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Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2012, 43 | Verdrag |
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Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2012, 43 | Verdrag |
44 (1978) Nr. 10
Internationaal Verdrag betreffende de normen voor zeevarenden inzake opleiding, diplomering en wachtdienst, 1978;
(met Bijlage)
Londen, 7 juli 1978
De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag, met Bijlage, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1981, 144.
Voor de Engelse en de Franse tekst van resolutie MSC.21(59) van 22 mei 1991 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1992, 109.
Voor de Engelse en de Franse tekst van resolutie MSC.33(63) van 23 mei 1994 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1995, 13.
Voor de Engelse en de Franse tekst van de wijzigingen van de Bijlage bij het Verdrag (resolutie 1) en de aanvaarding van de STCW-Code (resolutie 2)1) van 7 juli 1995 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1996, 249.
Voor de Engelse tekst van resolutie MSC.66(68) van 4 juni 1997 zie Trb. 2006, 40.
Voor de Engelse tekst van resolutie MSC.203(81) van 18 mei 2006 zie Trb. 2008, 61.
Tijdens haar van 21 tot 25 juni 2010 te Manilla gehouden zitting heeft de Conferentie van Partijen bij het Verdrag resolutie 1 inzake wijzigingen van de Bijlage bij het Verdrag aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van de resolutie luidt als volgt:
The 2010 Manila Conference,
Recalling Article XII(1)(b) of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”), concerning the procedure for amendment by a Conference of Parties,
Having considered the Manila amendments to the annex to the Convention proposed and circulated to the Members of the Organization and to all Parties to the Convention,
1. Adopts, in accordance with article XII(1)(b)(ii) of the Convention, amendments to the annex to the Convention, the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;
2. Determines, in accordance with article XII(1)(a)(vii) of the Convention, that the amendments annexed hereto shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2011, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of Parties to the Convention or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant shipping of ships of 100 gross register tons or more have notified the Secretary-General that they object to the amendments;
3. Invites Parties to note that, in accordance with article XII(1)(a)(ix) of the Convention, the amendments annexed hereto shall enter into force on 1 January 2012 upon being deemed to have been accepted in accordance with paragraph 2 above;
4. Requests the Secretary-General of the Organization to transmit certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the annex to all Parties to the Convention;
5. Further requests the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its annex to all Members of the Organization which are not Parties to the Convention.
The annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, is replaced by the following:
1. For the purpose of the Convention, unless expressly provided otherwise:
.1 Regulations means regulations contained in the annex to the Convention;
.2 Approved means approved by the Party in accordance with these regulations;
.3 Master means the person having command of a ship;
.4 Officer means a member of the crew, other than the master, designated as such by national law or regulations or, in the absence of such designation, by collective agreement or custom;
.5 Deck officer means an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of chapter II of the Convention;
.6 Chief mate means the officer next in rank to the master and upon whom the command of the ship will fall in the event of the incapacity of the master;
.7 Engineer officer means an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/1, III/2 or III/3 of the Convention;
.8 Chief engineer officer means the senior engineer officer responsible for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship;
.9 Second engineer officer means the engineer officer next in rank to the chief engineer officer and upon whom the responsibility for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship will fall in the event of the incapacity of the chief engineer officer;
.10 Assistant engineer officer means a person under training to become an engineer officer and designated as such by national law or regulations;
.11 Radio operator means a person holding an appropriate certificate issued or recognized by the Administration under the provisions of the Radio Regulations;
.12 GMDSS radio operator means a person who is qualified in accordance with the provisions of chapter IV of the Convention;
.13 Rating means a member of the ship’s crew other than the master or an officer;
.14 Near-coastal voyages means voyages in the vicinity of a Party as defined by that Party;
.15 Propulsion power means the total maximum continuous rated output power, in kilowatts, of all the ship’s main propulsion machinery which appears on the ship’s certificate of registry or other official document;
.16 Radio duties include, as appropriate, watchkeeping and technical maintenance and repairs conducted in accordance with the Radio Regulations, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), as amended and, at the discretion of each Administration, the relevant recommendations of the Organization;
.17 Oil tanker means a ship constructed and used for the carriage of petroleum and petroleum products in bulk;
.18 Chemical tanker means a ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the International Bulk Chemical Code;
.19 Liquefied gas tanker means a ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other product listed in chapter 19 of the International Gas Carrier Code;
.20 Passenger ship means a ship as defined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended;
.21 Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces as defined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), as amended;
.22 Month means a calendar month or 30 days made up of periods of less than one month;
.23 STCW Code means the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code as adopted by the 1995 Conference resolution 2, as it may be amended by the Organization;
.24 Function means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities, as specified in the STCW Code, necessary for ship operation, safety of life at sea or protection of the marine environment;
.25 Company means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed on the company by these regulations;
.26 Seagoing service means service on board a ship relevant to the issue or revalidation of a certificate or other qualification;
.27 ISPS Code means the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code adopted on 12 December 2002, by resolution 2 of the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as may be amended by the Organization;
.28 Ship security officer means the person on board the ship, accountable to the master, designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and liaison with the company security officer and port facility security officers;
.29 Security duties include all security tasks and duties on board ships as defined by chapter XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974, as amended) and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code;
.30 Certificate of competency means a certificate issued and endorsed for masters, officers and GMDSS radio operators in accordance with the provisions of chapters II, III, IV or VII of this annex and entitling the lawful holder thereof to serve in the capacity and perform the functions involved at the level of responsibility specified therein;
.31 Certificate of proficiency means a certificate, other than a certificate of competency issued to a seafarer, stating that the relevant requirements of training, competencies or seagoing service in the Convention have been met;
.32 Documentary evidence means documentation, other than a certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency, used to establish that the relevant requirements of the Convention have been met;
.33 Electro-technical officer means an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/6 of the Convention;
.34 Able seafarer deck means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation II/5 of the Convention;
.35 Able seafarer engine means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/5 of the Convention; and
.36 Electro-technical rating means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/7 of the Convention.
2. These regulations are supplemented by the mandatory provisions contained in part A of the STCW Code and:
.1 any reference to a requirement in a regulation also constitutes a reference to the corresponding section of part A of the STCW Code;
.2 in applying these regulations, the related guidance and explanatory material contained in part B of the STCW Code should be taken into account to the greatest degree possible in order to achieve a more uniform implementation of the Convention provisions on a global basis;
.3 amendments to part A of the STCW Code shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article XII of the Convention concerning the amendment procedure applicable to the annex; and
.4 part B of the STCW Code shall be amended by the Maritime Safety Committee in accordance with its rules of procedure.
3. The references made in article VI of the Convention to “the Administration” and “the issuing Administration” shall not be construed as preventing any Party from issuing and endorsing certificates under the provisions of these regulations.
1. Certificates of competency shall be issued only by the Administration, following verification of the authenticity and validity of any necessary documentary evidence.
2. Certificates issued in accordance with the provisions of regulations V/1-1 and V/1-2 to masters and officers shall only be issued by an Administration.
3. Certificates shall be in the official language or languages of the issuing country. If the language used is not English, the text shall include a translation into that language.
4. In respect of radio operators, Parties may:
.1 include the additional knowledge required by the relevant regulations in the examination for the issue of a certificate complying with the Radio Regulations; or
.2 issue a separate certificate indicating that the holder has the additional knowledge required by the relevant regulations.
5. The endorsement required by article VI of the Convention to attest the issue of a certificate shall only be issued if all the requirements of the Convention have been complied with.
6. At the discretion of a Party, endorsements may be incorporated in the format of the certificates being issued as provided for in section A-I/2 of the STCW Code. If so incorporated, the form used shall be that set forth in section A-I/2, paragraph 1. If issued otherwise, the form of endorsements used shall be that set forth in paragraph 2 of that section.
7. An Administration which recognizes under regulation I/10:
.1 a certificate of competency; or
.2 a certificate of proficiency issued to masters and officers in accordance with the provisions of regulations V/1-1 and V/1-2 shall endorse such certificate to attest its recognition only after ensuring the authenticity and validity of the certificate.
