8 (2024) Nr. 1


Briefwisseling houdende een verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Organisatie der Verenigde Naties voor Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur (UNESCO) betreffende de internationale conferentie „Cultural Heritage and Peace: Building on 70 years of the UNESCO Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, te ’s-Gravenhage, Nederland, van 13 tot en met 15 mei 2024 (met bijlage);

Parijs, 2 mei 2024

Voor een overzicht van de verdragsgegevens, zie verdragsnummer 014044 in de Verdragenbank.


Nr. I


Paris, 29 April 2024

Dear Ambassador,

I have the honour to refer to your letter dated 12 October 2023 in which you informed the Secretariat of UNESCO of your Government’s offer to host the International Conference “Cultural Heritage and Peace: Building on 70 years of the UNESCO Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict” in The Hague from 13 to 15 May 2024.

I would like to thank the Kingdom of the Netherlands for its generous offer and confirm, on behalf of the Organization, UNESCO’s acceptance of this offer, as indicated in the letter of the Assistant Director-General for Culture of 28 November 2023 reference CLT/CEM/CHP/23/9470.

A. Nature and scope of the meeting

In accordance with the provisions of the “Regulations for the general classification of the various categories of meetings convened by UNESCO” adopted by the General Conference at its 14th session and amended at its 18th, 25th, 33rd and 37th sessions, this meeting is regarded as falling within category IV.

The purpose of this meeting is to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, adopted at The Hague on 14 May 1954, and the 25th anniversary of the Second Protocol to The Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, adopted at The Hague on 26 March 1999.

B. Participation

The following participants are invited to take part in the meeting:

  • Specialists serving in their individual capacity as designated or admitted by the Director-General.

  • Observers designated by Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO.

The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system with which UNESCO has concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to the meeting.

The Director-General may also extend invitations to send observers to the meeting to:

  • (a) Organizations of the United Nations system with which UNESCO has not concluded mutual representation agreements;

  • (b) Intergovernmental organizations; and

  • (c) International non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO's partnership with international non-governmental organizations.

The total number of participants, including specialists, observers and members of the UNESCO Secretariat, is expected to be approximately 300.

I have the honour to submit for your consideration the following proposals for the arrangements for this meeting.


The meeting will be held from 13 to 15 May 2024 at the Peace Palace and the World Forum in The Hague, the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


The responsibility for the operational and technical organization of the meeting lies with both the Government of the Netherlands (hereinafter: the “Government“) and UNESCO on the basis of the attached statement of requirements (see Annex).

However, nothing herein shall preclude the parties from mutually agreeing to such adjustments as may be desirable to ensure the smooth conduct of the meeting, in accordance with Article IX. All matters relating to the operational and technical organization of the meeting will be handled through the liaison officer appointed by the Government.


The Government is responsible for providing, at its own expense, the police protection and security measures necessary for the holding of the preparatory meetings and meetings of the event, as well as any other meeting related to the event, in an atmosphere of calm and serenity, without interference of any kind.

The Government shall assess the police protection and security measures necessary for the holding of the event and will provide these measures. These measures shall meet the standards of the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS), according to which the UN Designated Official (DO) for the Netherlands is the authority responsible for the security of United Nations personnel, premises and assets throughout the country, and must be consulted on the measures envisaged.

The police and security arrangements will be under the direct supervision and/or control of a senior officer designated by the Government of the Netherlands who will work in close coordination with the security officer appointed for this purpose by UNESCO and/or the locally competent United Nations security officer.


The Government will apply, in all matters relating to this meeting, the provisions of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations and its Annex IV relating to UNESCO. All persons entitled to participate in the meeting must have the right to enter and leave the territory of the Netherlands promptly. In that respect, it is understood that no restriction on the right to enter, stay in and depart from the territory of the Netherlands may be imposed on a person entitled to participate in the meeting, regardless of his or her nationality.


The Government shall facilitate the participants to obtain any required visas as expeditiously as possible, in accordance with relevant domestic and EU legislation and its obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security.


