08 |
R |
24-10-08 |
Niger |
06-12-76 |
T |
06-03-77 |
Nigeria |
05-06-61 |
T |
05-09-61 |
Noorwegen |
14-05-54 |
19-09-61 |
R |
19-12-61 |
Oekraïne |
14-05-54 |
06-02-57 |
R |
06-05-57 |
Oezbekistan |
21-02-96 |
T |
21-05-96 |
Oman |
26-10-77 |
T |
26-01-78 |
Oostenrijk |
31-12-54 |
25-03-64 |
R |
25-06-64 |
Pakistan |
27-03-59 |
T |
27-06-59 |
Panama |
17-07-62 |
T |
17-10-62 |
Paraguay |
09-11-04 |
T |
09-02-05 |
Peru |
21-07-89 |
T |
21-10-89 |
Polen |
14-05-54 |
06-08-56 |
R |
06-11-56 |
Portugal |
14-05-54 |
04-08-00 |
R |
04-11-00 |
Qatar |
31-07-73 |
T |
31-10-73 |
Roemenië |
14-05-54 |
21-03-58 |
R |
21-06-58 |
Russische Federatie |
14-05-54 |
04-01-57 |
R |
04-04-57 |
Rwanda |
28-12-00 |
T |
28-03-01 |
San Marino |
14-05-54 |
09-02-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Saudi-Arabië |
20-01-71 |
T |
20-04-71 |
Senegal |
17-06-87 |
T |
17-09-87 |
Servië |
11-09-01 |
VG |
27-04-92 |
Seychellen, de |
08-10-03 |
T |
08-01-04 |
Slovenië |
05-11-92 |
VG |
25-06-91 |
Slowakije |
31-03-93 |
VG |
01-01-93 |
Soedan |
23-07-70 |
T |
23-10-70 |
Spanje |
14-05-54 |
07-07-60 |
R |
07-10-60 |
Sri Lanka |
11-05-04 |
T |
11-08-04 |
Syrië |
14-05-54 |
06-03-58 |
R |
06-06-58 |
Tadzjikistan |
28-08-92 |
VG |
09-09-91 |
Tanzania |
23-09-71 |
T |
23-12-71 |
Thailand |
02-05-58 |
T |
02-08-58 |
Tsjaad |
17-06-08 |
T |
17-09-08 |
Tsjechië |
26-03-93 |
VG |
01-01-93 |
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) |
18-10-54 |
06-12-57 |
R |
06-03-58 |
Tunesië |
28-01-81 |
T |
28-04-81 |
Turkije |
15-12-65 |
T |
15-03-66 |
Uruguay |
14-05-54 |
24-09-99 |
R |
24-12-99 |
Venezuela |
09-05-05 |
T |
09-08-05 |
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het |
30-12-54 |
Verenigde Staten van Amerika, de |
14-05-54 |
13-03-09 |
R |
13-06-09 |
Zimbabwe |
09-06-98 |
T |
09-09-98 |
Zuid-Afrika |
18-12-03 |
T |
18-03-04 |
Zweden |
22-01-85 |
T |
22-04-85 |
Zwitserland |
15-05-62 |
T |
15-08-62 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T =Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebonden heid, NB=Niet bekend |
Belarus, 30 december 1954
The representative of the Beyelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic noted that “various provisions included in the Convention and Regulations weaken these agreements with regard to the conservation and defence of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and that, for that reason, he could not express his satisfaction”.
Duitsland, 11 augustus 1967
As, however […] ratification will take some time, owing to the federal character of the Federal Republic of Germany […] in accordance with Article 18(3) of the above-mentioned Convention […] the Federal Republic of Germany accepts and applies the provisions of the said Convention […] accordingly, under the above-mentioned Article 18(3), all other Parties to the said Convention are thereby bound in relation to the Federal Republic of Germany.
Mauritius, 22 september 2006
And declares, pursuant to Article 35 of the aforesaid Convention, that the said Convention extends to the Islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega, Tromelin, Cargados Carajos and the Chagos Archipelago including Diego Garcia, and any other island comprised in the State of Mauritius.
