Internationaal Verdrag ter voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen, zoals gewijzigd bij het Protocol van 1978, met Protocollen en bijlagen;

Londen, 2 november 1973


De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag, met Protocollen en bijlagen, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1975, 147.

Voor wijzigingen van Protocol I bij het Verdrag, zoals gewijzigd, zie rubriek J van Trb. 1997, 317.

De Bijlagen bij het Verdrag, zoals gewijzigd, zijn een aantal malen gewijzigd; zie rubriek J van Trb. 1985, 136, van Trb. 1986, 121, van Trb. 1988, 143, van Trb. 1990, 168, van Trb. 1992, 29, van Trb. 1993, 53 en 70, van Trb. 1994, 41 en 162, van Trb. 1995, 158, van Trb. 1996, 24, van Trb. 1997, 138 en 317, van Trb. 1999, 167, van Trb. 2003, 116 en rubriek J hieronder.

De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het hieronder in rubriek J genoemde Protocol van 1978 en Bijlage, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1978, 188. Voor de ondertekeningen van het Protocol zie ook Trb. 1983, 127.


Zie Trb. 1978, 187 en 188.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1978, 188.


Zie Trb. 1978, 187, Trb. 1983, 126 en Trb. 1988, 124.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1993, 147, Trb. 1996, 24 en Trb. 1997, 138.


Zie Trb. 1983, 126 en Trb. 1986, 120.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1983, 127, Trb. 1985, 136, Trb. 1986, 121, Trb. 1988, 143 en Trb. 1993, 53.

De Verenigde Staten van Amerika hebben een voorbehoud gemaakt dat de wijziging van 4 december 2003, MEP.111(50), bij het Verdrag, niet in werking zal treden voor de Verenigde Staten van Amerika.


Zie Trb. 1975, 147, Trb. 1978, 187, Trb. 1983, 126, Trb. 1986, 120, Trb. 1988, 124 en Trb. 1992, 28.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1983, 127, Trb. 1985, 136, Trb. 1986, 121, Trb. 1988, 143, Trb. 1990, 168, Trb. 1992, 29, Trb. 1993, 53 en 147, Trb. 1994, 141 en 162, Trb. 1995, 158, Trb. 1996, 24, Trb. 1997, 138 en 317 en Trb. 1999, 167.

Behalve de aldaar genoemde staten hebben de volgende staten in overeenstemming met artikel 13, tweede lid, van het Verdrag juncto artikel IV, eerste lid, letter c, van het Protocol van 1978, een akte van toetreding bij de Secretaris-Generaal van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie nedergelegd:

Angola 4 oktober 2001
Bangladesh18 december 2002
Belarus 7 januari 1994
Benin11 februari 2000
Bolivia 4 juni 1999
de Comoren22 november 2000
Dominica21 juni 2000
de Dominicaanse Republiek24 juni 1999
de Filippijnen15 juni 2001
Guinee 2 oktober 2002
Honduras21 augustus 2001
Iran25 oktober 2002
Malawi17 december 2001
Namibië18 december 2002
Nicaragua 1 februari 2001
Nigeria24 mei 2002
Samoa 7 februari 2002
Sierra Leone26 juli 2001
Sint Lucia12 juli 2000
Trinidad en Tobago 6 maart 2000

In Tractatenblad 1993, 53, blz. 2, staat ten onrechte vermeld dat Kongo op 7 januari 1993 is toegetreden tot het Verdrag.


Zie Trb. 1983, 126 Trb. 1988, 124 en Trb. 1992, 28.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1983, 127, Trb. 1985, 136, Trb. 1986, 121, Trb. 1988, 143, Trb. 1990, 168 en Trb. 1992, 29.

Bijlage IV bij het Verdrag, zoals gewijzigd, is ingevolge artikel 15, eerste en tweede lid, van het Verdrag op 27 september 2003 in werking getreden voor de staten die Bijlage IV hebben aanvaard.


Zie Trb. 1986, 120 en Trb. 1988, 124.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1985, 136, Trb. 1986, 121, Trb. 1988, 143, Trb. 1990, 168, Trb. 1993, 53, Trb. 1995, 158, Trb. 1996, 24, Trb. 1997, 138 en 317.


Zie Trb. 1975, 147, Trb. 1978, 187, Trb. 1983, 126, Trb. 1986, 120, Trb. 1988, 124 en Trb. 1992, 28.