In the event that the meeting is held during a global/regional/local health crisis, the Government will put in place a set of health protocols to ensure the safety of meeting participants as well as the staff of the organizing teams. These protocols should be in line with the latest UNESCO and The Netherlands health guidelines, and can be reconsidered at any time if necessary.

In the event that the meeting is held during a global/regional local health crisis, the Government will develop guidelines for the practical organization of the meeting and any other meetings and events related to the main meeting, taking into account the concepts of population density, audience flow, space and volume of the venue, as well as specific guidelines for catering.

Preventive and protective measures to reduce the risk of propagation from and into the meeting venue should also be in place at official event locations: meeting facilities (including interpretation booths and offices), cultural sites, etc.

The Government will be responsible for informing and, if necessary, reminding participants and organizers, as well as professionals (artists, exhibitors, technicians, service providers, volunteers, etc.), of the measures in place, and for ensuring that they are respected by everyone at all times.


The Government is committed to taking environmental considerations into account at all stages of the planning, organization and execution of the meeting in order to minimize environmental impact, in accordance with the UNESCO Environmental Sustainability and Management Policy. Any additional expenses that an environmentally friendly meeting may require will be included in the financial planning for the meeting.

In providing the space, facilities, utilities and services for the meeting, the Government will aim to avoid and reduce, to the extent possible, greenhouse gas emissions associated with the hosting of the meeting.

All facilities, services and resources necessary to implement a sustainable meeting will be provided by the Government.


The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands undertakes to take into account privacy-by-design and by-default considerations at all stages of the planning, organization and implementation of the meeting in order to minimize the risks associated with the processing of personal data, in accordance with the UNESCO Principles on Personal Data Protection and Privacy (https://www.unesco.org/en/privacy-policy) and their applicable regulations and rules.

In this regard, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will undertake a privacy impact assessment to build and demonstrate the implementation of the Principles so that data subjects retain control over their personal data. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will report on the data protection aspects of the meeting, including technical and administrative safeguards against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data, and will ensure that measures are evaluated.


As long as the premises reserved for the meeting remain at the disposal of UNESCO, the Government shall bear the risk of damage to the premises, equipment and furniture, and shall assume full responsibility for any accidents to persons attending the meeting. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands does not assume responsibility for damage caused by gross negligence or intentional misconduct of participants. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall ensure the protection of the above-mentioned premises, equipment, furniture and persons against risks, particularly fire. It may also claim compensation from UNESCO for damage to persons and property caused by the fault of staff members or agents of the Organization.


Any dispute relating to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled by negotiation or such other procedure as the parties may agree.


The exchange of letters constituting an agreement may be amended by mutual written agreement by UNESCO and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The exchange of letters shall constitute the agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and UNESCO with respect to this meeting, which shall remain in force for the duration of the meeting and for such additional period as is necessary for its winding up. The total duration of this Agreement shall not exceed one year.

Please accept, Ambassador, the assurance of my highest consideration.

ANTHONY OHEMENG-BOAMAH Assistant Director-General for Priority Africa and External Relations

Annex: Statement of requirements

Monique van Daalen

Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO

Statement of Requirements

Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization concerning the international conference “Cultural heritage and peace: building on 70 years of the UNESCO Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict“ in The Hague, 13-15 May 2024.


  • 1.1 Meeting venue: The Peace Palace and the World Forum, The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands

  • 1.2 Dates: 13-15 May 2024

  • 1.3 Duration: Welcome ceremony and reception (evening 13 May), one full day (14 May), one half day (morning 15 May)

  • 1.4 Meeting format: in-person interventions by panellists and live-streaming of plenary sessions for viewing purposes only (no online interventions)

  • 1.5 Approximate number of participants: 300 (including key participants, specialists, observers and members of the Secretariat)

  • 1.6 Working languages: English and French

  • 1.7 Organization of work: welcoming, opening and closing components, plenary sessions, parallel thematic sessions, networking agora including exhibitions, booths and/or discussions, and partial livestreaming

  • 1.8 Audio/video recording: all sessions


  • 2.1 Make prior arrangements and cooperate technically with the Government.

