Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2016, 33 | Verdrag |
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving.
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Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2016, 33 | Verdrag |
63 (1968) Nr. 6
Verdrag inzake het wegverkeer;
(met Bijlagen)
Wenen, 8 november 1968
De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag, met Bijlagen, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1974, 35.
In Trb. 1974, 35 dienen in de Engelse tekst correcties te worden aangebracht.
Op blz. 10, in artikel 3, tweede lid, onderdeel a, vijfde regel, dient het woord „satefy” te worden vervangen door „safety”.
Op blz. 28, in artikel 12, tweede lid, derde regel, dient het woord „reserse” te worden vervangen door „reverse”.
Op blz. 30, in artikel 14, derde lid, op een na laatste regel, dient de zinsnede „as soon” te worden vervangen door „as soon as”.
Op blz. 38, in artikel 20, vijfde lid, eind derde regel, dient de zinsnede „where or do so” te worden vervangen door „where to do so”.
Op blz. 54, in artikel 31, tweede lid, derde regel, dient het woord „injure” te worden vervangen door „injury”.
Voor de Engelse en de Franse tekst van wijzigingen van 3 maart 1992 van het Verdrag en de Bijlagen, zie rubriek J van Trb. 1997, 25.
In Trb. 1997, 25 dienen in de Engelse tekst correcties te worden aangebracht.
Op blz. 18, in artikel 3, zesde lid, tweede regel, dient het woord „wich” te worden vervangen door „which”.
Op blz. 20, in artikel 7, derde lid, laatste regel, dient het woord „diasabled” te worden vervangen door „disabled” en in artikel 11, tweede lid, onderdeel c, laatste regel, dient de zinsnede „short time.” te worden vervangen door „short time; and”.
Op blz. 22, in artikel 13, tweede lid, vierde regel, dient de zinsnede „or their road.” te worden vervangen door „or their load.”.
Op blz. 32, in artikel 32, vijftiende lid, eerste regel, dient de zinsnede „display red light” te worden vervangen door „display a red light” en in artikel 33, eerste lid, tweede regel, dient de zinsnede „the Convention” te worden vervangen door „this Convention”.
Op blz. 34, in artikel 35, eerste lid, onderdeel c, onder iii), dient de zinsnede „Certificate d’immatriculation” te worden vervangen door „Certificat d’immatriculation”.
Op blz. 36, in artikel 39, tweede lid, onderdeel b, tweede regel, dient de zinsnede „to the coupled” te worden vervangen door „to be coupled” en in artikel 39, derde lid, tweede regel, dient de zinsnede „to other categories” te worden vervangen door „to the other categories”.
Op blz. 50, in Bijlage 5, hoofdstuk II, paragraaf 40, tweede regel, dient de zinsnede „in the case of motor cycle” te worden vervangen door „in the case of a motor cycle” en in paragraaf 41, tweede regel, dient de zinsnede „In reversing” te worden vervangen door „If reversing”.
Op blz. 56, in Bijlage 5, hoofdstuk IV, paragraaf 61, onderdeel d, vierde regel, dient het woord „exeptional” te worden vervangen door „exceptional”.
Voor de Engelse en de Franse tekst van wijzigingen van 28 september 2004 van het Verdrag en de Bijlagen, zie rubriek B van Trb. 2005, 256.
De regeringen van België, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië en Oostenrijk, hebben in overeenstemming met artikel 49, eerste lid, van het Verdrag wijzigingen van het Verdrag voorgesteld, welke de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties in overeenstemming met hetzelfde artikel, op 23 september 2014 ter kennis heeft gebracht van alle verdragsluitende partijen. De Engelse en de Franse tekst1) van de wijzigingen luiden als volgt:
A new paragraph (i.e., paragraph 5bis) is to be inserted into Article 8. The paragraph 5bis shall read as follows:
5bis. Vehicle systems which influence the way vehicles are driven shall be deemed to be in conformity with paragraph 5 of this Article and with paragraph 1 of Article 13, when they are in conformity with the conditions of construction, fitting and utilization according to international legal instruments concerning wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles2)
Vehicle systems which influence the way vehicles are driven and are not in conformity with the aforementioned conditions of construction, fitting and utilization, shall be deemed to be in conformity with paragraph 5 of this Article and with paragraph 1 of Article 13, when such systems can be overridden or switched off by the driver.
Paragraph 1 of Article 39 which currently reads:
1. Every motor vehicle, every trailer and every combination of vehicles in international traffic shall satisfy the provisions of Annex 5 to this Convention. It shall also be in good working order.
is to be appended by the following text:
When these vehicles are fitted with systems, parts and equipment that are in conformity with the conditions of construction, fitting and utilization according to technical provisions of international legal instruments referred to in Article 8, paragraph 5bis of this Convention, they shall be deemed to be in conformity with Annex 5.
As a result, the amended paragraph 1 of Article 39 shall read:
1. Every motor vehicle, every trailer and every combination of vehicles in international traffic shall satisfy the provisions of Annex 5 to this Convention. It shall also be in good working order. When these vehicles are fitted with systems, parts and equipment that are in conformity with the conditions of construction, fitting and utilization according to technical provisions of international legal instruments referred to in Article 8, paragraph 5bis of this Convention, they shall be deemed to be in conformity with Annex 5.