Voor het Protocol van 1978 zie Trb. 1978, 188, Trb. 1983, 127, Trb. 1985, 136, Trb. 1986, 121, Trb. 1988, 143, Trb. 1990, 168, Trb. 1992, 29, Trb. 1993, 53, 70 en 147, Trb. 1994, 41 en 162, Trb. 1995, 158, Trb. 1996, 24, Trb. 1997, 138 en 317, Trb. 1999, 167 en Trb. 2003, 116.


Titel:Handvest van de Verenigde Naties; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945
Laatste Trb. :Trb. 2004, 240
Titel:Verdrag nopens de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie; Genève, 6 maart 1948
Laatste Trb. :Trb. 2002, 76
Titel:Verdrag inzake de voorkoming van verontreiniging van de zee ten gevolge van het storten van afval en andere stoffen;Londen/Mexico-City/Moskou/Washington, 29 december 1972
  Trb. 1994, 156
Titel:Protocol van 1978 bij het Internationaal Verdrag ter voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen, 1973; Londen, 17 februari 1978
Laatste Trb. :Trb. 2005, 29
Titel:Protocol van 1997 tot wijziging van het Verdrag ter voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen, 1973, zoals gewijzigd bij het Protocol van 1978; Londen, 26 september 1997
Laatste Trb. :Trb. 2005, 30


Bijlage III

Zie Trb. 1990, 168, Trb. 1992, 29, Trb. 1993, 53 en 147, Trb. 1994, 41 en 162, Trb. 1995, 158, Trb. 1996, 24, Trb. 1997, 138 en 317 en Trb. 1999, 167.

Bijlage III bij het Verdrag is voorts nog aanvaard door de volgende staten:

Angola 4 oktober 2001
Bangladesh18 december 2002
Benin11 februari 2000
Bolivia 4 juni 1999
Canada 8 augustus 2002
de Comoren22 november 2000
Dominica31 augustus 2001
de Dominicaanse Republiek24 juni 1999
de Filippijnen15 juni 2001
Guinee 2 oktober 2002
Malawi17 december 2001
Namibië18 december 2002
Nicaragua 1 februari 2001
Nigeria24 mei 2002
Samoa 7 februari 2002
Sierra Leone23 mei 2003
Sint Lucia12 juli 2000
Trinidad en Tobago6 maart 2000

Bijlage IV

Zie Trb. 1996, 24, Trb. 1997, 138 en Trb. 1999, 167.

Bijlage IV bij het Verdrag is voorts nog aanvaard door de volgende staten:

Algerije31 januari 1989
Angola 4 oktober 2001
Antigua en Barbuda29 januari 1988
Argentinië31 augustus 1993
Bangladesh18 december 2002
Barbados26 november 2001
Belarus 7 januari 1994
België 4 januari 1996
Belize26 mei 1995
Benin11 februari 2000
Bolivia 4 juni 1999
Bulgarije13 mei 1993
Cambodja28 november 1994
Chili10 oktober 1994
Colombia27 juli 1981
de Comoren22 november 2000
Denemarken127 november 1980
de Dominicaanse Republiek24 juni 1999
Duitsland221 januari 1982
Ecuador18 mei 1990
Egypte 7 augustus 1986
Estland18 augustus 1992
de Filippijnen15 juni 2001
Finland20 september 1983
Frankrijk25 september 1981
Gabon26 april 1983
Gambia 1 november 1991
Georgië 8 november 1994
Griekenland23 september 1982
Guatemala 3 november 1997
Guinee 2 oktober 2002
Guyana10 december 1997
Hongarije14 januari 1985
Italië 1 oktober 1982
Ivoorkust 5 oktober 1987
Jamaica13 maart 1991
Japan 9 juni 1983
Joegoslavië31 oktober 1980
Kazachstan 7 maart 1994
Kenia15 december 1992
Letland20 mei 1992
Libanon18 juli 1983
Litouwen 4 december 1991
Luxemburg14 februari 1991
Malawi17 december 2001
Marokko12 oktober 1993
de Marshall-eilanden26 april 1988
Mauritanië24 november 1997
Mauritius 6 april 1995
Monaco20 augustus 1992
Namibië18 december 2002
Nicaragua 1 februari 2001
Nigeria24 mei 2002
Noord-Korea 1 mei 1985
Noorwegen26 september 2002
Oekraïne25 oktober 1993
Oman13 maart 1984
Oostenrijk27 mei 1988
Pakistan22 november 1994
Panama20 februari 1985
Papua-Nieuw Guinea25 oktober 1993
Peru25 april 1980
Polen 1 april 1986
Portugal22 oktober 1987
Samoa 7 februari 2002
Sao Tomé en Principe29 oktober 1998
Senegal16 januari 1997
Sierra Leone23 mei 2002
Sint Kitts en Nevis24 december 1997
Sint Lucia12 juli 2000
Sint Vincent en de Grenadines28 oktober 1983
Spanje21 januari 1991
Sri Lanka24 juni 1997
Suriname 4 november 1988
Togo 9 februari 1990
Trinidad en Tobago6 maart 2000
Tunesië10 oktober 1980
Tuvalu22 augustus 1985
Uruguay30 april 1979
Venezuela29 juli 1994
Zuid-Korea28 februari 1996
Zweden 9 juni 1980
Zwitserland20 november 1998

Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid:

Kroatië 8 oktober 1991
Slovenië25 juni 1991
Slowakije 1 januari 1993
Tsjechië 1 januari 1993

Bijlage V

Zie Trb. 1990, 168, Trb. 1992, 29, Trb. 1993, 53 en 147, Trb. 1994, 41 en 162, Trb. 1995, 158, Trb. 1996, 24, Trb. 1997, 317 en Trb. 1999, 167.

Bijlage V bij het Verdrag is voorts nog aanvaard door de volgende staten:

Angola 4 oktober 2001
Bangladesh18 december 2002
Benin11 februari 2000
Bolivia 4 juni 1999
de Comoren22 november 2000
Cuba12 februari 2002
Dominica21 juni 2000
de Dominicaanse Republiek24 juni 1999
de Filippijnen15 juni 2001
Guinee 2 oktober 2002
Honduras21 augustus 2001
Iran25 oktober 2002
Malawi17 december 2001
Malta13 februari 2004
Namibië18 december 2002
Nicaragua 1 februari 2001
Nigeria24 mei 2002
Samoa 7 februari 2002
Sierra Leone23 mei 2002
Singapore27 mei 1999
Sint Lucia12 juli 2000
Trinidad en Tobago 6 maart 2000


Resolutie MEPC.39(29) van 16 maart 1990

De wijzigingen van 16 maart 1990 zijn in overeenstemming met artikel 16(2)(g)(ii) van het Verdrag op 3 februari 2000 in werking getreden (Voor de Engelse tekst en de Nederlandse vertaling van de wijziging zie Trb. 1995, 158).

Resolutie MEPC.99(48) van 11 oktober 2002

Op 11 oktober 2002 heeft de Commissie voor de Bescherming van het Mariene Milieu in overeenstemming met artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel d, van het Verdrag juncto artikel VI van het Protocol, resolutie MEPC.99(48) aangenomen houdende wijzigingen van de keuringsregeling scheepvaart (CAS) MEPC.94(46) van 27 april 2001 bij het Verdrag zoals gewijzigd bij het Protocol van 1978.

In overeenstemming met artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel f, (iii) van het Verdrag zijn de wijzigingen aanvaard op 1 september 2003. Ingevolge artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel g, (ii) van het Verdrag zijn de wijzigingen op 1 maart 2004 in werking getreden.

Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, gelden de wijzigingen voor het gehele Koninkrijk.

De Engelse tekst1 van de resolutie luidt als volgt:

Resolution MEPC.99(48)

Adopted on 11 October 2002

Amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme

The Marine Environment Protection Committee,

Recalling Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,

Noting article 16 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the ``1973 Convention") and article VI of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the ``1978 Protocol") which together specify the amendment procedure of the 1978 Protocol and confer upon the appropriate body of the Organization the function of considering and adopting amendments to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978 Protocol (MARPOL 73/78),

Noting also that regulation 13G(7) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 specifies that the Condition Assessment Scheme, adopted by resolution MEPC.94(46), may be amended provided such amendments shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the 1973 Convention relating to amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex,

Having considered, at its forty-eighth session, the proposed amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme adopted by resolution MEPC.94(46),

1. Adopts, in accordance with article 16(2)(d) of the 1973 Convention, the amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme, the text of which is set out at Annex to the present resolution;

2. Determines, in accordance with article 16(2)(f)(iii) of the 1973 Convention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 September 2003, unless, prior to that date, not less than one third of the Parties to MARPOL 73/78 or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50 per cent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant fleet, have notified to the Organization their objections to the amendments;

3. Invites Parties to MARPOL 73/78 to note that, in accordance with article 16(2)(g)(ii) of the 1973 Convention, the said amendments shall enter into force on 1 March 2004 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;

4. Requests the Secretary-General, in conformity with article 16(2)(e) of the 1973 Convention, to transmit to all Parties to MARPOL 73/78 certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the Annex;

5. Requests further the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex to Members of the Organization which are not Parties to MARPOL 73/78; and

6. Invites the Maritime Safety Committee to note the amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme.


Amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme

1. The following new paragraph is added after the existing paragraph

  • ``6.2.3. The Survey Plan shall be developed using the Model Survey Plan for CAS set out in Appendix 3."

