Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
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Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2008, 68 | Verdrag |
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Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2008, 68 | Verdrag |
Overeenkomst houdende oprichting van een Europees Universitair Instituut;
Florence, 19 april 1972
De Nederlandse en de Franse tekst van Overeenkomst en Protocol zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1973, 23.
Voor wijzigingen van de Overeenkomst i.v.m. de toetreding van staten zie de rubrieken J van Trb. 1975, 55, Trb. 1987, 159, Trb. 1991, 197, Trb. 1999, 12 en Trb. 2002, 43.
De Overeenkomst is voorts herzien bij een op 18 juni/17 september 1992 te Florence tot stand gekomen Overeenkomst. De Nederlandse, de Engelse en de Franse tekst van die Overeenkomst zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1993, 68.
Op 9 december 2004 heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Europees Universitair Instituut een besluit genomen tot wijziging van de onderhavige Overeenkomst in verband met de toetreding van Polen. De Engelse tekst1) van het besluit luidt als volgt:
The High Council,
Having regard to the Convention setting up a European University Institute, as amended by the High Council Decisions of 20 March 1975, 21 November 1986, 4 June 1987, 3 December 1987, 7 December 1987, 19 June 1997 and 11 December 1997, hereinafter called the “Convention”, and in particular Article 32 (2) thereof,
Whereas the parliamentary debates to authorize deposit by the Polish Government of the instrument of accession by the Republic of Poland to the Convention will take place in the first months of 2005,
Whereas, in the event of authorization, Poland intends to deposit its instrument of accession with the Government of the Italian Republic, the depository of the Convention,
Whereas, pursuant to Article 32 (2) of the Convention, accession shall take effect on the date on which the High Council determines the adaptations which will need to be made to the Convention,
Whereas, however, there is no need to postpone determination of these adaptations by six months, and whereas the Republic of Poland should be regarded as an acceding State, subject to the need to make the date of effect of the adaptations dependent on deposit by the Republic of Poland of its instrument of accession,
Whereas accession to the Convention is coupled with the desire of the Republic of Poland to accept the provisions of the amending Convention of 18 June and 17 September 1992 once this enters into force,
Acting in accord with the representative of the Republic of Poland,
Has decided as follows
The Convention shall be modified as follows
1. Article 6 (7) shall be replaced by the following
“7. Where decisions require a qualified majority, votes shall be weighted as follows
Belgium | 5 |
Denmark | 3 |
Germany | 10 |
Greece | 5 |
Spain | 8 |
France | 10 |
Ireland | 3 |
Italy | 10 |
Luxembourg | 2 |
Netherlands | 5 |
Austria | 4 |
Poland | 8 |
Portugal | 5 |
Finland | 3 |
Sweden | 4 |
United Kingdom | 10 |
For their adoption, decisions shall require a minimum of 68 votes in favour and the approval of at least 11 Governments”,
2. Article 19 (1) shall be replaced by the following
“1. The financial contributions of the Contracting States to cover the expenditure provided for in the Institute’s budget shall be determined on the following scale, in accordance with High Council Decision No 3/04 of 10 June 2004
Belgium | 5,00 |
Denmark | 2,04 |
Germany | 17,50 |
Greece | 1,48 |
Spain | 6,27 |
France | 17,50 |
Ireland | 0,52 |
Italy | 17,50 |
Luxembourg | 0,16 |
Netherlands | 5,00 |
Austria | 2,67 |
Poland | 2,16 |
Portugal | 0,74 |
Finland | 1,20 |
Sweden | 2,74 |
United Kingdom | 17,50” |
The accession of the Republic of Poland to the Convention implies acceptance by it of the amendments made to the Convention by the Amending Convention of Florence of 18 June and 17 September 1992, once this enters into force in accordance with its Article 13.
This Decision has been drawn up in the Danish, Dutch1) , English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish languages, each text being equally authentic.
Entry into force of this Decision shall be subject to deposit by the Republic of Poland of its instrument of accession in the first months of 2005. This decision shall enter into force on the day of that deposit, and the President of the High Council shall so notify the Government of each of the Contracting States.
