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Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2008, 223 | Verdrag |
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Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2008, 223 | Verdrag |
Statuut en Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie;
(met Facultatief Protocol)
Genève, 22 december 1992
De Franse en de Engelse tekst van Statuut, Verdrag en Facultatief Protocol zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1993, 138.
Voor een correctie in de tekst van het Facultatief Protocol, zie Trb. 1996, 165.
Voor de Engelse tekst van de op 18 oktober 2002 te Marrakesh tot stand gekomen Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag zie Trb. 2006, 229.
Op 24 november 2006 zijn te Antalya Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag tot stand gekomen. De Engelse tekst*) van de Akten luidt als volgt:
(Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006))
Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union1) (Geneva, 1992)
By virtue of and in implementation of the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), in particular those in Article 55 thereof, the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) has adopted the following amendments to the said Constitution:
ADD* 73 bis The Secretary-General shall act as the legal representative of the Union.
SUP* 76
MOD 90 PP-98 2 World radiocommunication conferences shall normally be convened every three to four years; however, following the application of the relevant provisions of the Convention, such a conference need not be convened or an additional one may be convened.
MOD 91 PP-98 3 Radiocommunication assemblies shall also normally be convened every three to four years, and may be associated in place and time with world radiocommunication conferences so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Radiocommunication Sector. Radiocommunication assemblies shall provide the necessary technical bases for the work of the world radiocommunication conferences and respond to all requests from world radiocommunication conferences. The duties of the radiocommunication assemblies are specified in the Convention.
MOD 161C PP-98 2) The Secretary-General shall inform the Member States and Sector Members of the provisional amount of the contributory unit as determined under No. 161B above and invite the Member States to notify, no later than four weeks prior to the date set for the opening of the plenipotentiary conference, the class of contribution they have provisionally chosen.
MOD 161E PP-98 PP-02 4) Bearing in mind the draft financial plan as revised, the plenipotentiary conference shall, as soon as possible, determine the definitive upper limit of the amount of the contributory unit and set the date, which shall be at the latest on Monday of the final week of the plenipotentiary conference, by which Member States, upon invitation by the Secretary-General, shall announce their definitive choice of class of contribution.
The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument, enter into force on 1 January 2008 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the original of the present instrument amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002).
DONE at Antalya, 24 November 2006
(Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006))
Convention of the International Telecommunication Union1) (Geneva, 1992)
By virtue of and in implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), in particular those in Article 42 thereof, the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) has adopted the following amendments to the said Convention:
Elected officials
MOD 13 1 The Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux shall take up their duties on the dates determined by the Plenipotentiary Conference at the time of their election. They shall normally remain in office until dates determined by the following plenipotentiary conference, and they shall be eligible for re-election once only for the same post. Re-election shall mean that it is possible for only a second term, regardless of whether it is consecutive or not.
Members of the Radio Regulations Board
MOD 20 1 The members of the Radio Regulations Board shall take up their duties on the dates determined by the Plenipotentiary Conference at the time of their election. They shall remain in office until dates determined by the following plenipotentiary conference, and shall be eligible for re-election once only. Re-election shall mean that it is possible for only a second term, regardless of whether it is consecutive or not.
SUP 58
MOD 60B PP-02 9 ter) Sector Members may attend, as observers, meetings of the Council, its committees and its working groups, subject to the conditions established by the Council, including conditions relating to the number of such observers and the procedures for appointing them.
MOD 73 PP-98 PP-02 7) review and approve the biennial budget of the Union, and consider the budget forecast (included in the financial operating report prepared by the Secretary-General under No. 101 of this Convention) for the two-year period following a given budget period, taking account of the decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference in relation to No. 50 of the Constitution and of the financial limits set by the Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with No. 51 of the Constitution; it shall ensure the strictest possible economy but be mindful of the obligation upon the Union to achieve satisfactory results as expeditiously as possible. In so doing, the Council shall take into account the priorities established by the Plenipotentiary Conference as expressed in the strategic plan for the Union, the views of the Coordination Committee as contained in the report by the Secretary-General mentioned in No. 86 of this Convention and the financial operating report mentioned in No. 101 of this Convention. The Council shall carry out an annual review of income and expenditure with a view to effecting adjustments, where appropriate, in accordance with resolutions and decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference;
MOD 80 PP-94 14) be responsible for effecting the coordination with all international organizations referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of the Constitution and, to this end, conclude, on behalf of the Union, provisional agreements with the international organizations referred to in Article 50 of the Constitution and in Nos. 269B and 269C of this Convention, and with the United Nations in application of the Agreement between the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union; these provisional agreements shall be submitted to the Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with the relevant provision of Article 8 of the Constitution;
MOD 96 m) prepare recommendations for the first meeting of the heads of delegation referred to in No. 49 of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union, taking into account the results of any regional consultation;
MOD 100 PP-98 q) after consultation with the Coordination Committee and making all possible economies, prepare and submit to the Council a biennial draft budget covering the expenditures of the Union, taking account of the financial limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference. This draft shall consist of a consolidated budget, including cost-based and results-based budget information for the Union, prepared in accordance with the budget guidelines issued by the Secretary-General, and comprising two versions. One version shall be for zero growth of the contributory unit, the other for a growth less than or equal to any limit fixed by the Plenipotentiary Conference, after any drawing on the Reserve Account. The budget resolution, after approval by the Council, shall be sent for information to all Member States;
MOD 105 2 The Secretary-General or the Deputy Secretary-General may participate, in an advisory capacity, in conferences of the Union; the Secretary-General or his representative may participate in an advisory capacity in all other meetings of the Union.
MOD 111 PP-02 4 A report shall be made of the proceedings of the Coordination Committee and shall be made available to the Member States.
MOD 178 PP-98 b) exchange with Member States and Sector Members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and keep up to date any documents and databases of the Radiocommunication Sector, and arrange with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, for their publication in the languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;
MOD 203 PP-98 d) exchange with Member States and Sector Members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and, as necessary, keep up to date any documents and databases of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, and arrange with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, for their publication in the languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;
MOD 209 a) world telecommunication development conferences shall establish work programmes and guidelines for defining telecommunication development questions and priorities and shall provide direction and guidance for the work programme of the Telecommunication Development Sector. They shall decide, in the light of the above-mentioned programmes of work, on the need to maintain, terminate or establish study groups and allocate to each of them the questions to be studied;
MOD 215C 1 The telecommunication development advisory group shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen and vice-chairmen of study groups and other groups, and will act through the Director.
MOD 220 c) exchange with members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and, as necessary, keep up to date any documents and databases of the Telecommunication Development Sector, and arrange with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, for their publication in the languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;
(MOD) 235 5 Any request from any entity or organization listed in No. 231 above (other than those referred to in Nos. 269B and 269C of this Convention) to participate in the work of a Sector shall be sent to the Secretary-General and acted upon in accordance with procedures established by the Council.
(MOD) 236 6 Any request from an organization referred to in Nos. 269B to 269D of this Convention to participate in the work of a Sector shall be sent to the Secretary-General, and the organization concerned shall be included in the lists referred to in No. 237 below.
(MOD) 237 PP-98 7 The Secretary-General shall compile and maintain lists of all entities and organizations referred to in Nos. 229 to 231 and Nos. 269B to 269D of this Convention that are authorized to participate in the work of each Sector and shall, at appropriate intervals, publish and distribute these lists to all Member States and Sector Members concerned and to the Director of the Bureau concerned. That Director shall advise such entities and organizations of the action taken on their requests, and shall inform the relevant Member States.
MOD 240 PP-98 10 Any Sector Member has the right to denounce such participation by notifying the Secretary-General. Such participation may also be denounced, where appropriate, by the Member State concerned or, in case of the Sector Member approved pursuant to No. 234C above, in accordance with criteria and procedures determined by the Council. Such denunciation shall take effect at the end of six months from the date when notification is received by the Secretary-General.
(MOD)251 2 Such recommendations shall be sent to the Secretary-General in good time for assembly, coordination and communication, as laid down in No. 44 of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union.
MOD 269 PP-94 PP-02 d) observers of the following organizations, agencies and entities, to participate in an advisory capacity:
MOD 269E PP-02 e) observers from the Sector Members referred to in Nos. 229 and 231 of this Convention.
MOD 278 PP-02 b) observers of organizations and agencies referred to in Nos. 269A to 269D of this Convention, to participate in an advisory capacity;
MOD 279 PP-02 c) observers of other international organizations invited in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter I of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union, to participate in an advisory capacity;
MOD 280 PP-98 d) observers from Sector Members of the Radiocommunication Sector;
ADD 296 bis b) representatives of Sector Members concerned;
MOD 297 PP-02 c) observers, to participate in an advisory capacity, from:
ADD 297 bis i) the organizations and agencies referred to in Nos. 269A to 269D of this Convention;
SUP 298A
SUP 298B
(MOD) 298C PP-02 ii) any other regional organization or other international organization dealing with matters of interest to the assembly or conference
SUP 298D
SUP 298E
SUP* 298F
MOD 468 PP-98 1 1) The scale from which each Member State, subject to the provisions of No. 468A below, and Sector Member, subject to the provisions of No. 468B below, shall choose its class of contribution, in conformity with the relevant provisions of Article 28 of the Constitution, shall be as follows:
40 unit class |
8 unit class |
35 unit class |
6 unit class |
30 unit class |
5 unit class |
28 unit class |
4 unit class |
25 unit class |
3 unit class |
23 unit class |
2 unit class |
20 unit class |
1 ½ unit class |
18 unit class |
1 unit class |
15 unit class |
½ unit class |
13 unit class |
¼ unit class |
11 unit class |
1/8 unit class |
10 unit class |
1/16 unit class |
MOD 476 PP-94 PP-98 PP-02 4 1) The organizations referred to in Nos. 269A to 269E of this Convention and other organizations alsospecified in Chapter II thereof (unless they have been exempted by the Council, subject to reciprocity) and Sector Members referred to in No. 230 of this Convention which participate, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, in a plenipotentiary conference, in a conference, assembly or meeting of a Sector of the Union, or in a world conference on international telecommunications, shall share in defraying the expenses of the conferences, assemblies and meetings in which they participate on the basis of the cost of these conferences and meetings and in accordance with the Financial Regulations. Nevertheless, Sector Members will not be charged separately for their attendance at a conference, assembly or meeting of their respective Sectors, except in the case of regional radiocommunication conferences.
(MOD) 480A PP-98 5 bis) When a Sector Member contributes to defraying the expenses of the Union under No. 159A of the Constitution, the Sector for which the contribution is made should be identified.
ADD 480B 5ter) Under exceptional circumstances, the Council may authorize a reduction in the number of contributory units when so requested by a Sector Member which has established that it can no longer maintain its contribution at the class originally chosen.
Definition of Certain Terms Used in this Convention and the Administrative Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union
MOD 1002 PP-94 PP-98 Observer: A person sent by a Member State, organization, agency or entity to attend a conference, assembly or meeting of the Union or the Council, without the right to vote and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the basic texts of the Union.
The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument, enter into force on 1 January 2008 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the original of the present instrument amending the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002).
DONE at Antalya, 24 November 2006
(Antalya, 2006)1)
The undersigned plenipotentiaries confirm, through their signing of the present document, which forms part of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), that they have taken note of the following declarations and reservations made at the end of that conference.
Original: Spanish
For the Eastern Republic of Uruguay:
The delegation of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay declares that it reserves for its Government the right:
– to take any measures it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests should other members fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; Marrakesh, 2002; and Antalya, 2006), and the annexes and protocols to those instruments, or should reservations made by other members jeopardize its full sovereign rights or the proper functioning of its telecommunication services;
– to make additional reservations to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), by virtue of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, at any time it may think fit between the date of signature and the date of ratification of the international instruments constituting such Final Acts.
Original: English
For the Republic of the Philippines:
The delegation of the Republic of the Philippines reserves for the State and its Government the right to take any action it deems necessary, sufficient and consistent with its national law to safeguard its interests, should reservations made by representatives of other Member States jeopardize its telecommunication services or prejudice its rights as a sovereign country.
The Philippine delegation further reserves for the State and its Government the right to make any declaration, reservation or any other appropriate action, as may be necessary, prior to the deposit of the instrument of ratification of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union.
Original: French
For the Republic of Burundi:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Burundi reserves for its Government the right to take any measures it considers necessary to safeguard its interests should any ITU Member States fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the annexes thereto, as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), or should reservations by other Member States jeopardize the proper functioning of its telecommunication/ICT services and networks.
Original: French
For the Republic of the Niger:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of the Niger reserves for its Government the right to question any act or resolution that may be contrary to its interests.
Niger's reservation concerns in particular any instrument that runs counter to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic, to national sovereignty or to its fundamental interests or telecommunication services.
Niger also reserves the right to make reservations to the Final Acts of this conference until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: English
For the Republic of Suriname:
The delegation of the Republic of Suriname to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), in signing the Final Acts of this conference, declares, on behalf of its Government, that it reserves the right:
1. to take any action it considers necessary to safeguard its interests, should other Members fail to observe the provisions of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), or the annexes and protocols attached thereto, or should reservations by other countries, or any failure to comply with the Constitution and Convention, jeopardize the proper operation of its telecommunication services;
2. to enter reservations regarding any provisions of the Constitution or Convention which may be opposed to its basic law.
Original: English
For Thailand:
The delegation of Thailand reserves the right of its Government to take action that it deems necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member States fail, in any way, to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or the annexes and protocols attached thereto, or should any reservation made by any Member State jeopardize its telecommunication services or lead to an increase in its share towards defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: English
For the Republic of San Marino:
In signing the Final Acts of the Constitution and the Convention of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of San Marino reserves for its Government the right to take all measures which it deems necessary so as to protect its interests in the event that any Member of the Union fails to adhere to the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention or its Annexes, Additional Protocols and Administrative Regulations.
The same rights are also reserved to the Government of the Republic of San Marino towards reservations made by other Members which might interfere with, limit or jeopardize the correct functioning of the telecommunication services of the Republic of San Marino.
Original: French
For the Vatican City State:
The Vatican City State reserves the right to take all measures it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any member fail, in any way, to abide by the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union or should reservations expressed by other countries jeopardize its interests.
Original: Spanish
For the Republic of Honduras:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of Honduras reserves for its Government the right:
a) to take whatever actions it may consider necessary to protect and safeguard its national interests in accordance with its domestic law and with international law, should any Member State in any way fail or neglect to apply the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union or the respective resolutions, decisions, recommendations, annexes or protocols contained in the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006);
b) to reject the establishment and application of any additional financial burden arising from any increase in the contributory unit other than as approved by this conference;
c) to make additional reservations to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) between the date on which they are signed and the date on which they are ratified.
