35 (2013) Nr. 2


Gastlandverdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Internationale Organisatie voor Ontwikkelingsrecht;

’s-Gravenhage, 19 december 2013


De Engelse tekst van het Gastlandverdrag is geplaatst in Trb. 2014, 7.

Bij notawisseling tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Internationale Organisatie voor Ontwikkelingsrecht is op 10 april 2015 te Rome een verdrag tot stand gekomen inzake wijziging van het Gastlandverdrag. De Engelse tekst van de nota’s luidt als volgt:

Nr. I


The Hague, 8 April 2015

Treaties Division


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as “the Ministry”) presents its compliments to the International Development Law Organization (hereinafter referred to as “IDLO”) and has the honour to refer to the Host Country Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and IDLO of 19 December 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Host Country Agreement”).

The Ministry would like to draw attention to Article 1, subparagraph (9) and (10), of the Host Country Agreement which defines “Officials” as “persons, however denominated and at whatever level of seniority, including the Director-General, who undertake one or more of the Organization’s core day-to-day functions and who are not paid hourly rates” and “Experts” as “persons who are appointed to support the work of the Organization and its Officials on one or more specific tasks or projects with specialized skills”.

In order to clarify the privileges and immunities of Officials and Experts who are nationals or permanent residents of the Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as “the Host Country”), the Ministry proposes the following amendments of the Host Country Agreement:

  • (1) The first clause of Article 15, paragraph (7), of the Host Country Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:

    • “7. Officials of IDLO who are nationals or permanent residents of the Host Country shall only enjoy within the Host Country the following privileges, immunities, and facilities to the extent necessary for the independent performance of their functions:”

  • (2) The following paragraph shall be added after paragraph (7) of Article 15:

    • “8. Experts of IDLO who are nationals or permanent residents of the Host Country shall only enjoy within the Host Country the following privileges, immunities, and facilities to the extent necessary for the independent performance of their functions:

      • a) immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity for IDLO; and

      • b) inviolability of all papers, documents, in whatever form, and materials relating to the performance of their functions for IDLO.”

If this proposal is acceptable to IDLO, the Ministry has the honour to propose that this Note MINBUZA-2015.175180 and the affirmative Note Verbale in response from IDLO shall constitute an agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and IDLO to amend the Host Country Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Amendment”). This Amendment shall enter into force on the date of the affirmative Note Verbale in response from IDLO.

The Ministry avails itself of this opportunity to renew to IDLO the assurances of its highest consideration.

International Development Law Organization


Nr. II


Rome, 10 April 2015

NV 110 / 15

The International Development Law Organization (hereinafter referred to as “IDLO”) presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as “the Ministry”) and has the honour to acknowledge receipt of the Ministry’s Note MINBUZA-2015.175180 of 8 April 2015, which reads as follows:

(Zoals in Nr. I)

IDLO has the honour to inform the Ministry that the aforementioned proposal is acceptable to IDLO. IDLO accordingly agrees that the Ministry’s Note MINBUZA-2015.175180 and this reply shall constitute an Amendment to the Host Country Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and IDLO of 19 December 2013. This Amendment shall enter into force on the date of this Note Verbale.

IDLO avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the assurances of its highest consideration.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Hague


Zie Trb. 2014, 7.

Het in de nota’s vervatte verdrag behoeft ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel a, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen juncto artikel 3 van de Wet van 24 december 1947 (Stb. H 452) houdende goedkeuring van het Verdrag nopens de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de Verenigde Naties niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.


Zie Trb. 2014, 7.

De bepalingen van het in de nota’s vervatte verdrag zijn ingevolge het gestelde in de voorlaatste alinea van de nota’s nr. I en II op 10 april 2015 in werking getreden.

Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, zal het in de nota’s vervatte verdrag, evenals het Gastlandverdrag, alleen voor Nederland (het Europese deel) gelden.

Koninkrijk der Nederlanden


Voorlopige toepassing

In werking

Terugwerkende kracht

Buiten werking

Nederland (in Europa)




Nederland (Bonaire)


Nederland (Sint Eustatius)


Nederland (Saba)






Sint Maarten



Zie Trb. 2014, 7.

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat het in de nota’s vervatte verdrag zal zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese deel) op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de achtentwintigste april 2015.

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, A.G. KOENDERS

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