DONE at Florence, 9 December 2004
The President
Op 9 en 10 juni 2005 heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Europees Universitair Instituut een besluit genomen tot wijziging van de onderhavige Overeenkomst in verband met de toetreding van Cyprus, Slovenië en Slowakije. De Engelse tekst1) van het besluit luidt als volgt:
The High Council,
Having regard to the Convention setting up a European University Institute, as amended by the High Council Decisions of 20 March 1975, 21 November 1986, 4 June 1987, 3 December 1987, 7 December 1987, 19 June 1997, 11 December 1997, and 9 December 2004, hereinafter called the “Convention”, and in particular Article 32 (2) thereof;
Whereas, pursuant to Article 32 (2) of the Convention, accession shall take effect on the date on which the High Council determines the adaptations which will need to be made to the Convention;
Whereas it is therefore appropriate to make the said adaptations;
Whereas accession to the Convention is coupled with the desire of the acceding States to accept the provisions of the amending Convention of 18 June and 17 September 1992 once this enters into force;
Acting in accord with the representative of the Republic of Cyprus, the representative of the Slovak Republic, and the representative of the Republic of Slovenia,
Has decided as follows:
The Convention shall be modified as follows.
1. Article 6 (7) shall be replaced by the following:
“7. Where decisions require a qualified majority, votes shall be weighted as follows:
Belgium | 5 |
Denmark | 3 |
Germany | 10 |
Greece | 5 |
Spain | 8 |
France | 10 |
Ireland | 3 |
Italy | 10 |
Luxembourg | 2 |
Netherlands | 5 |
Austria | 4 |
Poland | 8 |
Portugal | 5 |
Finland | 3 |
Sweden | 4 |
United Kingdom | 10 |
Cyprus | 2 |
Slovak Republic | 5 |
Slovenia | 3 |
For their adoption, decisions shall require a minimum of 75 votes in favour and the approval of at least 13 Governments.”;
2. Article 19 (1) shall be replaced by the following:
“1. The financial contributions of the Contracting States to cover the expenditure provided for in the Institute's budget shall be determined on the following scale, in accordance with High Council Decision No. 3/04 of 10 June 2004:
Belgium | 4,97% |
Denmark | 2,03% |
Germany | 17,39% |
Greece | 1,47% |
Spain | 6,23% |
France | 17,39% |
Ireland | 0,52% |
Italy | 17,39% |
Luxembourg | 0,16% |
Netherlands | 4,97% |
Austria | 2,65% |
Poland | 2,14% |
Portugal | 0,74% |
Finland | 1,20% |
Sweden | 2,72% |
United Kingdom | 17,39% |
Cyprus | 0,12% |
Slovak Republic | 0,28% |
Slovenia | 0,24%” |
3. Article 27 (1) shall be replaced by the following:
“1. The official languages of the Institute shall be Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.”
4. The following subparagraph shall be added to Article 38:
“The Greek, Slovenian and Slovak texts of this Convention, as they appear in the Annex to the High Council Decision amending the Convention setting up a European University Institute following accession by the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic, shall be authentic in the same way as the texts mentioned in the foregoing subparagraphs, and the Government of the Italian Republic shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the Govemment of each of the other Contracting States.”
The accession of the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the Convention shall take effect as from the date of this Decision. The new Contracting States will start contributing to the Institute budget as of the 2006 financial year.
The accession of the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the Convention implies acceptance by them of the amendments made to the Convention by the Amending Convention of Florence of 18 June and 17 September 1992, once this enters into force in accordance with its Article 13.
This Decision has been drawn up in the Danish, Dutch1) , English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, each text being equally authentic.