Original: English
For Malaysia:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) the delegation of Malaysia reserves for its Government the right to take such actions as it may deem necessary to safeguard its interest should certain members not share in defraying the expenses of the Union, or should any member fail in any other way to comply with the requirements of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994, Minneapolis, 1998 and Marrakesh, 2002) or the annexes attached thereto, or should the consequences of reservations by other countries jeopardize its telecommunications services.
The delegation of Malaysia further reserves the right of its Government to make such additional reservations as may be necessary to the Final Acts adopted by the present conference up to the time of deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: English
For Vietnam:
On behalf of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Vietnamese Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference 2006 (PP-06) declares:
1. It maintains the reservations made by Vietnam at the Nairobi Plenipotentiary Conference (1982) and reaffirmed at the Nice (1989), Geneva (1992), Kyoto (1994), Minneapolis (1998) and Marrakesh (2002) Plenipotentiary Conferences.
2. It reserves for Vietnam the right to take any action, if necessary, to safeguard its interests should any other State Members in any way fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution, Convention or Administrative Regulations and Appendices thereto of the International Telecommunication Union, or should reservations by other State Members jeopardize the sovereignty, interests and telecommunication services of the S.R. of Vietnam.
3. It reserves the right of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to express additional reservations at the time of ratification of the amendments to the Constitution and the Convention made at the seventeenth ITU Plenipotentiary Conference held in Antalya, Turkey.
Original: English
For Myanmar:
The Delegation of the Union of Myanmar, on signing the Final Acts of the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) declares for its Government the right:
1. to take any action it considers necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member fail in any way to comply with the Final Acts of the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006);
2. to reject the consequences of any reservations made to the Final Acts of the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) by other Governments which might give rise to an increase in its contributory share in defraying the expenses of the Union or which might jeopardize its telecommunication services;
3. to make whatever reservations it shall deem appropriate in respect of any text in the Constitution and the Convention, their Annexes attached thereto, of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994), (Minneapolis, 1998), (Marrakesh, 2002) and (Antalya, 2006) which may directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty and interests.
Original: French
For the Republic of Guinea:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Guinea reserves for its Government the sovereign right to take any measure or action necessary in order to safeguard its national rights and interests should any member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the aforesaid Acts, or directly or indirectly jeopardize the interests of its telecommunication services or put the security of its national sovereignty at risk.
Original: English
For the Republic of Zimbabwe:
In signing the Final Acts of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the Zimbabwe delegation reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any other country should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts or if the reservations made by any other country should be prejudicial or detrimental to Zimbabwe's interests. In addition, Zimbabwe reserves the right to make appropriate specific reservations and statements prior to ratification of the Final Acts.
Original: English
For the Federal Republic of Nigeria:
The delegation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (Antalya, 2006) in signing the Final Acts of this conference, reserves for its Government the right to make declarations and/or reservations until and up to the time of the deposit of her instrument of ratification of the amendments to the Constitution and the Convention of (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto 1994, Minneapolis 1998, Marrakesh 2002 and Antalya 2006) and the annexes and protocols thereto.
The Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria further reserves the right to take any action she considers necessary to safeguard her interest should other Member States fail to observe the provisions of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the ITU Constitution and Convention aforementioned, or, should their continued reservations and failures jeopardize or hinder the operation of the Nigerian telecommunication services.
Original: French
For the Gabonese Republic:
The delegation of the Gabonese Republic reserves for its Government the right:
1. to take any measures necessary to protect its interests should any Member States fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), or the amending instruments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) or the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), or should reservations by other Member States be likely to jeopardize the operation of its telecommunication or information and communication technology services;
2. to accept or not to accept any financial consequences that may result from such reservations;
3. to make any further reservations it may consider necessary up to the time of depositing its instruments of ratification.
Original: English
For the Republic of Indonesia:
The undersigned Plenipotentiaries confirm, through our signing of the present document, which forms part of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), that the delegation of the Republic of Indonesia have taken note of the following declarations and reservations made at the end of that Conference.
On behalf of the Republic of Indonesia, the delegation of the Republic of Indonesia to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006):
– reserves the right for its Government to take any action and preservation measures it deems necessary to safeguard its national interests should any provision of the Constitution, the Convention and the Resolutions, as well as any decision of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the ITU (Antalya, 2006), directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty or be in contravention to the Constitution, Laws and Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the existing rights acquired by the Republic of Indonesia as a party to other treaties and conventions and any principles of international law;
– further reserves the right for its Government to take any action and preservation measures it deems necessary to safeguard its national interests should any Member in any way fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) or should the consequences of reservations by any Member jeopardize its telecommunication services or result in an unacceptable increase of its contributory share towards defraying expenses of the Union.
Original: Spanish
For the Argentine Republic:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the Argentine delegation states that, having taken note of the declarations and reservations made by Member States, it reserves for its Government:
1. the right to take any measures, in accordance with its domestic legislation and with international law, that it may consider necessary to safeguard its national interests should other Member States fail to comply with the provisions contained in the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or should reservations made by other Member States affect the telecommunication services of the Argentine Republic or its sovereign rights;
2. the right to make reservations to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) between the date of signature of these Final Acts and the date of presentation of the instruments approving these Final Acts, pursuant to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969.
Original: Arabic
For the Kingdom of Bahrain:
The delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declares that the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain reserves its right to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its interests should other Member States fail to comply with the provisions adopted by this conference to amend the Constitution and the Convention (Geneva, 1992) and the amendments thereto (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002) and the annexes thereto, or should they fail to defray the expenses of the Union, or should their reservations, now or in the future, or their failure to comply with the Constitution and the Convention, jeopardize the proper operation of the telecommunication services of the Kingdom of Bahrain, or lead to an increase in its share in defraying the expenses of the Union.
The delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain further reserves for its Government the right to make any additional reservations to the Final Acts adopted by this conference until such time as it has deposited its instrument of ratification of these Final Acts.
Original: Spanish
For the Republic of El Salvador:
The delegation of the Republic of El Salvador declares that it reserves for its Government the right:
– not to accept any financial measure which may entail unjustified increases in its contribution towards defraying the expenses of the International Telecommunication Union;
– to take any measures it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests should other members fail to comply with provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; Marrakesh, 2002; and Antalya, 2006), and the annexes and protocols to those instruments, or should reservations made by other Member States jeopardize its full sovereign rights or the proper functioning of its telecommunication services;
– to make, pursuant to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, additional reservations to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) at any time it may think fit between the date of signature and the date of ratification of the international instruments constituting such Final Acts.
Original: English/Arabic
For the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan:
The delegation of the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the right:
1. to take such actions as it may consider necessary or to take any measures required to safeguard its rights and interests should other Member States fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the present Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), (Minneapolis, 1998), (Marrakesh, 2002), and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or the annexes or the protocols and the resolutions attached thereto;
2. to protect its interests should certain Member States not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should the reservations by other Member States jeopardize the telecommunication services of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;
3. not to be bound by any provisions of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), which might directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty and be in contravention with the Constitution, Laws and Regulations of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; and
4. to make any other reservation or statement until such time as the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) are ratified by this Government.
Original: English
For the Republic of Maldives:
The delegation of the Republic of Maldives reserves for its Government the right to take any action which it considers necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), and the annexes and protocols attached thereto, or should reservation by any Member of the Union jeopardize its telecommunication services, affect its sovereignty or lead to an increase in its contributory share towards defraying the expenses of the Union.
The delegation of the Republic of Maldives further reserves the right of its Government to make such additional reservations as may be necessary to the Final Acts adopted by the present conference up to the time of deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: English/French
For the Republic of Poland:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) the delegation of the Republic of Poland declares on behalf of its Government:
1. that its accepts no consequence of the reservations made by other governments which might entail an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenditure of the Union;
2. that its reserves for its Government the right to take any steps it may consider necessary to safeguard its interest should any Members not contribute their share to defraying the expenditure of the Union or fail in any way whatever to comply with the provision of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union as amended by the Final Acts of this Conference, or if any reservations expressed by other countries would jeopardize the proper operation of its telecommunication services;
3. that it also reserves for its Government the right to express specific reservations additional to the aforesaid Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: French
For the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire:
In signing the Final Acts of this conference, the delegation of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire declares that it reserves for its Government the right:
1 to take any measures necessary to protect its interests should any Member States fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, as amended, or should reservations by other Member States be likely to jeopardize the operation of its telecommunication services;
2 to accept or not to accept any financial consequences that may result from such reservations;
3 to make any further reservations it may consider necessary up to the time of depositing its instruments of ratification.
Original: Spanish
For the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:
The delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests, should any other present or future members fail to comply with the provisions of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002), or the annexes or protocols thereto, or should reservations by other members jeopardize the efficient operation of its telecommunication services.
Furthermore, it expresses its reservations with respect to any articles of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002), relating to arbitration as a means of settling disputes, in conformity with the international policy of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in that regard.
Original: French
For the Togolese Republic:
In signing the Final Acts of the 2006 Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-06), held from 6 to 24 November 2006 in Antalya (Turkey), the Togolese delegation makes the following declaration:
The signature of the Final Acts of PP-06 is done subject to a reservation in regard to any provisions of those Acts which may be prejudicial to the sovereignty of the Togolese Republic, to its laws or to the provisions of international conventions of which it is a signatory.
Similarly, the Togolese Republic reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the said Acts in regard to any party violating those provisions or failing to apply them in its relations with Togo.
Original: English
For the Federative Republic of Brazil:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the Brazilian delegation reserves for its Administration the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any Member State of the Union should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts, or if the reservation made by any Member State should be prejudicial to the operation of telecommunications services in Brazil.
Furthermore, Brazil reserves the right to make additional specific declarations or reservations at the time of deposit of its notification to the International Telecommunication Union of its consent to be bound by the revisions to the Constitution and Convention and by the decisions adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
Original: English
For Nepal:
The delegation of Nepal, on signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declares for its Government the right:
1. to take any action it considers necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member fail in any way to comply with the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006);
2. to reject the consequences of any reservations made to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) by other Governments which might give rise to an increase in its contributory share in defraying the expenses of the Union or which might jeopardize its telecommunication services;
3. to make whatever reservations it shall deem appropriate in respect of any text in the Constitution and the Convention, their annexes attached thereto, of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994), (Minneapolis, 1998), (Marrakesh, 2002) and (Antalya, 2006) which may directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty and interests.
The delegation of Nepal further reserves the right of its Government to make such additional reservations as may be necessary to the Final Acts adopted by the present conference up to the time of deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: French/Arabic
For Tunisia:
In signing the Final Acts of the seventeenth Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the Tunisian delegation makes the following declarations and reservations:
A The delegation of Tunisia reserves for its Government the right:
1. to take any measure it considers necessary to protect its interests should any member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and/or the Convention of the Union (Antalya, 2006);
2. to take any measures necessary to protect its interests, should reservations made or actions taken by other governments jeopardize the proper functioning of its telecommunication services or lead to an increase in the share it is to contribute towards defraying the expenses of the International Telecommunication Union;
3. to reject any provision of the said Constitution and Convention or of the annexes and protocols thereto which might directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty or be contrary to the Constitution or laws of the Republic of Tunisia;
4. to make any other declaration or reservation to the Final Acts adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) up to the date on which the respective instruments of ratification are deposited.
B In view of the absence from the Constitution and Convention of provisions which define relations between a Member State and Sector Members not under its authority, in the event of a dispute between Tunisia and such Sector Members, Tunisia reserves the right, for the settlement of that dispute, to request the application of Article 56 of the Constitution vis-à-vis any Member State to which the Sector Members concerned pertain.
C The signature of this document by the delegation of Tunisia shall not in any way represent implicit recognition of an ITU member not previously recognized by Tunisia, or of all or parts of international agreements to which Tunisia has not expressly acceded.
Original: French
For France:
1. The French delegation reserves for its Government the right to take any measures that it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests in the event that certain Member States do not assume their share in defraying the expenses of the Union or fail in any manner to comply with the provisions of the amendments to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002), adopted by the present Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or should reservations made by other countries jeopardize the proper functioning of France’s telecommunication services or entail an increase in its contributory share towards defraying the expenses of the Union.
2. The French delegation formally declares that, with respect to France, the provisional or definitive application of the amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Union as defined in Article 54 of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Kyoto instruments (1994) and by the Minneapolis instruments (1998), shall be understood as being to the extent authorized under national law.
Original: English
For the Republic of Singapore:
The delegation of the Republic of Singapore reserves for its Government the right to take any action which it considers necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Final Acts of the Antalya Plenipotentiary Conference, 2006, and the Annexes and Protocols attached thereto, or should reservation by any Member of the Union jeopardize the Republic of Singapore's telecommunication services, affect its sovereignty or lead to an increase in its contributory share towards defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: Arabic
For the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
The delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declares that its Government reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its interests should other Member States fail to comply with the provisions adopted by this conference to amend the Constitution and Convention (Geneva, 1992) and their amendments (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998: and Marrakesh, 2002) and their annexes, or should they fail to defray the expenses of the Union, or should their reservations, now or in the future, or their failure to comply with the Constitution and the Convention, jeopardize the proper operation of the telecommunication services of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or lead to an increase in its share in defraying the expenses of the Union.
The delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia further reserves for its Government the right to make any additional reservations it considers necessary to the Final Acts adopted by this conference until such time as it has deposited its instrument of ratification of the Final Acts.
Original: English
For Iceland, the Principality of Lichtenstein and Norway:
The delegations of the above-mentioned Member States of the European Economic Area declare that the above-mentioned Member States of the of the European Economic Area will apply the instruments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) in accordance with their obligations under the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area.
Original: Spanish
For Mexico:
The Mexican delegation, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union adopted in Antalya, Turkey, 2006, reserves the right:
1. To adopt and take whatever measures it considers necessary to safeguard its sovereign decisions should any other Member State in any way fail to comply with or fail to apply the provisions contained in the basic texts of the Union, the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union.
2. To express, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, further reservations to these Acts at any time it may deem appropriate between the date of signing of these Acts and the date of their ratification, in accordance with the procedures established in its domestic legislation.
3. Not to consider itself bound by any provision of these Acts which restrict or are liable to restrict its right to express such reservations as it deems relevant.
4. To adopt and take any action it considers necessary to safeguard its interests regarding the use of frequency bands for radiocommunication services and the associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit for the provision of its telecommunication services, should the procedures involved result in delay to or obstruction of their full use in a way that causes it harm, whether per se or by act of other Member States.
5. To reject the establishment and application of any additional burden, including financial, over and above the contributory unit adopted by this conference and which may cause harm to the national interest.
6. Further, the Government of Mexico maintains and reaffirms, as if they were repeated here in full, the reservations it made at the time of signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Geneva, 1992), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002); the reservations it made upon the adoption and revision of the Administrative Regulations referred to in Article 4 of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union; and all reservations made by it in respect of other treaties directly relating to telecommunications.