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk, 8 oktober 2010
The Kingdom of the Netherlands currently consists of three parts: the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The Netherlands Antilles consists of the islands of Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
With effect from 10 October 2010, the Netherlands Antilles will cease to exist as a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. From that date onwards, the Kingdom will consist of four parts: the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Curaçao and Sint Maarten will enjoy internal self-government within the Kingdom, as Aruba and, up to 10 October 2010, the Netherlands Antilles do.
These changes constitute a modification of the internal constitutional relations within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands will accordingly remain the subject of international law with which agreements are concluded. The modification of the structure of the Kingdom will therefore not affect the validity of the international agreements ratified by the Kingdom for the Netherlands Antilles: these agreements, including any reservations made, will continue to apply to Curaçao and Sint Maarten.
The other islands that have until now formed part of the Netherlands Antilles – Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba – will become parts of the Netherlands, thus constituting “the Caribbean part of the Netherlands”. The agreements that now apply to the Netherlands Antilles will also continue to apply to these islands; however, the Government of the Netherlands will now be responsible for implementing these agreements.
In addition, a number of the agreements that currently apply to the Netherlands are hereby declared applicable, from 10 October 2010, to this Caribbean part of the Netherlands.
Nieuw-Zeeland, 24 juli 2008
And declares that, consistent with the constitutional status of Tokelau and taking into account the commitment of the Government of New Zealand to the development of self-government for Tokelau through an act of selfdetermination under the Charter of the United Nations, this ratification shall not extend to Tokelau unless and until a Declaration to this effect is lodged by the Government of New Zealand with the Depository on the basis of appropriate consultation with that territory.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika, de, 13 maart 2009
1) It is the understanding of the United States of America that “special protection”, as defined in Chapter II of the Convention, codifies customary international law in that it, first, prohibits the use of any cultural property to shield any legitimate military targets from attack and, second, allows all property to be attacked using any lawful and proportionate means, if required by military necessity and notwithstanding possible collateral damage to such property.
2) It is the understanding of the United States of America that any decision by any military commander, military personnel, or any other person responsible for planning, authorizing, or executing military action or other activities covered by this Convention shall only be judged on the basis of that person's assessment of the information reasonably available to the person at the time the person planned, authorized, or executed the action under review, and shall not be judged on the basis of information that comes to light after the action under review was taken.
3) It is the understanding of the United States of America that the rules established by the Convention apply only to conventional weapons, and are without prejudice to the rules of international law governing other types of weapons, including nuclear weapons.
4) It is the understanding of the United States of America that, as is true for all civilian objects, the primary responsibility for the protection of cultural objects rests with the Party controlling that property, to ensure that it is properly identified and that it is not used for unlawful purposes.
The United States of America requests that this instrument of ratification be given immediate effect in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 33(3) of that Convention.
Zie rubriek E van Trb. 1955, 47 en de rubrieken E en F van Trb. 1958, 148.