DONE at Florence, 9 and 10 June 2005
The President
Op 9 december 2005 heeft de Raad van Bestuur van het Europees Universitair Instituut een besluit genomen tot wijziging van de onderhavige Overeenkomst in verband met de toetreding van Estland. De Engelse tekst1) van het besluit luidt als volgt:
The High Council,
Having regard to the Convention setting up a European University Institute, as amended by the High Council Decisions of 20 March 1975, 21 November 1986, 4 June 1987, 3 December 1987, 7 December 1987, 19 June 1997, 11 December 1997, 9 December 2004, and 9 and 10 June 2005, hereinafter called the “Convention”, and in particular Article 32 (2) thereof;
Whereas, in accordance with Article 32 (1) of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia intends to deposit its instruments of accession with the Government of the Italian Republic shortly;
Whereas, pursuant to Article 32 (2) of the Convention, accession shall take effect on the date on which the High Council determines the adaptations which will need to be made to the Convention;
Whereas it is therefore appropriate to make the said adaptations;
Whereas accession to the Convention is coupled with the desire of the acceding States to accept the provisions of the amending Convention of 18 June and 17 September 1992 once this enters into force;
Acting in accord with the representative of the Republic of Estonia,
Has decided as follows:
The Convention shall be modified as follows.
1. Article 6 (7) shall be replaced by the following:
“7. Where decisions require a qualified majority, votes shall be weighted as follows:
Belgium | 5 |
Denmark | 3 |
France | 10 |
Germany | 10 |
Greece | 5 |
Spain | 8 |
Ireland | 3 |
Italy | 10 |
Luxembourg | 2 |
Netherlands | 5 |
Austria | 4 |
Poland | 8 |
Portugal | 5 |
Finland | 3 |
Sweden | 4 |
United Kingdom | 10 |
Cyprus | 2 |
Slovak Republic | 5 |
Slovenia | 3 |
Estonia | 3 |
For their adoption, decisions shall require a minimum of 77 votes in favour and the approval of at least 14 Governments.”;
2. Article 19 (1) shall be replaced by the following:
“1. The financial contributions of the Contracting States to cover the expenditure provided for in the Institute's budget shall be determined on the following scale, in accordance with High Council Decision No. 3/04 of 10 June 2004:
Belgium | 4,96% |
Denmark | 2,03% |
Germany | 17,38% |
Greece | 1,47% |
Spain | 6,23% |
France | 17,38% |
Ireland | 0,51% |
Italy | 17,38% |
Luxembourg | 0,16% |
Netherlands | 4,96% |
Austria | 2,65% |
Poland | 2,14% |
Portugal | 0,74% |
Finland | 1,19% |
Sweden | 2,72% |
United Kingdom | 17,38% |
Cyprus | 0,12% |
Slovak Republic | 0,28% |
Slovenia | 0,24% |
Estonia | 0,07%” |
3. Article 27 (1) shall be replaced by the following:
“1. The official languages of the Institute shall be Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.”
4. The following subparagraph shall be added to Article 38:
“The Estonian text of this Convention, as it appears in the Annex to the High Council Decision amending the Convention setting up a European University Institute following accession by the Republic of Estonia, shall be authentic in the same way as the texts mentioned in the foregoing subparagraphs, and the Government of the Italian Republic shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the Govemment of each of the other Contracting States.”
The accession of the Republic of Estonia to the Convention shall take effect as from the date of this Decision. The new Contracting State will start contributing to the Institute budget as of the 2006 financial year.
The accession of the Republic of Estonia to the Convention implies its acceptance of the amendments made to the Convention by the Amending Convention of Florence of 18 June and 17 September 1992, once this enters into force in accordance with its Article 13.
This Decision has been drawn up in the Danish, Dutch1) , English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, each text being equally authentic.
DONE at Florence, 9 December 2005
The President
Zie Trb. 1975, 28.
Zie Trb. 1975, 28.