Original: English/Arabic
For the Republic of Iraq:
The delegation of the Republic of Iraq, on signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) reserves for its Government the right:
1. to take whatever measures it considers necessary to protect and safeguard its sovereign rights should other Member States fail to comply with or to apply the provisions contained in the Union's basic instruments, resolutions, recommendations and annexes making up the Final Acts of this conference;
2. to make, under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, any reservations to the above-mentioned Final Acts at any time it sees fit between the date of their signature and the date of their ratification;
3. to enter reservations regarding any provisions of the Constitution and Convention which may be opposed to the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq and its basic law;
4. to protect its interests should certain Member States not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should the reservations by other Member States jeopardize the telecommunication services of the Republic of Iraq;
5. not to accept any consequences of reservations likely to lead to an increase in its contributory share in defraying Union expenditure.
Original: French
For Belgium:
Signature by members of the delegation shall be equally binding on the French community, the Flemish community and the German-speaking community.
Original: English
For the Federated States of Micronesia:
The Federated States of Micronesia reserves their right to take such action as they may consider necessary to safeguard their interests with respect to application of the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (1999 Edition), and any amendments thereto. The Federated States of Micronesia reserves the right to take whatever measures it deems necessary to safeguard its interests in response to such actions.
Original: English
For Portugal:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of Portugal declares on behalf of its Government:
a) that it accepts no consequences of the reservations made by other governments which might entail an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenditure of the Union;
b) that it reserves for its Government the right to take any steps it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Members not contribute their share to defraying the expenditure of the Union or fail in any way whatever to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union as amended by the Final Acts of this conference, or if any reservations expressed by other countries were to jeopardize to proper operation of its telecommunication services;
c) that it also reserves for its Government the right to express additional specific reservations to these Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: French
For the Republic of Mali:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Mali reserves for its Government the sovereign right to take whatever measures or actions may be necessary to safeguard its rights and national interests should any Member State or Sector Member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the said Acts, or directly or indirectly jeopardize the interests of its telecommunication/ICT services or put the security of its national sovereignty at risk.
Original: French
For Germany:
1. The delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany reserves for its Government the right to take such action as it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests, should any Member State fail to defray its share of the expenses of the Union, or fail in any other way to comply with the provisions of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002), or should reservations by other Member States be likely to increase the share it is to contribute towards defraying the expenses of the Union or jeopardize the proper operation of its telecommunication services.
2. With regard to Article 4 of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany declares that it maintains the reservations made on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany at the time of signing the Administrative Regulations mentioned in that Article 4.
Original: English
For the State of Israel:
1. The Government of the State of Israel hereby declares its right:
a) to take any action it deems necessary to protect its interests and to safeguard the operation of its telecommunication services, should they be affected by the decisions or resolutions of this conference or by the declarations or reservations made by other Member States;
b) to take any action to safeguard its interests should any Member State fail to comply with the requirements of the ITU Constitution and Convention (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) or the annexes and protocols attached thereto; or should declarations or reservations made by other Member States appear to be detrimental to the operation of its telecommunication services.
2. The Government of the State of Israel refers to ITU Resolution 99 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) and states its position that the interpretation and application of this resolution by all concerned must be in accordance with and subject to any existing or future bilateral agreements or arrangements between Israel and the Palestinian side. Furthermore, Israel shall interpret and apply this resolution in accordance with and subject to applicable Israeli law.
3. The Government of the State of Israel reserves the right to amend the foregoing reservations and declarations and to make any further reservations and declarations it may consider necessary up to the time of depositing its instrument of ratification of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
Original: Spanish
For Nicaragua:
The Nicaraguan delegation, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the right:
a) to take whatever measures it considers necessary to protect and safeguard its national interests in accordance with its domestic law and with international law should any Member State fail in any way to comply with or cease to apply the provisions contained in the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union or in the resolutions, decisions, recommendations, annexes and protocols making up the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006);
b) to reject the establishment and application of any additional financial burden for Nicaragua arising from an increase in the contributory unit other than as approved by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006);
c) to make additional reservations to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), between the date of signature and the date of ratification thereof by the Government of Nicaragua.
Original: English
For the Republic of India:
1. In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of India does not accept any financial implications for its Government resulting from any reservations that might be made by any Member on matters pertaining to the finances of the Union.
2. The delegation of the Republic of India further reserves the right of its Government to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard and protect its interests in the event of any Member failing in any way to comply with one or more provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and amendments made thereto by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or the Administrative Regulations.
Original: English
For Malawi:
The delegation of the Republic of Malawi hereby declares on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Malawi that it:
1. reserves the right to take such action as it may consider necessary to protect its interests should any other country not observe the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and any amendments made thereto by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and/or any other instruments associated therewith;
2. will not accept any consequences resulting from any reservation made by any country, and reserves the right to take any action it deems fit.
Original: English
For the Czech Republic:
The delegation of the Czech Republic reserves for its Government the right to take any action as it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should any Member State fail to comply with the provisions of the 2006 Antalya instruments further amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as already amended by the 1994 Kyoto, 1998 Minneapolis and 2002 Marrakesh instruments, or should reservations by other Member States be likely to increase the share of the Czech Republic in defraying the expenses of the Union or jeopardize its telecommunication services.
Original: English
For the Republic of Botswana:
The delegation of the Republic of Botswana hereby declares on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Botswana that it:
1. reserves the right to take such action as it may consider necessary to protect its interests should any other country not observe the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and any amendments made thereto by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and/or any other instruments associated therewith;
2. will not accept any consequences resulting from any reservation made by any country, and reserves the right to take any action it deems fit.
Original: English
For the Republic of South Africa:
The delegation of the Republic of South Africa (RSA), in signing the Final Acts, reserves its Government's right:
1. to take any such action as it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests, should any Member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), or should reservations by such Members directly or indirectly affect the operation of its telecommunication services or its sovereignty;
2. further, the delegation of the Republic of South Africa (RSA), reserves the right of its Government to make such additional reservations as may be necessary up to and including the time of ratification by the Republic of South Africa of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002).
Original: English
For the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan reserves for its Government the right to take any action which it may consider necessary to safeguard its interest, should any member fail in any way to comply with the provision of the instruments amending the Constitution and Convention (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and the annexes attached thereto, or should the reservations made by other Members of the Union directly or indirectly jeopardize the interests of its telecommunication services, its national security or its sovereignty.
Original: English
For Mongolia:
The delegation of Mongolia reserves for its Government the right to make any statement or reservation when ratifying the instruments amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) and the right to take any action it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests should any member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, or should reservations made by other countries jeopardize the operation of the telecommunication services of Mongolia or lead to an increase in its annual contribution to defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: English
For the Slovak Republic:
The delegation of the Slovak Republic reserves for its Government the right to take any action as it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should any Member State fail to comply with the provisions of the 2006 Antalya instruments further amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as already amended by the 1994 Kyoto, 1998 Minneapolis and 2002, Marrakesh instruments, or should reservations by other Member States be likely to increase the share of the Slovak Republic in defraying the expenses of the Union or jeopardize its telecommunication services.
Original: English/French/Spanish
For the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, the Republic of Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Republic of Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Slovenia and Sweden:
The delegations of the Member States of the European Union and of the Acceding Countries Bulgaria and Romania declare that the Member States of the European Union and the Acceding Countries Bulgaria and Romania will apply the instruments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) in accordance with their obligations under the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Original: French
For the Republic of Senegal:
Having noted the declarations made by other Member States, the delegation of the Republic of Senegal, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government:
1. the right to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its national interests should any Member of the Union fail to comply in whatsoever manner with the provisions of the Constitution or the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; Marrakesh, 2002; and Antalya, 2006) or the provisions, annexes and Administrative Regulations attached thereto; or should the consequences of reservations made by other Member States directly or indirectly jeopardize the telecommunication services of Senegal or impair the sovereign rights of Senegal;
2. the right not to be bound by revisions of the Administrative Regulations, whether partial or complete revisions, adopted subsequent to the date of signature of these Final Acts, unless it has specifically notified the International Telecommunication Union of its consent thereto;
3. the right not to accept any financial measure liable to lead to an unjustified increase of its contributory share towards defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: Spanish
For the Republic of Paraguay:
The delegation of the Republic of Paraguay, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) of the International Telecommunication Union, declares that it reserves for its Government the right to make, under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, reservations to these Final Acts at any time it may think fit between the date of signature and the date of ratification of the international instruments constituting such Final Acts.
Original: French
For the Republic of Cameroon:
In signing these Final Acts, the Republic of Cameroon reserves the right:
1. to take all necessary measures to safeguard its interests should:
– a Member State fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and subsequent amendments thereto adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; Marrakesh, 2002; and Antalya, 2006);
– reservations entered by other Member States impair those interests;
2. to enter, until the time of deposit of the instruments of ratification, any additional reservations it may deem necessary.
Original: Spanish
For Ecuador:
The delegation of Ecuador, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the right to take any measures it may deem necessary, pursuant to its sovereign right and under national and international law, should its interests be impaired by failure on the part of other Member States to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; Marrakesh, 2002; and Antalya, 2006), especially the provisions of Article 44 of the Constitution, to safeguard the rights it shares with the other Member States of the Andean Community in regard to the frequencies and orbital position at 67° West of the “Simón Bolívar A” and “Simón Bolívar 2A” satellite networks.
Original: Spanish
For Spain:
1. The Spanish delegation declares, on behalf of its Government, that it does not accept any declaration or reservation expressed by other governments which might imply an increase in its financial obligations.
2. The Spanish delegation reserves for the Kingdom of Spain the right, under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969, to express reservations to the Final Acts adopted by the present conference up to the time of deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: English
For the Syrian Arab Republic:
The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declares, on behalf of the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, that it reserves the right to take such action as it may consider necessary to protect its interest should a Member fail in any way to observe the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), or should the reservations made by such a Member, now or in the future, when acceding to or ratifying the above-mentioned instruments, jeopardize Syria's telecommunication services or lead to an increase in Syria's share in defraying the expenses of the Union.
The Syrian Arab Republic further reserves the right to make any additional reservations it considers necessary to the Final Acts adopted by this conference up to the time of deposit of ratification of the Final Acts.
Original: Spanish
For the Republic of Colombia:
On signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Colombia:
1. states that it reserves for its Government the right:
a) to take any action consistent with its domestic law and with international law that it may deem necessary to safeguard its national interests should any other members fail to comply with the provisions contained in the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or should any reservations by representatives of other States jeopardize the telecommunication services of the Republic of Colombia or its full sovereign rights;
b) to make reservations to the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), pursuant to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, at any time it sees fit between the date of signature and the date of possible ratification of the international instruments constituting those Final Acts. Accordingly, it shall not be bound by any rules restricting the sovereign right to make reservations only to the time of signing the Final Acts of conferences and other meetings of the Union;
2. reaffirms, in their essence, Reservations 40 and 79 made at the World Administrative Radio Conference (Geneva, 1979), Reservation 50 made at the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and Reservation 64 made at the World Radiocommunication Conference (Istanbul, 2000) with respect to the new provisions modifying or amending the Constitution, the Convention and other instruments of the International Telecommunication Union, contained in the documents of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006);
3. declares that the Republic of Colombia considers itself bound by the instruments of the International Telecommunication Union, including the provisions amending the Constitution, the Convention, the protocols and the Administrative Regulations, only insofar as it has expressly and duly consented to be bound by each of the aforesaid international instruments, and subject to completion of the applicable constitutional procedures. Accordingly, it does not agree to be bound by any presumed or tacit consent;
4. declares that, under its Constitution, its Government is unable to give provisional effect to the international instruments which constitute the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and other instruments of the Union, owing to the content and nature of such instruments;
5. declares that it agreed to the suppression of Resolution 87 (Minneapolis, 1998) in the sense that prevailed in the deliberations, it being understood that additional provisions are not required in order to specify in the Radio Regulations the responsibilities of a notifying administration when it acts on behalf of a group of administrations, and in that capacity is the depository and custodian of the orbit-spectrum resource rights belonging to the said group of administrations, and is therefore the guarantor that the resource is exploited in accordance with the conditions laid down by the administrations to which those rights belong.
Original: English/Arabic
For the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the State of Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Republic of Sudan and Tunisia:
The above-mentioned delegations to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declare that the signature and possible ratification by their respective Governments of the Final Acts of this conference, should not be valid for the Union Member under the name “Israel”, and in no way whatsoever imply its recognition by these Governments.
Original: English
For Turkey:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Turkey:
1. reserves for its Government the right to take any action as it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests, should any Member State, in any way, fail to comply with the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), and as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), and as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and as further amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) or the annexes or protocols thereto, or should any reservation made by any Member State jeopardize the proper operation of its telecommunication services or lead to an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenses of the Union.
2. reserves for its Government the right, if necessary, to make further reservations to the present Final Acts.
3. declares on behalf of its Government that it accepts no consequences of any reservation which would lead to an increase in the share it contributes to defraying the expenses of the Union.
4. formally declares that reservations previously made with regard to the Constitution, Convention and Administrative Regulations of the Union shall prevail unless declared otherwise.
Original: English
For the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania:
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegations of the above-mentioned countries:
1. reserve for their Governments the right to take any action they consider necessary to safeguard their interests should any Member of the Union fail in any way to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or the annexes or protocols attached thereto, or should reservations by any Member of the Union jeopardize their telecommunication services;
2. that they also reserve for their Governments the right to express specific reservations additional to the aforesaid Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: English/Arabic
For the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Kuwait, Lebanon and the Kingdom of Morocco:
When signing the present Final Acts, the above-mentioned delegations to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declare that, due to the lack of provisions in the Constitution and the Convention defining the relationship between a Member State and Sector Members that are not under its authority, in case of a dispute between one of the undersigned Member States and Sector Members, that Member State reserves the right to apply Article 56 of the Constitution in respect to the concerned Member State to resolve the dispute.
Original: Spanish
For Chile:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of Chile, having taken note of the declarations of other countries, reserves for its government the right:
a) to accept or reject any or all provisions agreed upon at this conference, if it believes that they affect its national or international interests, or sovereign rights ordained in the Chilean Constitution or in law;
b) to take whatever measures it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should other countries fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and successive amendments thereto.
Original: English/Chinese
For the People's Republic of China:
The delegation of the People's Republic of China, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the right to take any actions as it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests, should any Member States fail in any way to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998),the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) or the annexes thereto, or should reservations by other countries jeopardize its interest.
Original: English
For Ghana:
The delegation of Ghana makes the following additional declarations on behalf of its Government:
1. that it accepts no consequence of the reservations made by other governments which might entail an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenditure of the Union;
2. that it reserves for its Government the right to take any steps it may consider necessary to safeguard its interest should any Member not contribute their share to defraying the expenditure of the Union or fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union as amended by the Final Acts of this conference, or if any reservations expressed by other countries were to jeopardize the proper operation of its telecommunication services;
3. that it reserves for its Government the right to express specific reservations additional to the aforesaid Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited;
4. that it also reserves for its Government the right to take any action which it may consider necessary to safeguard its interest, should any member fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the instruments amending the Constitution and the Convention as adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and the annexes attached thereto, or should the reservations made by other Members of the Union directly or indirectly jeopardize the interests of its telecommunication services, its national security or its sovereignty.