  • 2.2 Co-chair the Programme Committee with a representative of the Government and participate in the Organizing Committee.

  • 2.3 Propose the programme of the meeting, which must be developed in cooperation with the authorities of the Government.

  • 2.4 Documents to be drafted:

    • before the meeting: general information document (including concept note, programme and logistic information) and guiding note for moderators and keynote speakers.

    • after the meeting: proceedings.

  • 2.5 In consultation with the Government, prepare, translate and send a circular letter to the Member States, other eminent international governmental and non-governmental organisations, and relevant UNESCO Chairs and UNESCO Category 2 Centers.

  • 2.6 Prepare, translate and send nominative invitations to participants for the purpose of visa application or facilitation of participation.

  • 2.7 In consultation with the Government, designate moderators and speakers, and prepare, translate and send individual invitations.

  • 2.8 In consultation with the Government, prepare, translate and send electronically the information documents of the meeting.

  • 2.9 Establish contacts with public and private institutions in order to raise funds for the activities related to the meeting, in cooperation with the authorities of the Government.

  • 2.10 Establish contacts with other United Nations agencies.

  • 2.11 Create and maintain a web page dedicated to the meeting in English and French on the UNESCO website.

  • 2.12 Support the activities of the moderators and the speakers for the meeting.

  • 2.13 Within the financial contribution from the Government, UNESCO supports:

    • (a) travel costs of UNESCO staff members for up to 10 staff members participating in the conference, including those participating in up to two joint preparatory missions, for up to four staff members;

    • (b) the cost of translation and production of meeting documents, as well as graphic design/visual and branding;

    • (c) conference live streaming.

  • 2.14 Propose specific measures to improve the environmental performance of the meeting in its planning, organization and execution and support the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the implementation of these measures, in accordance with the UNESCO Environmental Sustainability and Management Policy.

  • 2.15 Offset greenhouse gas emissions from the travel of UNESCO staff and participants whose travel costs were funded by UNESCO, as part of its internal carbon tax on air travel.

  • 2.16 Communicate the meeting's environmental objectives and actions to participants and make them visible in official meeting documents.


  • 3.1 Preparation of the content

    • (a) Co-chair the Programme Committee with a UNESCO representative;

    • (b) Actively contribute to the development of the meeting programme;

    • (c) Assist in the selection of international experts for the working groups and, subsequently, the keynote speakers;

    • (d) Contribute to the development of the meeting's website content.

  • 3.2 Services

    • 3.2.1 The Government:

      • (a) chairs the organizing committee;

      • (b) establishes contacts with public and private institutions in order to raise funds for the activities related to the meeting, in cooperation with UNESCO.

    • 3.2.2. The Government shall finance and arrange:

      • (a) Travel and expenses for participants of the Least Developed Countries, as defined by the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), subject to a total cap of twenty-three (23) such participants in total, administered on a “first come, first served“ basis, which include:

        • (i) Roundtrip air tickets or train tickets in economy class from each participant's base city;

        • (ii) A sufficient number of hotel rooms for these participants and full board.

      • (b) Travel and expenses for up to 35 speakers and moderators, which include:

        • (i) Roundtrip air tickets or train tickets, in economy class from each participant's base city;

        • (ii) A sufficient number of hotel rooms for these speakers and moderators and full board.

      • (c) Simultaneous interpretation into two working languages (English and French);

      • (d) One official car and driver each for the Director-General and the Assistant Director-General, for transportation in connection with the Conference. A third car is requested for the persons who will accompany the Director-General;

      • (e) The potential additional costs required to organize an environmentally friendly meeting.

  • 3.3 Security

    • 3.3.1 The Government shall provide all necessary security equipment and personnel at its own expense. It should also provide the necessary protection to ensure the safety of VIPs and dignitaries during their stay on its territory.

    • 3.3.2. The Government shall appoint a Senior Coordination Officer no later than one month before the event begins, who shall work closely, including remotely, on the security organization with the United Nations system managers.

    • 3.3.3. The Government shall assess threats, whether in terms of terrorism, common criminality or public disturbances and provide the necessary security measures based on the assessment.