The endorsement shall only be issued if all requirements of the Convention have been complied with. The form of the endorsement used shall be that set forth in paragraph 3 of section A-I/2 of the STCW Code.
8. The endorsements referred to in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7:
.1 may be issued as separate documents;
.2 shall be issued by the Administration only;
.3 shall each be assigned a unique number, except that endorsements attesting the issue of a certificate may be assigned the same number as the certificate concerned, provided that number is unique; and
.4 shall expire as soon as the certificate endorsed expires or is withdrawn, suspended or cancelled by the Party which issued it and, in any case, not more than five years after their date of issue.
9. The capacity in which the holder of a certificate is authorized to serve shall be identified in the form of endorsement in terms identical to those used in the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration.
10. Administrations may use a format different from the format given in section A-I/2 of the STCW Code, provided that, as a minimum, the required information is provided in Roman characters and Arabic figures, taking into account the variations permitted under section A-I/2.
11. Subject to the provisions of regulation I/10, paragraph 5, any certificate required by the Convention must be kept available in its original form on board the ship on which the holder is serving.
12. Each Party shall ensure that certificates are issued only to candidates who comply with the requirements of this regulation.
13. Candidates for certification shall provide satisfactory proof:
.1 of their identity;
.2 that their age is not less than that prescribed in the regulation relevant to the certificate applied for;
.3 that they meet the standards of medical fitness specified in section A-I/9 of the STCW Code;
.4 of having completed the seagoing service and any related compulsory training required by these regulations for the certificate applied for; and
.5 that they meet the standards of competence prescribed by these regulations for the capacities, functions and levels that are to be identified in the endorsement to the certificate.
14. Each Party undertakes to maintain a register or registers of all certificates and endorsements for masters, officers, and, as applicable, ratings which are issued, have expired or have been revalidated, suspended, cancelled or reported lost or destroyed and of dispensations issued.
15. Each Party undertakes to make available information on the status of such certificates of competency, endorsements and dispensations to other Parties and companies which request verification of the authenticity and validity of certificates produced to them by seafarers seeking recognition of their certificates under regulation I/10 or employment on board ship.
16. As of 1 January 2017, the information on the status of information required to be available in accordance with paragraph 15 of this regulation shall be made available, in the English language, through electronic means.
1. Any Party defining near-coastal voyages for the purpose of the Convention shall not impose training, experience or certification requirements on the seafarers serving on board the ships entitled to fly the flag of another Party and engaged on such voyages in a manner resulting in more stringent requirements for such seafarers than for seafarers serving on board ships entitled to fly its own flag. In no case shall any such Party impose requirements in respect of seafarers serving on board ships entitled to fly the flag of another Party in excess of those of the Convention in respect of ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages.
2. A Party that, for ships afforded the benefits of the near-coastal voyage provisions of the Convention, which includes voyages off the coast of other Parties within the limits of their near-coastal definition, shall enter into an undertaking with the Parties concerned specifying the details of both involved trading areas and other relevant conditions.
3. With respect to ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party regularly engaged on near-coastal voyages off the coast of another Party, the Party whose flag the ship is entitled to fly shall prescribe training, experience and certification requirements for seafarers serving on such ships at least equal to those of the Party off whose coast the ship is engaged, provided that they do not exceed the requirements of the Convention in respect of ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages. Seafarers serving on a ship which extends its voyage beyond what is defined as a near-coastal voyage by a Party and enters waters not covered by that definition shall fulfil the appropriate competency requirements of the Convention.
4. A Party may afford a ship which is entitled to fly its flag the benefits of the near-coastal voyage provisions of the Convention when it is regularly engaged off the coast of a non-Party on near-coastal voyages as defined by the Party.
5. The certificates of seafarers issued by a Party for its defined near-coastal voyages limits may be accepted by other Parties for service in their defined near-coastal voyages limits, provided the Parties concerned enter into an undertaking specifying the details of involved trading areas and other relevant conditions thereof.
6. Parties defining near-coastal voyages, in accordance with the requirements of this regulation, shall:
.1 meet the principles governing near-coastal voyages specified in section A-I/3;
.2 communicate to the Secretary-General, in conformity with the requirements of regulation I/7, the details of the provisions adopted; and
.3 incorporate the near-coastal voyages limits in the endorsements issued pursuant to regulation I/2, paragraphs 5, 6 or 7.
7. Nothing in this regulation shall, in any way, limit the jurisdiction of any State, whether or not a Party to the Convention.
1. Control exercised by a duly authorized control officer under article X shall be limited to the following:
.1 verification in accordance with article X(1) that all seafarers serving on board who are required to be certificated in accordance with the Convention hold an appropriate certificate or a valid dispensation, or provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration in accordance with regulation I/10, paragraph 5;
.2 verification that the numbers and certificates of the seafarers serving on board are in conformity with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration; and
.3 assessment, in accordance with section A-I/4 of the STCW Code, of the ability of the seafarers of the ship to maintain watchkeeping and security standards, as appropriate, as required by the Convention if there are clear grounds for believing that such standards are not being maintained because any of the following have occurred:
.3.1 the ship has been involved in a collision, grounding or stranding, or
.3.2 there has been a discharge of substances from the ship when under way, at anchor or at berth which is illegal under any international convention, or
.3.3 the ship has been manoeuvred in an erratic or unsafe manner whereby routeing measures adopted by the Organization or safe navigation practices and procedures have not been followed, or
.3.4 the ship is otherwise being operated in such a manner as to pose a danger to persons, property, the environment, or a compromise to security.
2. Deficiencies which may be deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment include the following:
.1 failure of seafarers to hold a certificate, to have an appropriate certificate, to have a valid dispensation or to provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration in accordance with regulation I/10, paragraph 5;
.2 failure to comply with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration;
.3 failure of navigational or engineering watch arrangements to conform to the requirements specified for the ship by the Administration;
.4 absence in a watch of a person qualified to operate equipment essential to safe navigation, safety radiocommunications or the prevention of marine pollution; and
.5 inability to provide, for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relieving watches, persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty.
3. Failure to correct any of the deficiencies referred to in paragraph 2, in so far as it has been determined by the Party carrying out the control that they pose a danger to persons, property or the environment, shall be the only grounds under article X on which a Party may detain a ship.
1. Each Party shall establish processes and procedures for the impartial investigation of any reported incompetency, act, omission or compromise to security that may pose a direct threat to safety of life or property at sea or to the marine environment by the holders of certificates or endorsements issued by that Party in connection with their performance of duties related to their certificates and for the withdrawal, suspension and cancellation of such certificates for such cause and for the prevention of fraud.
2. Each Party shall take and enforce appropriate measures to prevent fraud and other unlawful practices involving certificates and endorsements issued.
3. Each Party shall prescribe penalties or disciplinary measures for cases in which the provisions of its national legislation giving effect to the Convention are not complied with in respect of ships entitled to fly its flag or of seafarers duly certificated by that Party.
4. In particular, such penalties or disciplinary measures shall be prescribed and enforced in cases in which:
.1 a company or a master has engaged a person not holding a certificate as required by the Convention;
.2 a master has allowed any function or service in any capacity required by these regulations to be performed by a person holding an appropriate certificate to be performed by a person not holding the required certificate, a valid dispensation or having the documentary proof required by regulation I/10, paragraph 5; or
.3 a person has obtained by fraud or forged documents an engagement to perform any function or serve in any capacity required by these regulations to be performed or filled by a person holding a certificate or dispensation.
5. A Party, within whose jurisdiction there is located any company which, or any person who, is believed on clear grounds to have been responsible for, or to have knowledge of, any apparent non-compliance with the Convention specified in paragraph 4, shall extend all co-operation possible to any Party which advises it of its intention to initiate proceedings under its jurisdiction.