Original: Russian
For the Republic of Armenia, the Azerbaijani Republic, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Ukraine:
The delegations of the above-mentioned countries reserve for their respective Governments the right to make any statement or reservation when ratifying the instruments amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), and the right to take any action they may consider necessary to safeguard their interests should any Member State of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, or should reservations made by other countries jeopardize the operation of the telecommunication services of the above-mentioned countries or lead to an increase in their annual contributions to defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: Russian
For the Republic of Belarus:
The Republic of Belarus reserves for its Government the right to make any statement or reservation when ratifying the instruments adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, and the right to take any action it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State of the Union fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, or should reservations made by other countries jeopardize the operation of the telecommunication services of the Republic of Belarus or lead to an increase in the annual contribution of the Republic of Belarus to defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: English
For the Republic of Serbia:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Serbia declares on behalf of its Government:
1. that it accepts no consequence of the reservations made by other countries which might entail an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenses of the Union;
2. that it reserves for its Government the right to take any action it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State not contribute their share to defraying the expenses of the Union, or should any Member State fail in any way whatever to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Kyoto (1994), Minneapolis (1998), Marrakesh (2002) and Antalya (2006) instruments or their Annexes, or the Protocols or the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) attached thereto, or should reservations expressed by other countries jeopardize the proper operation of telecommunication services in Serbia;
3. that it reserves for its Administration the right to regulate telecommunications on its entire territory;
4. that it also reserves for its Government the right to express specific reservations additional to the aforementioned Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: English
For the Arab Republic of Egypt:
In the name of God, most merciful, most compassionate.
The delegation of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), on the signing of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the right:
1. to take any action or any measure that it may deem appropriate to safeguard its right and interests, should any other member fail to comply with the provisions contained in the Final Acts (Antalya, 2006), or should any reservation by representatives of other States jeopardize telecommunication services or ICT services of the Arab Republic of Egypt, its national security or its full sovereign rights or lead to an increase in its contributory share in defraying the expenses of the International Telecommunication Union;
2. not to be bound by any provision of the Constitution or the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) which may directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty and be in contradiction with the constitution, laws or regulations of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
3. to make, under the Vienna Convention of the laws of treaties of 1969 any other statements or reservations to the above-mentioned Final Acts adopted by the present conference (Antalya, 2006) until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: English
For the United States of America:
1. The United States of America refers to the provisions on reservations of Article 32B of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and notes that in considering the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the United States of America may find it necessary to make additional reservations or declarations. The United States of America also wishes to reiterate its concerns, as reflected in the summary minutes of the Plenary, with respect to certain procedures that were followed during committee proceedings. Accordingly, the United States of America reserves the right to make additional reservations or declarations at the time of deposit of its instruments of ratification of the amendments to the Constitution and the Convention (Geneva, 1992) which are adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
The United States of America reiterates and incorporates by reference all reservations and declarations made at world administrative conferences and world radiocommunication conferences prior to signature of these Final Acts.
The United States of America does not, by signature to or by any subsequent ratification of the amendments to the Constitution and Convention adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), consent to be bound by the Administrative Regulations adopted prior to the date of signature of these Final Acts. Nor shall the United States of America be deemed to have consented to be bound by revisions of the Administrative Regulations, whether partial or complete, adopted subsequent to the date of signature of these Final Acts, without specific notification to the International Telecommunication Union of its consent to be bound.
2. The United States of America, recalling the principles of accountability, responsibility and transparency that are fundamental to United Nations reform, notes that it is essential that the International Telecommunication Union, in carrying out the mandates of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) adhere to those principles in order to achieve lasting reform.
3. The United States of America refers to its Statement 92 made at the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) and states that it will interpret Resolution 99 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) in accordance with relevant international agreements, including agreements between Israel and the Palestinians.
Original: English
For Canada:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of Canada reserves for its Government the right to make declarations or reservations when depositing its instrument of ratification for the amendments adopted at this conference to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and the amendments thereto. Canada further reiterates and incorporates by reference all reservations and declarations made at world radiocommunication conferences prior to signature of these Final Acts.
Original: English
For Australia:
The delegation of Australia to the Plenipotentiary Conference hereby declares that it reserves for its Government the right to make declarations or reservations before or at the time of depositing an instrument of ratification for the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union held in Antalya on 6 to 24 November 2006, in accordance with Article 32B of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union done at Geneva on 22 December 1992.
Original: English/French/Spanish
For the Federal Republic of Germany, the Principality of Andorra, Austria, the Azerbaijani Republic, Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cyprus, the Vatican City State, the Republic of Croatia, Denmark, the Republic of Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Republic of Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, the Republic of Latvia, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Republic of Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, Norway, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Serbia, Sweden, the Confederation of Switzerland and Turkey:
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the delegations of the mentioned countries formally declare that they maintain the declarations and reservations made by their countries when signing the Final Acts of previous treaty-making Conferences of the Union as if they were made in full at this Plenipotentiary Conference.
Original: English
For the Republic of Croatia:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Croatia declares on behalf of its Government:
1. that it accepts no consequence of the reservations made by other countries which might entail an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenses of the Union;
2. that it reserves for its Government the right to take any action it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State not contribute their share to defraying the expenses of the Union, or should any Member State fail in any way whatever to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Kyoto (1994), Minneapolis (1998), Marrakesh (2002) and Antalya (2006) instruments or their Annexes, or the Protocols or the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) attached thereto, or should reservations expressed by other countries jeopardize the proper operation of telecommunication services in Croatia;
3. that it also reserves for its Government the right to express specific reservations additional to the aforementioned Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
The delegation of the Republic of Croatia further declares that the Republic of Croatia, as a candidate country for future membership of the European Union, will apply the Acts adopted under the Constitution and the Convention of ITU, but from the date of its accession to the European Community the application of those Acts will be subject to obligations under the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Original: English
For the Republic of Montenegro:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Montenegro declares on behalf of its Government:
1. that it accepts no consequence of the reservations made by other countries which might entail an increase in its contribution to defraying the expenses of the Union;
2. that it reserves for its Government the right to take any action it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State not contribute their share to defraying the expenses of the Union, or should any Member State fail in any way whatever to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Kyoto (1994), Minneapolis (1998), Marrakesh (2002) and Antalya (2006) instruments or their Annexes, or the Protocols or the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) attached thereto, or should reservations expressed by other countries jeopardize the proper operation of telecommunication services in Montenegro;
3. that it also reserves for its Government the right to express specific reservations additional to the afore-mentioned Final Acts or to any other instrument arising from other relevant ITU conferences which has not yet been ratified until such time as the respective instrument of ratification has been deposited.
Original: English
For the Republic of the Sudan:
The delegation of the Republic of the Sudan to the Plenipotentiary Conference of International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) declares, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, that it reserves the right to take such action as it may consider necessary to protect its interests should a Member fail in any way to observe the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 19992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) and the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or should the reservations made by such a Member jeopardize Sudan's telecommunication services or lead to an increase in Sudan's share in defraying the expenses of the Union.
The Republic of the Sudan further reserves the right to make any additional reservations it considers necessary to the Final Acts adopted by this conference up to the time of deposit the ratification of the Final Acts.
Original: English
For Japan:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), subject to formal ratification, the delegation of Japan reserves for its Government the right to take such action as it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State fail in any way to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), or the annexes thereto, or should reservations by other countries jeopardize its interests in any way.
Original: English
For the Islamic Republic of Iran:
In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate,
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on signing the Final Acts of the 17th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) reserves for its Government the right:
1. to take such action as it may consider necessary or to take any measure required to safeguard its rights and interests, should other Member States fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Final Acts of the 17th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006);
2. to protect its interests should other Member States not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should the reservations by other Member States jeopardize the telecommunication services of the Islamic Republic of Iran;
3. not to be bound by any provision of the Final Acts of the 17th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006) which may directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty and be in contravention with the Constitution, Laws and Regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Original: English
For the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Resolution 102 (Rev. Antalya, 2006)
1. The Islamic Republic of Iran decided to join the consensus on the revised Resolution 102, as it entails, to a fairly acceptable extent, the opportunity for all governments to exercise their sovereign right over international public policy issues related to the Internet. The Resolution can further assist all governments to seek ways and means of playing their role, on an equal footing, in the area of public policies related to the governance of the Internet's critical resources. This partly reflects the wish of the international community expressed in the WSIS final documents and augurs well for the future of our work in such areas.
2. The Tunis Agenda, among others, provides that a process of enhanced cooperation to be started by the UN Secretary-General by the end of the first quarter of 2006, as well as by relevant organizations “to enable governments on an equal footing, to carry out their roles and responsibilities, in international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet”.
3. We are glad to note that paragraph 4 of Resolution 102 (Rev. Antalya, 2006), under “resolves to instruct the Secretary-General”, instructs the ITU Secretary-General to take the necessary steps for ITU to play an active and constructive role in the UNSG's process towards enhanced cooperation. Preparations on the ITU's part depends to a great extent on the UN Secretary-General's much-anticipated decision on commencing the required process or any report by him on steps taken towards that direction.
4. What in particular convinces us concerning the current resolution is the fact that it recognizes that ITU should commence a process towards enhanced cooperation. The resolution, more importantly, envisages the concrete necessary steps that should be taken within the ITU towards that end.
5. The above activities, to our mind are among the priority areas in the work of the ITU in the period leading to the next plenipotentiary conference. We wish to flag that we anticipate necessary resources to be allocated to these activity areas of high importance.
Original: Spanish
For Cuba:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Cuba declares as follows:
– In the face of the continuing interventionist practice by the Government of the United States of America of directing radio and television transmissions towards Cuban territory for political and destabilizing purposes, in open violation of the provisions and principles that govern telecommunications throughout the world, especially those aimed at facilitating peaceful relations, international cooperation among peoples and economic and social development, and to the detriment of the normal operation and development of Cuba's own radiocommunication services which are victims of the harmful interference produced by those emissions, the Cuban Administration reserves the right to take whatever measures it may deem necessary and appropriate.
– The consequences of any actions that the Cuban Administration might find itself obliged to take in defence of its national sovereignty on account of the underhand behaviour of the Government of the United States of America will be the sole responsibility of that Government.
– Cuba in no way recognizes the notification, registration or use of frequencies by the Government of the United States of America in that part of Cuban territory in the province of Guantánamo which the United States is occupying illegally by force, contrary to the express will of the people and the Government of Cuba, and which has become a centre for the arbitrary detention of prisoners in which one of the most abominable systematic mass violations of human rights of the modern era is being perpetrated.
– It reserves for its Government the right to take whatever measures it may consider necessary to protect its interests should any other Member State fail to comply in any way with the provisions of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002), or with the Administrative Regulations, or should reservations by other Member States in any way jeopardize Cuba's telecommunication services or lead to an increase in its contribution towards defraying the expenses of the Union.
– It does not accept the Optional Protocol on the settlement of disputes with respect to the present Constitution, Convention and Administrative Regulations.
– It reserves for its Government the right to make any further declaration or reservation that may be necessary at the time of depositing its instrument of ratification of the amendments to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
Original: English
For the Republic of Cyprus:
The delegation of the Republic of Cyprus reserves for its Government the right to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its interests should any Members of the Union not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should they fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and Convention (Geneva 1992) and/or annexes and protocols thereof, as amended by the Kyoto 1994 Instrument, the Minneapolis 1998 Instrument, the Marrakesh 2002 Instrument and the Antalya 2006 Instrument or should reservations by other countries be liable to cause an increase in its contributory share in defraying Union expenses, or jeopardize its telecommunication services, or should any other action taken or intended to be taken or any omission by any person, physical or juridical directly or indirectly affect its sovereignty.
The delegation of the Republic of Cyprus further reserves for its Government the right to make any other declarations or reservations until and up to the time that the Antalya 2006 Instruments amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and Kyoto 1994 Instruments and Minneapolis 1998 Instruments and Marrakesh 2002 Instruments are ratified by the Republic of Cyprus.
Original: English
For Papua New Guinea:
The delegation of Papua New Guinea, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), reserves:
1. for its Government the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; Marrakesh, 2002; Antalya, 2006), and the annexes and protocols attached thereto, or should reservation by any Member State of the Union jeopardize Papua New Guinea's telecommunication services, affect its sovereignty or interests, or lead to an increase in its contributory share towards defraying the expenses of the Union;
2. for its Government the right to make such additional declarations or reservations as may be necessary prior to ratification of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006).
Original: English
For New Zealand:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the New Zealand delegation reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any other country should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts or if the reservations made by any other country should be prejudicial or detrimental to New Zealand's interests. In addition, New Zealand reserves the right to make appropriate specific reservations and statements prior to ratification of the Final Acts.
Original: French
For the Republic of Chad:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Chad reserves for its Government the sovereign right to take whatever measures or actions may be necessary to safeguard its rights and national interests should any Member State or Sector Member of the Union fail in any way, directly or indirectly, to respect its interests and its telecommunication/ICT services or put the security of its national sovereignty at risk.
Original: Spanish
For the Republic of Equatorial Guinea:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, having read each and every declaration made by the administrations, declares in addition that it reserves the right to take whatever measures are deemed necessary to protect its interests should any Member State fail to comply in any manner with the provisions contained in the Convention and Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union and the annexes thereto. It further declares that it shall accept no declaration or reservation by any administration entailing an increase in its financial obligations to the International Telecommunication Union.
Original: French
For the Principality of Monaco:
The delegation of the Principality of Monaco, having noted all the reservations and declarations contained in Document 179 of 24 November 2006, reserves for its Government the right to take any measures it deems necessary to protect its interests should any Member State fail to defray the expenses of the Union or to comply, in any manner whatsoever, with the provisions of the amendments to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002), adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), or should the effect of the reservations expressed in the aforementioned Document 179 be to jeopardize the proper operation of its telecommunication services, as authorized by the domestic legislation of the Principality of Monaco or by the treaty-based international law applicable to it, or to entail an increase in its contributory share for defraying the Union's expenses.
Original: Arabic/English
For the State of Kuwait:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the conference, the delegation of the State of Kuwait, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the right to take any action it considers necessary to safeguard its interests should other countries fail to observe the provisions adopted by this conference to amend the Constitution and the Convention (Geneva, 1992) and their amendments (Kyoto, 1994; Minneapolis, 1998; and Marrakesh, 2002) and their annexes, or should they fail to defray the expenses of the Union, or should their reservations, now or in the future, or their failure to comply with the Constitution and the Convention, jeopardize the proper operation of the telecommunication services in the State of Kuwait, or lead to an increase in its share in defraying the expenses of the Union.