  • 3.4 Visas and customs

    The Government shall facilitate the application for and issuance of visas free of charge to meeting participants, the UNESCO Secretariat, where the legislation of the Government permits, as well as the clearance of documents and working materials required for the meeting (including for the exhibition, if applicable).

  • 3.5 Eco-responsibility

    The Government will accommodate as much as possible that environmental sustainability considerations are ambitiously integrated and visible in all stages and aspects of the planning and organization of the meeting.

    • 3.5.1. Meeting venue

      The Government will accommodate as much as possible, with a minimal environmental footprint, preferably eco-labelled, including the following criteria:

      • Easy access from city centre/train station/airport (preferably by public transportation)

      • Energy and water saving measures in place

      • Use of renewable energy sources

      • Waste sorting and recycling system in place, as well as measures to limit waste

      • Eco-responsible purchasing and subcontracting policy, e.g. regarding the purchase of household supplies and products.

    • 3.5.2. Documents and communication materials

      The Government will accommodate as much as possible that:

      • (a) All working documents will be shared in electronic format (latest version) via the meeting website or a dedicated application;

      • (b) The use of printed documents and flyers is avoided as much as possible and working documents and the agenda shall only be printed exceptionally on request;

      • (c) Access badges and nameplates are recyclable and collected at the end of the meeting for this purpose;

      • (d) The distribution of goodies from partners is discouraged and all communication materials come from a sustainable source;

      • (e) The environmental measures implemented for the organization of the meeting are communicated to the participants (for example by using specific signage, or via a practical guide), in order to make them aware of this subject and encourage good practices.

    • 3.5.3. Waste

      The Government will accommodate as much as possible that waste generation during the meeting is kept to a minimum, including that:

      • (a) No single-use plastics are used during the event;

      • (b) A recycling system for at least paper and plastic be put in place;

      • (c) In the event of a lack of local waste treatment, an external waste collection and recycling partner is mandated;

      • (d) Recycling bins must be clearly labelled and available around the meeting site.

    • 3.5.4. Food and catering

      The Government will accommodate as much as possible that:

      • (a) All cutlery, plates and cups used for the meeting are reusable;

      • (b) Water fountains or carafes are made available at the meeting venue and single use plastic bottles are thus avoided;

      • (c) Local, seasonal, organic and fair trade products are used whenever possible;

      • (d) The supplier is informed in advance of the exact number of participants and their possible dietary restrictions;

      • (e) The catering menu includes at least one vegetarian/vegan main course for each meal.

    • 3.5.5. Transport

      The Government provides participants with information on non-motorized, public or electric modes of transportation for travel between the airport(s), train station(s), hotels and the meeting venues.

    • 3.5.6. Resource efficiency

      The Government will put in place specific measures throughout the meeting, both at the venue and in the proposed accommodation, as well as in the preparation of the meeting, to limit energy and water consumption and waste production.

  • 3.6 Accessibility

    The Government is committed to taking into account the needs of participants with disabilities at all stages of the planning, organization, implementation and assessment of the meeting to ensure accessibility for all participants to all aspects of the meeting, in accordance with the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy.

    The way in which UNESCO events are conducted sets visible standards for inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities of all kinds.

    In particular, the Government shall ensure that all official meeting venues are accessible to participants with reduced mobility (in wheelchairs). If necessary, the Government will provide sign language interpretation in English and French for hearing-impaired participants. In all cases, the Government will ensure that an appropriate service is provided for any participant with a disability, including the visually impaired.

    Online services to support meetings should offer participants a variety of ways to participate and communicate. Services that enhance accessibility could include, but are not limited to, captioning, print-on-demand Braille, hearing loops, sign language, easy-to-read materials and plain language materials.

    Facilities must meet the highest standards and should ideally meet universal design standards and provide reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities.

  • 3.7 Participant registration and accreditations

    • (a) UNESCO is responsible for the pre-registration of all participants, by setting up a dedicated online platform.

