83 (1970) Nr. 36


Overeenkomst inzake het internationale vervoer van aan bederf onderhevige levensmiddelen en het gebruik van speciale vervoermiddelen bij dit vervoer (ATP) (met Bijlagen);

Genève, 1 september 1970

Voor een overzicht van de verdragsgegevens, zie verdragsnummers 002966, 014017, 014018 en 014019 in de Verdragenbank.


Overeenkomstig artikel 18, eerste lid, van de Overeenkomst heeft de Werkgroep voor het vervoer van aan bederf onderhevige levensmiddelen op 29 oktober 2021 wijzigingen van enkele bepalingen van Bijlage 1 bij de Overeenkomst voorgesteld. Deze wijzigingen zijn ingevolge artikel 18, vijfde lid, aanvaard op 22 december 2023. De Engelse1) tekst van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:

1. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 1.2

Amend the third paragraph to read:

“For calculating the mean surface area of the body of a panel van, the test station appointed by the competent authority shall select from one of the following three methods A-C. For calculating the mean surface area of the body of a tank, the test station appointed by the competent authority may use method A or D.”

2. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 1.2

Amend the last three paragraphs (Method C) to read:

“Method C. If methods A or B are not acceptable to the experts, the internal surface of the panel van shall be measured according to the figures and formulae in method B.

The initial K value shall then be calculated based on the internal surface area, taking the insulation thickness as nil to start the iteration process. From this K value, the average insulation thickness is calculated from the assumption that λ for the insulation has a value of 0,025 W/m °C

Once the thickness of the insulation has been estimated, the external surface area is calculated and the mean surface area is determined. The final K value is derived from successive iterations.”

3. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 1.2, Method C

Add new last paragraph to read as follows:

“A different value of λ may be used in this method if the actual value of λ can be estimated by physical measurements of the properties of the main thermal insulator of the wall, or by statistical data of other ATP units of similar features. The value of λ and the statistical data used, if applicable, shall be indicated in or annexed to the test report Model No. 1 A.”

4. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 1.2

After the last paragraph, add the following text:

“Method D. If method A is not acceptable to the experts, the external surface of the tank shall be measured, taking into account the geometrical shape of the tank and the main values needed to model this shape (e.g. diameter, radius, length of cylinder, etc.). This method can only be used if the tank can be assimilated to regular geometrical forms (cylinder, cone, sphere) that can be described by mathematical equations.

The initial K value shall then be calculated based on the external surface area, taking the insulation thickness as nil to start the iteration process. From this K value, the average insulation thickness is calculated from the assumption that λ for the insulation has a value of 0,035 W/m °C

Once the thickness of the insulation has been estimated, the internal surface area is calculated taking into consideration the geometrical shape of the tank, and the mean surface area is determined. The final K value is derived from successive iterations.

A different value of λ may be used in this method if the actual value of λ can be estimated by physical measurements of the properties of the main thermal insulator of the wall, or by statistical data of other ATP units of similar features. The value of λ and the statistical data used, if applicable, shall be indicated in or annexed to the test report Model No. 1 B.”

5. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 4.5.2

Consequential amendment:

In Annex 1, appendix 2, section 9.2.1:

6. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 6.2.3

Amend paragraph 6.2.3 to read as follows:

“At the request of the manufacturer, replacement of the original refrigerant fluid of mechanically refrigerated equipment in service is allowed under the following conditions:

  • a) a test report or addendum confirming equivalence to a similar mechanically refrigerated unit with the drop-in refrigerant fluid is available in accordance with annex 1, appendix 2, section 4.5 of the ATP Agreement; and

  • b) an efficiency test according to 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 has been successfully carried out.

In the event that the request is accepted, the manufacturer’s plate must be corrected accordingly.

In the particular case of replacement of the refrigerant fluid such as those mentioned in the table below, subparagraph (a) only requires the manufacturer to request from the official test station the issue of an addendum without any additional testing.

Original refrigerant

Drop-in refrigerant



7. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.2

Amend the second line of paragraph 7.3.2, which starts with “The internal…”, to read as follows:

“The internal surface area of the body shall not vary by more than 20 %.”

8. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.2

Amend the definition of Sbody to read as follows:

“Sbody is the geometric mean of the inside surface area and the outside surface area of the body,”

9. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.3

Amend the definition of Schilled-comp to read as follows:

“Schilled-comp is the inside surface area of the chilled compartment for the given positions of the bulkheads,”

10. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.3

Amend the definition of Sbulk to read as follows:

“Sbulk are the surface areas of the bulkheads,”

11. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.4

Amend the definition of Sfrozen-comp to read as follows:

“Sfrozen-comp is the inside surface area of the frozen compartment for the given positions of the bulkheads,”

12. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.4

Amend the definition of Sbulk to read as follows:

“Sbulk are the surface areas of the bulkheads,”

13. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.7

In the heading of the third column of the table replace “Removable” by “Movable”

14. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 9.2.1

In the third paragraph, that starts with “For mono-temperature…”, add a last sentence to read:

“The cooling capacity obtained for the third temperature level may be calculated by the testing station on the basis of an interpolation based on the results obtained during tests carried out at the –20 °C and 0 °C temperature levels.”

