Besluit van de Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid van 23 maart 2020, 2020-0000039866, tot aanwijzing van CML B.V. als EU-conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie inzake accreditatienorm ISO 17065:2012

De Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid,

Gelezen de aanvraag van CML B.V. te Amsterdam van 24 januari 2020;

Overwegende, dat een EU-conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie moet voldoen aan de criteria voor aanwijzing, die zijn vermeld in artikel 7a van de Warenwet en artikel 11 van het Warenwetbesluit explosieveilig materieel 2016;

Overwegende, dat de aanvraag van CML B.V. vergezeld gaat van accreditatienorm ISO/IEC 17065:2012 met certificaatnummer C640 van de Raad voor Accreditatie betreffende de onderzoeken en procedures waarvoor zij verzoekt aangewezen en aangemeld te worden;

Gelet op artikel 7a, eerste lid, van de Warenwet en artikel 11 van het Warenwetbesluit explosieveilig materieel 2016.


Artikel 1

In deze beschikking wordt verstaan onder:

a. wet:

de Warenwet;

b. besluit:

het Warenwetbesluit explosieveilig materieel 2016;

c. beschikking:

het besluit waarmee CML B.V. wordt aangewezen als EU-conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie;

d. EU-conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie, richtlijn:

hetgeen het Warenwetbesluit explosieveilig materieel 2016 daaronder verstaat;

e. CML B.V.:

CML B.V., Hoogoorddreef 15, 1101 BA te Amsterdam, Kvk-nummer:67386717 en vestigingsnummer 000035932007.

Artikel 2

CML B.V. wordt aangewezen als EU-conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie die op het werkveld explosieveilig materieel bevoegd is tot het uitvoeren van de volgende taken:

Directive 2014/34/EU

Equipment and protective systems intend for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

Group I – Electrical equipment

Equipment category M1

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex VII

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Electrical equipment

Equipment category M2

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Electrical equipment

Protective systems

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Electrical equipment


EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Electrical equipment

Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Non-Electrical equipment

Equipment category M1

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Non-Electrical equipment

Equipment category M2

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Communication of technical documentation for internal production control

Article 13, sub 1b-ii and Annex VIII

Group I – Non-Electrical equipment

Protective systems

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Non-Electrical equipment


EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group I – Non-Electrical equipment

Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Electrical equipment

Equipment category 1

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Electrical equipment

Equipment category 2

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Electrical equipment

Equipment category 3

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Electrical equipment

Protective systems

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Electrical equipment


EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Electrical equipment

Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Electrical equipment

Equipment category 1

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Electrical equipment

Equipment category 2

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Electrical equipment

Equipment category 3

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Electrical equipment

Protective systems

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Electrical equipment


EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Electrical equipment

Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product quality assurance (module E)

Annex VII

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (module C1)

Annex VI

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Non-electrical equipment

Equipment category 1

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Non-electrical equipment

Equipment category 2

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Communication of technical documentation for internal production control

Article 13, sub 1b-ii and Annex VIII

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Non-electrical equipment

Equipment category 3

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Non-electrical equipment

Protective systems

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Non-electrical equipment


EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to gases, vapours or mists – Non-electrical equipment

Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Non-electrical equipment

Equipment category 1

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Non-electrical equipment

Equipment category 2

Communication of technical documentation for internal production control

Article 13, sub 1b-ii and Annex VIII

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Non-electrical equipment

Equipment category 3

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Non-electrical equipment

Protective systems

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Non-electrical equipment


EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Group II – explosive atmosphere due to air/dust mixture – Non-electrical equipment

Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices

EU-type examination (module B)

Annex III

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (module D)

Annex IV

Conformity to type based on product verification (module F)

Annex V

Conformity based on unit verification (module G)

Annex IX

Artikel 3

  • 1. Indien de accreditatie voor het werkveld waarvoor de instantie is aangewezen, komt te vervallen, zal deze aanwijzing aldus worden geschorst, dat de instantie niet meer bevoegd is tot het uitvoeren van de desbetreffende werkzaamheden, maar wel verplicht is zorg te dragen voor de overdracht van de desbetreffende klantdossiers aan een door de klant te bepalen conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie waarmee hij een overeenkomst heeft afgesloten, dan wel, indien op het desbetreffende werkveld geen andere conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie werkzaam is, aan de Minister op een door hem te bepalen wijze.

  • 2. Deze aanwijzing kan worden ingetrokken, indien de aangewezen conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie niet meer voldoet aan de aanwijzingscriteria die zijn vermeld in artikel 7a, eerste lid, van de wet en artikel 11 van het besluit of haar taken beëindigt. Het voornemen tot intrekking wordt tijdig kenbaar gemaakt.

  • 3. Een aangewezen conformiteitsbeoordelingsinstantie die haar taken waarvoor zij is aangewezen beëindigt of waarvan de aanwijzing door tijdsverloop vervalt of waarvan de aanwijzing door Onze Minister wordt ingetrokken, draagt tijdig voorafgaand aan de beëindiging van de werkzaamheden respectievelijk de datum waarop de aanwijzing eindigt, haar dossiers over aan een andere certificerende instelling waarmee haar certificaathouders een overeenkomst zijn aangegaan. Indien er geen andere certificerende instelling is, draagt de certificerende instelling de dossiers tijdig over aan Onze Minister.

Artikel 4

Met ingang van de dag na de datum van uitgifte van de Staatscourant waarin deze nieuwe beschikking wordt geplaatst komt de volgende beschikking te vervallen:

Reeds afgegeven certificaten onder deze beschikking blijven onverminderd geldig.

Artikel 5

Deze beschikking treedt in werking de dag na publicatie in de Staatscourant waarin zij wordt geplaatst. Deze beschikking vervalt met ingang van 1 april 2023.

Den Haag, 23 maart 2020

De Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Namens deze, H.N. de Groot Directeur Toezicht Toezicht

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