      Based on the official list of participants, including all data generated by the UNESCO pre-registration platform and transmitted to the Government, the host country is responsible for issuing, in consultation with UNESCO, and delivering the necessary accreditations and the nominative access badges for the meeting.

    • (b) The host country will ensure personal data is processed in a fair and transparent manner, in accordance with the UNESCO Principles on Personal Data Protection and Privacy (https://www.unesco.org/en/privacy-policy) and their applicable regulations and rules. For meetings, this means providing registrants with clear information regarding (i) what personal data is being collected, (ii) who is collecting it, (iii) who it might be shared with, (iv) what it will be used for, (v) how long it will be retained, and (vi) who to contact in case registrants have questions about the processing of their personal data. This information should be provided to registrants by means of a privacy notice prior to submitting their registration. Personal data collected during registration should be kept secure and used only for the purposes disclosed in the privacy notice. Registrants should always be provided with the option to opt-in for secondary purposes, such as inclusion in a shared event participant list, receiving post-event updates, or other content related to the event's theme (e.g., newsletter).

  • 3.8 Premises

    The Government is responsible for accommodating all necessary meeting venues and facilities at its own expense, including equipment and personnel including:

    • 3.8.1. Plenary Room at the Peace Palace

      • (a) Necessary capacity – 1 room, at least 300 participants

      • (b) Configuration (theatre style):

        • (i) On stage: A lectern (at least one-meter high) with access to sound equipment (microphones, headphones with interpretation); large screen and LCD projectors

        • (ii) Floor: Sufficient number of chairs; two honour rows in the front to be equipped with appropriate chairs with access to sound equipment (microphones, headphones with interpretation);

        • (iii) Equipment, such as interpretation booths, must comply with ISO 4043:2016 12 EN, 200108:2017 10 EN and 20109:2016 12 EN to the extent possible for English and French.

    • 3.8.2 Plenary Room at the World Forum:

      • (a) Necessary capacity – 1 room, at least 300 participants

      • (b) Configuration (theatre style):

        • (i) On stage: Chairs and low tables, a lectern (at least one-meter high), each seat dedicated to panellists with access to sound equipment (microphones, headphones with interpretation); large screens and LCD projectors;

        • (ii) Floor: Sufficient number of chairs; two honour rows in the front to be equipped with appropriate chairs;

        • (iii) Equipment, such as interpretation booths, must comply with ISO 4043:2016 12 EN, 200108:2017 10 EN and 20109:2016 12 EN to the extent possible for English and French.

    • 3.8.3 Retransmission facilities for the plenary sessions:

      • (a) Necessary capacity – 1 room, at least 100 participants;

      • (b) Configuration (theatre pattern) with sufficient number of chairs, large screen and equipment with access to audio, video and sound (headphones with interpretation EN/FR).

    • 3.8.4 Rooms for parallel thematic sessions at the World Forum:

      Session A

      • (a) Necessary capacity – 1 room, around 100 participants

      • (b) Configuration ('House of Commons' style):

        • (i) Floor: Sufficient number of chairs, three chairs on each of the front row dedicated to panellists with microphones, and headphones with interpretation; large screens and LCD projectors

        • (ii) Equipment, such as interpretation booths, must comply with ISO 4043:2016 12 EN, 200108:2017 10 EN and 20109:2016 12 EN to the extent possible for English and French

      Session B

      • (a) Necessary capacity – 1 room (Plenary Room), around 100 participants

      • (b) Configuration (theatre style):

        • (i) On stage: Chairs and low tables, a lectern (at least one-meter high), each seat dedicated to panellists with access to sound equipment (microphones, headphones with interpretation); large screens and LCD projectors

        • (ii) Floor: Sufficient number of chairs

        • (iii) Equipment, such as interpretation booths, must comply with ISO 4043:2016 12 EN, 200108:2017 10 EN and 20109:2016 12 EN to the extent possible for English and French

      Session C

      • (a) Necessary capacity – 1 room, at least 100 participants

      • (b) Configuration (fishbone pattern style):

        • (i) On stage: Chairs and low tables, a lectern (at least one-meter high), each seat dedicated to panellists with access to sound equipment (microphones, headphones with interpretation); large screens and LCD projectors.