Each Party shall ensure that:
.1 the training and assessment of seafarers, as required under the Convention, are administered, supervised and monitored in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/6 of the STCW Code; and
.2 those responsible for the training and assessment of competence of seafarers, as required under the Convention, are appropriately qualified in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/6 of the STCW Code for the type and level of training or assessment involved.
1. In addition to the information required to be communicated by article IV, each Party shall provide to the Secretary-General, within the time periods prescribed and in the format specified in section A-I/7 of the STCW Code, such other information as may be required by the Code on other steps taken by the Party to give the Convention full and complete effect.
2. When complete information as prescribed in article IV and section A-I/7 of the STCW Code has been received and such information confirms that full and complete effect is given to the provisions of the Convention, the Secretary-General shall submit a report to this effect to the Maritime Safety Committee.
3. Following subsequent confirmation by the Maritime Safety Committee, in accordance with procedures adopted by the Committee, that the information which has been provided demonstrates that full and complete effect is given to the provisions of the Convention:
.1 the Maritime Safety Committee shall identify the Parties so concerned;
.2 shall review the list of Parties which communicated information that demonstrated that they give full and complete effect to the relevant provisions of the Convention, to retain in this list only the Parties so concerned; and
.3 other Parties shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of regulations I/4 and I/10, to accept, in principle, that certificates issued by or on behalf of the Parties identified in paragraph 3.1 are in compliance with the Convention.
4. Amendments to the Convention and STCW Code, with dates of entry into force later than the date information has been, or will be, communicated to the Secretary-General in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, are not subject to the provisions of section A-I/7, paragraphs 1 and 2.
1. Each Party shall ensure that:
.1 in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/8 of the STCW Code, all training, assessment of competence, certification, including medical certification, endorsement and revalidation activities carried out by non-governmental agencies or entities under its authority are continuously monitored through a quality standards system to ensure achievement of defined objectives, including those concerning the qualifications and experience of instructors and assessors; and
.2 where governmental agencies or entities perform such activities, there shall be a quality standards system.
2. Each Party shall also ensure that an evaluation is periodically undertaken, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/8 of the STCW Code, by qualified persons who are not themselves involved in the activities concerned. This evaluation shall include all changes to national regulations and procedures in compliance with the amendments to the Convention and STCW Code, with dates of entry into force later than the date information was communicated to the Secretary-General.
3. A report containing the results of the evaluation required by paragraph 2 shall be communicated to the Secretary-General in accordance with the format specified in section A-I/7 of the STCW Code.
1. Each Party shall establish standards of medical fitness for seafarers and procedures for the issue of a medical certificate in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and of section A-I/9 of the STCW Code.
2. Each Party shall ensure that those responsible for assessing the medical fitness of seafarers are medical practitioners recognized by the Party for the purpose of seafarer medical examinations, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/9 of the STCW Code.
3. Every seafarer holding a certificate issued under the provisions of the Convention, who is serving at sea, shall also hold a valid medical certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and of section A-I/9 of the STCW Code.
4. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 16 years of age;
.2 provide satisfactory proof of his/her identity; and
.3 meet the applicable medical fitness standards established by the Party.
5. Medical certificates shall remain valid for a maximum period of two years unless the seafarer is under the age of 18, in which case the maximum period of validity shall be one year.
6. If the period of validity of a medical certificate expires in the course of a voyage, then the medical certificate shall continue in force until the next port of call where a medical practitioner recognized by the Party is available, provided that the period shall not exceed three months.
7. In urgent cases the Administration may permit a seafarer to work without a valid medical certificate until the next port of call where a medical practitioner recognized by the Party is available, provided that:
.1 the period of such permission does not exceed three months; and
.2 the seafarer concerned is in possession of an expired medical certificate of recent date.
1. Each Administration shall ensure that the provisions of this regulation are complied with, in order to recognize, by endorsement in accordance with regulation I/2, paragraph 7, a certificate issued by or under the authority of another Party to a master, officer or radio operator and that:
.1 the Administration has confirmed, through an evaluation of that Party, which may include inspection of facilities and procedures, that the requirements of the Convention regarding standards of competence, training and certification and quality standards are fully complied with; and
.2 an undertaking is agreed with the Party concerned that prompt notification will be given of any significant change in the arrangements for training and certification provided in compliance with the Convention.
2. Measures shall be established to ensure that seafarers who present, for recognition, certificates issued under the provisions of regulations II/2, III/2 or III/3, or issued under regulation VII/1 at the management level, as defined in the STCW Code, have an appropriate knowledge of the maritime legislation of the Administration relevant to the functions they are permitted to perform.
3. Information provided and measures agreed upon under this regulation shall be communicated to the Secretary-General in conformity with the requirements of regulation I/7.
4. Certificates issued by or under the authority of a non-Party shall not be recognized.
5. Notwithstanding the requirement of regulation I/2, paragraph 7, an Administration may, if circumstances require, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1, allow a seafarer to serve for a period not exceeding three months on board a ship entitled to fly its flag, while holding an appropriate and valid certificate issued and endorsed as required by another Party for use on board that Party’s ships but which has not yet been endorsed so as to render it appropriate for service on board ships entitled to fly the flag of the Administration. Documentary proof shall be readily available that application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration.
6. Certificates and endorsements issued by an Administration under the provisions of this regulation in recognition of, or attesting the recognition of, a certificate issued by another Party shall not be used as the basis for further recognition by another Administration.
1. Every master, officer and radio operator holding a certificate issued or recognized under any chapter of the Convention other than chapter VI, who is serving at sea or intends to return to sea after a period ashore, shall, in order to continue to qualify for seagoing service, be required, at intervals not exceeding five years, to:
.1 meet the standards of medical fitness prescribed by regulation I/9; and
.2 establish continued professional competence in accordance with section A-I/11 of the STCW Code.
2. Every master, officer and radio operator shall, for continuing seagoing service on board ships for which special training requirements have been internationally agreed upon, successfully complete approved relevant training.
3. Every master and officer shall, for continuing seagoing service on board tankers, meet the requirements in paragraph 1 of this regulation and be required, at intervals not exceeding five years, to establish continued professional competence for tankers in accordance with section A-I/11, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.
4. Each Party shall compare the standards of competence which it required of candidates for certificates issued before 1 January 2017 with those specified for the appropriate certificate in part A of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring the holders of such certificates to undergo appropriate refresher and updating training or assessment.
5. The Party shall, in consultation with those concerned, formulate or promote the formulation of a structure of refresher and updating courses as provided for in section A-I/11 of the STCW Code.
6. For the purpose of updating the knowledge of masters, officers and radio operators, each Administration shall ensure that the texts of recent changes in national and international regulations concerning the safety of life at sea, security and the protection of the marine environment are made available to ships entitled to fly its flag.
1. The performance standards and other provisions set forth in section A-I/12 and such other requirements as are prescribed in part A of the STCW Code for any certificate concerned shall be complied with in respect of:
.1 all mandatory simulator-based training;
.2 any assessment of competency required by part A of the STCW Code which is carried out by means of a simulator; and
.3 any demonstration, by means of a simulator, of continued proficiency required by part A of the STCW Code.
1. These regulations shall not prevent an Administration from authorizing ships entitled to fly its flag to participate in trials.
2. For the purposes of this regulation, the term trial means an experiment or series of experiments, conducted over a limited period, which may involve the use of automated or integrated systems in order to evaluate alternative methods of performing specific duties or satisfying particular arrangements prescribed by the Convention, which would provide at least the same degree of safety, security and pollution prevention as provided by these regulations.
3. The Administration authorizing ships to participate in trials shall be satisfied that such trials are conducted in a manner that provides at least the same degree of safety, security and pollution prevention as provided by these regulations. Such trials shall be conducted in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Organization.
4. Details of such trials shall be reported to the Organization as early as practicable but not less than six months before the date on which the trials are scheduled to commence. The Organization shall circulate such particulars to all Parties.