Un nouveau paragraphe (le paragraphe 5 bis) va être ajouté à l’article 8. Ce paragraphe 5 bis se lira comme suit:
«5 bis: Les systèmes embarqués ayant une incidence sur la conduite du véhicule sont réputés conformes au paragraphe 5 du présent article et au premier paragraphe de l’article 13 s’ils sont conformes aux prescriptions en matière de construction, de montage et d’utilisation énoncées dans les instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs aux véhicules à roues et aux équipements et pièces susceptibles d’être montés et/ou utilisés sur un véhicule à roues3);
Les systèmes embarqués ayant une incidence sur la conduite d’un véhicule qui ne sont pas conformes aux prescriptions en matière de construction, de montage et d’utilisation susmentionnées sont réputés conformes au paragraphe 5 du présent article et au premier paragraphe de l’article 13 pour autant qu’ils puissent être neutralisés ou désactivés par le conducteur».
Le premier paragraphe de l’article 39, qui se lit actuellement comme suit:
1. Toute automobile, toute remorque et tout ensemble de véhicules en circulation internationale doivent satisfaire aux dispositions de l’annexe 5 de la présente Convention. Ils doivent, en outre, être en bon état de marche.
doit être complété comme suit:
Lorsque ces véhicules sont équipés de systèmes, de pièces et d’équipements qui sont conformes aux prescriptions techniques de construction, de montage et d’utilisation énoncées dans les instruments juridiques internationaux visés au paragraphe 5 bis de l’article 8 de la présente Convention, ils sont réputés conformes à l’annexe 5.
Le paragraphe premier modifié de l’article 39 se lira donc comme suit:
1. Toute automobile, toute remorque et tout ensemble de véhicules en circulation internationale doivent satisfaire aux dispositions de l’annexe 5 de la présente Convention. Ils doivent, en outre, être en bon état de marche. Lorsque ces véhicules sont équipés de systèmes, de pièces ou d’équipements qui sont conformes aux prescriptions techniques de construction, de montage et d’utilisation énoncées dans les instruments juridiques internationaux visés au paragraphe 5 bis de l’article 8 de la présente Convention, ils sont réputés conformes à l’annexe 5.
Zie Trb. 1974, 35 en voor correcties Trb. 1974, 174.
Voor de vertaling van de wijzigingen van 3 maart 1992 van het Verdrag en de Bijlagen, zie rubriek J van Trb. 1997, 25.
Voor de vertaling van de wijzigingen van 28 september 2004 van het Verdrag en de Bijlagen, zie Trb. 2005, 256.
De vertaling van de in rubriek B hierboven opgenomen wijzigingen van 23 september 2014 luidt als volgt:
Er wordt een nieuw lid toegevoegd aan artikel 8 (lid 5bis). Lid 5bis luidt als volgt:
5bis. Voertuigsystemen die van invloed zijn op de wijze waarop voertuigen worden bestuurd, worden geacht in overeenstemming te zijn met het vijfde lid van dit artikel en met artikel 13, eerste lid, wanneer zij in overeenstemming zijn met de eisen voor constructie, montage en gebruik zoals vervat in internationale juridische instrumenten inzake wielvoertuigen, uitrustingsstukken en onderdelen die kunnen worden aangebracht en/of gebruikt op wielvoertuigen4);
Voertuigsystemen die van invloed zijn op de wijze waarop voertuigen worden bestuurd en die niet in overeenstemming zijn met voornoemde eisen voor constructie, montage en gebruik, worden geacht in overeenstemming te zijn met het vijfde lid van dit artikel en met artikel 13, eerste lid, wanneer deze systemen door de bestuurder kunnen worden overgenomen of uitgeschakeld.
De huidige tekst van het eerste lid van artikel 39, die luidt als volgt:
1. Elk motorvoertuig, elke aanhangwagen en elk samenstel van voertuigen in het internationale verkeer dient te voldoen aan de bepalingen van Bijlage 5 bij dit Verdrag.
Bovendien dienen zij rijtechnisch in goede staat van onderhoud te verkeren.
wordt aangevuld door de volgende tekst:
Wanneer deze voertuigen worden voorzien van systemen, onderdelen en uitrustingsstukken die in overeenstemming zijn met de eisen voor constructie, montage en gebruik conform de technische bepalingen van internationale juridische instrumenten bedoeld in artikel 8, lid 5bis, van dit Verdrag, worden zij geacht in overeenstemming te zijn met Bijlage 5.
Het gewijzigde eerste lid van artikel 39 luidt derhalve als volgt:
1. Elk motorvoertuig, elke aanhangwagen en elk samenstel van voertuigen in het internationale verkeer dient te voldoen aan de bepalingen van Bijlage 5 bij dit Verdrag. Bovendien dienen zij rijtechnisch in goede staat van onderhoud te verkeren. Wanneer deze voertuigen worden voorzien van systemen, onderdelen en uitrustingsstukken die in overeenstemming zijn met de eisen voor constructie, montage en gebruik conform de technische bepalingen van internationale juridische instrumenten bedoeld in artikel 8, lid 5bis, van dit Verdrag, worden zij geacht in overeenstemming te zijn met Bijlage 5.