        • (ii) Floor: Sufficient number of chairs.

        • (iii) Equipment, such as interpretation booths, must comply with ISO 4043:2016 12 EN, 200108:2017 10 EN and 20109:2016 12 EN to the extent possible for English and French.

    • 3.8.5 Offices and other spaces

      • (a) Office for the Director-General at the Peace Palace: to be equipped with VIP furniture with high-speed internet, a flagpole, and a catering station with coffee/tea/water and appropriate appliances.

      • (b) Office for the UNESCO Secretariat at the Peace Palace: to be equipped with the necessary number of desks and chairs, one monitor with a USB-C cable allowing to connect to a UNESCO laptop with high-speed internet, one mouse, one keyboard, one high-speed multifunctional printer, and one multi-socket power strip.

      • (c) Office for the Director-General at the World Forum: to be equipped with VIP furniture with high-speed internet, a flagpole, and a catering station with coffee/tea/water and appropriate appliances.

      • (d) Bilateral room for the Assistant Director-General at the World Forum: to be equipped with VIP furniture with high-speed internet (4 low armchairs/seats and one low table), one office desk and two office chairs, a flagpole, a monitor with a USB-C cable allowing to connect to a UNESCO laptop, one mouse, one keyboard, a multi-socket power strip, extra router internet connection, selective sorting bins, and a catering station with coffee/tea/water and appropriate appliances.

      • (e) Large room for the UNESCO Secretariat at the World Forum: to be equipped with five office desks, ten office chairs, five monitors with a USB-C cable allowing to connect to a UNESCO laptop, with high-speed internet five mouses, five keyboards, two multi-socket power strips, extra router internet connection, and selective sorting bins.

      • (f) Bilateral room at the World Forum: to be equipped with VIP furniture with high-speed internet (4 low armchairs/seats and one low table).

      • (g) Meeting area for the moderators and speakers of the meeting at the World Forum: to be equipped with five office desks, twenty office chairs, two multi socket power strips, with high-speed internet, two monitors with a USB-C cable, two mouses and two keyboards.

    • 3.8.6 Other premises

      • a) Registration and badge distribution points;

      • b) Networking Agora: Large open floor with tables and chairs configured for discussions and exchanges; booths with screens; with high-speed internet interview and social media corner with a step-and-repeat backdrop; sufficient number of power strips;

      • c) VIP lounge: spacious and secure room;

      • d) Interpreters' space: quiet area;

      • e) Participants' area: Open space with tables and chairs/sofas;

      • f) Catering areas;

      • g) Information point(s);

      • h) Luggage room;

      • i) Cloakrooms;

      • j) Contemplation room;

      • k) First-aid post.

  • 3.9 Summary of equipment and supplies

    • Free WIFI available at the meeting venue

    • Electrical outlets in all areas to charge phones and laptops, as well as extension cords and adapters

    • Billboards (Signage)

    • Screens for programme display and other announcements

    • Laser printer/scanner

    • High-speed photocopiers

    • Six flagpoles

    • 100% recycled and sustainably sourced paper for photocopying and office supplies

    • Water fountains or carafes with reusable or recyclable cups in all spaces

    • Selective sorting bins in all areas

    • Reusable/recyclable meeting bags, pens, note pads and badges for participants, in consultation with UNESCO.

  • 3.10 Meeting visibility and branding

    The Government will ensure the visibility of the meeting, through appropriate communication materials (website, livestream, social networks, banners, signs, badges and derivative products for the meeting) displayed/distributed on this occasion. Communication materials are produced by the Government in coordination with UNESCO, in accordance with the Organization's graphic standards and visual identity, and in compliance with environmental criteria (see 3.5.2.), bearing the title of the meeting, the UNESCO logo and the Government's emblem, with a visual identity created especially for the meeting. The nature of the link with UNESCO (co-organization) is clearly visible on all these materials.

    The Government shall ensure that no visibility of non-official partners/sponsors of the meeting shall appear on such materials, whether inside or outside the official venue of the event.