5. The results of trials authorized under paragraph 1, and any recommendations the Administration may have regarding those results, shall be reported to the Organization, which shall circulate such results and recommendations to all Parties.
6. Any Party having any objection to particular trials authorized in accordance with this regulation should communicate such objection to the Organization as early as practicable. The Organization shall circulate details of the objection to all Parties.
7. An Administration which has authorized a trial shall respect objections received from other Parties relating to such trial by directing ships entitled to fly its flag not to engage in a trial while navigating in the waters of a coastal State which has communicated its objection to the Organization.
8. An Administration which concludes, on the basis of a trial, that a particular system will provide at least the same degree of safety, security and pollution prevention as provided by these regulations may authorize ships entitled to fly its flag to continue to operate with such a system indefinitely, subject to the following requirements:
.1 the Administration shall, after results of the trial have been submitted in accordance with paragraph 5, provide details of any such authorization, including identification of the specific ships which may be subject to the authorization, to the Organization, which will circulate this information to all Parties;
.2 any operations authorized under this paragraph shall be conducted in accordance with any guidelines developed by the Organization, to the same extent as they apply during a trial;
.3 such operations shall respect any objections received from other Parties in accordance with paragraph 7, to the extent such objections have not been withdrawn; and
.4 an operation authorized under this paragraph shall only be permitted pending a determination by the Maritime Safety Committee as to whether an amendment to the Convention would be appropriate, and, if so, whether the operation should be suspended or permitted to continue before the amendment enters into force.
9. At the request of any Party, the Maritime Safety Committee shall establish a date for the consideration of the trial results and for the appropriate determinations.
1. Each Administration shall, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/14, hold companies responsible for the assignment of seafarers for service on their ships in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention, and shall require every such company to ensure that:
.1 each seafarer assigned to any of its ships holds an appropriate certificate in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and as established by the Administration;
.2 its ships are manned in compliance with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration;
.3 seafarers assigned to any of its ships have received refresher and updating training as required by the Convention;
.4 documentation and data relevant to all seafarers employed on its ships are maintained and readily accessible, and include, without being limited to, documentation and data on their experience, training, medical fitness and competency in assigned duties;
.5 seafarers, on being assigned to any of its ships, are familiarized with their specific duties and with all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship characteristics that are relevant to their routine or emergency duties;
.6 the ship’s complement can effectively coordinate their activities in an emergency situation and in performing functions vital to safety, security and to the prevention or mitigation of pollution; and
.7 at all times on board its ships there shall be effective oral communication in accordance with chapter V, regulation 14, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), as amended.
1. Until 1 January 2017, a Party may continue to issue, recognize and endorse certificates in accordance with the provisions of the Convention which applied immediately prior to 1 January 2012 in respect of those seafarers who commenced approved seagoing service, an approved education and training programme or an approved training course before 1 July 2013.
2. Until 1 January 2017, a Party may continue to renew and revalidate certificates and endorsements in accordance with the provisions of the Convention which applied immediately prior to 1 January 2012.
1. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more shall hold a certificate of competency.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as part of an approved training programme which includes onboard training that meets the requirements of section A-II/1 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise have approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months;
.3 have performed, during the required seagoing service, bridge watchkeeping duties under the supervision of the master or a qualified officer for a period of not less than six months;
.4 meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations;
.5 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/1 of the STCW Code; and
.6 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.
Master and chief mate on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more
1. Every master and chief mate on a seagoing ship of 3,000 gross tonnage or more shall hold a certificate of competency.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity:
.1.1 for certification as chief mate, not less than 12 months, and
.1.2 for certification as master, not less than 36 months; however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as chief mate; and
.2 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/2 of the STCW Code for masters and chief mates on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more.
Master and chief mate on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage
3. Every master and chief mate on a seagoing ship of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage shall hold a certificate of competency.
4. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 for certification as chief mate, meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
.2 for certification as master, meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more and have approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months in that capacity; however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as chief mate; and
.3 have completed approved training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/2 of the STCW Code for masters and chief mates on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage.
Ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages
1. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch serving on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage not engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency for ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.
2. Every master serving on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage not engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency for service as master on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage.
Ships engaged on near-coastal voyages
Officer in charge of a navigational watch
3. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency.
4. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have completed:
.2.1 special training, including an adequate period of appropriate seagoing service as required by the Administration, or
.2.2 approved seagoing service in the deck department of not less than 36 months;
.3 meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations;
.4 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/3 of the STCW Code for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages; and
.5 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.
5. Every master serving on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency.
6. Every candidate for certification as master on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall:
.1 be not less than 20 years of age;
.2 have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as officer in charge of a navigational watch;
.3 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/3 of the STCW Code for masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages; and
.4 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.
7. The Administration, if it considers that a ship’s size and the conditions of its voyage are such as to render the application of the full requirements of this regulation and section A-II/3 of the STCW Code unreasonable or impracticable, may to that extent exempt the master and the officer in charge of a navigational watch on such a ship or class of ships from some of the requirements, bearing in mind the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters.
1. Every rating forming part of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more, other than ratings under training and ratings whose duties while on watch are of an unskilled nature, shall be duly certificated to perform such duties.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 16 years of age;
.2 have completed:
.2.1 approved seagoing service including not less than six months of training and experience, or
.2.2 special training, either pre-sea or on board ship, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than two months; and
.3 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/4 of the STCW Code.
3. The seagoing service, training and experience required by subparagraphs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 shall be associated with navigational watchkeeping functions and involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of the master, the officer in charge of the navigational watch or a qualified rating.
1. Every able seafarer deck serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more shall be duly certificated.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 meet the requirements for certification as a rating forming part of a navigational watch;
.3 while qualified to serve as a rating forming part of a navigational watch, have approved seagoing service in the deck department of:
.3.1 not less than 18 months, or
.3.2 not less than 12 months and have completed approved training; and
.4 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/5 of the STCW Code.
3. Every Party shall compare the standards of competence which it required of Able Seamen for certificates issued before 1 January 2012 with those specified for the certificate in section A-II/5 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need, if any, for requiring these personnel to update their qualifications.
4. Until 1 January 2012, a Party which is also a Party to the International Labour Organization Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946 (No. 74) may continue to issue, recognize and endorse certificates in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid convention.
5. Until 1 January 2017, a Party which is also a Party to the International Labour Organization Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946 (No. 74) may continue to renew and revalidate certificates and endorsements in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid convention.
6. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity in the deck department for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party.
1. Every officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineer officer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have completed combined workshop skills training and an approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as part of an approved training programme which includes onboard training that meets the requirements of section A-III/1 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise have completed combined workshop skills training and an approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months of which not less than 30 months shall be seagoing service in the engine department;
.3 have performed, during the required seagoing service, engine-room watchkeeping duties under the supervision of the chief engineer officer or a qualified engineer officer for a period of not less than six months;
.4 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/1 of the STCW Code; and
.5 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.
1. Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity:
.1.1 for certification as second engineer officer, have not less than 12 months as qualified engineer officer, and
.1.2 for certification as chief engineer officer, have not less than 36 months: however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as second engineer officer; and
.2 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/2 of the STCW Code.
1. Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW propulsion power shall hold a certificate of competency.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of an engineering watch and:
.1.1 for certification as second engineer officer, have not less than 12 months of approved seagoing service as assistant engineer officer or engineer officer, and
.1.2 for certification as chief engineer officer, have not less than 24 months of approved seagoing service of which not less than 12 months shall be served while qualified to serve as second engineer officer; and
.2 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/3 of the STCW Code.
3. Every engineer officer who is qualified to serve as second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more, may serve as chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3,000 kW propulsion power, provided the certificate is so endorsed.
1. Every rating forming part of an engine-room watch or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more, other than ratings under training and ratings whose duties are of an unskilled nature, shall be duly certificated to perform such duties.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 16 years of age;
.2 have completed:
.2.1 approved seagoing service including not less than six months of training and experience, or
.2.2 special training, either pre-sea or on board ship, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than two months; and
.3 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/4 of the STCW Code.
