23 (2012) Nr. 1


Briefwisseling houdende een verdrag tussen de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en het Internationaal Agentschap voor Atoomenergie (IAEA) inzake de gezamenlijke IAEA-JRC/EC technische bijeenkomst over „Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants” te Petten, Nederland, van 3 tot 5 december 2012;

(met Bijlagen)

Wenen, 23 augustus 2012


Nr. I



In reply please refer to: 621-I2-TM-43466


I have the honour to inform you that the International Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA) is planning to hold a Joint IAEA-JRC/EC Technical Meeting on Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants, from 3 to 5 December 2012. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an international forum to review and exchange international and national assessment results. The following objectives will be implemented during the meeting:

  • to share international experiences and lessons learned, as well as to exchange views on methods and strategies to implement recommendations drawn in the assessments;

  • to develop strategy and guidance for verification of effectiveness of implementation; and

  • to strengthen the international networking of operational and regulatory specialists in the analysis of the Fukushima accident.

Approximately 28 persons from 28 nominating countries and 2 international organizations are expected to attend, as well as representative(s) from the IAEA.

Informal discussions held with Mr Marc Noel, Nuclear Programme Coordinator, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre-European Commission (JRC-EC), Westerduinweg 3, P.O. Box 2, 1755 ZG Petten (Tel: +31-224-56-5239, Email: marc.noel@ec.europa.eu) have indicated that suitable premises and facilities could be made available at JRC-EC head office in Petten, the Netherlands.

I have the honour to enquire whether your Government would wish to host this meeting and, of so, whether your Government would agree to make the following arrangements:

  • 1. The Government of the Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as the Government) will accord to the IAEA, its property, funds and assets, and to the officials of the IAEA and participants officially designated to attend the meeting in their official capacities, and to members of the immediate families of such persons, the privileges and immunities contained in the Agreement on the Privileges and lmmunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which was accepted by the Government on 29 August 1963.

  • 2. The Government will accord to the officials and participants mentioned above every facility necessary for the performance of their functions in connection with the meeting, including entering, remaining in and leaving the Netherlands. The Government will issue any necessary visas as expeditiously as possible and, where the legislation of the Netherlands permits, free of charge. The Government, however, reserves the right to deny, irrespective of nationality, visas to individual participants for national security reasons. Annex A contains the list of Member States and international organizations to be invited to participate in the meeting.

    The IAEA will inform the Government promptly of all persons officially designated to attend the meeting. The IAEA will also advise such persons to apply for visas, if necessary, in good time before the opening date of the meeting, and the Government is expected to issue such visas promptly so as to allow them to attend the meeting.

  • 3. The Government will facilitate customs formalities for the persons referred to above when they enter and leave the Netherlands.

  • 4. The Government will, at no cost to the IAEA, make adequate and appropriate premises and facilities available for the entire duration of the meeting as listed in Annex B.

  • 5. The Government will exercise reasonable care to ensure security on the premises where the meeting takes place and to ensure the safety of the persons mentioned in paragraph 1 above while they are on those premises. The Government will take whatever steps may be reasonable in the circumstances to ensure such security and safety, including such supervision of the premises as may be warranted.

Mr Ki-Sig Kang of the Division of Nuclear Power has been appointed Scientific Secretary of the meeting.

Should your Government wish to host this meeting, I would be grateful if you would inform me in writing of your Government's agreement to the above enumerated points by 24 August 2012 so as to enable the Secretariat to proceed with timely arrangements.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

ALEXANDER BYCHKOV Deputy Director General Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy For the DIRECTOR GENERAL Enclosures: Annex A: List of Member States and Organizations to be Invited Annex B: List of Facilities and Resources to be Provided by the Government Free of Charge

H.E. Mr. Alphons Hamer


Resident Representative of the Netherlands to the IAEA

Opernring 5/7th floor


Annex A
List of Member States and Organizations to be Invited

Joint IAEA-JRC/EC Technical Meeting on Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants

Joint Research Centre-European Commission Head Office

Petten, the Netherlands

3 to 5 December 2012

Ref. No. 621-I2-TM-43466

Member States







China, People’s Republic of

Czech Republic







Korea, Republic of





Russian Federation

Slovak Republic


South Africa





United Kingdom

United States of America


OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD-NEA)

World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) Coordinating Centre

Annex B
List of Facilities and Recourses to be Provided by the Government Free of Charge Joint IAEA-JRC/EC Technical Meeting on Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants

Joint Research Centre-European Commission Head Office

Petten, the Netherlands

3 to 5 December 2012

Ref. No. 621-I2-TM-43466

1. Premises

  • Meeting room with accommodation for 30 persons; and

  • Briefing room with accommodation for 30 persons.

The above premises should be fully furnished and equipped and placed at the exclusive disposal of the IAEA from 2 until 5 December, inclusive.

2. Equipment

  • Two microphones on the Chairman's table, one microphone and one neck microphone for the speaker on the lectern and a sufficient number of microphones distributed throughout the meeting room (and connected to the recording equipment if the meeting is being recorded);

  • One photocopying machine (rapid and easy to operate);

  • One data projector for PowerPoint presentation;

  • One screen;

  • One personal computer;

  • One printer;

  • Two flip charts;

  • Decorations and signs as necessary; and

  • Internet connection, wireless connection, if possible.

3. Personnel

  • One secretary/conference clerk fluent in English to assist the IAEA Scientific Secretary;

  • Staff needed to prepare, install and operate the technical facilities and equipment; and

  • One conference clerk for the meeting room.

The above personnel should be available from 2 until 5 December inclusive.

In addition to the above specific tasks, all servicing staff must be prepared to perform other duties in connection with the preparation and running of the meeting, and to provide assistance in compiling and distributing documents whenever necessary.

Nr. II


Vienna, 23 August 2012

Re Joint IAEA-JRC/EC Technical Meeting on Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants, 3-5 December 2012


I have the honour to refer to your letter reference 621-I2-TM-43466 of 1 August 2012, relating to an Agreement to be concluded between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning the Joint IAEA-JRC/EC Technical Meeting on Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants, which is scheduled to be held in Petten, the Netherlands, from 3 to 5 December 2012, which reads as follows:

(Zoals in Nr. I)

I am authorized by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to state that it agrees to the proposals regarding the organization of the meeting. Further, I am authorized to state that the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers your letter and this reply as together constituting an Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the IAEA concerning the Joint IAEA-JRC/EC Technical Meeting on Assessment of Safety of Operating Nuclear Power Plants, which shall enter into force on the date of this reply and shall remain in force for the duration of the meeting and for such additional period as is necessary for its preparation and winding up, the total duration of this Agreement, however, not to exceed one year.

Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

MARJOLIJN VAN DEELEN Counsellor Deputy Resident Representative

Mr. Alexander Bychkov

Deputy Director General

Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy International Atomic Energy Agency

Vienna International Centre



Het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met Bijlagen, behoeft ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel c, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.


De bepalingen van het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met Bijlagen, zijn ingevolge het gestelde in de op één na laatste alinea van brief Nr. II in werking getreden op 23 augustus 2012.

Het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met Bijlagen, zal ingevolge dezelfde alinea niet langer dan één jaar van kracht zijn.

Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met Bijlagen, alleen voor Nederland (het Europese deel).




Overeenkomst inzake de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de Internationale Organisatie voor Atoomenergie;

Wenen, 1 juli 1959



Trb. 1965, 49 (Engels)

Laatste Trb.


Trb. 1998, 228

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat het in de brieven vervatte verdrag, met Bijlagen, zal zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese deel) op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de twintigste september 2012.

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, U. ROSENTHAL

Naar boven