    Display locations include the spaces/rooms of the official meeting sites, as well as all places and media, online and offline, where communication elements about the event are available (website, social networks, host city sites).

    The United Nations flag and the flag of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall be flown outside the main meeting site for the duration of the meeting.

    Any communication material for the meeting (invitations, press releases, programmes, brochures, merchandising, etc.) bearing UNESCO's name, acronym or logo, as well as the visual identity of the meeting, must have received prior approval from UNESCO. Visual guides and graphic charts are provided by UNESCO to facilitate interaction and content production.

  • 3.11 Local staff

    The Government provides the following local staff:

    • National liaison officer

    • Environmental management officer

    • Staff to manage participant registrations

    • Ushers/room clerks

    • Hosts and hostesses, receptionists at information points

    • Volunteers at reception points of the meeting

    • Bilingual medical staff (first aid at the meeting venue)

    • Technicians to set up simultaneous interpretation, sound and audio recordings, presentations and projections in all meeting rooms

    • Audiovisual technicians (video capture)

    • Technicians to ensure online services (videoconferencing, streaming, etc.)

    • Workers/movers

    • Security officers

    • Computer maintenance technicians

    • Cleaning staff

    • Cloakroom attendants

    To facilitate communication, local staff should speak English or French.

    The Government will strive to ensure gender balance in the composition of local staff.

  • 3.12 Accommodation and transportation

    The Government lists eco-friendly hotel accommodation in different categories and price ranges.

    The Government provides public transportation for participants, while respecting the environmental criteria under 3.5.5.

  • 3.13 Freight

    All documents and exhibition materials, if any, imported by UNESCO for the purpose of the meeting shall be sent to the meeting venue.

  • 3.14 Reception fees

    The Government provides 1 reception at the Peace Palace (welcoming ceremony on 13 May), 1 reception at the Mauritshuis Museum (side-event on 14 May), as well as coffee, tea and water for all participants during the breaks (14 and 15 May), 1 lunch (14 May) for all participants and 1 lunch to go (15 May) for the Government, UNESCO staff, moderators, speakers and special guests invited by the Government. On 14 May, lunch for UNESCO staff shall be made available in the Secretariat room (see 3.8.5 (e)) to ensure efficient work.

  • 3.15 Food and refreshments

    Restaurants and bars offering fast food at negotiated rates must be provided at the venue, meeting the environmental criteria under 3.5.4.

    The Government arranges for snacks and refreshments for the meeting bureau, drafting group and UNESCO and local staff working outside of meeting hours (early morning or late evening).

Nr. II


Paris, 2 May 2024

Ref: 2024B-02

I have the honour to refer to your letter of 29 April 2024 relating to an Agreement to be concluded between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) concerning the international conference “Heritage in times of conflict: building on 70 years of the UNESCO Hague Convention”, to be held in the Hague, the Netherlands, from 13 to 15 May 2024, which reads as follows:

(Zoals in Nr. I)

I am authorized by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to state that it agrees to the proposals formulated in your letter of 29 April 2024 regarding the organization of the international conference. Furthermore, I am authorized to state that the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers your letter and this reply as together constituting an Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and UNESCO concerning international conference “Cultural Heritage and Peace: Building on 70 years of the UNESCO Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, which shall enter into force on the date of this reply and shall remain in force for the duration of the event and for such additional period as is necessary for its preparation and winding up. The total duration of this Agreement, however, shall not exceed one year.

Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

MONIQUE VAN DAALEN Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO

Anthony Ohemeng-Boamah

Assistant Director-General for Priority Africa and External Relations


Het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met bijlage, behoeft ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel c, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.


De bepalingen van het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met bijlage, zijn ingevolge het gestelde in de laatste alinea van brieven Nr. I en Nr. II op 2 mei 2024 in werking getreden.

Het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met bijlage, zal ingevolge dezelfde alinea’s niet langer dan één jaar van kracht zijn.

Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met bijlage, voor Nederland (het Europese deel).

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met bijlage, zal zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese deel) op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de tiende mei 2024.

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, H.G.J. BRUINS SLOT

Naar boven