3. The seagoing service, training and experience required by subparagraphs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 shall be associated with engine-room watchkeeping functions and involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of a qualified engineer officer or a qualified rating.
1. Every able seafarer engine serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be duly certificated.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 meet the requirements for certification as a rating forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room;
.3 while qualified to serve as a rating forming part of an engineering watch, have approved seagoing service in the engine department of:
.3.1 not less than 12 months, or
.3.2 not less than 6 months and have completed approved training; and
.4 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/5 of the STCW Code.
3. Every Party shall compare the standard of competence which it required of ratings in the engine department for certificates issued before 1 January 2012 with those specified for the certificate in section A-III/5 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need, if any, for requiring these personnel to update their qualifications.
4. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity in the engine department for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party.
1. Every electro-technical officer serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have completed not less than 12 months of combined workshop skills training and approved seagoing service of which not less than 6 months shall be seagoing service as part of an approved training programme which meets the requirements of section A-III/6 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise not less than 36 months of combined workshop skills training and approved seagoing service of which not less than 30 months shall be seagoing service in the engine department;
.3 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/6 of the STCW Code; and
.4 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.
3. Every Party shall compare the standard of competence which it required of electro-technical officers for certificates issued before 1 January 2012 with those specified for the certificate in section A-III/6 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring those personnel to update their qualifications.
4. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity on board a ship for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/6 of the STCW Code.
5. Notwithstanding the above requirements of paragraph 1 to 4, a suitably qualified person may be considered by a Party to be able to perform certain functions of section A-III/6.
1. Every electro-technical rating serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be duly certificated.
2. Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have:
.2.1 completed approved seagoing service including not less than 12 months training and experience, or
.2.2 completed approved training, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than 6 months, or
.2.3 qualifications that meet the technical competences in table A-III/7 and an approved period of seagoing service, which shall not be less than 3 months; and
.3 meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/7 of the STCW Code.
3. Every Party shall compare the standard of competence which it required of electro-technical ratings for certificates issued before 1 January 2012 with those specified for the certificate in section A-III/7 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need, if any, for requiring these personnel to update their qualifications.
4. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity on board a ship for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/7 of the STCW Code.
5. Notwithstanding the above requirements of paragraphs 1 to 4, a suitably qualified person may be considered by a Party to be able to perform certain functions of section A-III/7.
Explanatory note
Mandatory provisions relating to radio watchkeeping are set forth in the Radio Regulations and in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended. Provisions for radio maintenance are set forth in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), as amended, and the guidelines adopted by the Organization.
1. Except as provided in paragraph 2, the provisions of this chapter apply to radio operators on ships operating in the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) as prescribed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.
2. Radio operators on ships not required to comply with the provisions of the GMDSS in chapter IV of the SOLAS Convention are not required to meet the provisions of this chapter. Radio operators on these ships are, nevertheless, required to comply with the Radio Regulations. The Administration shall ensure that the appropriate certificates as prescribed by the Radio Regulations are issued to or recognized in respect of such radio operators.
1. Every person in charge of or performing radio duties on a ship required to participate in the GMDSS shall hold an appropriate certificate related to the GMDSS, issued or recognized by the Administration under the provisions of the Radio Regulations.
2. In addition, every candidate for certification of competency under this regulation for service on a ship, which is required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, to have a radio installation, shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age; and
.2 have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-IV/2 of the STCW Code.
1. Officers and ratings assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on oil or chemical tankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
2. Every candidate for a certificate in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations shall have completed basic training in accordance with provisions of section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall have completed:
.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on oil or chemical tankers and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-1, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code; or
.2 an approved basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-1, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.
3. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on oil tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations.
4. Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations; and
.2 while qualified for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:
.2.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on oil tankers, or
.2.2 at least one month of approved onboard training on oil tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book taking into account guidance in section B-V/1; and
.3 have completed approved advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-1, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.
5. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on chemical tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations.
6. Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations; and
.2 while qualified for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:
.2.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on chemical tankers, or
.2.2 at least one month of approved onboard training on chemical tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book taking into account guidance in section B-V/1; and
.3 have completed approved advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-1, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.
7. Administrations shall ensure that a certificate of proficiency is issued to seafarers, who are qualified in accordance with paragraphs 2, 4 or 6 as appropriate, or that an existing certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency is duly endorsed.
1. Officers and ratings assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on liquefied gas tankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
2. Every candidate for a certificate in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall have completed basic training in accordance with provisions of section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall have completed:
.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on liquefied gas tankers and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code; or
.2 an approved basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.
3. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on liquefied gas tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
4. Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations; and
.2 while qualified for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, have:
.2.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on liquefied gas tankers, or
.2.2 at least one month of approved onboard training on liquefied gas tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book taking into account guidance in section B-V/1; and
.3 have completed approved advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-V/1-2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.
5. Administrations shall ensure that a certificate of proficiency is issued to seafarers, who are qualified in accordance with paragraphs 2 or 4 as appropriate, or that an existing certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency is duly endorsed.
1. This regulation applies to masters, officers, ratings and other personnel serving on board passenger ships engaged on international voyages. Administrations shall determine the applicability of these requirements to personnel serving on passenger ships engaged on domestic voyages.
2. Prior to being assigned shipboard duties on board passenger ships, seafarers shall have completed the training required by paragraphs 4 to 7 below in accordance with their capacity, duties and responsibilities.
3. Seafarers who are required to be trained in accordance with paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 below shall, at intervals not exceeding five years, undertake appropriate refresher training or be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence within the previous five years.
4. Masters, officers and other personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers in emergency situations on board passenger ships shall have completed training in crowd management as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.
5. Personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces on board passenger ships shall have completed the safety training specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.
6. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person designated on muster lists of having responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations on board passenger ships shall have completed approved training in crisis management and human behaviour as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.
7. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and every person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or closing hull openings on board ro-ro passenger ships shall have completed approved training in passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code.
8. Administrations shall ensure that documentary evidence of the training which has been completed is issued to every person found qualified under the provisions of this regulation.
1. Seafarers shall receive safety familiarization and basic training or instruction in accordance with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.
2. Where basic training is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued, indicating that the holder has attended the course in basic training.
1. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or have attended an approved training course and have approved seagoing service of not less than six months; and
.3 meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats, set out in section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code.
2. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in fast rescue boats shall:
.1 be the holder of a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats;
.2 have attended an approved training course; and
.3 meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in fast rescue boats, set out in section A-VI/2, paragraphs 7 to 10 of the STCW Code.
1. Seafarers designated to control fire-fighting operations shall have successfully completed advanced training in techniques for fighting fire, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command, in accordance with the provisions of section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code and shall meet the standard of competence specified therein.
2. Where training in advanced fire fighting is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training in advanced fire fighting.
1. Seafarers designated to provide medical first aid on board ship shall meet the standard of competence in medical first aid specified in section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.
2. Seafarers designated to take charge of medical care on board ship shall meet the standard of competence in medical care on board ships specified in section A-VI/4, paragraphs 4 to 6 of the STCW Code.
3. Where training in medical first aid or medical care is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training in medical first aid or in medical care.
1. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as ship security officer shall:
.1 have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or appropriate seagoing service and knowledge of ship operations; and
.2 meet the standard of competence for certification of proficiency as ship security officer, set out in section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code.
2. Administrations shall ensure that every person found qualified under the provisions of this regulation is issued with a certificate of proficiency.
1. Seafarers shall receive security-related familiarization and security-awareness training or instruction in accordance with section A-VI/6, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code and shall meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.
2. Where security awareness is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course in security awareness training.
3. Every Party shall compare the security-related training or instruction it requires of seafarers who hold or can document qualifications before the entry into force of this regulation with those specified in section A-VI/6, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring these seafarers to update their qualifications.