Zie Trb. 1974, 35 en Trb. 2008, 76.
Zie rubriek E en rubriek F van Trb. 1974, 35.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Voorlopige toepassing |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Albanië |
29-06-2000 |
T |
29-06-2001 |
Armenië |
08-02-2005 |
T |
08-02-2006 |
Azerbeidzjan |
03-07-2002 |
T |
03-07-2003 |
Bahama’s |
14-05-1991 |
T |
14-05-1992 |
Bahrein |
04-05-1973 |
T |
21-05-1977 |
Belarus |
08-11-1968 |
18-06-1974 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
België |
08-11-1968 |
16-11-1988 |
R |
16-11-1989 |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
01-09-1993 |
VG |
06-03-1992 |
Brazilië |
08-11-1968 |
29-10-1980 |
R |
29-10-1981 |
Bulgarije |
08-11-1968 |
28-12-1978 |
R |
28-12-1979 |
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek |
03-02-1988 |
T |
03-02-1989 |
Chili |
08-11-1969 |
Congo, Democratische Republiek |
25-07-1977 |
T |
25-07-1978 |
Costa Rica |
08-11-1968 |
Cuba |
30-09-1977 |
T |
30-09-1978 |
Denemarken |
08-11-1968 |
03-11-1986 |
R |
03-11-1987 |
Duitsland |
08-11-1968 |
03-08-1978 |
R |
03-08-1979 |
Ecuador |
08-11-1968 |
Estland |
24-08-1992 |
T |
24-08-1993 |
Filipijnen |
08-11-1968 |
27-12-1973 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Finland |
16-12-1969 |
01-04-1985 |
R |
01-04-1986 |
Frankrijk |
08-11-1968 |
09-12-1971 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Georgië |
23-07-1993 |
T |
23-07-1994 |
Ghana |
22-08-1969 |
Griekenland |
18-12-1986 |
T |
18-12-1987 |
Guyana |
31-01-1973 |
T |
21-05-1977 |
Heilige Stoel |
08-11-1968 |
Hongarije |
08-11-1968 |
16-03-1976 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Indonesië |
08-11-1968 |
Iran |
08-11-1968 |
21-05-1976 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Israël |
08-11-1968 |
11-05-1971 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Italië |
08-11-1968 |
02-10-1996 |
R |
02-10-1997 |
Ivoorkust |
24-07-1985 |
T |
24-07-1986 |
Joegoslavië (< 25-06-1991) |
08-11-1968 |
01-10-1976 |
R |
01-10-1977 |
Kazachstan |
04-04-1994 |
T |
04-04-1995 |
Kenia |
09-09-2009 |
T |
09-09-2010 |
Kirgistan |
30-08-2006 |
T |
30-08-2007 |
Koeweit |
14-03-1980 |
T |
14-03-1981 |
Kroatië |
23-11-1992 |
VG |
08-10-1991 |
Letland |
19-10-1992 |
T |
19-10-1993 |
Liberia |
16-09-2005 |
T |
16-09-2006 |
Litouwen |
20-11-1991 |
T |
20-11-1992 |
Luxemburg |
08-11-1968 |
25-11-1975 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Macedonië, de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek |
18-08-1993 |
VG |
17-11-1991 |
Marokko |
29-12-1982 |
T |
29-12-1983 |
Mexico |
08-11-1968 |
Moldavië |
26-05-1993 |
T |
26-05-1994 |
Monaco |
06-06-1978 |
T |
06-06-1979 |
Mongolië |
19-12-1997 |
T |
19-12-1998 |
Montenegro |
23-10-2006 |
VG |
03-06-2006 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
08-11-2007 |
T |
08-11-2008 |
Niger |
11-07-1975 |
T |
21-05-1977 |
Noorwegen |
23-12-1969 |
01-04-1985 |
R |
01-04-1986 |
Oekraïne |
08-11-1968 |
12-07-1974 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Oezbekistan |
17-01-1995 |
T |
17-01-1996 |
Oostenrijk |
08-11-1968 |
11-08-1981 |
R |
11-08-1982 |
Pakistan |
19-03-1986 |
T |
19-03-1987 |
Peru |
06-10-2006 |
T |
06-10-2007 |
Polen |
08-11-1968 |
23-08-1984 |
R |
23-08-1985 |
Portugal |
08-11-1968 |
30-09-2010 |
R |
30-10-2011 |
Qatar |
06-03-2013 |
T |
06-03-2014 |
Roemenië |
08-11-1968 |
09-12-1980 |
R |
09-12-1981 |
Russische Federatie |
08-11-1968 |
07-06-1974 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
San Marino |
08-11-1968 |
20-07-1970 |
R |
21-05-1977 |
Senegal |
16-08-1972 |
T |
21-05-1977 |
Servië |
12-03-2001 |
VG |
27-04-1992 |
Seychellen |
11-04-1977 |
T |
11-04-1978 |
Slovenië |
06-07-1992 |
VG |
25-06-1991 |
Slowakije |
01-02-1993 |
VG |
01-01-1993 |
Spanje |
08-11-1968 |
Tadzjikistan |
09-03-1994 |
T |
09-03-1995 |
Thailand |
08-11-1968 |
Tsjechië |
02-06-1993 |
VG |
01-01-1993 |
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) |
08-11-1968 |
07-06-1978 |
R |
07-06-1979 |
Tunesië |
05-01-2004 |
T |
05-01-2005 |
Turkije |
22-01-2013 |
T |
22-01-2014 |
Turkmenistan |
14-06-1993 |
T |
14-06-1994 |
Uruguay |
08-04-1981 |
T |
08-04-1982 |
Venezuela |
08-11-1968 |
Verenigd Koninkrijk |
08-11-1968 |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten |
10-01-2007 |
T |
10-01-2008 |
Vietnam |
20-08-2014 |
T |
20-08-2015 |
Zimbabwe |
31-07-1981 |
T |
31-07-1982 |
Zuid-Afrika |
01-11-1977 |
T |
01-11-1978 |
Zuid-Korea |
29-12-1969 |
Zweden |
08-11-1968 |
25-07-1985 |
R |
25-07-1986 |
Zwitserland |
08-11-1968 |
11-12-1991 |
R |
11-12-1992 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R=Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Belarus, 18 juni 1974
The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 52 of the Convention on Road Traffic stating the disputes which relate to the interpretation or application of the Convention may be referred, at the request of any of the Parties, to the International Court of Justice.
