Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2005, 92 | Verdrag |
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Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2005, 92 | Verdrag |
Verdrag tussen de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Regering van Ceylon* inzake luchtvaartdiensten tussen hun respectieve grondgebieden en verder; (met Bijlage)
Colombo, 14 september 1953
De tekst van het Verdrag is geplaatst in Trb. 1953, 85.
Zie voor wijzigingen van de routetabel bij het Verdrag de rubrieken J van Trb. 1980, 177 en Trb. 1982, 34.
De bij het Verdrag behorende routetabel is gewijzigd bij nota's van 21 juli 2004 en 29 december 2004.
De tekst van de nota's luidt als volgt:
Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Colombo, 21st July, 2004
The Royal Netherlands Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and, with reference to the consultations held in Colombo on 10 and 11 February 2000 between the delegations of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka concerning the Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for air services between and beyond their respective territories, done at Colombo on 14 September 1953 (hereinafter referred to as ``the Agreement"), as well as to the exchange of diplomatic Notes of 27 and 30 March and 4 April 2000 relating to these consultations, has the honour to propose that the Schedule to the Agreement be substituted by the following Schedule:
1. a) Route to be served by the designated airline or airlines of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Colombo – Dubai – Abu Dhabi – Athens – Vienna – Zurich – 1 point to be nominated – Amsterdam – Copenhagen – New York – Toronto – Los Angeles – 3 points to be nominated;
b) Route to be served by the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Amsterdam – Vienna – Athens – Dubai – Abu Dhabi – Karachi – 1 point to be nominated – Colombo – Kuala Lumpur – Penang – Male – Jakarta – Perth – Sydney – Melbourne.
2. Points on each route may, at the option of the designated airline concerned, be omitted on any or all flights.
3. After a point to be nominated has been so nominated, such point shall be considered as being a point specified in the route schedule and cannot be changed unilaterally.
4. The designated airlines shall have the right to serve intermediate points other than those specified in paragraph 1(a) or 1(b) of this Schedule, as applicable, provided that no traffic rights are exercised between such points and the point in the territory of the other Contracting Party, unless otherwise agreed.
5. Points on the specified routes may be served in any order.
6. The intermediate point to be nominated under paragraph 1(a) of this Schedule shall not be located in the Gulf Area, Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, unless otherwise agreed between the Aeronautical Authorities of both Contracting Parties.
7. The intermediate point to be nominated under paragraph 1(b) of this Schedule shall not be located in the Gulf Area, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Switzerland or the Federal Republic of Germany, unless otherwise agreed between the Aeronautical Authorities of both Contracting Parties.
8. So long as the designated airline or airlines of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka do not exercise traffic rights under the terms of the present Agreement beyond Amsterdam, the rights of the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the carriage of passengers shall be subject to the following restriction:
Fifth freedom traffic rights on the Colombo – Male v.v. sectors shall be limited to own stopover passenger traffic at Colombo and at Male.
The restriction shall thus no longer apply at the time the designated airline or airlines of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka start to exercise their rights under the terms of the present Agreement beyond Amsterdam.
9. Designated airlines of neither Contracting Party shall have the right to serve both Dubai and Abu Dhabi on any one flight under the present Agreement."
The Embassy has the honour to inform the Ministry that the formalities required by the National Legislation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the substitution of the Schedule in accordance with the above proposal have been accomplished.
The Embassy further has the honour to suggest, in accordance with Article 9 of the Agreement, that the present Note together with the Ministry's reply confirming that the foregoing proposals are acceptable to the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and stating, moreover, that the formalities required by the National Legislation of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka have been accomplished, shall constitute an Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, which shall enter into force on the date of the Ministry's reply.
The Royal Netherlands Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka the assurances of its highest consideration.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic Square Colombo 1
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Colombo, 29th December, 2004
No. L/EA/AIR/38
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republicof Sri Lanka presents its compliments to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Colombo and has the honour to refer to latter's Note dated 21/07/2004 concerning the proposed substitution to the route schedule of the existing Air Services Agreement.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to inform the Royal Netherlands Embassy that, the proposed amendments to the Route schedule in the above Note are acceptable to the Government of Sri Lanka.
Accordingly the above Note of the Royal Netherlands Embassy and this Note in reply shall constitute an Agreement between the two Governments which shall enter into force on the date of this Note in accordance with Article 9 of the Air Services Agreement between Sri Lanka & Netherlands.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Royal Netherlands Embassy its highest consideration.
The Royal Netherlands Embassy 25, Torrington Avenue, Colombo 07.
Zie Trb. 1954, 48.
Bij brieven van 21 april 1982 is de op 22 januari 1982 in werking getreden gewijzigde routetabel bij het Verdrag (tekst in rubriek J van Trb. 1982, 34) medegedeeld aan de Eerste en de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.
De bij nota's van van 21 juli 2004 en 29 december 2004 gewijzigde routetabel bij het Verdrag behoeft ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel b, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.
Zie Trb. 1954, 48.
De bij nota's van 21 juli 2004 en 29 december 2004 gewijzigde routetabel bij het Verdrag is ingevolge het gestelde in de voorlaatste alinea van nota's I en II juncto artikel 9 van het Verdrag in werking getreden op 29 december 2004.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt de gewijzigde routetabel bij het Verdrag alleen voor Nederland.
Voor verwijzingen en andere verdragsgegevens zie Trb. 1953, 85, Trb. 1954, 48, Trb. 1980, 177 en Trb. 1982, 34.
Overige verwijzingen
Titel | : | Verdrag inzake de internationale burgerlijke luchtvaart; Chicago, 7 december 1944 |
Laatste Trb. | : | Trb. 1999, 108 |
Titel | : | Statuut van het Internationaal Gerechtshof; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945 |
Laatste Trb. | : | Trb. 1997, 106 |
In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de gewijzigde routetabel bij het Verdrag zal zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.
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