15. Annex 1, Appendix 3 (A), footnote 4

Amend footnote 4 to read as follows:

  • “4. Multi-temperature equipment is insulated equipment with two or more compartments for different temperatures in each compartment. For multi-temperature equipment a declaration of conformity (see 7.3.6 of annex 1, appendix 2) shall be carried in addition to the ATP certificate.”

Overeenkomstig artikel 18, eerste lid, van de Overeenkomst heeft de Werkgroep voor het vervoer van aan bederf onderhevige levensmiddelen op 6 mei 2022 de wijziging van een bepaling van Bijlage 1 bij de Overeenkomst voorgesteld. Deze wijziging is ingevolge artikel 18, vijfde lid, aanvaard op 22 december 2023. De Engelse1) tekst van deze wijziging luidt als volgt:

Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.7

In the table, heading of column number 4, replace “foam” by “insulation”.

Overeenkomstig artikel 18, eerste lid, van de Overeenkomst heeft de Werkgroep voor het vervoer van aan bederf onderhevige levensmiddelen op 28 oktober 2022 wijzigingen van enkele bepalingen van Bijlage 1 bij de Overeenkomst voorgesteld. Deze wijzigingen zijn ingevolge artikel 18, vijfde lid, aanvaard op 22 december 2023. De Engelse1)tekst van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:

1. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 8, MODEL No. 14

In Model No.14 insert a footnote after “Serial Number” under the sections “Insulated body” and “Host Unit”. Footnote reads as follows:

“a Individual serial number or series of serial numbers.”

2. Annex 1, Appendix 3, footnote 12

In footnote 12, replace “his signature” by “signature”.

3. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 4.3.1(b)

Add a new paragraph at the end to read:

“If the compressor is driven by an auxiliary electrical power source, the test shall be carried out at the nominal electrical input parameter of the compressor as specified by the manufacturer. ”

4. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.1

Replace “internal dividing walls” by “dividing walls”.

5. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.3

In the introductory sentence, replace the word “bulkheads” by “dividing walls” and in the body of the text, replace the word “bulkheads” by “dividing walls” (3 times).

6. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.4

In the introductory sentence, replace “bulkheads” by “dividing walls” and in the body of the text, replace “bulkheads” by “dividing walls” (3 times).

7. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.5

In the introductory sentence, replace “bulkheads” by “dividing walls”

8. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.6

In the introductory sentence, replace “bulkheads” by “dividing walls” and in the body of the text, replace “bulkheads” by “dividing walls”.

9. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 7.3.7

In the heading and first paragraph, replace “internal dividing walls” by “dividing walls” (2 times).

10. Annex 1, Appendix 2, section 8, MODEL No. 14

Replace “bulkheads” by “dividing walls” (2 times).

11. Annex 1, Appendix 2

Insert a new paragraph 3.2.8 to read as follows:

  • “3.2.8 If the refrigerating appliance with all of its accessories has undergone separately, to the satisfaction of the competent authority, a test to determine the air circulation volume, the minimum required airflow in cooling mode for both mechanically refrigerated equipment and mechanically refrigerated and heated equipment with a forced ventilation system shall conform to the following formula7:

    L = N•V

    Where minimum airflow rate V̇Lmin is air changes per hour N, multiplied by the empty volume V.

    Where N = 50

    The air volume flow may be modulated in part load operation after reaching the set point temperature and if the temperature of the class is reached, the air flow needs not be continuous.

    Where V exceeds 60 m3L may be limited to at least 3000 m3 per hour for containers, wagons and lorries8.

    Where V exceeds 100 m3L may be limited to at least 5000 m3 per hour.

Footnotes 7 and 8 read as follows:

“7 Applies to equipment manufactured after (DD MM YEAR)

8 Containers can be demountable bodies of lorries”

12. Annex 1, Appendix 2

Insert a new paragraph 3.4.9 to read:

  • “3.4.9 The equipment should comply with the airflow requirements in cooling mode prescribed in paragraph 3.2.8”

13. Annex 1, Appendix 2, paragraph 7.3.1

Add new indent at the end to read

  • “– The equipment should comply with the airflow requirements in cooling mode prescribed in paragraph 3.2.8.”

14. Annex 1, Appendix 3,

Insert new section 7.2.6 in the Model form of Certificate of compliance to read:

  • “7.2.6 XX air changes/hour”

15. Annex 1, Appendix 3,

Insert a new footnote 11, after footnote 10, to read:

11 Where XX is the number of air changes per hour calculated by dividing the total airflow of the circulation fans by the total internal volume of the equipment. In the case of multi-compartment equipment with movable bulkheads, the total airflow of the circulation fans has to be divided by the maximum internal volume of each compartment.”

16. Annex 1, Appendix 3,

Renumber existing footnotes 11 to 15 as 12 to 16.


De wijzigingen van 22 december 2023 van Bijlage 1 bij de Overeenkomst behoeven ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel f, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.


De wijzigingen van 22 december 2023 van Bijlage 1 bij de Overeenkomst zijn ingevolge artikel 18, zesde lid, van de Overeenkomst op 22 juni 2024 voor alle partijen, waaronder het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, in werking getreden.

Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, gelden de wijzigingen van 22 december 2023, evenals de Overeenkomst, alleen voor Nederland (het Europese deel).

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijzigingen van 22 december 2023 van Bijlage 1 bij de Overeenkomst zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese deel) op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de twaalfde juli 2024.

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, C.C.J. VELDKAMP

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