The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic declares that the provisions of article 45 of the Convention on Road Traffic, under which a number of States may not become parties to this Convention, are discriminatory in character, and it considers that the Convention on Road Traffic should be open for participation by all interested States without any discrimination or restrictions.
The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic declares that the provisions of article 46 of the Convention on Road Traffic are anachronistic and at variance with the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960).
België, 16 mei 1989
Reservations to article 10(3) and 18(3).
Brazilië, 29 oktober 1980
– Pursuant to the provisions of chapter IV, article 41, paragraph 2 (b), Brazil refuses to recognize the validity in its territory of driving permits held by persons under eighteen years of age.
– Pursuant to the provisions of chapter IV, article 41, paragraph (c), Brazil, referring to annexes 6 and 7 covering models of domestic driving permits, refuses to recognize the validity in its territory for the driving of motor vehicles or combinations or vehicles in Categories C, D, and E of driving permits held by persons under twenty-one years of age.
Reservations with respect to the following articles and annex:
– Article 20, paragraph 2 (a) and (b);
– Article 23, paragraph 2 (a);
– Article 40;
– Article 41, paragraph 1 (a), (b) and (c) (partial reservations);
– Annex 5, paragraph 5 (c); and
– Annex 5, paragraphs 28, 39 and 41 (partial reservations).
Declarations as regards the above-mentioned partial reservations:
(a) Brazil’s partial reservation to chapter IV (Drivers of Motor Vehicles), article 41 (Validity of Driving Permits), paragraphs 1 (a), (b), and (c), refers to the fact that drivers issued permits in left-hand drive countries cannot drive in Brazil before taking a road test for right-hand driving.
(b) The partial reservation to Annex 5 (Technical Conditions Concerning Motor Vehicles and Trailers), chapter II (Lights and reflecting devices), paragraph 28, is against the triangular form of the reflex reflectors required for every trailer, inconvenient for Brazil since the triangular shape is used for emergency signal devices to alert drivers ahead on the road.
(c) In Annex 5, chapter II, paragraph 39, Brazil’s reservation refers solely to the amber colour of the direction-indicators, since only red lights should be used at the rear of vehicles.
(d) The partial reservation made to Annex 5, paragraph 41, refers to the fact that in Brazil reversing lights fitted on motor vehicles shall emit only white light.
Bulgarije, 8 november 1968
The People’s Republic of Bulgaria declares that the provisions of article 45 of the Convention on Road Traffic, under which a number of States may not become parties to this Convention, are discriminatory in character, and it considers that the Convention on Road Traffic should be open for participation by all interested States without any discrimination or restrictions.
The People’s Republic of Bulgaria declares that the provisions of article 46 of the Convention on Road Traffic are anachronistic and at variance with the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.
Bulgarije, 28 december 1978
In the People’s Republic of Bulgaria mopeds are treated as motor cycles for the purposes of the application of the Convention on Road Traffic (art. 54, para. 2).
Congo, Democratische Republiek, 25 juli 1977
With reference to the pertinent provisions of the Convention Zaire shall not treat mopeds as motor cycles.
Cuba, 30 september 1977
The Republic of Cuba declares that the provisions of article 45, paragraph 1, of the Convention, which deals with matters affecting the interests of all States, are of a discriminatory nature in that they preclude the right of a number of States to become signatories and parties to the Convention, contrary to the principle of sovereign equality of States.
The Republic of Cuba declares that the provisions of article 46 of the Convention, are not applicable as they are contrary to the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (resolution 1514), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 14 December 1960, which proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations.
The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 52 of the Convention on Road Traffic regarding the referral to the International Court of Justice of any dispute with another Contracting Party.
The Republic of Cuba declares that it treats mopeds as motor cycles, in accordance with article 54 (2) of the Convention.
