44 (1974) Nr. 7


Overeenkomst inzake een Internationaal Energieprogramma (met bijlage);

Parijs, 18 november 1974

Voor een overzicht van de verdragsgegevens, zie verdragsnummer 002240 in de Verdragenbank.


In Trb. 1975, 47 dienen in de Engelse tekst correcties te worden aangebracht.

Op blz. 36, in artikel 42, eerste lid, onder c, een na laatste liggende streepje, dient het woord „utilization” te worden vervangen door „utilisation”.

Op blz. 40, in artikel 49, eerste lid, laatste liggende streepje, dient het woord „other” te worden vervangen door „Other”.

De geconsolideerde Engelse tekst1) van artikel 62.2 en 62.4(a) en (b) van de Overeenkomst, zoals laatstelijk gewijzigd door het besluit betreffende de toetreding van Litouwen, luidt vanaf 20 februari 2022 als volgt:

  • 2. When majority or special majority is required, the Participating Countries shall have the following voting weights:



    voting weights

    Oil Consumption

    voting weights


    voting weights

















    Czech Republic












































    Korea (Republic of)
















    The Netherlands




    New Zealand












    Slovak Republic




















    United Kingdom




    United States









  • 4. Special majority shall require:

    • a) 60 per cent of the total combined voting weights and 68 general voting weights for:

      • the decision under Article 2, paragraph 2, relating to the increase in the emergency reserve commitment;

      • decisions under Article 19, paragraph 3, not to activate the emergency measures referred to in Articles 13 and 14;

      • decisions under Article 20, paragraph 3, on the measures required for meeting the necessities of the situation;

      • decisions under Article 23, paragraph 3, to maintain the emergency measures referred to in Articles 13 and 14;

      • decisions under Article 24 to deactivate the emergency measures referred to in Articles 13 and 14.

    • b) 81 general voting weights for:

      • decisions under Article 19, paragraph 3, not to activate the emergency measures referred to in Article 17;

      • decisions under Article 23, paragraph 3, to maintain the emergency measures referred to in Article 17;

      • decisions under Article 24 to deactivate the emergency measures referred to in Article 17.



De vertaling van het door het besluit inzake de toetreding van Griekenland gewijzigde artikel 71.3 van de Overeenkomst, opgenomen op blz. 3 van Trb. 1980, 183, luidt als volgt:

  • 3. Toetreding kan op voorlopige grondslag geschieden op de voorwaarden neergelegd in artikel 68, afhankelijk van de termijnen die de Raad van Bestuur bij meerderheid van stemmen kan vaststellen voor het indienen van een kennisgeving van instemming te worden gebonden door een toetredende Staat.

De vertaling van de geconsolideerde tekst van artikel 62.2 en 62.4(a) en (b) van de Overeenkomst, zoals laatstelijk gewijzigd door het besluit betreffende de toetreding van Litouwen, luidt vanaf 20 februari 2022 als volgt:

  • 2. Wanneer een meerderheid of een gekwalificeerde meerderheid van stemmen is vereist, hebben de deelnemende landen de volgende stemgewichten:




























































    Korea (Republiek)




















































    Verenigd Koninkrijk




    Verenigde Staten

















  • 4. Voor een gekwalificeerde meerderheid van stemmen is vereist:

    • a) 60 % van de totale gecombineerde stemgewichten en 68 algemene stemgewichten voor:

      • het besluit bedoeld in artikel 2, tweede lid, betreffende de vergroting van de verplichte noodvoorraad;

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 19, derde lid, de in de artikelen 13 en 14 voorziene noodmaatregelen niet in werking te stellen;

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 20, derde lid, inzake de maatregelen die zijn vereist om aan de situatie die is ontstaan het hoofd te bieden;

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 23, derde lid, tot handhaving van de noodmaatregelen voorzien in de artikelen 13 en 14;

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 24 tot intrekking van de noodmaatregelen voorzien in de artikelen 13 en 14;

    • b) 81 algemene stemgewichten voor:

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 19, derde lid, de noodmaatregelen voorzien in artikel 17 niet in werking te stellen;

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 23, derde lid, tot handhaving van de noodmaatregelen voorzien in artikel 17;

      • de besluiten bedoeld in artikel 24 tot intrekking van de noodmaatregelen voorzien in artikel 17.



Tijdens zijn op 6 maart 1991 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Finland tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of Finland to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decisions of the Council of 15th November, 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203V, (Final)];

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18th November, 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975 [lEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that, the Government of Finland is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of •Finland is invited •to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, and to the Decision of the Council Establishing an International Energy Agency on the Organisation (C(4)203[Final]) (the “Decision”).

  • 2. As a condition to the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of Finland of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.1 or .3 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of Finland to the Decision of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the lime of such deposit.