Original: English
For Republic of Korea:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Conference, the delegation of the Republic of Korea reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any other country should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts or if the reservations made by any other country should be prejudicial or detrimental to the interests of the Republic of Korea. In addition, the Republic of Korea reserves the right to make appropriate specific reservations and statements prior to ratification of the Final Acts.
Original: English
For the Kingdom of Swaziland:
Having considered declarations contained in Document 179, the delegation of the Kingdom of Swaziland declares on behalf of its Government:
1. it reserves the right to take such action as it may consider necessary to protect its interests should any other country not observe the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and any amendments made thereto by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002), the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) and/or any other instruments associated therewith;
2. will not accept any consequences resulting from any reservation made by any country, and reserves the right to take any action it deems fit.
Original: English
For the State of Israel:
Declaration No. 59 made by certain Member States in respect of the Final Acts, contravenes the principles and purposes of the International Telecommunication Union, and is therefore devoid of legal validity.
The Government of the State of Israel wishes to put on record that it rejects this aforesaid declaration, which politicizes and undermines the work of the ITU.
Should any Member State that has made the foregoing declaration act toward Israel in a manner, which violates Israel's rights as a Member State of the ITU, or breaches such Member State's obligations toward Israel as such, the State of Israel reserves its right to act toward such Member State in a reciprocal fashion.
Original: French
For the Republic of Rwanda:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Rwanda, having examined the declarations contained in Document 179, reserves the right for its Government to take any measures it deems necessary to protect its interests, in accordance with national legislation and the international treaties to which Rwanda is party, should any ITU Member State fail to observe, in any manner whatsoever, the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union or should the reservations expressed by other countries be prejudicial to its interests.
Original: English
For the Independent State of Samoa:
Having considered the declarations contained in Document 179 of the Conference, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of Samoa reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any other country should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts or if the reservations made by any other country should be prejudicial or detrimental to Samoa's interests.
The delegation of Samoa further reserves the right of its Government to make such additional reservations as may be necessary to the Final Acts adopted by the present Conference up to the time of deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: English
For Turkey:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Conference, the delegation of the Republic of Turkey, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006) declares that it reserves its Government’s right, if necessary, to make further reservations to the present Final Acts and it will implement the provisions of the Final Acts only to the State parties with which it has diplomatic relations.
Original: English
For Canada:
Having noted the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of Canada further reserves on behalf of its Government the right to take whatever measures it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should other Member States fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and successive amendments thereto, or the Administrative Regulations particularly to those pertaining to the use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit.
Original: English
For the Republic of Slovenia:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Conference, the delegation of the Republic of Slovenia reserves for its Government the right to take any action which it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member State not share in defraying the expenses of the Union or should any Member State fail in any way to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the amending instruments (Minneapolis, 1998, or Marrakesh, 2002, or Antalya, 2006), or the annexes or protocols attached thereto, or should reservations by other countries be liable to cause an increase in its contributory shares in defraying the Union expenses, or, finally, should reservations by other countries jeopardize its telecommunication services.
Original: English
For the Republic of Kenya:
The delegation of the Republic of Kenya declares that:
Having noted the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union, (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Kenya reserves on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, the right to take whatever measures it may consider necessary to safeguard its interest should other Member States fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) and successive amendments thereto, and the Administrative Regulations, including the annexes and protocols of these instruments, or should reservations made by other members jeopardize its full sovereign rights or the proper functioning of telecommunications services in the Republic of Kenya.
Further, the Republic of Kenya reserves the right to make additional specific declarations or reservations at the time of deposit of its notification to the International Telecommunication Union of its consent to be bound by the revisions to the Constitution and Convention and by the decisions adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
Original: English
For Jamaica:
Having examined the reservations and declarations contained in Document 179 of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the Jamaican delegation reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any other country should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts or if subsequent reservations made by any other country should be prejudicial or detrimental to Jamaica's interests. In addition, Jamaica reserves the right to make appropriate specific reservations as may be necessary to the Final Acts adopted by the present Conference up to the deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: English/French/Spanish
For the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Croatia, Denmark, the Republic of Estonia, Finland, France, the Republic of Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, the Principality of Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, New Zealand, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia, Sweden, the Confederation of Switzerland, Turkey:
The delegations of the mentioned States, referring to the declaration made by the Republic of Colombia (No. 58), inasmuch as this and any similar statement refers to the Bogotá Declaration of 3 December 1976 by equatorial countries and to the claims of those countries to exercise sovereign rights over segments of the geostationary-satellite orbit, consider that the claims in question cannot be recognized by this Conference.
The above-mentioned delegations also wish to state that the reference in Article 44 of the Constitution to the “geographical situation of particular countries” does not imply recognition of claim to any preferential rights to the geostationary-satellite orbit.
Original: English
For the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Conference, the delegation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, in signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), reserves for its Government the rights to take any action it may deem necessary to safeguard and protect its interests should certain members fail in any way to comply with the requirements of the instruments (Antalya, 2006) amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994, Minneapolis, 1998, Marrakesh, 2002, or Antalya, 2006), or the annexes attached thereto, or should the consequences of reservations by other countries jeopardize the efficient operation of its telecommunications/ICTs services.
The Ethiopian delegation further reserves for the Government the right not to be bound by any provision of the aforementioned Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union which may affect its sovereign right and be in contradiction with the Constitution, Proclamation or other laws of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Original: English
For Barbados:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), the Barbados delegation reserves for its Government the right to take such measures as it may deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any other country should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts or if subsequent reservations made by any other country should be prejudicial or detrimental to Barbados' interests. In addition, Barbados reserves the right to make appropriate specific reservations as may be necessary to the Final Acts adopted by the present Conference up to the deposit of the appropriate instrument of ratification.
Original: English
For the United Republic of Tanzania:
Having examined the declarations and reservations contained in Document 179 of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006), the delegation of the United Republic of Tanzania reserves for its Administration the right to take such measures as it might deem necessary to safeguard its interests if any Member State of the Union should in any way fail to respect the conditions specified in the Final Acts, or if the reservation made by any Member State should be prejudicial to the operation of the telecommunications services in the United Republic of Tanzania.
Furthermore, the United Republic of Tanzania reserves the right to make additional specific declarations or reservations at the time of deposit of its notification to the International Telecommunication Union of its consent to be bound by the revisions to the Constitution and Convention and by the decisions adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
Original: French
For Burkina Faso:
In signing the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), and having examined the declarations contained in Document 179, the delegation of Burkina Faso reserves for its Government the sovereign right:
1. to take all measures and actions necessary to safeguard its rights and national interests should a member of the Union fail, in any way whatever, to comply with the provisions of such Acts, or jeopardize the country's telecommunication networks or services directly or indirectly, or put national sovereignty at risk;
2. to make additional reservations as necessary up to the time of deposit of the instruments of ratification.
Original: French
For the Islamic Republic of Mauritania:
In signing the Final Acts of the seventeenth Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006), and having examined the declarations contained in Document 179 of the conference, the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania reserves for its Government the sovereign right to take all measures and actions necessary to safeguard its rights and national interests should any member of the Union fail, in any way whatever, to comply with the provisions of such Acts, or jeopardize the operation of the country's telecommunication or information and communication technology services, or put national sovereignty at risk.
In addition, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania reserves the right to make any additional reservation that it may deem necessary in regard to the Final Acts adopted by this conference.
Original: English
For the United States of America:
1. The United States of America refers to declarations made by various Member States reserving their right to take such action as they may consider necessary to safeguard their interests with respect to application of provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and any amendments thereto. The United States of America reserves the right to take whatever measures it deems necessary to safeguard U.S. interests in response to such actions.
2. The United States of America, noting Statement 80 entered by the delegation of Cuba, recalls its right to broadcast to Cuba on appropriate frequencies free of jamming or other wrongful interference and reserves its rights with respect to existing interference and any future interference by Cuba with U.S. broadcasting. Furthermore, the United States of America notes that its presence in Guantanamo is by virtue of an international agreement presently in force and that the United States of America reserves the right to meet its radiocommunication requirements there as it has in the past.
Original: English
For the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago:
Having examined the reservations and declarations contained in Document 179 of 24 November 2006, the delegation of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago reserves the right of its Government to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its national interests should any Member of the Union fail to comply in any manner with the provisions of the Constitution or the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conferences (Kyoto, 1994, Minneapolis, 1998, Marrakesh, 2002, and Antalya, 2006) or the provisions, annexes and Administrative Regulations attached thereto; or should the consequences of reservations made by other Member States directly or indirectly jeopardize the telecommunication services of Trinidad and Tobago or impair its sovereign rights.
The delegation of Trinidad and Tobago further reserves for the State and its Government the right to make any declaration or reservation or any other appropriate action, as may be necessary, prior to ratification of the Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006).
Original: English
For Denmark, the United States of America, France, Japan, Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Slovenia, Sweden:
The delegations of the above-mentioned States, referring to the declarations made by the Republic of Colombia (No. 58), Mexico (No. 34) and Ecuador (No. 55), inasmuch as these and any similar statements refer to the Bogotá Declaration of 3 December 1976 by equatorial countries and to the claims of those countries to exercise sovereign rights over segments of the geostationary-satellite orbit, or to any related claims, consider that the claims in question cannot be recognized by this Conference.
The above-mentioned delegations also wish to state that the reference in Article 44 of the Constitution to the “geographical situation of particular countries” does not imply recognition of a claim to any preferential rights to the geostationary-satellite orbit.
Original: English
For the Republic of the Marshall Islands:
The Republic of the Marshall Islands refers to declarations made by various Member States reserving their right to take such action as they may consider necessary to safeguard their interests with respect to application of provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and any amendments thereto. The Republic of the Marshall Islands reserves the right to take whatever measures it deems necessary to safeguard its interests in response to such actions.
Zie Trb. 2006, 229.
In dat Tractatenblad dient de volgende correctie te worden aangebracht in de titel van de vertaling op blz. 106: „de Unie voor Internationale Telecommunicatie” moet worden vervangen door „de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie”.
De vertaling van de Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag van 24 november 2006 luidt als volgt:
(Wijzigingen aangenomen door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Antalya, 2006))
Statuut van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie1)
(Genève, 1992)
Krachtens en ter uitvoering van de desbetreffende bepalingen van het Statuut van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992) als gewijzigd door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Kyoto, 1994), door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Minneapolis, 1998) en door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Marrakesh, 2002), in het bijzonder die in artikel 55 ervan, heeft de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Antalya, 2006) de volgende wijzigingen van het genoemde Statuut aangenomen:
ADD* 73 bis De Secretaris-Generaal treedt op als wettelijk vertegenwoordiger van de Unie.
SUP* 76
MOD 90 PP-98 2 Mondiale radiocommunicatieconferenties worden normaliter eens in de drie of vier jaar bijeengeroepen; overeenkomstig de toepassing van de desbetreffende bepalingen van het Verdrag hoeft een dergelijke Conferentie evenwel niet bijeen te worden geroepen of kan een extra Conferentie worden bijeengeroepen.
MOD 91 PP-98 3 Radiocommunicatie-assemblees worden eveneens normaliter eens in de drie of vier jaar bijeengeroepen en kunnen qua plaats en tijdstip worden afgestemd op mondiale radiocommunicatieconferenties ter verbetering van de doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid van de Radiocommunicatiesector. Radiocommunicatie-assemblees verschaffen de nodige technische bases voor de werkzaamheden van de mondiale radiocommunicatieconferenties en geven gevolg aan alle verzoeken van mondiale radiocommunicatieconferenties. De taken van de radiocommunicatie-assemblees zijn vermeld in het Verdrag.
MOD 161C PP-98 2) De Secretaris-Generaal brengt de Lidstaten en Sectorleden op de hoogte van het voorlopige bedrag van de contributie-eenheid zoals vastgesteld ingevolge nummer 161B en verzoekt de Lidstaten, uiterlijk vier weken voorafgaand aan de vastgestelde datum voor de opening van de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie, de door hen voorlopig gekozen contributieklasse bekend te maken.
MOD 161E PP-98 PP-02 4) Aan de hand van het voorlopige financiële plan zoals herzien, stelt de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie zo spoedig mogelijk de definitieve bovengrens van het bedrag van de contributie-eenheid vast en stelt zij een datum vast, die valt uiterlijk op de maandag van de laatste week van de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie, waarop de Lidstaten, op verzoek van de Secretaris-Generaal, hun definitieve keuze van de contributieklasse bekendmaken.
De in deze akte vervatte wijzigingen treden, als geheel en in de vorm van een enkele akte, in werking op 1 januari 2008 tussen de Lidstaten die op dat tijdstip partij zijn bij het Statuut en bij het Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992), en die voor die datum hun akte van bekrachtiging, aanvaarding of goedkeuring van, of toetreding tot deze akte van wijziging hebben nedergelegd.
TEN BLIJKE WAARVAN de respectieve gevolmachtigden het oorspronkelijke exemplaar van deze akte van wijziging van het Statuut van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992), als gewijzigd door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Kyoto, 1994), door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Minneapolis, 1998) en door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Marrakesh, 2002) hebben ondertekend.
GEDAAN te Antalya, 24 november 2006
(Wijzigingen aangenomen door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Antalya, 2006))
Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie1)
(Genève, 1992)
Krachtens en ter uitvoering van de desbetreffende bepalingen van het Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992) als gewijzigd door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Kyoto, 1994), door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Minneapolis, 1998) en door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Marrakesh, 2002), in het bijzonder die in artikel 42 ervan, heeft de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Antalya, 2006) de volgende wijzigingen van het genoemde Verdrag aangenomen:
Gekozen functionarissen
MOD 13 1 De Secretaris-Generaal, de plaatsvervangend Secretaris-Generaal en de directeuren van de Bureaus aanvaarden hun taken op de tijdens hun verkiezing door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde datum. Zij blijven normaliter in functie tot de door de volgende Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde datum en zijn slechts eenmaal voor dezelfde functie herverkiesbaar. Onder herverkiezing wordt uitsluitend de mogelijkheid van een tweede termijn verstaan, ongeacht of deze al dan niet aansluit op de eerste termijn.
Leden van de Radioreguleringsraad
MOD 20 1 De leden van de Radioreguleringsraad aanvaarden hun taken op de tijdens hun verkiezing door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde datum. Zij blijven in functie tot de door de volgende Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde datum en zijn slechts eenmaal herverkiesbaar. Onder herverkiezing wordt uitsluitend de mogelijkheid van een tweede termijn verstaan, ongeacht of deze al dan niet aansluit op de eerste termijn.
SUP 58
MOD 60B PP-02 9 ter) Sectorleden kunnen als waarnemer bij vergaderingen, comités en werkgroepen van de Raad aanwezig zijn, met inachtneming van de door de Raad vastgestelde voorwaarden, waaronder voorwaarden met betrekking tot het aantal waarnemers en de procedures voor hun benoeming.