Denemarken, 3 november 1986
Article 18, paragraph 2 according to which road users coming from a path or graved track shall give way to vehicles on the road.
Article 33, paragraph 1 (d) according to which it shall be permissible to use parking light also when driving outside a built-up area.
Annex 5, 17 (c) according to which the total permissible weight of a trailer without a service brake may not exceed half the sum of the hauling vehicle's unladen weight and the driver’s weight.
Article 54, paragraph 2: for the purposes of the Convention Denmark treats mopeds whose maximum design speed exceeds 30 km per hour as motor cycles.
… until further notice the [Convention] shall not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Denemarken, 26 februari 1993
The Government of Denmark can accept the proposed amendments except for the following provisions which have to be rejected:
– Article 25, paragraph 2, according to which drivers emerging on to a motorway shall give way to vehicles travelling on it;
– Article 32, paragraph 4, concerning the use of fog lamps;
– Article 32, paragraph 7, concerning the use of driving lights;
– Annex 6, item 4, on numbering on driving permits and, consequently, article 43, paragraph 2, in so far as it refers to annex 6.
Duitsland, 3 augustus 1978
Ad article 18, paragraph 3
Article 18, paragraph 3, applies in the Federal Republic of Germany in accordance with paragraph 15 of the annex to the European Agreement of 1 May 1971 supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic.
Ad article 23, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (c), No. (v)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by article 23, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (c), No. (v).
Ad article 31, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (d)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by article 31, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (d).
Ad article 42, paragraph 1
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right of continuing to make entries of the kind mentioned in article 42, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (c) also in foreign domestic driving permits.
Ad annex 1, paragraph 1
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right in international transport
(a) of requiring of foreign lorries the same minimum engine performance as of German vehicles,
(b) of not admitting to traffic motor vehicles
– equipped with studded tyres,
– exceeding the maximum permissible weight and the maximum axle load permitted in the Federal Republic of Germany or not complying with the provisions on the placement on the vehicles of these figures,
– not equipped with a tachograph (control device) of the prescribed type.
Ad annex 5, paragraph 11
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the first half-sentence of paragraph 11 of annex 5.
Ad annex 5, paragraph 58
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by paragraph 58 of annex 5. With reference to the notification, made upon signature of the Convention on Road Traffic done at Vienna on 8 November 1968, according to which the distinguishing sign of the Federal Republic of Germany would be the letter “D”, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany declares that the said notification was made for the whole area which through the ratification of the Convention by the Federal Republic of Germany fell within the purview of the said Convention.
Pursuant to the provisions of articles 3 (5) and 54 (2) of the Convention on Road Traffic, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany shall treat mopeds as motor cycles for the purpose of the application of the Convention.
Duitsland, 2 maart 1993
The Federal Republic of Germany is able to approve the proposed amendments of Poland with the following reservations:
1. Reservation concerning article 13, paragraph 2
The Federal Republic of Germany, in its national law, reserves the right not to set speed limits for certain categories of roads.
2. …
3. Reservation concerning article 23, paragraph 3, subparagraphs (b), (iv) and (c)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the amendments to article 23, paragraph 3, subparagraphs (b), (iv) and (c), of the Convention.
4. Reservation concerning article 32, paragraphs 8, 10 (c) and 15
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by article 32, paragraphs 8 and 10 (c), of the Convention. With respect to article 32, paragraph 15, the Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right to use for warning purposes a red light on the front of certain vehicles (for example, school buses).
5. Reservation concerning article 35, paragraph 1 (c) and (d)
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the amendments to article 35, paragraph 1 (c) and (d) of the Convention.
6. Reservation concerning article 41, paragraph 1 (a)
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right, in its national law, not to require the possession of a driving permit for drivers of certain categories of vehicles.
7. Reservation concerning article 41, paragraph 4
The Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right, in its national law, to indicate in some other way on the driving permit restrictions of the driving permit to certain vehicles of a particular category.
8. Reservation concerning annex 6 (Domestic driving permit), paragraph 4 of the Convention
The Federal Republic of Germany does not consider itself bound by the numbering of the entries on the driving licence in annex 6 (Domestic driving permit), paragraph 4, of the Convention.
Estland, 24 augustus 1992
Estonia does not consider itself bound by article 52 of the Convention.
Finland, 1 april 1985
1. With respect to Article 11 paragraph 1 (a) (Overtaking):
Finland reserves the right to provide in Finnish law that in Finland drivers of cycles and mopeds may always overtake other vehicles than cycles or mopeds from the right;
2. With respect to Article 18 paragraphs 2 and 3 (Obligation to give way):
Finland reserves the right to provide in Finnish law that in Finland every driver emerging from a path or an earth-track on to a road other than a path or an earth-track or emerging on to a road from property boarding there on shall give way to all traffic travelling on that road. (Since the Convention provides that the right of way shall be given to “vehicles”, while in Finnish Law such right of way is to be given to all traffic, including pedestrians.) In Finnish law the obligation to give way is of wider appreciation than that of the Convention;
3. With respect to Article 33 paragraph 1 (c) and 1 (d) (Use of driving or passing lights):
Finland reserves the right to provide in Finnish law that in a motor-driven vehicle driving lights, passing lights or running lights must always be switched on when driving outside built-up areas. Driving or passing lights must be used in every vehicle when it is being driven in darkness or in dim light or when visibility is inadequate on account of weather or some other reason. Fog lights may only be used in fog or heavy rain or snowfall. In that case their use is allowed as a substitute for passing lights provided that position lights are simultaneously on.