Seafarers with designated security duties
4. Seafarers with designated security duties shall meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/6, paragraphs 6 to 8 of the STCW Code.
5. Where training in designated security duties is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training for designated security duties.
6. Every Party shall compare the security training standards required of seafarers with designated security duties who hold or can document qualifications before the entry into force of this regulation with those specified in section A-VI/6, paragraph 8 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring these seafarers to update their qualifications.
1. Notwithstanding the requirements for certification laid down in chapters II and III of this annex, Parties may elect to issue or authorize the issue of certificates other than those mentioned in the regulations of those chapters, provided that:
.1 the associated functions and levels of responsibility to be stated on the certificates and in the endorsements are selected from and identical to those appearing in sections A-II/1, A-II/2, A-II/3, A-II/4, A-II/5, A-III/1, A-III/2, A-III/3, A-III/4, A-III/5 and A-IV/2 of the STCW Code;
.2 the candidates have completed approved education and training and meet the requirements for standards of competence, prescribed in the relevant sections of the STCW Code and as set forth in section A-VII/1 of this Code, for the functions and levels that are to be stated in the certificates and in the endorsements;
.3 the candidates have completed approved seagoing service appropriate to the performance of the functions and levels that are to be stated on the certificate. The minimum duration of seagoing service shall be equivalent to the duration of seagoing service prescribed in chapters II and III of this annex. However, the minimum duration of seagoing service shall be not less than as prescribed in section A-VII/2 of the STCW Code;
.4 the candidates for certification who are to perform the function of navigation at the operational level shall meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations; and
.5 the certificates are issued in accordance with the requirements of regulation I/2 and the provisions set forth in chapter VII of the STCW Code.
2. No certificate shall be issued under this chapter unless the Party has communicated information to the Organization in accordance with article IV and regulation I/7.
1. Every seafarer who performs any function or group of functions specified in tables A-II/1, A-II/2, A-II/3, A-II/4 or A-II/5 of chapter II or in tables A-III/1, A-III/2, A-III/3, A-III/4 or A-III/5 of chapter III or A-IV/2 of chapter IV of the STCW Code shall hold a certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency, as applicable.
1. Any Party which elects to issue or authorize the issue of alternative certificates shall ensure that the following principles are observed:
.1 no alternative certification system shall be implemented unless it ensures a degree of safety at sea and has a preventive effect as regards pollution at least equivalent to that provided by the other chapters; and
.2. any arrangement for alternative certification issued under this chapter shall provide for the interchangeability of certificates with those issued under the other chapters.
2. The principle of interchangeability in paragraph 1 shall ensure that:
.1 seafarers certificated under the arrangements of chapters II and/or III and those certificated under chapter VII are able to serve on ships which have either traditional or other forms of shipboard organization; and
.2 seafarers are not trained for specific shipboard arrangements in such a way as would impair their ability to take their skills elsewhere.
3. In issuing any certificate under the provisions of this chapter, the following principles shall be taken into account:
.1 the issue of alternative certificates shall not be used in itself:
.1.1 to reduce the number of crew on board,
.1.2 to lower the integrity of the profession or “de-skill” seafarers, or
.1.3 to justify the assignment of the combined duties of the engine and deck watchkeeping officers to a single certificate holder during any particular watch; and
.2 the person in command shall be designated as the master; and the legal position and authority of the master and others shall not be adversely affected by the implementation of any arrangement for alternative certification.
4. The principles contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this regulation shall ensure that the competency of both deck and engineer officers is maintained.
1. Each Administration shall, for the purpose of preventing fatigue:
.1 establish and enforce rest periods for watchkeeping personnel and those whose duties involve designated safety, security and prevention of pollution duties in accordance with the provisions of section A-VIII/1 of the STCW Code; and
.2 require that watch systems are so arranged that the efficiency of all watchkeeping personnel is not impaired by fatigue and that duties are so organized that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and subsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty.
2. Each Administration shall, for the purpose of preventing drug and alcohol abuse, ensure that adequate measures are established in accordance with the provisions of section A-VIII/1 while taking into account the guidance given in section B-VIII/1 of the STCW Code.
1. Administrations shall direct the attention of companies, masters, chief engineer officers and all watchkeeping personnel to the requirements, principles and guidance set out in the STCW Code which shall be observed to ensure that a safe continuous watch or watches appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions are maintained on all seagoing ships at all times.
2. Administrations shall require the master of every ship to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are adequate for maintaining a safe watch or watches, taking into account the prevailing circumstances and conditions and that, under the master’s general direction:
.1 officers in charge of the navigational watch are responsible for navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty, when they shall be physically present on the navigating bridge or in a directly associated location such as the chartroom or bridge control room at all times;
.2 radio operators are responsible for maintaining a continuous radio watch on appropriate frequencies during their periods of duty;
.3 officers in charge of an engineering watch, as defined in the STCW Code, under the direction of the chief engineer officer, shall be immediately available and on call to attend the machinery spaces and, when required, shall be physically present in the machinery space during their periods of responsibility;
.4 an appropriate and effective watch or watches are maintained for the purpose of safety at all times, while the ship is at anchor or moored and, if the ship is carrying hazardous cargo, the organization of such watch or watches takes full account of the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditions prevailing on board, afloat or ashore; and
.5 as applicable, an appropriate and effective watch or watches are maintained for the purposes of security.”
Zie Trb. 1981, 144 en Trb. 1985, 107.
Voor de vertaling van resolutie MSC.21(59) van 22 mei 1991 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1992, 109.
Voor de vertaling van resolutie MSC.33(63) van 23 mei 1994 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1995, 132.
Voor de vertaling van de wijzigingen van de Bijlage bij het Verdrag (resolutie 1) van 7 juli 1995 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1996, 249.
Voor de vertaling van resolutie MSC.66(68) van 4 juni 1997 zie Trb. 2006, 40 .
Voor de vertaling van resolutie MSC.203(81) van 18 mei 2006 zie Trb. 2008, 61.
Zie Trb. 1985, 107, Trb. 1995, 13, Trb. 1995, 268, Trb. 2006, 40 en Trb. 2008, 61 en de rubrieken J van Trb. 1992, 109, Trb. 1995, 13 en Trb. 1996, 249.
Resolutie 1 van 25 juni 2010
De wijzigingen van de Bijlage bij het Verdrag behoeven ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel f, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.