MOD 73 PP-98 PP-02 7) het beoordelen en goedkeuren van de tweejaarlijkse begroting van de Unie en het bestuderen van de ontwerpbegroting (vervat in het financieel rapport dat de Secretaris-Generaal ingevolge nummer 101 van dit Verdrag opstelt) voor het tijdvak van twee jaar na deze begrotingstermijn, rekening houdend met de besluiten van de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie ten aanzien van nummer 50 van het Statuut en met de door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie in overeenstemming met nummer 51 van het Statuut vastgestelde financiële grenzen; de Raad garandeert een zo economisch mogelijk gebruik, maar houdt rekening met de verplichting van de Unie zo snel mogelijk bevredigende resultaten te boeken. Hierbij houdt de Raad rekening met de door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde prioriteiten als genoemd in het strategisch plan voor de Unie, met de standpunten van het Coördinatiecomité als vervat in het in nummer 86 van dit Verdrag bedoelde rapport van de Secretaris-Generaal en het in nummer 101 van dit Verdrag bedoelde financieel rapport. De Raad toetst jaarlijks de inkomsten en uitgaven teneinde aanpassingen te kunnen doorvoeren, waar van toepassing in overeenstemming met de resoluties en besluiten van de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie;
MOD 80 PP-94 14) het zorgdragen voor de coördinatie met alle in de artikelen 49 en 50 van het Statuut bedoelde internationale organisaties en het hiertoe, namens de Unie, sluiten van voorlopige akkoorden met de in artikel 50 van het Statuut en de in de nummers 269B en 269C van dit Verdrag bedoelde internationale organisaties, en met de Verenigde Naties in toepassing van het Akkoord tussen de Verenigde Naties en de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie; deze voorlopige akkoorden worden overeenkomstig de relevante bepaling van artikel 8 van het Statuut voorgelegd aan de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie;
MOD 96 m) stelt aanbevelingen op voor de eerste vergadering van de in nummer 49 van de Algemene Regels voor conferenties, assemblees en vergaderingen van de Unie bedoelde delegatieleiders, met inachtneming van de uitkomsten van eventueel regionaal overleg;
MOD 100 PP-98 q) stelt, na overleg met het Coördinatiecomité en met een zo economisch mogelijk gebruik van middelen, een tweejaarlijkse ontwerpbegroting vast voor de uitgaven van de Unie en legt deze voor aan de Raad, waarbij het rekening houdt met de door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde financiële grenzen. Deze ontwerpbegroting bestaat uit een geconsolideerde begroting, met inbegrip van op kosten en op resultaten gebaseerde begrotingsinformatie voor de Unie, opgesteld conform de door de Secretaris-Generaal uitgevaardigde begrotingsrichtlijnen en bestaande uit twee versies. Bij de ene versie wordt uitgegaan van een nulgroei van de contributie-eenheid, bij de andere van een groei van minder dan of gelijk aan een door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie vastgestelde limiet, na eventuele aanspraak op de reserverekening. De begrotingsresolutie wordt, na goedkeuring door de Raad, ter kennisneming naar alle Lidstaten gezonden;
MOD 105 2 De Secretaris-Generaal of de plaatsvervangend Secretaris-Generaal kunnen in de hoedanigheid van adviseur deelnemen aan conferenties van de Unie; de Secretaris-Generaal of zijn vertegenwoordiger kunnen in de hoedanigheid van adviseur deelnemen aan alle overige vergaderingen van de Unie.
MOD 111 PP-02 4 Van de werkzaamheden van het Coördinatiecomité wordt een verslag gemaakt dat aan de Lidstaten beschikbaar wordt gesteld.
MOD 178 PP-98 b) het uitwisselen met Lidstaten en Sectorleden van in automatische of andere vorm leesbare gegevens, het opstellen en actualiseren van documenten en gegevensbestanden van de Radiocommunicatiesector en het zorgdragen, samen met de Secretaris-Generaal, voor de eventuele publicatie hiervan in de talen van de Unie in overeenstemming met nummer 172 van het Statuut;
MOD 203 PP-98 d) het uitwisselen met Lidstaten en Sectorleden van in automatische of andere vorm leesbare gegevens, het opstellen en zo nodig actualiseren van documenten en gegevensbestanden van de Telecommunicatiestandaardisatiesector en het zorgdragen, samen met de Secretaris-Generaal, voor de eventuele publicatie hiervan in de talen van de Unie in overeenstemming met nummer 172 van het Statuut;
MOD 209 a. mondiale telecommunicatie-ontwikkelingsconferenties stellen werkprogramma’s en richtlijnen op voor het omschrijven van vraagstukken en prioriteiten op het gebied van telecommunicatie-ontwikkeling en sturen en begeleiden het werkprogramma van de Telecommunicatie-ontwikkelingssector. Zij beslissen, rekening houdend met de bovengenoemde werkprogramma’s, over de noodzaak studiegroepen op te richten, in stand te houden of te beëindigen en aan elk te bestuderen kwesties toe te wijzen;
MOD 215C 1 De telecommunicatie-ontwikkelingsadviesgroep staat open voor vertegenwoordigers van de administraties van Lidstaten en vertegenwoordigers van Sectorleden en voor voorzitters en vicevoorzitters van studiegroepen en andere groepen, en treedt op via de directeur.
MOD 220 c) het uitwisselen met leden van in automatische en in andere vorm leesbare gegevens, het opstellen en zo nodig actualiseren van documenten en gegevensbestanden van de Telecommunicatie-ontwikkelingssector en het zorgdragen, samen met de Secretaris-Generaal, voor de eventuele publicatie hiervan in de talen van de Unie in overeenstemming met nummer 172 van het Statuut;
(MOD) 235 5 Elk verzoek van een in nummer 231 hierboven bedoelde entiteit of organisatie (anders dan die welke worden bedoeld in de nummers 269B en 269C van dit Verdrag) om deelname aan de werkzaamheden van een Sector wordt aan de Secretaris-Generaal gezonden en behandeld in overeenstemming met door de Raad opgestelde procedures.
(MOD) 236 6 Elk verzoek van een in de nummers 269B tot en met 269D van dit Verdrag bedoelde organisatie om deelname aan de werkzaamheden van een Sector wordt aan de Secretaris-Generaal gezonden en de betrokken organisatie wordt in de in nummer 237 hieronder bedoelde lijsten opgenomen.
(MOD) 237 PP-98 7 De Secretaris-Generaal stelt lijsten op, en actualiseert deze, van alle in de nummers 229 tot en met 231 en de nummers 269B tot en met 269D van dit Verdrag bedoelde entiteiten en organisaties die bevoegd zijn deel te nemen aan de werkzaamheden van elke Sector, en publiceert en verzendt deze lijsten met een passende frequentie aan alle betrokken Lidstaten en Sectorleden alsmede aan de directeur van het betrokken Bureau. Die directeur brengt deze entiteiten en organisaties op de hoogte van de maatregelen die naar aanleiding van hun verzoeken zijn genomen, en brengt de desbetreffende Lidstaten op de hoogte.
MOD 240 PP-98 10 Elk Sectorlid heeft het recht een dergelijke deelname op te zeggen door middel van een kennisgeving aan de Secretaris-Generaal. Een dergelijke deelname kan, in voorkomend geval, eveneens worden opgezegd door de betrokken Lidstaat of, in geval van een ingevolge nummer 234C hierboven goedgekeurde Lidstaat, in overeenstemming met de door de Raad vastgestelde criteria en procedures. Een dergelijke opzegging wordt van kracht na afloop van zes maanden, te rekenen vanaf de datum waarop de kennisgeving door de Secretaris-Generaal is ontvangen.
(MOD) 251 2 Deze aanbevelingen worden tijdig aan de Secretaris-Generaal verzonden ten behoeve van verzameling, coördinatie en mededeling, zoals bepaald in nummer 44 van de Algemene Regels voor conferenties, assemblees en vergaderingen van de Unie.
MOD 269 PP-94 PP-02 d) waarnemers van de volgende organisaties, agentschappen en entiteiten, in de hoedanigheid van adviseur:
MOD 269E PP-02 e) waarnemers van de in de nummers 229 en 231 van dit Verdrag bedoelde Sectorleden.
MOD 278 PP-02 b) waarnemers van de in de nummers 269A tot en met 269D van dit Verdrag genoemde organisaties en agentschappen, in de hoedanigheid van adviseur;
MOD 279 PP-02 c) waarnemers van andere internationale organisaties die zijn uitgenodigd in overeenstemming met de desbetreffende bepalingen van Hoofdstuk I van de Algemene Regels voor conferenties, assemblees en vergaderingen van de Unie, in de hoedanigheid van adviseur;
MOD 280 PP-98 d) waarnemers van Sectorleden van de Radiocommunicatiesector;
ADD 296 bis b) vertegenwoordigers van de betrokken Sectorleden;
MOD 297 PP-02 c) waarnemers, in de hoedanigheid van adviseur, van:
ADD 297 bis i) de in de nummers 269A tot en met 269D van dit Verdrag genoemde organisaties en agentschappen;
SUP 298A
SUP 298B
(MOD) 298C PP-02 ii) overige regionale organisaties of internationale organisaties die bemoeienis hebben met aangelegenheden die van belang zijn voor de assemblee of conferentie.
SUP 298D
SUP 298E
SUP* 298F
MOD 468 PP-98 1 1) De schaal waaruit elke Lidstaat, onverminderd de bepalingen van nummer 468A hieronder, en elk Sectorlid, onverminderd de bepalingen van nummer 468B hieronder, zijn contributieklasse kiest, in overeenstemming met de desbetreffende bepalingen van artikel 28 van het Statuut, is de volgende:
klasse van 40 eenheden |
klasse van 8 eenheden |
klasse van 35 eenheden |
klasse van 6 eenheden |
klasse van 30 eenheden |
klasse van 5 eenheden |
klasse van 28 eenheden |
klasse van 4 eenheden |
klasse van 25 eenheden |
klasse van 3 eenheden |
klasse van 23 eenheden |
klasse van 2 eenheden |
klasse van 20 eenheden |
klasse van 1½ eenheid |
klasse van 18 eenheden |
klasse van 1 eenheid |
klasse van 15 eenheden |
klasse van ½ eenheid |
klasse van 13 eenheden |
klasse van ¼ eenheid |
klasse van 11 eenheden |
klasse van 1/8 eenheid |
klasse van 10 eenheden |
klasse van 1/16 eenheid |
MOD 476 PP-94 PP-98 PP-02 4 1)De in de nummers 269A tot en met 269E van dit Verdrag bedoelde organisaties en andere organisaties die eveneens in Hoofdstuk II daarvan worden genoemd (tenzij zij door de Raad zijn vrijgesteld, onder voorbehoud van wederkerigheid) en de Sectorleden bedoeld in nummer 230 van dit Verdrag die, in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van dit Verdrag, deelnemen aan een plenipotentiaire conferentie, aan een conferentie, assemblee of vergadering van een Sector van de Unie, of aan een wereldconferentie voor internationale telecommunicatie, dragen – op basis van de kosten van deze conferenties en vergaderingen en in overeenstemming met het Financieel Reglement – bij aan het dekken van de kosten van de conferenties, assemblees en vergaderingen waaraan zij deelnemen. Niettemin wordt de Sectorleden geen aparte bijdrage in rekening gebracht voor hun aanwezigheid bij een conferentie, assemblee of vergadering van hun respectieve Sectoren, behoudens in het geval van regionale radiocommunicatieconferenties.
(MOD) 480A PP-98 5 bis) Wanneer een Sectorlid uit hoofde van nummer 159A van het Statuut bijdraagt aan het dekken van de kosten van de Unie, dient de Sector ten behoeve waarvan de bijdrage is gedaan te worden geïdentificeerd.
ADD 480B 5ter) In uitzonderlijke omstandigheden kan de Raad een vermindering van het aantal contributie-eenheden toestaan wanneer daartoe een verzoek wordt ingediend door een Sectorlid dat heeft aangetoond dat het niet langer de contributie in de door hem oorspronkelijk gekozen klasse kan bijdragen.
Omschrijving van bepaalde begrippen die in dit Verdrag en in de Administratieve Reglementen van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie worden gebruikt
MOD 1002 PP-94 PP-98 Waarnemer: Een persoon die door een Lidstaat, organisatie, agentschap of entiteit naar een conferentie, assemblee of vergadering van de Unie of de Raad wordt gezonden, evenwel zonder stemrecht, een en ander in overeenstemming met de relevante bepalingen van de basisteksten van de Unie.
De in deze akte vervatte wijzigingen treden, als geheel en in de vorm van een enkele akte, in werking op 1 januari 2008 tussen de Lidstaten die op dat tijdstip partij zijn bij het Statuut en bij het Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992), en die voor die datum hun akte van bekrachtiging, aanvaarding of goedkeuring van, of toetreding tot deze akte van wijziging hebben nedergelegd.
TEN BLIJKE WAARVAN de respectieve gevolmachtigden het oorspronkelijke exemplaar van deze akte van wijziging van het Verdrag van de Internationale Unie voor Telecommunicatie (Genève, 1992), als gewijzigd door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Kyoto, 1994), door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Minneapolis, 1998) en door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Marrakesh, 2002) hebben ondertekend.
GEDAAN te Antalya, 24 november 2006
Zie Trb. 1996, 165.
Bij brieven van 23 mei 2008 (Kamerstukken II 2007/2008, 31 494 (R 1863) nr. 1) zijn de Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag van 18 oktober 2002 in overeenstemming met artikel 2, eerste en tweede lid, en artikel 5, eerste en tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen overgelegd aan de Eerste en de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen en de Staten van Aruba.
De toelichtende nota die de brieven vergezelde, is ondertekend door de staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken F. HEEMSKERK.
De goedkeuring door de Staten-Generaal is verleend op 6 juli 2008.
De Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag van 24 november 2006 behoeven ingevolge artikel 91 van de Grondwet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal, alvorens het Koninkrijk aan de Akten kan worden gebonden.