Finland, 26 februari 1993
Finland accepts the proposed amendments to the Convention on Road Traffic, but wishes to inform the Depositary and the Contracting Parties, that if the amendments are deemed accepted, Finland will make the following reservations pursuant to article 54, paragraph 5, of the Convention:
1. Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the proposed amendment to article 18, paragraph 7, of the Convention.
2. Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the proposed amendment to article 25, paragraph 2, of the Convention.
3. Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the first sentence of the proposed amendment to article 32, paragraph 6, of the Convention.
Finland, 30 mei 1994
Finland does not consider itself to be bound by the provision in Annex 3 paragraph 4 a) concerning the minimum dimensions of the axes of the ellipse of the distinguishing sign on other motor vehicles and their trailers.
Finland, 28 september 2005
… the Government of Finland wishes to recall that the acceptance of the amendments shall not affect the reservations made by the Government of Finland to the said Convention.
Also Finland wishes to point out that if the proposal amendments are accepted, the reservation made by the Government of Finland to paragraph 4 a) of the Annex 3 of the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic shall consequently apply to paragraph 2 subparagraph d (i) of the Annex 33.
Griekenland, 20 mei 1994
The Greek Government objects to the accession of the [former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia] to the Convention on Road Traffic (Vienna, 8 November 1968) and consequently does not regard as valid the notification by which the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia indicated the distinguishing sign “MK” it has selected for display on international traffic on vehicles registered by it.
It should also be pointed out that the Government of Greece considers the distinguishing sign selected by the [former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia] incompatible with Security Council resolution S/RES/817 (1993) adopted on 7 April 1993, concerning the admission of that State to the United Nations, to the extent that it is contrary to the name [former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia], which must, in accordance with the above-mentioned resolution, be used for all purposes within the United Nations pending settlement of the difference that has arisen over the name of that State.
Furthermore, the Greek Government would like to remind of the fact that accession of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to Convention on Road Traffic does not imply its recognition on behalf of the Greek Government.
Hongarije, 16 maart 1976
The Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic considers itself bound by article 18, paragraph 3, of the Convention subject to its tenor as defined in the European Agreement supplementary thereto.
1. The wording of article 45, paragraph 1, of the Convention is at variance with the purposes and principles expressed in the Charter of the United Nations. All States, without any restriction, should be given the possibility of participating in the Convention.
2. The provisions of article 46 of the Convention, as such, are anachronistic and are not in conformity with the principles of contemporary international law or the present state of international relations, and they are at variance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960.
Indonesië, 8 november 1968
Indonesia does not consider itself bound by article 52.
In conformity with article 1, moped will be deemed as motor-cycle.
Ivoorkust, 24 juli 1985
Pursuant to article 54, paragraph 1, [of the Convention] the Republic of the Ivory Coast does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 52, under which “Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties which relates to the interpretation or application of this Convention and which the Parties are unable to settle by negotiation or other means of settlement may be referred, at the request of any of the Contracting Parties concerned, to the International Court of Justice for decision.”
Koeweit, 14 maart 1980
It is the understanding of the State of Kuwait that its accession to the said Convention does not imply recognition of Israel, or accepting any obligation towards it emanating from the provisions of the said Convention.
Litouwen, 20 november 1991
The Republic of Lithuania does not consider itself bound by article 52 of the Convention.
Marokko, 29 december 1982
Morocco does not consider itself bound by article 52 of the said Convention.
Morocco will treat mopeds as motor cycles.
Monaco, 6 juni 1978
In accordance with the provisions of article 54 (2) of the Convention, the Government of His Excellency the Prince of Monaco has decided, within the framework of its national regulations, to treat mopeds as motorcycles.
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der, 8 november 2007
Notwithstanding Article 16, paragraph 1, and the amended Article 16, paragraph 1, getting
into the left-hand lane is not mandatory in the Netherlands;
Notwithstanding Article 26, paragraph 1, it is not prohibited for road-users to cut across files of school children accompanied by a person in charge and other processions;
Notwithstanding Article 27, paragraph 3, it is not prohibited in the Netherlands for cyclists and moped riders to carry passengers on their vehicles;
Notwithstanding Articles 35 and 36, agricultural and forestry tractors, vehicles for the disabled, motorcycles of limited speed and the trailers towed by them are not required to display a registration number;
Notwithstanding the amended Article 35, a reservation is made with respect to vehicles that are required to display a registration number.
Noorwegen, 1 april 1985
The Government of Norway shall not be bound by the provisions in Article 3, Article 8 (5), Article 18 (2), Article 18 (3) and Article 33 (1) (c) and (d)” [of the Convention on Road Traffic].