  • 3. Subject to paragraph 5 below, upon the accession of Finland to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Finland with 3 General voting weights, 1 Oil consumption voting weight and 4 Combined voting weights:

      • amend the Oil Consumption Voting weights of Greece to change 1 to 0;

      • amend Combined voting weights of Greece to change 4 to. 3;

      • amend the “Totals” to 63 General voting weights and 163 Combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 45 to 47 General Voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 51 to 54 General voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to paragraph 5 below and the accession of Finland to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the. Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2(b) of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 66 and 166 respectively.”

  • 5. If the membership proceedings for France have been completed before Finland becomes a member, the amendments set forth for paragraphs 3 and 4 above shall provide as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Finland with 3 General voting weights, 1 Oil consumption voting weight and 4 Combined voting weights:

      • amend the Oil Consumption Voting weights as follows: Japan – change 15 to 14;

      • amend Combined voting weights as follows: Japan – change 18 to 17;

      • amend the “Totals” to 66 General voting weights and 166 Combined voting; weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a)

      • amend 47, to, 50 General Voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 54 to 57 General voting weights;

    • d) For the Norway Decision, the number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights shall be 69 and 169 respectively.

Tijdens zijn op 24 mei 1991 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Frankrijk tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of France to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15th November, 1974 Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)];

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18th November, 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975 [IEA/B/(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that the Government of France is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of France is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision of the Council Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)](the “Decision”).

  • 2. As a condition to the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of France of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.1 or .3 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of France to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Subject to paragraph 5 below, upon the accession of France to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: France with 3 General voting weights, 6 Oil consumption voting weights and 9 Combined voting weights;

      • amend the Oil Consumption Voting weights as follows: Belgium – change 2 to 1; Greece – change 1 to 0; Netherlands – change 2 to 1; United States – change 47 to 44;

      • amend Combined voting weights as follows: Belgium – change 5 to 4; Greece – change 4 to 3; Netherlands – change 5 to 4; United States – change 50 to 47;

      • amend the “Totals” to 63 General voting weights and 163 Combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 45 to 47 General voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 51 to 54 General voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to paragraph 5 below and the accession of France to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2(b) of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 66 and 166 respectively.”

  • 5. If the membership proceedings for Finland have been completed before France becomes a member, the amendments set forth for paragraphs 3 and 4 above shall provide as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: France with 3 General voting weights, 6 Oil consumption voting weights and 9 Combined voting weights;

      • amend the Oil Consumption Voting weights as follows: Belgium – change 2 to 1; Japan – change 15 to 14; Netherlands – change 2 to 1; United States – change 47 to 44;

      • amend Combined voting weights as follows: Belgium – change 5 to 4; Japan – change 18 to 17; Netherlands change 5 to 4; United States – change 50 to 47:

      • amend the “Totals” to 66 General voting weights and 166 Combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 47 to 50 General voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 54 to 57 General Voting weights;

    • d) For the Norway Decision the number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights shall be 69 and 169 respectively.

Tijdens zijn op 16 oktober 1996 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Hongarije tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of Hungary to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that the Government of Hungary is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of Hungary is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of Hungary of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of Hungary to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of Hungary to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Hungary with 3 general voting weights and 3 combined voting weights;

      • amend the “Totals” to 69 general voting weights and 169 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 50 to 52 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 57 to 60 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of Hungary to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2(b) of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 72 and 172 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 27 oktober 1999 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Tsjechische Republiek tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of the Czech Republic to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that the Government of the Czech Republic is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of the Czech Republic is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of the Czech Republic of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of the Czech Republic to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of the Czech Republic to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Czech Republic with 3 general voting weights, 1 oil consumption voting weight, and 4 combined voting weights;

      • amend the oil consumption voting weights as follows: Canada – change 5 to 4; Greece – change 0 to 1; Hungary – change 0 to 1; United Kingdom – change 6 to 5; United States – change 44 to 43.

      • amend the combined voting weights as follows: Canada – change 8 to 7; Greece – change 3 to 4; Hungary – change 3 to 4; United Kingdom – change 9 to 8; United States – change 47 to 46;

      • amend the “Totals” to 72 general voting weights and 172 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 52 to 54 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 60 to 63 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of the Czech Republic to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2 of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 75 and 175 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 20 april 2001 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van de Republiek Korea tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of the Republic of Korea to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that the Government of the Republic of Korea is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of the Republic of Korea is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of the Republic of Korea of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of the Republic of Korea to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of the Republic of Korea to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Republic of Korea with 3 general voting weights, 1 oil consumption voting weight, and 4 combined voting weights;

      • amend the oil consumption voting weights as follows: Greece – change 1 to 0;

      • amend the combined voting weights as follows: Greece – change 4 to 3;

      • amend the “Totals” to 75 general voting weights and 175 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 54 to 57 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 63 to 66 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of the Republic of Korea to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2 of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 78 and 178 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 3 en 4 oktober 2007 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Polen tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of Poland to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway (the “Norway Decision”), of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that the Government of Poland is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of Poland is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of Poland of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of Poland to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of Poland to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Poland with 3 general voting weights, 1 oil consumption voting weight, and 4 combined voting weights;