Partij | Ondertekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzegging | Buiten werking |
België | 19-04-72 | 13-01-75 | R | 01-02-75 | ||
Cyprus | 05-10-04 | T | 10-06-05 | |||
Denemarken | 17-03-75 | T | 20-03-75 | |||
Duitsland | 19-04-72 | 05-12-74 | R | 01-02-75 | ||
Estland | 15-12-05 | T | 09-12-05 | |||
Finland | 17-06-97 | T | 19-06-97 | |||
Frankrijk | 19-04-72 | 08-02-74 | R | 01-02-75 | ||
Griekenland | 29-09-86 | T | 21-11-86 | |||
Ierland | 21-01-75 | T | 20-03-75 | |||
Italië | 19-04-72 | 18-10-73 | R | 01-02-75 | ||
Luxemburg | 19-04-72 | 12-08-74 | R | 01-02-75 | ||
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der – Nederland – Ned. Antillen – Aruba | 19-04-72 | 29-08-74 29-08-74 | R R VG | 01-02-75 01-02-75 01-01-86 | ||
Oostenrijk | 27-01-98 | T | 01-01-98 | |||
Polen | 11-10-05 | T | 11-10-05 | |||
Portugal | 13-11-89 | T | 07-12-89 | |||
Slovenië | 30-10-07 | T | 10-06-05 | |||
Slowakije | 10-06-05 | |||||
Spanje | 15-09-88 | T | 01-11-87 | |||
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het | 24-02-75 | T | 20-03-75 | |||
Zweden | 23-04-97 | T | 19-06-97 | |||
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebondenheid, NB=Niet bekend |
Uitgebreid tot | In werking | Buiten werking |
Gibraltar | 20-03-1975 | |
Jersey | 20-03-1975 | |
Guernsey | 20-03-1975 |
Uitgebreid tot | In werking | Buiten werking |
Frans Guyana | 01-02-1975 | |
Frans-Polynesië | 01-02-1975 | |
Franse Zuidelijke en Zuidpoolgebieden | 01-02-1975 | |
Guadeloupe | 01-02-1975 | |
Martinique | 01-02-1975 | |
Mayotte | 01-02-1975 | |
Nieuw Caledonië | 01-02-1975 | |
Réunion | 01-02-1975 | |
Sint Pierre en Miquelon | 01-02-1975 | |
Wallis en Futuna | 01-02-1975 |
Zie Trb. 1975, 28 en 55, Trb. 1987, 159, Trb. 1991, 197, Trb. 1999, 12 en Trb. 2002, 43.
Het besluit van 9 december 2004 is ingevolge zijn artikel 4 op 11 oktober 2005 in werking getreden.
Het besluit van 10 juni 2005 is ingevolge zijn artikel 2 juncto de preambule op 10 juni 2005 in werking getreden.
Het besluit van 9 december 2005 is ingevolge zijn artikel 2 juncto de preambule op 9 december 2005 in werking getreden.
De Overeenkomst is dientengevolge gewijzigd op respectievelijk 11 oktober 2005, 10 juni 2005 en 9 december 2005.
Ingevolge de inwerkingtreding op 1 mei 2007 van de hieronder in rubriek J genoemde Overeenkomst van 17 september 1992 is de onderhavige Overeenkomst opnieuw gewijzigd op 1 mei 2007.
Voor verwijzingen en andere verdragsgegevens zie Trb. 1973, 23, Trb. 1975, 55, Trb. 1987, 159, Trb. 1991, 197, Trb. 1999, 12 en Trb. 2002, 43.
Titel | : | Overeenkomst tot herziening van de Overeenkomst houdende oprichting van een Europees Universitair Instituut; Florence, 17 september 1992 |
Laatste Trb. | : |
Titel | : | Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal; Parijs, 18 april 1951 |
Laatste Trb. | : | |
Titel | : | Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap; Rome, 25 maart 1957 |
Laatste Trb. | : | |
Titel | : | Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie; Rome, 25 maart 1957 |
Laatste Trb. | : |
Uitgegeven de tiende april 2008.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
Noot redactie: in het verleden werden de toetredingsbesluiten van de Raad van Bestuur van het Europees Universitair Instituut ook in het Nederlands opgesteld, maar gezien het groeiende aantal verdragspartijen en dito talen is aan deze praktijk een eind gekomen.
Bij tegenstrijdigheid tussen de door de depositaris bij gelegenheid overhandigde schriftelijke nota’s en de huidige weergave door de depositaris op internet, is vastgehouden aan de oorspronkelijke gegevens.
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