Partij |
Onder tekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Albanië |
20-12-60 |
T |
20-03-61 |
Argentinië |
10-05-07 |
T |
10-08-07 |
Armenië |
05-09-93 |
VG |
21-09-91 |
Azerbeidzjan |
20-09-93 |
T |
20-12-93 |
Bahrein |
26-08-08 |
T |
26-11-08 |
Bangladesh |
23-06-06 |
T |
23-09-06 |
Barbados |
02-10-08 |
T |
02-01-09 |
Belarus |
30-12-54 |
07-05-57 |
R |
07-08-57 |
België |
14-05-54 |
16-09-60 |
R |
16-12-60 |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
12-07-93 |
VG |
06-03-92 |
Brazilië |
31-12-54 |
12-09-58 |
R |
12-12-58 |
Bulgarije |
09-10-58 |
T |
09-01-59 |
Burkina Faso |
04-02-87 |
T |
04-05-87 |
Cambodja |
17-12-54 |
04-04-62 |
R |
04-07-62 |
Canada |
29-11-05 |
T |
28-02-06 |
Chili |
11-09-08 |
T |
11-12-08 |
China |
05-01-00 |
T |
05-04-00 |
Colombia |
18-06-98 |
T |
18-09-98 |
Congo, Democratische Republiek |
18-04-61 |
T |
18-07-61 |
Costa Rica |
03-06-98 |
T |
03-09-98 |
Cuba |
14-05-54 |
26-11-57 |
R |
26-02-58 |
Cyprus |
09-09-64 |
T |
09-12-64 |
Denemarken |
18-10-54 |
26-03-03 |
R |
26-06-03 |
Dominicaanse Republiek, de |
21-03-02 |
T |
21-06-02 |
Duitsland |
14-05-54 |
11-08-67 |
R |
11-11-67 |
Ecuador |
30-12-54 |
08-02-61 |
R |
08-05-61 |
Egypte |
30-12-54 |
17-08-55 |
R |
07-08-56 |
El Salvador |
27-03-02 |
T |
27-06-02 |
Estland |
17-01-05 |
T |
17-04-05 |
Filipijnen |
14-05-54 |
Finland |
16-09-94 |
T |
16-12-94 |
Frankrijk |
14-05-54 |
07-06-57 |
R |
07-09-57 |
Gabon |
04-12-61 |
T |
04-03-62 |
Georgië |
04-11-92 |
VG |
09-04-91 |
Ghana |
25-07-60 |
T |
25-10-60 |
Griekenland |
14-05-54 |
09-02-81 |
R |
09-05-81 |
Guatemala |
19-05-94 |
T |
19-08-94 |
Guinee |
11-12-61 |
T |
11-03-62 |
Heilige Stoel |
24-02-58 |
T |
24-05-58 |
Honduras |
25-10-02 |
T |
25-01-03 |
Hongarije |
16-08-56 |
T |
16-11-56 |
India |
14-05-54 |
16-06-58 |
R |
16-09-58 |
Indonesië |
24-12-54 |
26-07-67 |
R |
26-10-67 |
Irak |
14-05-54 |
21-12-67 |
R |
21-03-68 |
Iran |
14-05-54 |
22-06-59 |
R |
22-09-59 |
Israël |
01-04-58 |
T |
01-07-58 |
Italië |
14-05-54 |
09-05-58 |
R |
09-08-58 |
Japan |
06-09-54 |
10-09-07 |
R |
10-12-07 |
Jemen |
06-02-70 |
T |
06-05-70 |
Joegoslavië (< 25-06-1991) |
14-05-54 |
13-02-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Jordanië |
22-12-54 |
02-10-57 |
R |
02-01-58 |
Kameroen |
12-10-61 |
T |
12-01-62 |
Kazachstan |
14-03-97 |
VG |
16-12-91 |
Koeweit |
17-02-70 |
T |
17-05-70 |
Kroatië |
06-07-92 |
VG |
08-10-91 |
Letland |
19-12-03 |
T |
19-03-04 |
Libanon |
25-05-54 |
01-06-60 |
R |
01-09-60 |
Libië |
14-05-54 |
19-11-57 |
R |
19-02-58 |
Liechtenstein |
28-04-60 |
T |
28-07-60 |
Litouwen |
27-07-98 |
T |
27-10-98 |
Luxemburg |
14-05-54 |
29-09-61 |
R |
29-12-61 |
Macedonië, de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek |
30-04-97 |
VG |
17-11-91 |
Madagaskar |
03-11-61 |
T |
03-02-62 |
Maleisië |
12-12-60 |
T |
12-03-61 |
Mali |
18-05-61 |
T |
18-08-61 |
Marokko |
30-08-68 |
T |
30-11-68 |
Mexico |
29-12-54 |
07-05-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Moldavië |
09-12-99 |
T |
09-03-00 |
Monaco |
14-05-54 |
10-12-57 |
R |
10-03-58 |
Montenegro |
26-04-07 |
VG |
03-06-06 |
Myanmar |
31-12-54 |
10-02-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
14-05-54 |
– Nederland: |
– in Europa |
14-10-58 |
R |
14-01-59 |
– Bonaire |
– |
– |
– Sint Eustatius |
– |