      • amend the oil consumption voting weights as follows: Hungary change 1 to 0;

      • amend the combined voting weights as follows: change 4 to 3; and

      • amend the “Totals” to 81 general voting weights and 181 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 59 to 61 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 69 to 72 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of Poland to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2 of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 84 and 184 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 6 en 7 december 2007 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van de Slowaakse Republiek tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of the Slovak Republic to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway (the “Norway Decision”), of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV];

Considering that the Government of the Slovak Republic is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of the Slovak Republic is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of the Slovak Republic of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of the Slovak Republic to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of the Slovak Republic to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Slovak Republic with 3 general voting weights, 0 oil consumption voting weight, and 3 combined voting weights; and

      • amend the “Totals” to 78 general voting weights and 178 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 57 to 59 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 66 to 69 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of the Slovak Republic to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2 of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and Combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 81 and 181 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 14 november 2013 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Estland tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of Estonia to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway (the “Norway Decision”), of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV]; and

Considering that the Government of Estonia is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of Estonia is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of Estonia of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of Estonia to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of Estonia to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Estonia with three (3) general voting weights, naught (0) oil consumption voting weight, and three (3) combined voting weights; and

      • amend the “Totals” to 84 general voting weights and 184 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend 61 to 63 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend 72 to 75 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of Estonia to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2(b) of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of General voting weights and combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 87 and 187 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 21 en 22 juni 2017 te Parijs gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Mexico tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of Mexico to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway (the “Norway Decision”), of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV]; and

Considering that the Government of Mexico is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of Mexico is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of Mexico of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of Mexico to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of Mexico to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Mexico with 3 general voting weights, 2 oil consumption voting weight, and 5 combined voting weights;

      • amend the oil consumption voting weights of Germany to 7 and the United States to 42 and the combined voting weights to 10 and 45, respectively; and

      • amend the “Totals” to 87 general voting weights and 187 combined voting weights.

    • b) Article 62.4(a):

      • amend the first “Special Majority” from 63 to 66 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend the second “Special Majority” from 75 to 78 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of Mexico to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2(b) of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of general voting weights and combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 90 and 190 respectively.”

Tijdens zijn op 16 en 17 juni 2021 gehouden bijeenkomst heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap een besluit aanvaard betreffende de toetreding van Litouwen tot de onderhavige Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van het besluit luidt als volgt:

Decision of the Governing Board Inviting the Government of Lithuania to Accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, Amending the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Amending the Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway

The Governing Board

Considering the Decision of the Council of 15 November 1974, Establishing an International Energy Agency of the Organisation [C(74)203(Final)] (“the Decision”);

Considering the Agreement on an International Energy Program of 18 November 1974, as amended, and Articles 62, 71 and 73 thereof, and the Governing Board Decision on the Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway (the “Norway Decision”), of 7 March 1975 [IEA/GB(75)15, Annex IV]; and

Considering that the Government of Lithuania is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program;


  • 1. The Government of Lithuania is invited to accede to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision.

  • 2. As a condition of the foregoing invitation, the deposit by the Government of Lithuania of the Instrument of Accession pursuant to Article 71.2 of the Agreement on an International Energy Program shall be deemed to constitute the accession of the Government of Lithuania to the Decisions of the Governing Board which shall be in force at the time of such deposit.

  • 3. Upon the accession of Lithuania to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Norway Decision, that Agreement shall be deemed to be amended as follows:

    • a) Article 62.2:

      • add to the list of Participating Countries in alphabetical order: Lithuania with 3 general voting weights, 0 oil consumption voting weight, and 3 combined voting weights; and

      • amend the “Totals” to 90 general voting weights and 190 combined voting weights.

    • b)

      • Article 62.4(a):

      • amend the first “Special Majority” from 66 to 68 general voting weights;

    • c) Article 62.4(b):

      • amend the second “Special Majority” from 78 to 81 general voting weights.

  • 4. Subject to the accession of Lithuania to the Agreement on an International Energy Program and to the Decision, the Governing Board Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the Participation of Norway, of 7th March, 1975, shall be deemed to be amended in order for paragraph 2(b) of that Decision to read as follows:

    “The total number of general voting weights and combined voting weights set forth in Article 62, paragraph 2, were deemed to be 93 and 193 respectively.”


De wijziging van artikel 71.3 van de Overeenkomst, zoals gewijzigd door het besluit betreffende de toetreding Griekenland, is op 25 juli 1977 in werking getreden.

De wijzigingen van artikel 62.2 en 62.4(a) en (b) van de Overeenkomst, zoals laatstelijk gewijzigd door het besluit betreffende de toetreding van Litouwen, zijn op 20 februari 2022 in werking getreden.

Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, gelden de wijzigingen, evenals de Overeenkomst, voor het Europese deel van Nederland.

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijzigingen van artikel 62.2 en 62.4(a) en (b) zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de zesde oktober 2022.

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, W.B. HOEKSTRA

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