In accordance with their articles 46 (1) and 38 (1), respectively, the Convention on Road Traffic and the Convention on Road Signs and Signals shall for the present not become applicable to the territories of Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Noorwegen, 26 februari 1993
(i) Norway rejects the proposed amendment to the Convention’s article 25, paragraph 2, which states that priority should be given to vehicles entering highways, since Norway favours a continued application of the so-called “zip-fastener”-principle, and that
(ii) Norway accepts the other amendments proposed by Poland.
Oekraïne, 12 juli 1974
The Ukraine does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 52 of the Convention on Road Traffic stating the disputes which relate to the interpretation or application of the Convention may be referred, at the request of any of the Parties, to the International Court of Justice.
The Ukraine declares that the provisions of article 45 of the Convention on Road Traffic, under which a number of States may not become parties to this Convention, are discriminatory in character, and it considers that the Convention on Road Traffic should be open for participation by all interested States without any discrimination or restrictions.
The Ukraine declares that the provisions of article 46 of the Convention on Road Traffic are anachronistic and at variance with the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960).
Qatar, 6 maart 2013
The State of Qatar does not consider itself bound by article 52 of the Convention, concerning referral to the International Court of Justice.
Roemenië, 9 december 1980
The Socialist Republic of Romania does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 52 of the Convention according to which any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties which relates to the interpretation or application of the Convention and which the Parties are unable to settle by negotiation or other means may be referred to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the interested Contracting Parties.
The Socialist Republic of Romania considers that such disputes may be referred to the International Court of Justice for decision only with the consent of all Parties in dispute, for each case individually.
1. The Socialist Republic of Romania considers that the provisions of article 45 of the Convention on Road Traffic and of article 37 of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals are not in keeping with the principle according to which the international treaties whose object and purpose are of interest to the international community as a whole, should be opened to universal participation.
2. The Socialist Republic of Romania considers that maintaining the state of dependence of some territories to which reference is made in article 46 of the Convention of Road Traffic, article 38 of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals, article 3 of the European Agreement supplementing the Convention of Road Traffic and article 3 of the European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals are not in keeping with the United Nations Charter and with the documents adopted by the U.N. concerning the granting of independence to the colonial countries and peoples, including the Declaration on the principles of international law concerning the friendly relations and the co-operation between States according to the United Nations Charter, and which has unanimously been adopted by the United Nations General Assembly resolution No. 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970 and which solemnly proclaims the States' obligation to further the implementation of the principle of equal rights for the peoples and their right to dispose of themselves, in order to put a speedy end to colonialism.
Russische Federatie, 7 juni 1974
The USSR does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 52 of the Convention on Road Traffic stating the disputes which relate to the interpretation or application of the Convention may be referred, at the request of any of the Parties, to the International Court of Justice.
The USSR declares that the provisions of article 45 of the Convention on Road Traffic, under which a number of States may not become parties to this Convention, are discriminatory in character, and it considers that the Convention on Road Traffic should be open for participation by all interested States without any discrimination or restrictions.
The USSR declares that the provisions of article 46 of the Convention on Road Traffic are anachronistic and at variance with the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960).
Spanje, 8 november 1968
In accordance with article 54, … Spain does not consider itself bound by article 52 and enters a reservation with respect to article 46.
Thailand, 8 november 1968
Thailand will not be bound by article 52 of this Convention.
Thailand will consider mopeds as motor-cycles.
Tunesië, 5 januari 2004
In ratifying the accession to the Convention on Road Traffic concluded at Vienna on 8 November 1968, the Republic of Tunisia declares that it does not consider itself bound by article 52 of the Convention and affirms that any dispute which relates to the interpretation or application of this Convention may be submitted to arbitration or to the International Court of Justice only after the prior consent of all the Parties concerned.
Turkije, 22 januari 2013
Turkish Republic does not consider itself bound by the provision [of] article 52 of [the] Convention on Road Traffic.
Uruguay, 8 april 1981
[Uruguay] will treat mopeds as motor cycles for the purposes of the application of the Convention.
Vietnam, 20 augustus 2014
Pursuant to Article 54, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam declares that it does not consider itself bound by Article 52 of the Convention.
Zimbabwe, 23 februari 1982
For the purpose of the application of the Convention, Zimbabwe will treat mopeds as motor cycles.
Zuid-Afrika, 1 november 1977
The Republic of South Africa does not consider itself bound by article 52 of the aforesaid Convention.
Zweden, 25 juli 1985
(1) Instead of article 18, paragraph 3, of the Convention Sweden will apply the dispositions of paragraph 15 to the Annex of the European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic.
(2) With respect to article 33, paragraph 1 (c) and (d), parking lights only may never be used when driving. Dipped head lights, position lights or other lights sufficient to enable the other road-users to notice the vehicle shall be used even when driving in daylight.
With respect to article 52, Sweden opposes that disputes in which it is involved shall be referred to arbitration.
Zweden, 3 maart 1993
The Swedish Government wishes to inform the Secretary-General, in his capacity as depositary of the said Convention, of its rejection of the proposed amendment to article 25, paragraph 2 of the Convention.
Zwitserland, 11 december 1991
Ad article 18, paragraph 3
Switzerland applies article 18, paragraph 3, in accordance with the in number 15 of the annex to the European Agreement of 1 May 1971 supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic.