2. The following text is added after the existing paragraph 6.3.2:

  • ``6.4. Conduct of CAS Surveys

  • 6.4.1. The conditions for CAS Survey, the conditions and method of access to the structures, the equipment for CAS Survey and the communication arrangements implemented during the CAS Survey shall meet the Mandatory Requirements for the Safe Conduct of CAS Surveys set out in Appendix 4."

3. In Table 7.2.2, the note, at the end of the entry ``A minimum of 30% of all web frames and rings, in each remaining cargo wing tank" is replaced by ``(see note 1 and 3)".

4. In Table 7.2.2 at the end of the entry ``A minimum of 30% of deck and bottom transverses, including adjacent structural members, in each cargo centre tank" the following text is added ``(see note 3)".

5. In Table 7.2.2, at the bottom of the table, after the existing Note 2 the following new note is added:

  • ``3. The 30% shall be rounded up to the next whole integer."

6. The following new Appendices are added after the existing Appendix 2:

``Appendix 3

Model Survey Plan for CAS

Basic Information and Particulars

Name of Ship: 
IMO Number: 
Flag State: 
Port of Registry: 
Gross Tonnage: 
Deadweight (metric tonnes): 
Length Between Perpendiculars (m): 
Breadth (m): 
Depth (m): 
Summer load line draught (m): 
Hull Number: 
Recognised Organisation (RO): 
RO Identity: 
Class Notation: 
Date of delivery: 
Category of Ship (1 or 2): 
Date for compliance with Regulation 13F: 
Thickness Measurement Firm: 

1. Preamble

1.1. Scope

1.1.1. The present CAS Survey Plan covers the minimum extent of overall surveys, close-up surveys, thickness measurements and pressure testing within the cargo area, ballast tanks, including fore and aft peak tanks, required by the CAS adopted by resolution MEPC.94(46) as amended by resolution MEPC.99(48), for this ship.

1.1.2. The practical aspects of any part of the CAS survey shall be acceptable to the attending surveyor(s).

1.2. Documentation

All documents used in the development of the CAS survey plan shall be available onboard during the CAS survey as required by paragraph 6.3.1 of the CAS.

2. Arrangement of Tanks

This section of the Plan shall provide information (either in the form of plans or text) on the arrangement of tanks that fall within the scope of the CAS survey.

3. List of tanks with information on their use, extent of coatings and corrosion protection system

This section of the Plan shall indicate any changes relating to (and shall update) the information on the use of the tanks of the ship, the extent of coatings and the corrosion protective system provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

4. Conditions for survey (e.g. information regarding tank cleaning, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting etc.)

This section of the Plan shall indicate any changes relating to (and shall update) the information on the conditions for survey provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

5. Provisions and method of access to structures

This section of the Plan shall indicate any changes relating to (and shall update) the information on the provisions and methods of access to structures provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

The Mandatory Requirements for the Safe Conduct of CAS Surveys are contained in Appendix 3 to this Plan.

6. List of equipment for survey (to be provided by the Company and supplemented by the Recognised Organisation, as necessary)

This section of the Plan shall identify and list the equipment that will be made available for carrying out the CAS survey and the required thickness measurements.

7. Survey requirements

7.1. Overall survey

The CAS requirements

Paragraph 7.2.1 (and 5.2) of the CAS require that the hull structures in way of cargo tanks, pump rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area and all ballast tanks shall undergo an overall survey.

The Plan

This section of the Plan shall identify and list the spaces that shall undergo an overall survey for this ship.

7.2. Close up survey

The CAS requirements

Paragraph 7.2.2 (and Table 7.2.2) of the CAS state the hull structures that shall undergo a close up survey. These are:

Close up survey requirements
All web frame rings, in all ballast tanks (see note 1)
All web frame rings, in a cargo wing tank, (see note 1)
A minimum of 30% of all web frame rings, in each remaining cargo wing tank (see notes 1 and 3)
All transverse bulkheads, in all cargo and ballast tanks (see note 2)
A minimum of 30 % of the deck and bottom transverses, including adjacent structural members, in each cargo centre tank (see note 3)
Additional complete transverse web frame rings or deck and bottom transverse including adjacent structural members as considered necessary by the surveyor


1 Complete transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural member.

2 Complete transverse bulkhead, including girder and stiffener systems and adjacent members

3 The 30% shall be rounded up to the next whole integer.

In addition paragraphs 7.2.3 and 7.2.4 of the CAS provide further guidance as far as the extent and scope of the close up survey.