Zie rubriek E en F van Trb. 1981, 144.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Albanië |
20-03-02 |
T |
20-06-02 |
Algerije |
28-10-88 |
T |
28-01-89 |
Angola |
03-10-91 |
T |
03-01-92 |
Antigua en Barbuda |
05-02-97 |
T |
05-05-97 |
Argentinië |
06-10-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Australië |
30-11-79 |
07-11-83 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Azerbeidzjan |
01-07-97 |
T |
01-10-97 |
Bahama’s |
07-06-83 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Bahrein |
13-06-96 |
T |
13-09-96 |
Bangladesh |
06-11-81 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Barbados |
06-05-94 |
T |
06-08-94 |
België |
07-12-78 |
14-09-82 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Belize |
24-01-97 |
T |
24-04-97 |
Benin |
01-11-85 |
T |
01-02-86 |
Bolivia |
11-04-88 |
T |
11-07-88 |
Brazilië |
17-01-84 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Brunei |
23-10-86 |
T |
23-01-87 |
Bulgarije |
31-03-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Cambodja |
08-06-01 |
T |
08-09-01 |
Canada |
06-11-87 |
T |
06-02-88 |
Chili |
09-06-87 |
T |
09-09-87 |
China |
13-06-79 |
08-06-81 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Colombia |
27-07-81 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Comoren, de |
22-11-00 |
T |
22-02-01 |
Congo, Democratische Republiek |
04-04-95 |
T |
04-07-95 |
Congo, Republiek |
07-08-02 |
T |
07-11-02 |
Cookeilanden |
17-02-10 |
T |
17-05-10 |
Cuba |
05-12-89 |
T |
05-03-90 |
Cyprus |
28-03-85 |
T |
28-06-85 |
Denemarken |
04-06-79 |
20-01-81 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Dominica |
21-06-00 |
T |
21-09-00 |
Duitsland |
26-03-79 |
28-05-82 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Ecuador |
17-05-88 |
T |
17-08-88 |
Egypte |
22-09-80 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Equatoriaal Guinee |
24-04-96 |
T |
24-07-96 |
Eritrea |
22-04-96 |
T |
22-07-96 |
Estland |
29-08-95 |
T |
29-11-95 |
Ethiopië |
18-07-85 |
T |
18-10-85 |
Fiji-eilanden |
27-03-91 |
T |
27-06-91 |
Filipijnen, de |
22-02-84 |
T |
22-05-84 |
Finland |
30-11-79 |
27-01-84 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Frankrijk |
18-07-79 |
11-07-80 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Gabon |
21-01-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Gambia |
01-11-91 |
T |
01-02-92 |
Georgië |
19-04-94 |
T |
19-07-94 |
Ghana |
26-01-89 |
T |
26-04-89 |
Grenada |
28-06-04 |
T |
28-09-04 |
Griekenland |
29-10-79 |
22-03-83 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Guatemala |
17-09-02 |
T |
17-12-02 |
Guinee |
05-08-94 |
T |
05-11-94 |
Guyana |
26-11-97 |
T |
26-02-98 |
Haïti |
06-04-89 |
T |
06-07-89 |
Honduras |
24-09-85 |
T |
24-12-85 |
Hongarije |
15-10-85 |
T |
15-01-86 |
Ierland |
30-11-79 |
11-09-84 |
R |
11-12-84 |
IJsland |
21-03-95 |
T |
21-06-95 |
India |
16-11-84 |
T |
16-02-85 |
Indonesië |
27-01-87 |
T |
27-04-87 |
Irak |
10-12-01 |
T |
10-03-02 |
Iran |
01-08-96 |
T |
01-11-96 |
Israël |
16-01-86 |
T |
16-04-86 |
Italië |
26-08-87 |
T |
26-11-87 |
Ivoorkust |
05-10-87 |
T |
05-01-88 |
Jamaica |
19-02-87 |
T |
19-05-87 |
Japan |
27-05-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Jemen |
14-02-05 |
T |
14-05-05 |
Joegoslavië (< 25-06-1991) |
23-03-79 |
05-11-84 |
R |
05-02-85 |
Jordanië |
17-05-00 |
T |
17-08-00 |
Kaapverdië |
18-09-89 |
T |
18-12-89 |
Kameroen |
06-06-89 |
T |
06-09-89 |
Kazachstan |
07-03-94 |
T |
07-06-94 |
Kenia |
15-12-92 |
T |
15-03-93 |
Kiribati |
05-08-87 |
T |
05-11-87 |
Koeweit |
22-05-98 |
T |
22-08-98 |
Kroatië |
27-07-92 |
VG |
08-10-91 |
Letland |
20-05-92 |
T |
20-08-92 |
Libanon |
05-12-94 |
T |
05-03-95 |
Liberia |
21-03-79 |
28-10-80 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Libië |
10-08-83 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Litouwen |
04-12-91 |
T |
04-03-92 |
Luxemburg |
14-02-91 |
T |
14-05-91 |
Madagaskar |
07-03-96 |
T |
07-06-96 |
Malawi |
09-03-93 |
T |
09-06-93 |
Maldiven, de |
22-01-87 |
T |
22-04-87 |
Maleisië |
30-01-92 |
T |
30-04-92 |
Malta |
21-06-91 |
T |
21-09-91 |
Marokko |
22-07-97 |
T |
22-10-97 |
Marshalleilanden, de |
25-04-89 |
T |
25-07-89 |
Mauritanië |
17-11-95 |
T |
17-02-96 |
Mauritius |
04-07-91 |
T |
04-10-91 |
Mexico |
02-02-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Micronesia |
14-07-98 |
T |
14-10-98 |
Moldavië |
11-10-05 |
T |
11-01-06 |
Mongolië |
26-06-02 |
T |
26-09-02 |
Montenegro |
03-06-06 |
VG |
03-06-06 |
Mozambique |
15-11-85 |
T |
15-02-86 |
Myanmar |
04-05-88 |
T |
04-08-88 |
Namibië |
24-01-05 |
T |
24-04-05 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
– Nederland: |
– in Europa |
26-07-85 |
T |
26-10-85 |
– Bonaire |
– |
10-10-10 |
– Sint Eustatius |
– |
10-10-10 |
– Saba |
– |
10-10-10 |
– Aruba |
– |
01-01-86 |
– Curaçao |
– |
10-10-10 |
– Sint Maarten |
– |
10-10-10 |
Nicaragua |
09-03-09 |
T |
09-06-09 |
Nieuw-Zeeland |
30-07-86 |
T |
30-10-86 |
Nigeria |
13-11-84 |
T |
13-02-85 |
Noord-Korea |
01-05-85 |
T |
01-08-85 |
Noorwegen |
26-11-79 |
18-01-82 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Oekraïne |
07-01-97 |
T |
07-04-97 |
Oman |
24-09-90 |
T |
24-12-90 |
Oostenrijk |
29-01-97 |
T |
29-04-97 |
Pakistan |
10-04-85 |
T |
10-07-85 |
Palau |
29-09-11 |
T |
29-12-11 |
Panama |
29-06-92 |
T |
29-09-92 |
Papua-Nieuw Guinea |
28-10-91 |
T |
28-01-92 |
Peru |
16-07-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Polen |
01-12-78 |
27-04-83 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Portugal |
30-10-85 |
T |
30-01-86 |
Qatar |
29-05-02 |
T |
29-08-02 |
Roemenië |
11-01-93 |
T |
11-04-93 |
Russische Federatie |
09-10-79 |
O |
28-04-84 |
Saint Kitts en Nevis |
11-06-04 |
T |
11-09-04 |
Saint Lucia |
20-05-04 |
T |
20-08-04 |
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines |
28-06-95 |
T |
28-09-95 |
Salomonseilanden |
01-06-94 |
T |
01-09-94 |
Samoa |
24-05-93 |
T |
24-08-93 |
Sao Tomé en Principe |
29-10-98 |
T |
29-01-99 |
Saudi-Arabië |
29-11-90 |
T |
01-03-91 |
Senegal |
16-01-97 |
T |
16-04-97 |
Servië |
03-06-06 |
VG |
03-06-06 |
Seychellen, de |
22-08-88 |
T |
22-11-88 |
Sierra Leone |
13-08-93 |
T |
13-11-93 |
Singapore |
01-05-88 |
T |
01-08-88 |
Slovenië |
12-11-92 |
VG |
25-06-91 |
Slowakije |
30-01-95 |
VG |
01-01-93 |
Soedan |
26-02-97 |
T |
26-05-97 |
Spanje |
21-10-80 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Sri Lanka |
22-01-87 |
T |
22-04-87 |
Syrië |
20-07-01 |
T |
20-10-01 |
Tanzania |
27-10-82 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Thailand |
19-06-97 |
T |
19-09-97 |
Togo |
19-07-89 |
T |
19-10-89 |
Tonga |
07-02-95 |
T |
07-05-95 |
Trinidad en Tobago |
03-02-89 |
T |
03-05-89 |
Tsjechië |
19-10-93 |
VG |
01-01-93 |
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) |
06-05-81 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Tunesië |
08-02-95 |
T |
08-05-95 |
Turkije |
28-07-92 |
T |
28-10-92 |
Turkmenistan |
04-02-09 |
T |
04-05-09 |
Tuvalu |
22-08-85 |
T |
22-11-85 |
Uruguay |
03-08-93 |
T |
03-11-93 |
Vanuatu |
22-04-91 |
T |
22-07-91 |
Venezuela |
13-10-87 |
T |
13-01-88 |
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het |
01-12-78 |
28-11-80 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, de |
15-12-83 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Verenigde Staten van Amerika, de |
25-01-79 |
01-07-91 |
R |
01-10-91 |
Vietnam |
18-12-90 |
T |
18-03-91 |
Zuid-Afrika |
27-07-83 |
T |
28-04-84 |
Zuid-Korea |
04-04-85 |
T |
04-07-85 |
Zweden |
15-11-79 |
08-01-81 |
R |
28-04-84 |
Zwitserland |
14-11-79 |
15-12-87 |
R |
15-03-88 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R=Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Uitgebreid tot |
In werking |
Buiten werking |
Hongkong SAR |
01-07-1997 |
Macau SAR |
18-07-2005 |
Uitgebreid tot |
In werking |
Buiten werking |
Faeröer |
18-09-1990 |
Uitgebreid tot |
In werking |
Buiten werking |
Cookeilanden |
30-10-1986 |
17-05-2010 |
Niue |
30-10-1986 |
Uitgebreid tot |
In werking |
Buiten werking |
Bermuda |
01-01-1989 |
Britse Maagdeneilanden |
19-06-2006 |
Caymaneilanden |
01-04-1991 |
Gibraltar |
27-09-1995 |
Hongkong (< 01-07-1997) |
03-11-1984 |
01-07-1997 |
Man |
01-07-1985 |
Australië, 7 november 1983
Australia has a federal constitutional system in which legislative, executive and judicial powers are shared or distributed between the Commonwealth and the constituent States.