Switzerland recognizes in international traffic all registration certificates issued by the Contracting Parties according to chapter III of the Convention, when such certificates do not prohibit the admission of the vehicles to the territory of the State that issued the certificates.
Ad annex 1, paragraph 1
According to annex 1, paragraph 1, a Contracting Party may refuse to admit to its territory in international traffic only motor vehicles, trailers and combinations of vehicles whose overall weight or weight per axle or dimensions exceed the limits fixed by its domestic legislation. Switzerland therefore considers any application of this paragraph by Contracting Party to refuse admission in international traffic to motor vehicles, trailers and combinations of vehicles whose overall weight or weight per axle or dimensions do not exceed the limits fixed by its domestic legislation to be inconsistent with the principles of territoriality and non-discrimination implicit in annex 1, paragraph 1; such cases, Switzerland reserves the right to take all appropriate measures to defend its interests.
Zie Trb. 1974, 35, rubriek G en rubriek J van Trb. 1997, 25 en rubriek G van Trb. 2005, 256.
De bepalingen van de wijzigingen van 23 september 2014 zijn ingevolge artikel 49, tweede lid, van het Verdrag op 23 september 2015 door alle verdragsluitende partijen aanvaard en zullen ingevolge hetzelfde artikel voor alle verdragsluitende partijen, waaronder het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, op 23 maart 2016 in werking treden.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, zullen de wijzigingen van 23 september 2014 van het Verdrag, evenals het Verdrag en de Bijlagen, alleen voor Nederland (het Europese deel) gelden.
Land |
Voorlopige toepassing |
In werking |
Terugwerkende kracht |
Buiten werking |
Nederland (in Europa) |
08-11-2008 |
Nederland (Bonaire) |
Nederland (Sint Eustatius) |
Nederland (Saba) |
Aruba |
Curaçao |
Sint Maarten |
Voor verwijzingen en overige verdragsgegevens, zie Trb. 1974, 35, Trb. 1974, 174, Trb. 1997, 25, Trb. 2005, 256 en Trb. 2008, 76.
Titel |
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Handvest van de Verenigde Naties; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Statuut van het Internationaal Gerechtshof; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Overeenkomst betreffende het aannemen van eenvormige technische eisen voor wielvoertuigen, uitrustingsstukken en onderdelen die kunnen worden aangebracht en/of gebruikt op wielvoertuigen en de voorwaarden voor wederzijdse erkenning van goedkeuringen verleend op basis van deze eisen; Genève, 20 maart 1958 |
Tekst |
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Trb. 1959, 83 (Engels, Frans en vertaling) Trb. 1996, 151 (herzien, Engels, Frans en vertaling) |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Europese Overeenkomst tot aanvulling van het Verdrag inzake verkeerstekens dat op 8 november 1968 te Wenen voor ondertekening werd opengesteld; Genève, 1 mei 1971 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Overeenkomst betreffende de vaststelling van mondiale technische reglementen voor wielvoertuigen, uitrustingsstukken en onderdelen die kunnen worden aangebracht en/of gebruikt op wielvoertuigen; Genève, 25 juni 1998 |
Tekst |
: |
Trb. 2001, 78 (Engels, Frans en vertaling) |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijzigingen van 23 september 2014 van het Verdrag zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese deel) op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.
Uitgegeven de achttiende maart 2016.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, A.G. KOENDERS
The UN Regulations annexed to the “Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions” done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.
The UN Global Technical Regulations developed in the framework of the “Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles” done at Geneva on 25 June 1998.
Les Règlements de l’ONU annexés à l’Accord concernant l’adoption de prescriptions techniques uniformes applicables aux véhicules à roues, aux équipements et aux pièces susceptibles d’être montés et/ou utilisés sur un véhicule à roues et les conditions de reconnaissance réciproque des homologations délivrées conformément à ces prescriptions, fait à Genève, le 20 mars 1958.
Les Règlements techniques mondiaux de l’ONU élaborés dans le cadre de l’Accord concernant l’établissement de règlements techniques mondiaux applicables aux véhicules à roues, ainsi qu’aux équipements et pièces qui peuvent être montés et/ou utilisés sur les véhicules à roues, fait à Genève, le 25 juin 1998.
De Reglementen van de VN gehecht aan de „Overeenkomst betreffende het aannemen van eenvormige technische eisen voor wielvoertuigen, uitrustingsstukken en onderdelen die kunnen worden aangebracht en/of gebruikt op wielvoertuigen en de voorwaarden voor wederzijdse erkenning van goedkeuringen verleend op basis van deze eisen”, gedaan te Genève op 20 maart 1958.
De Mondiale Technische Reglementen van de VN opgesteld in het kader van de „Overeenkomst betreffende de vaststelling van mondiale technische reglementen voor wielvoertuigen, uitrustingsstukken en onderdelen die kunnen worden aangebracht en/of gebruikt op wielvoertuigen”, gedaan te Genève op 25 juni 1998.
Voor verklaringen betreffende onderscheidingstekens ingevolge artikel 45 lid 4 van het Verdrag, zie United Nations Treaty Collection XI.B.19, “Distinguishing Sign of Vehicles in International Traffic [article 45 (4)] (Distinctive letters notified to the Secretary-General)”.
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