Zie Trb. 1993, 138.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Afghanistan |
22-12-92 |
05-11-06 |
R |
05-11-06 |
Albanië |
22-12-92 |
15-10-99 |
R |
15-10-99 |
Algerije |
22-12-92 |
13-08-96 |
R |
13-08-96 |
Andorra |
24-01-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Angola |
10-11-06 |
T |
10-11-06 |
Argentinië |
22-12-92 |
17-11-97 |
R |
17-11-97 |
Armenië |
29-09-95 |
T |
29-09-95 |
Australië |
22-12-92 |
29-09-94 |
R |
29-09-94 |
Azerbeidzjan |
03-08-00 |
T |
03-08-00 |
Bahama's |
22-12-92 |
04-08-94 |
R |
04-08-94 |
Bahrein |
22-12-92 |
12-07-96 |
R |
12-07-96 |
Bangladesh |
28-07-94 |
T |
28-07-94 |
Barbados |
22-12-92 |
28-07-98 |
R |
28-07-98 |
Belarus |
22-12-92 |
15-06-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
België |
22-12-92 |
18-08-97 |
R |
18-08-97 |
Belize |
09-11-93 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Benin |
22-12-92 |
24-04-97 |
R |
24-04-97 |
Bhutan |
22-12-92 |
16-04-96 |
R |
16-04-96 |
Bolivia |
30-12-93 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
02-09-94 |
T |
02-09-94 |
Botswana |
22-12-92 |
12-10-98 |
R |
12-10-98 |
Brazilië |
22-12-92 |
19-10-98 |
R |
19-10-98 |
Brunei |
22-12-92 |
20-11-96 |
R |
20-11-96 |
Bulgarije |
22-12-92 |
09-09-94 |
R |
09-09-94 |
Burkina Faso |
22-12-92 |
21-10-94 |
R |
21-10-94 |
Burundi |
22-12-92 |
09-11-98 |
R |
09-11-98 |
Cambodja |
14-08-97 |
T |
14-08-97 |
Canada |
22-12-92 |
21-06-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek |
22-12-92 |
11-05-95 |
R |
11-05-95 |
Chili |
22-12-92 |
02-09-98 |
R |
02-09-98 |
China |
22-12-92 |
15-07-97 |
R |
15-07-97 |
Colombia |
22-12-92 |
02-04-97 |
R |
02-04-97 |
Comoren, de |
22-12-92 |
11-08-98 |
R |
11-08-98 |
Congo, Republiek |
09-08-94 |
T |
09-08-94 |
Costa Rica |
20-08-02 |
T |
20-08-02 |
Cuba |
22-12-92 |
25-11-96 |
R |
25-11-96 |
Cyprus |
22-12-92 |
01-11-95 |
R |
01-11-95 |
Denemarken |
22-12-92 |
18-06-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Djibouti |
22-12-92 |
10-03-97 |
R |
10-03-97 |
Dominica |
28-10-96 |
T |
28-10-96 |
Dominicaanse Republiek, de |
23-04-02 |
T |
23-04-02 |
Duitsland |
22-12-92 |
08-10-96 |
R |
08-10-96 |
Ecuador |
01-08-94 |
T |
01-08-94 |
Egypte |
22-12-92 |
15-05-96 |
R |
15-05-96 |
El Salvador |
22-12-92 |
25-05-98 |
R |
25-05-98 |
Equatoriaal Guinee |
21-09-02 |
T |
21-09-02 |
Eritrea |
31-01-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Estland |
22-12-92 |
23-01-96 |
R |
23-01-96 |
Ethiopië |
22-12-92 |
13-10-94 |
R |
13-10-94 |
Fiji-eilanden |
22-12-92 |
11-10-98 |
R |
11-10-98 |
Filippijnen, de |
22-12-92 |
23-05-96 |
R |
23-05-96 |
Finland |
22-12-92 |
30-05-96 |
R |
30-05-96 |
Frankrijk |
22-12-92 |
18-05-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Gabon |
22-12-92 |
28-09-98 |
R |
28-09-98 |
Gambia |
22-12-92 |
09-02-98 |
R |
09-02-98 |
Georgië |
20-06-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Ghana |
22-12-92 |
16-10-98 |
R |
16-10-98 |
Grenada |
22-12-92 |
Griekenland |
22-12-92 |
25-09-98 |
R |
25-09-98 |
Guatemala |
08-05-00 |
T |
08-05-00 |
Guinee |
22-12-92 |
05-08-94 |
R |
05-08-94 |
Guinee-Bissau |
17-07-02 |
T |
17-07-02 |
Guyana |
19-09-94 |
T |
19-09-94 |
Haïti |
22-05-95 |
T |
22-05-95 |
Heilige Stoel |
22-12-92 |
03-05-96 |
R |
03-05-96 |
Honduras |
22-12-92 |
23-06-00 |
R |
23-06-00 |
Hongarije |
22-12-92 |
14-11-97 |
R |
14-11-97 |
Ierland |
22-12-92 |
16-10-96 |
R |
16-10-96 |
IJsland |
22-12-92 |
17-11-97 |
R |
17-11-97 |
India |
22-12-92 |
03-11-95 |
R |
03-11-95 |
Indonesië |
22-12-92 |
16-04-96 |
R |
16-04-96 |
Irak |
08-02-06 |
T |
08-02-06 |
Iran |
22-12-92 |
11-07-96 |
R |
11-07-96 |
Israël |
22-12-92 |
25-08-94 |
R |
25-08-94 |
Italië |
22-12-92 |
03-05-96 |
R |
03-05-96 |
Ivoorkust |
22-12-92 |
22-03-96 |
R |
22-03-96 |
Jamaica |
22-12-92 |
20-10-98 |
R |
20-10-98 |
Japan |
22-12-92 |
18-01-95 |
R |
18-01-95 |
Jemen |
22-12-92 |
05-10-98 |
R |
05-10-98 |
Jordanië |
22-12-92 |
16-10-95 |
R |
16-10-95 |
Kaapverdië |
22-12-92 |
27-04-98 |
R |
27-04-98 |
Kameroen |
22-12-92 |
18-04-95 |
R |
18-04-95 |
Kazachstan |
05-09-94 |
T |
05-09-94 |
Kenia |
22-12-92 |
25-08-94 |
R |
25-08-94 |
Kiribati |
10-01-07 |
T |
10-01-07 |
Koeweit |
22-12-92 |
06-06-97 |
R |
06-06-97 |
Kroatië |
22-12-92 |
03-06-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Kyrgyzstan |
29-06-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Laos |
24-01-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Lesotho |
22-12-92 |
22-03-02 |
R |
22-03-02 |
Letland |
22-12-92 |
01-06-01 |
R |
01-06-01 |
Libanon |
22-12-92 |
03-08-98 |
R |
03-08-98 |
Liberia |
22-12-92 |
08-10-08 |
R |
08-10-08 |
Libië |
10-07-07 |
T |
10-07-07 |
Liechtenstein |
22-12-92 |
02-01-95 |
R |
02-01-95 |
Litouwen |
22-12-92 |
28-03-00 |
R |
28-03-00 |
Luxemburg |
22-12-92 |
05-02-97 |
R |
05-02-97 |
Macedonië, Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek |
11-07-94 |
T |
11-07-94 |
Madagascar |
22-12-92 |
03-06-96 |
R |
03-06-96 |
Malawi |
22-12-92 |
19-10-98 |
R |
19-10-98 |
Maldiven, de |
22-08-94 |
T |
22-08-94 |
Maleisië |
22-12-92 |
11-04-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Mali |
22-12-92 |
25-04-95 |
R |
25-04-95 |
Malta |
22-12-92 |
30-08-95 |
R |
30-08-95 |
Marokko |
22-12-92 |
09-05-96 |
R |
09-05-96 |
Marshall-eilanden, de |
22-02-96 |
T |
22-02-96 |
Mauritanië |
22-12-92 |
30-07-98 |
R |
30-07-98 |
Mauritius |
06-12-93 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Mexico |
22-12-92 |
27-09-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Micronesia |
07-08-95 |
T |
07-08-95 |
Moldavië |
22-12-92 |
18-02-97 |
R |
18-02-97 |
Monaco |
22-12-92 |
05-08-97 |
R |
05-08-97 |
Mongolië |
22-12-92 |
04-06-97 |
R |
04-06-97 |
Montenegro |
21-07-06 |
T |
21-07-06 |
Mozambique |
19-09-94 |
T |
19-09-94 |
Myanmar |
22-12-92 |
05-10-98 |
R |
05-10-98 |
Namibië |
04-08-94 |
T |
04-08-94 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
22-12-92 |
– Nederland |
13-06-96 |
R |
13-06-96 |
– Ned. Antillen |
13-06-96 |
R |
13-06-96 |
– Aruba |
13-06-96 |
R |
13-06-96 |
Nepal |
22-12-92 |
10-11-97 |
R |
10-11-97 |
Nicaragua |
12-10-98 |
T |
12-10-98 |
Nieuw-Zeeland |
22-12-92 |
06-12-94 |
R |
06-12-94 |
Niger |
22-12-92 |
03-09-98 |
R |
03-09-98 |
Nigeria |
22-12-92 |
24-12-99 |
R |
24-12-99 |
Noord-Korea |
22-12-92 |
09-08-94 |
R |
09-08-94 |
Noorwegen |
22-12-92 |
15-07-94 |
R |
15-07-94 |
Oekraïne |
22-12-92 |
04-08-94 |
R |
04-08-94 |
Oezbekistan |
22-09-94 |
T |
22-09-94 |
Oman |
22-12-92 |
18-05-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Oostenrijk |
22-12-92 |
23-10-97 |
R |
23-10-97 |
Pakistan |
22-12-92 |
04-11-97 |
R |
04-11-97 |
Panama |
22-12-92 |
13-07-98 |
R |
13-07-98 |
Papua-Nieuw Guinea |
22-12-92 |
10-05-96 |
R |
10-05-96 |
Paraguay |
26-09-94 |
T |
26-09-94 |
Peru |
30-09-94 |
T |
30-09-94 |
Polen |
22-12-92 |
17-10-95 |
R |
17-10-95 |
Portugal |
22-12-92 |
30-11-95 |
R |
30-11-95 |
Qatar |
22-12-92 |
13-10-98 |
R |
13-10-98 |
Roemenië |
22-12-92 |
30-11-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Russische Federatie |
22-12-92 |
01-08-95 |
R |
01-08-95 |
Rwanda |
27-06-02 |
T |
27-06-02 |
Samoa |
29-08-94 |
T |
29-08-94 |
San Marino |
22-12-92 |
31-08-94 |
R |
31-08-94 |
Sao Tomé en Principe |
15-07-96 |
T |
15-07-96 |
Saudi-Arabië |
22-12-92 |
08-10-97 |
R |
08-10-97 |
Senegal |
22-12-92 |
18-11-94 |
R |
18-11-94 |
Servië |
01-06-01 |
T |
01-06-01 |
Seychellen, de |
17-09-99 |
T |
17-09-99 |
Singapore |
22-12-92 |
02-05-96 |
R |
02-05-96 |
Sint Kitts en Nevis |
15-03-06 |
T |
15-03-06 |
Sint Lucia |
04-09-97 |
T |
04-09-97 |
Sint Vincent en de Grenadines |
20-09-94 |
T |
20-09-94 |
Slovenië |
22-12-92 |
12-12-94 |
R |
12-12-94 |
Slowakije |
01-07-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Soedan |
22-12-92 |
13-02-97 |
R |
13-02-97 |
Somalië |
24-06-05 |
T |
24-06-05 |
Spanje |
22-12-92 |
15-04-96 |
R |
15-04-96 |
Sri Lanka |
22-12-92 |
26-07-96 |
R |
26-07-96 |
Suriname |
22-12-92 |
27-10-97 |
R |
27-10-97 |
Swaziland |
22-12-92 |
05-10-98 |
R |
05-10-98 |
Syrië |
14-12-93 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Tadzjikistan |
19-07-94 |
T |
19-07-94 |
Tanzania |
22-12-92 |
16-09-98 |
R |
16-09-98 |
Thailand |
22-12-92 |
03-04-96 |
R |
03-04-96 |
Togo |
19-09-94 |
T |
19-09-94 |
Tonga |
09-09-94 |
T |
09-09-94 |
Trinidad en Tobago |
20-09-94 |
T |
20-09-94 |
Tsjaad |
22-12-92 |
25-08-97 |
R |
25-08-97 |
Tsjechië |
29-08-94 |
T |
29-08-94 |
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) |
22-12-92 |
Tunesië |
22-12-92 |
27-10-97 |
R |
27-10-97 |
Turkije |
22-12-92 |
03-05-00 |
R |
03-05-00 |
Turkmenistan |
27-04-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Tuvalu |
15-08-96 |
T |
15-08-96 |
Uganda |
27-07-94 |
T |
27-07-94 |
Uruguay |
22-12-92 |
01-10-98 |
R |
01-10-98 |
Vanuatu |
13-10-98 |
T |
13-10-98 |
Venezuela |
22-12-92 |
17-09-96 |
R |
17-09-96 |
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het |
22-12-92 |
27-06-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, de |
22-12-92 |
02-08-95 |
R |
02-08-95 |
Verenigde Staten van Amerika, de |
22-12-92 |
26-10-97 |
R |
26-10-97 |
Vietnam |
22-12-92 |
19-06-96 |
R |
19-06-96 |
Zambia |
22-12-92 |
12-10-98 |
R |
12-10-98 |
Zimbabwe |
22-12-92 |
05-12-94 |
R |
05-12-94 |
Zuid-Afrika |
30-06-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Zuid-Korea |
22-12-92 |
05-08-94 |
R |
05-08-94 |
Zweden |
22-12-92 |
15-09-94 |
R |
15-09-94 |
Zwitserland |
22-12-92 |
15-09-94 |
R |
15-09-94 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Zie Trb. 1993, 138.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Afghanistan |
22-12-92 |
Albanië |
22-12-92 |
Australië |
22-12-92 |
29-09-94 |
R |
29-09-94 |
Bahama's |
22-12-92 |
Bahrein |
22-12-92 |
12-07-96 |
R |
12-07-96 |
Barbados |
22-12-92 |
28-07-98 |
R |
28-07-98 |
Belarus |
22-12-92 |
15-06-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
België |
22-12-92 |
18-08-97 |
R |
18-08-97 |
Belize |
07-12-93 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Benin |
22-12-92 |
24-04-97 |
R |
24-04-97 |
Bhutan |
22-12-92 |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
02-09-94 |
T |
02-09-94 |
Botswana |
22-12-92 |
12-10-98 |
R |
12-10-98 |
Brazilië |
22-12-92 |
Brunei |
22-12-92 |
Bulgarije |
22-12-92 |
Burkina Faso |
22-12-92 |
Burundi |
22-12-92 |
Canada |
22-12-92 |
21-06-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek |
22-12-92 |
Chili |
22-12-92 |
02-09-98 |
R |
02-09-98 |
Colombia |
22-12-92 |
02-04-97 |
R |
02-04-97 |
Comoren, de |
22-12-92 |
Congo, Republiek |
09-08-94 |
T |
09-08-94 |
Cuba |
22-12-92 |
Cyprus |
22-12-92 |
01-11-95 |
R |
01-11-95 |
Denemarken |
22-12-92 |
18-06-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Djibouti |
22-12-92 |
Egypte |
22-12-92 |
15-05-96 |
R |
15-05-96 |
El Salvador |
NB |
25-05-98 |
R |
25-05-98 |
Estland |
22-12-92 |
23-01-96 |
R |
23-01-96 |
Ethiopië |
22-12-92 |
Fiji-eilanden |
22-12-92 |
Filippijnen, de |
22-12-92 |
23-05-96 |
R |
23-05-96 |
Finland |
22-12-92 |
30-05-96 |
R |
30-05-96 |
Gabon |
22-12-92 |
Gambia |
22-12-92 |
Ghana |
22-12-92 |
Grenada |
22-12-92 |
Griekenland |
22-12-92 |
25-09-98 |
R |
25-09-98 |
Guinee |
22-12-92 |
05-08-94 |
R |
05-08-94 |
Honduras |
22-12-92 |
Hongarije |
22-12-92 |
Ierland |
22-12-92 |
16-10-96 |
R |
16-10-96 |
IJsland |
22-12-92 |
17-11-97 |
R |
17-11-97 |
India |
22-12-92 |
Indonesië |
22-12-92 |
Irak |
22-12-92 |
Israël |
22-12-92 |
Italië |
22-12-92 |
03-05-96 |
R |