– |
– Saba |
– |
– |
– Aruba |
– |
– |
– Curaçao |
– |
– |
– Sint Maarten |
– |
– |
Nicaragua |
14-05-54 |
25-11-59 |
R |
25-02-60 |
Niger |
06-12-76 |
T |
06-03-77 |
Nigeria |
05-06-61 |
T |
05-09-61 |
Noorwegen |
14-05-54 |
19-09-61 |
R |
19-12-61 |
Oekraïne |
14-05-54 |
06-02-57 |
R |
06-05-57 |
Oostenrijk |
31-12-54 |
25-03-64 |
R |
25-06-64 |
Pakistan |
27-03-59 |
T |
27-06-59 |
Panama |
08-03-01 |
T |
08-06-01 |
Paraguay |
09-11-04 |
T |
09-02-05 |
Peru |
21-07-89 |
T |
21-10-89 |
Polen |
14-05-54 |
06-08-56 |
R |
06-11-56 |
Portugal |
18-02-05 |
T |
18-05-05 |
Roemenië |
21-03-58 |
T |
21-06-58 |
Russische Federatie |
14-05-54 |
04-01-57 |
R |
04-04-57 |
San Marino |
14-05-54 |
09-02-56 |
R |
07-08-56 |
Saudi-Arabië |
06-11-07 |
T |
06-02-08 |
Senegal |
17-06-87 |
T |
17-09-87 |
Servië |
11-09-01 |
VG |
27-04-92 |
Slovenië |
05-11-92 |
VG |
25-06-91 |
Slowakije |
31-03-93 |
VG |
01-01-93 |
Spanje |
26-06-92 |
T |
26-09-92 |
Syrië |
14-05-54 |
06-03-58 |
R |
06-06-58 |
Tadzjikistan |
28-08-92 |
VG |
09-09-91 |
Thailand |
02-05-58 |
T |
02-08-58 |
Tsjechië |
26-03-93 |
VG |
01-01-93 |
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) |
18-10-54 |
06-12-57 |
R |
06-03-58 |
Tunesië |
28-01-81 |
T |
28-04-81 |
Turkije |
15-12-65 |
T |
15-03-66 |
Uruguay |
14-05-54 |
24-09-99 |
R |
24-12-99 |
Zweden |
22-01-85 |
T |
22-04-85 |
Zwitserland |
15-05-62 |
T |
15-08-62 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R=Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebonden heid, NB=Niet bekend |
Japan, 10 september 2007
In applying the provisions of paragraph 3 of I of the Protocol, Japan will fulfill the obligation under those provisions in a manner consistent with its domestic laws including the civil code. Japan will be, therefore, bound by the provisions of Section I of the Protocol to the extent that their fulfillment is compatible with the above-mentioned domestic laws.
Zie Trb. 1958, 148.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt het Verdrag, met Reglement van uitvoering, dat vanaf 14 januari 1959 alleen voor het Europese deel van Nederland gold, vanaf 10 januari 2011 ook voor het Caribische deel van Nederland.
Zie voor verwijzingen en overige verdragsgegevens Trb. 1955, 47, Trb. 1958, 148, Trb. 1961, 53, Trb. 1966, 96, Trb. 1979, 86, Trb. 1990, 103, Trb. 1996, 170 en Trb. 1998, 1.
Het Verdrag wordt aangevuld door:
Titel |
: |
Tweede Protocol bij het Haags Verdrag van 1954 inzake de bescherming van culturele goederen in geval van een gewapend conflict; ’s-Gravenhage, 26 maart 1999 |
Tekst |
: |
Trb. 1999, 107 (Engels en Frans) Trb. 2005, 279 (vertaling) |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Verdrag voor de vreedzame beslechting van internationale geschillen; ’s-Gravenhage, 29 juli 1899 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Verdrag voor de vreedzame beslechting van internationale geschillen; ’s-Gravenhage, 18 oktober 1907 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Statuut van de Organisatie der Verenigde Naties voor Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur; Londen, 16 november 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Uitgegeven de tiende november 2011.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
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