The implementation of the Treaty throughout Australia will be effected by the Commonwealth, State and Territory authorities having regard to their respective constitutional powers and arrangements concerning their exercise.
Canada, 6 november 1987
The Government of Canada reserves its position with regard to the provisions of paragraph 6(d) of the appendix to regulation II/2 and paragraph 16 of the appendix to regulation II/4 in the Annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 in respect of the compulsory knowledge of an ability to use the English language. The position of the Government of Canada is that the provisions of those paragraphs which refer to the ability to use navigational publications in English, and the need to have an adequate knowledge of the English language, are not applicable to Canada as there are two official languages in Canada: English and French. Both languages have equal status, consequently candidates for certificates may choose to be examined in either language.
Bezwaar door Russische Federatie, 3 november 1988
In connection with the reservation made by the Government of Canada when acceding to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (IMO document STCW/Circ.61 of 26 November 1987) the Soviet side considers it necessary to make the following statement.
Requirements on knowledge of the English language, contained in paragraph 6(d) of the appendix to regulation II/2 and paragraph 16 of the appendix to regulation II/4 in the Annex to the Convention are mandatory minimum requirements for certification of masters, chief and watchkeeping officers and their observance represents a significant condition of ensuring high qualifications of officers of the crew. Non-observance of those requirements could result in negative consequences for the safety of international maritime navigation. In this connection the reservation of the Government of Canada, in the opinion of the Soviet side, is incompatible with the purposes of the Convention.
The reference made by the Government of Canada to the two state languages does not seem to be well-founded in so far as internal status of this or that language cannot serve as an excuse for non-observance of the obligations assumed by States under the international law.
Taking into account the above-stated, the Soviet side cannot recognize this reservation of the Government of Canada as valid.
Chili, 9 juni 1987
[…] formulating an express reservation concerning the provisions of subparagraphs (vii) and (ix) of paragraph 1(a) of article XII to the effect that amendments to the Annex shall not be binding on Chile until such time as it has complied with the internal procedure established by the Political Constitution of the Republic for the approval of treaties.
Denemarken, 20 januari 1981
[…] a decision as to the applicability of the provisions of the Convention to Greenland and the Faroe Islands is pending the completion of the internal procedures prescribed in this respect. The ratification of Denmark is therefore, until further notice, subject to reservation with regard to the obligations of Greenland and the Faroe Islands under the Convention.
[…] the decision on Denmark's ratification was taken in accordance with the recommendation of December 21, 1978, of the Council of the European Communities concerning the ratification of the Convention.
Denemarken, 18 september 1990
[…] that the reservation made with regard to the obligations of the Faroe Islands in connection with Denmark's ratification has been lifted in accordance with a recommendation submitted by the local government of the Faroe Islands.
This notice does not affect the reservation made with respect to Greenland.
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het, 28 november 1980
[…] reserving the right not to apply the said Convention in respect of any territory for whose international relations the Government of the United Kingdom is responsible until three months after the date on which the Government of the United Kingdom notify the Secretary-General of the [International Maritime Organization] that the said Convention shall apply in respect of any such territory.
Zie Trb. 1985, 107, Trb. 2006, 40 en Trb. 2008, 61 en de rubrieken J van Trb. 1992, 109, Trb. 1995, 268 en Trb. 1996, 249.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt het Verdrag, dat vanaf 1 januari 1986 voor Nederland (het Europese deel), de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba gold, vanaf 10 oktober 2010 voor Nederland (het Europese en het Caribische deel), Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten.
Resolutie 1 van 25 juni 2010
De wijzigingen van de Bijlage bij het Verdrag zijn ingevolge artikel XII, eerste lid, letter a, (ix) van het Verdrag op 1 januari 2012 in werking getreden voor de partijen, met uitzondering van Finland, Denemarken, Slovenië, Litouwen, Nieuw-Zeeland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland, Ierland en Portugal.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, gelden de wijzigingen voor het gehele Koninkrijk.
Voor verwijzingen en overige verdragsgegevens zie Trb. 1981, 144, Trb. 1985, 107, Trb. 1992, 109, Trb. 1995, 13, Trb. 1995, 132, Trb. 1995, 268, Trb. 1996, 249, Trb. 2006, 40 en Trb. 2008, 61.
Titel |
: |
Handvest van de Verenigde Naties; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Verdrag inzake de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie; Genève, 6 maart 1948 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Verdrag inzake de Internationale Bepalingen ter voorkoming van aanvaringen op zee, 1972; Londen, 20 oktober 1972 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Internationaal Verdrag voor de Beveiliging van Mensenlevens op Zee, 1974; Londen, 1 november 1974 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Radioreglement 1979; Genève, 6 december 1979 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Statuut en Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie; Genève, 22 december 1992 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en het Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992); Kyoto, 14 oktober 1994 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijzigingen van 25 juni 2010 van de Bijlage bij het Verdrag zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese en het Caribische deel), Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.
Uitgegeven de zevenentwintigste februari 2012.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, U. ROSENTHAL
De Maritieme Veiligheidscommissie van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie heeft in overeenstemming met artikel XII, eerste lid, letter a, (vii) 2 van het Verdrag wijzigingen van de STCW-Code aangenomen bij resolutie MSC.67(68) op 4 juni 1997, MSC.78(70) op 9 december 1998, MSC. 156(78) op 20 mei 2004, MSC.180(79) op 9 december 2004 en MSC.209(81) op 18 mei 2006; en bij STCW.6/Circ.7 van 20 mei 2005, STCW.6/Circ.8 van 1 januari 2006, STCW.6/Circ.9 van 22 mei 2006, STCW.6/Circ.10 van 22 mei 2006 en bij Resolutie 2 van 25 juni 2010, STCW/CONF.2/34. De tekst van de wijzigingen ligt ter inzage bij de Afdeling Verdragen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en bij de Hoofddirectie Bestuurlijke en Juridische Zaken van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
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De hier aangeboden pdf-bestanden van het Staatsblad, Staatscourant, Tractatenblad, provinciaal blad, gemeenteblad, waterschapsblad en blad gemeenschappelijke regeling vormen de formele bekendmakingen in de zin van de Bekendmakingswet en de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen voor zover ze na 1 juli 2009 zijn uitgegeven. Voor pdf-publicaties van vóór deze datum geldt dat alleen de in papieren vorm uitgegeven bladen formele status hebben; de hier aangeboden elektronische versies daarvan worden bij wijze van service aangeboden.