03-05-96 |
Ivoorkust |
22-12-92 |
Jamaica |
22-12-92 |
Japan |
22-12-92 |
18-01-95 |
R |
18-01-95 |
Jemen |
22-12-92 |
Jordanië |
22-12-92 |
16-10-95 |
R |
16-10-95 |
Kaapverdië |
22-12-92 |
Kameroen |
22-12-92 |
Kenia |
22-12-92 |
25-08-94 |
R |
25-08-94 |
Kiribati |
10-01-07 |
T |
10-01-07 |
Koeweit |
22-12-92 |
06-06-97 |
R |
06-06-97 |
Laos |
24-01-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Lesotho |
22-12-92 |
Letland |
22-12-92 |
01-06-01 |
R |
01-06-01 |
Libanon |
22-12-92 |
Liberia |
22-12-92 |
Libië |
10-07-07 |
T |
10-07-07 |
Liechtenstein |
22-12-92 |
02-01-95 |
R |
02-01-95 |
Litouwen |
22-12-92 |
07-12-06 |
R |
07-12-06 |
Luxemburg |
22-12-92 |
05-02-97 |
R |
05-02-97 |
Madagascar |
22-12-92 |
03-06-96 |
R |
03-06-96 |
Malawi |
22-12-92 |
Mali |
22-12-92 |
Malta |
22-12-92 |
30-08-95 |
R |
30-08-95 |
Mauritanië |
22-12-92 |
Mauritius |
06-12-93 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Mexico |
22-12-92 |
27-09-93 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Monaco |
22-12-92 |
05-08-97 |
R |
05-08-97 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
22-12-92 |
– Nederland |
13-06-96 |
R |
13-06-96 |
– Ned. Antillen |
13-06-96 |
R |
13-06-96 |
– Aruba |
13-06-96 |
R |
13-06-96 |
Nepal |
22-12-92 |
Nieuw-Zeeland |
22-12-92 |
06-12-94 |
R |
06-12-94 |
Niger |
22-12-92 |
Nigeria |
22-12-92 |
Noord-Korea |
22-12-92 |
Noorwegen |
22-12-92 |
Oezbekistan |
22-09-94 |
T |
22-09-94 |
Oman |
22-12-92 |
18-05-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Oostenrijk |
22-12-92 |
23-10-97 |
R |
23-10-97 |
Panama |
22-12-92 |
13-07-98 |
R |
13-07-98 |
Papua-Nieuw Guinea |
22-12-92 |
Peru |
30-09-94 |
T |
30-09-94 |
Polen |
22-12-92 |
Portugal |
22-12-92 |
30-11-95 |
R |
30-11-95 |
Qatar |
22-12-92 |
San Marino |
22-12-92 |
31-08-94 |
R |
31-08-94 |
Saudi-Arabië |
22-12-92 |
Senegal |
22-12-92 |
Singapore |
22-12-92 |
Slovenië |
22-12-92 |
12-12-94 |
R |
12-12-94 |
Soedan |
22-12-92 |
13-02-97 |
R |
13-02-97 |
Spanje |
22-12-92 |
Sri Lanka |
22-12-92 |
Suriname |
22-12-92 |
Tanzania |
22-12-92 |
Thailand |
22-12-92 |
Togo |
19-09-94 |
T |
19-09-94 |
Tsjaad |
22-12-92 |
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) |
22-12-92 |
Tunesië |
22-12-92 |
27-10-97 |
R |
27-10-97 |
Turkije |
22-12-92 |
03-05-00 |
R |
03-05-00 |
Uruguay |
22-12-92 |
01-10-98 |
R |
01-10-98 |
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het |
22-12-92 |
27-06-94 |
R |
01-07-94 |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, de |
22-12-92 |
02-08-95 |
R |
02-08-95 |
Vietnam |
NB |
19-06-96 |
R |
19-06-96 |
Zambia |
22-12-92 |
Zimbabwe |
22-12-92 |
05-12-94 |
R |
05-12-94 |
Zuid-Afrika |
30-06-94 |
T |
01-07-94 |
Zuid-Korea |
22-12-92 |
05-08-94 |
R |
05-08-94 |
Zweden |
22-12-92 |
15-09-94 |
R |
15-09-94 |
Zwitserland |
22-12-92 |
15-09-94 |
R |
15-09-94 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Zie Trb. 2006, 229.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Afghanistan1) |
05-11-06 |
R |
05-11-06 |
Albanië |
24-06-05 |
R |
24-06-05 |
Angola |
10-11-06 |
T |
10-11-06 |
Argentinië |
06-08-07 |
R |
06-08-07 |
Australië |
03-03-05 |
R |
03-03-05 |
Bahrein |
20-09-04 |
R |
20-09-04 |
Belarus |
09-08-06 |
R |
09-08-06 |
Botswana |
14-11-06 |
R |
14-11-06 |
Bulgarije |
03-08-04 |
R |
03-08-04 |
Cambodja |
18-12-03 |
R |
01-01-04 |
Canada |
26-04-04 |
R |
26-04-04 |
Cyprus |
30-05-08 |
R |
30-05-08 |
Denemarken |
20-06-03 |
R |
01-01-04 |
Duitsland |
06-12-06 |
R |
06-12-06 |
Ecuador |
16-06-04 |
R |
16-06-04 |
Egypte |
08-07-04 |
R |
08-07-04 |
Estland |
12-01-05 |
R |
12-01-05 |
Finland |
19-10-04 |
R |
19-10-04 |
Frankrijk |
23-04-08 |
R |
23-04-08 |
Gabon |
21-07-04 |
R |
21-07-04 |
Indonesië |
03-02-05 |
R |
03-02-05 |
Irak |
08-02-06 |
T |
08-02-06 |
Japan |
02-07-04 |
R |
02-07-04 |
Kiribati |
10-01-07 |
T |
10-01-07 |
Koeweit |
10-09-07 |
R |
10-09-07 |
Letland |
25-11-05 |
R |
25-11-05 |
Liberia2) |
08-10-08 |
R |
08-10-08 |
Libië |
10-07-07 |
T |
10-07-07 |
Liechtenstein |
13-04-06 |
R |
13-04-06 |
Litouwen |
07-12-06 |
R |
07-12-06 |
Luxemburg |
27-04-07 |
R |
27-04-07 |
Maleisië |
24-12-04 |
R |
24-12-04 |
Malta |
06-04-04 |
R |
06-04-04 |
Mexico |
18-10-05 |
R |
18-10-05 |
Moldavië |
15-09-04 |
R |
15-09-04 |
Monaco |
29-07-04 |
T |
29-07-04 |
Montenegro |
21-07-06 |
T |
21-07-06 |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der |
– Nederland |
21-11-08 |
R |
21-11-08 |
– Ned. Antillen |
21-11-08 |
R |
21-11-08 |
– Aruba |
21-11-08 |
R |
21-11-08 |
Nieuw-Zeeland |
20-06-06 |
R |
20-06-06 |
Oezbekistan |
19-01-07 |
T |
19-01-07 |
Oman |
25-10-04 |
R |
25-10-04 |
Oostenrijk |
27-01-06 |
R |
27-01-06 |
Pakistan |
10-01-07 |
R |
10-01-07 |
Panama |
27-08-04 |
R |
27-08-04 |
Peru |
18-10-06 |
R |
18-10-06 |
Qatar |
22-12-04 |
R |
22-12-04 |
Roemenië |
17-07-08 |
R |
17-07-08 |
Rwanda |
05-10-06 |
R |
05-10-06 |
San Marino |
14-02-06 |
R |
14-02-06 |
Saudi-Arabië |
20-09-05 |
R |
20-09-05 |
Singapore |
11-06-04 |
R |
11-06-04 |
Sint Kitts en Nevis |
15-03-06 |
T |
15-03-06 |
Slovenië |
13-09-07 |
R |
13-09-07 |
Slowakije |
15-03-04 |
R |
15-03-04 |
Soedan |
23-06-06 |
R |
23-06-06 |
Somalië |
24-06-05 |
T |
24-06-05 |
Spanje |
16-05-06 |
R |
16-05-06 |
Syrië |
14-02-07 |
R |
14-02-07 |
Trinidad en Tobago |
16-02-04 |
T |
16-02-04 |
Tsjechië |
18-12-03 |
R |
01-01-04 |
Turkije |
03-03-06 |
R |
03-03-06 |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, de |
06-01-05 |
R |
06-01-05 |
Vietnam |
12-11-03 |
R |
01-01-04 |
Zuid-Afrika |
18-10-06 |
R |
18-10-06 |
Zuid-Korea |
05-05-04 |
R |
05-05-04 |
Zweden |
22-12-03 |
R |
01-01-04 |
Zwitserland |
17-01-06 |
R |
17-01-06 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Door ratificatie van ITU Statuut en Verdrag, zoals gewijzigd, is Afghanistan partij geworden bij de wijzigingen van 2002.
Door ratificatie van ITU Statuut en Verdrag, zoals gewijzigd, is Liberia partij geworden bij de wijzigingen van 2002.
Liechtenstein, 13 april 2006
The Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein confirmed Reservations made at the time of signature.
Spanje, 16 mei 2006
The Government of Spain confirmed Reservations made at the time of signature.
Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding en goedkeuring zijn voorzien in artikel 52, eerste lid, en toetreding in artikel 53, eerste lid, van het Statuut.
Partij |
Ondertekening |
Ratificatie |
Type* |
In werking |
Opzegging |
Buiten werking |
Australië |
17-04-08 |
R |
17-04-08 |
Belarus |
28-06-07 |
R |
01-01-08 |
Bulgarije |
07-07-08 |
R |
07-07-08 |
Denemarken |
02-10-08 |
R |
02-10-08 |
Frankrijk |
10-10-08 |
R |
10-10-08 |
Japan |
24-06-08 |
R |
24-06-08 |
Liberia1) |
08-10-08 |
R |
08-10-08 |
Qatar |
04-10-07 |
R |
01-01-08 |
Roemenië |
17-07-08 |
R |
17-07-08 |
Slowakije |
11-03-08 |
R |
11-03-08 |
Vietnam |
16-08-07 |
R |
01-01-08 |
Zwitserland |
13-05-08 |
R |
13-05-08 |
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Door ratificatie van ITU Statuut en Verdrag, zoals gewijzigd, is Liberia partij geworden bij de wijzigingen van 2006.
Zie Trb. 1993, 138, Trb. 1996, 165 en Trb. 2006, 229.
De bepalingen van de Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag van 18 oktober 2002 zijn ingevolge artikel 55, achtste lid, juncto artikel 52 en artikel 53, van het Statuut op 21 november 2008 voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in werking getreden.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden gelden de wijzigingen van 18 oktober 2002, evenals het Statuut en het Verdrag, voor het gehele Koninkrijk.
De bepalingen van de Akten van wijziging van het Statuut en van het Verdrag van 24 november 2006 zijn ingevolge deel II van de Akten op 1 januari 2008 in werking getreden tussen de Lidstaten die op dat tijdstip partij zijn bij het Statuut en bij het Verdrag en die voor die datum hun akte van bekrachtiging, aanvaarding of goedkeuring van of toetreding tot de Akten hebben nedergelegd.
Voor de staten die na 1 januari 2008 hun akte van bekrachtiging, aanvaarding of goedkeuring van of toetreding tot de Akten nederleggen, treden de bepalingen van de Akten ingevolge artikel 55, achtste lid, juncto artikel 52 en artikel 53, van het Statuut in werking op de datum van nederlegging van de akte.
Zie Trb. 1993, 138, Trb. 1996, 165 en Trb. 2006, 229.
Titel |
: |
Handvest van de Verenigde Naties; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Statuut van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie; New York, 22 juli 1946 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Radioreglement 1979; Genève, 6 december 1979 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Statuut van het Internationaal Gerechtshof; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Statuut van de Internationale Organisatie voor Atoomenergie; New York, 26 oktober 1956 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Titel |
: |
Overeenkomst betreffende het Internationale Monetaire Fonds; Washington, 27 december 1945 |
Laatste Trb. |
: |
Uitgegeven de vierentwintigste december 2008.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet afgedrukt.
– Verklarende noot: De symbolen in de marge geven wijzigingen aan, aangenomen door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Antalya, 2006) met betrekking tot de teksten van het Statuut en het Verdrag (Genève, 1992) zoals gewijzigd door de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Kyoto, 1994), de Plenipotentiaire Conferentie (Minneapolis, 1998) en de Plenipotentiare Conferentie (Marrakesh, 2002), en hebben de volgende betekenis:
ADD = toevoeging van een nieuwe bepaling
MOD = wijziging van een bestaande bepaling
(MOD) = redactionele wijziging van een bestaande bepaling
SUP = verwijdering van een bestaande bepaling
SUP* = bepaling die naar een andere plaats in de Slotakten is verplaatst
ADD* = een bestaande bepaling die van een andere plaats in de Slotakten naar de aangeduide plaats is verplaatst
Deze symbolen worden gevolgd door het nummer van de bestaande bepaling. Wat nieuwe bepalingen betreft (symbool ADD), wordt de plaats waar zij dienen te worden ingevoegd getoond door het nummer van de voorgaande bepaling, gevolgd door een letter.
The language used in the basic instruments of the Union (Constitution and Convention) is to be considered as gender neutral.
The language used in the basic instruments of the Union (Constitution and Convention) is to be considered as gender neutral.
Note by the General Secretariat – The texts of the declarations and reservations are shown in the chronological order in which they were deposited.
De in de tekst van de basisakten van de Unie (Statuut en Verdrag) gebezigde taal dient te worden beschouwd als genderneutraal.
De in de tekst van de basisakten van de Unie (Statuut en Verdrag) gebezigde taal dient te worden beschouwd als genderneutraal.
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De hier aangeboden pdf-bestanden van het Staatsblad, Staatscourant, Tractatenblad, provinciaal blad, gemeenteblad, waterschapsblad en blad gemeenschappelijke regeling vormen de formele bekendmakingen in de zin van de Bekendmakingswet en de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen voor zover ze na 1 juli 2009 zijn uitgegeven. Voor pdf-publicaties van vóór deze datum geldt dat alleen de in papieren vorm uitgegeven bladen formele status hebben; de hier aangeboden elektronische versies daarvan worden bij wijze van service aangeboden.