The Plan

This section of the Plan shall identify and list, using paragraph 7.2.2 (and Table 7.2.2) of the CAS, the hull structures that shall undergo a close up survey for this ship. In particular it shall:

  • .1 identify the cargo wing tank in which all web frame rings will undergo close up survey and indicate the number of web frame rings involved;

  • .2 identify the remaining cargo wing tanks in which a minimum of 30 % of the web frame rings will undergo a close up survey and indicate, for each tank, the number of web frame rings involved; and

  • .3 identify the cargo centre tanks in which a minimum of 30 % of the deck and bottom transverses, including adjacent structural members, in each cargo centre tank will undergo close up survey and indicate, for each tank, the number of the deck and bottom transverses, including adjacent structural members, involved.

8. Identifications of tanks for tank testing

The CAS requirements

Paragraph of the CAS states that the tank testing shall be as per annex 3 of Annex B of resolution A.744(18) as amended.

The Plan

This section of the Plan shall identify and list the tanks that shall undergo tank testing for this ship.

9. Identification of areas and sections for thickness measurements

The CAS requirements

Paragraph 7.3.3 (and Table 7.3.3) of the CAS specify the minimum requirements for thickness measurements for CAS survey. These are as follows:

Thickness measurement requirements
1. Within the cargo area: .1 Each deck plate .2 Three transverse sections .3 Each bottom plate
2. Measurements of structural members subject to close-up survey according to the table above (for close up survey), for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern
3. Suspect areas
4. Selected wind and water strakes outside the cargo area
5. All wind and water strakes within the cargo area
6. Internal structure in the fore and aft peak tanks
7. All exposed main deck plates outside the cargo area and all exposed first tier superstructure deck plates

Guidance Notes:

1 The attending surveyor(s) may increase the extent of thickness measurements as deemed necessary (see paragraph 7.3.5 of the CAS).

2 Transverse sections for thickness measurements shall be chosen where the largest material reductions are expected to `occur or are revealed from deck plating measurements (see section 7.3.8 of the CAS).

3 Where substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements shall be increased accordingly (see paragraph 7.3.4 of the CAS).

In addition paragraphs 7.3.4 to 7.3.8 of the CAS provide further guidance on the extent and increase of the thickness measurements to be taken.

The Plan

This section of the Plan shall identify and list, using paragraph 7.3.3 (and Table 7.3.3) of the CAS, the areas and sections where thickness measurements shall be taken.

10. Hull Materials (to be specified by the Recognised Organisation)

This section of the Plan shall identify, using a format similar to that of the table below, the materials used in the hull structures that fall within the scope of the CAS for the purpose of providing a concise reference.

LocationPlatingLongitudinals and StiffenersLongitudinal Girders/StringersTransverse Girders/Web Frames/Stringers/Floors
Inner bottom    
Side shell    
Longitudinal bulkhead    
Transverse bulkheads    
Fore Peak    
Aft Peak    

Guidance Notes:

1 Material grade is Mild Steel (MS) where not shown otherwise.

2 Material grade HTS indicates High Tensile Steel; SS indicates Stainless Steel; and CS indicates Clad Steel.

3 In case of repairs, material, grade, type and the extent shall be verified from drawings.

11. Minimum thickness of hull structures (to be specified by the Recognised Organisation)

This section of the Plan shall specify the minimum thickness* for hull structures of this ship that are subject to the CAS (indicate either (a) or preferably (b), if such information are available):

  • a) □ Determined from the attached* wastage allowance table and the original thickness according to the hull structure plans of the ship;

  • b) □ Given in the following table(s)

Area or LocationOriginal Thickness (mm)Minimum Thickness (mm)Substantial Corrosion Thickness (mm)
Longitudinal girders   
Longitudinal girders   
Ship side   
Longitudinal girders   
Longitudinal bulkhead   
Longitudinal girders   
Inner bottom   
Longitudinal girders   
Transverse bulkheads   
Transverse web frames, floors and stringers   
Cross ties   

12. Thickness Measurement (TM) Firm

This section of the Plan shall identify changes, if any, relating to the information on the Thickness Measurement (TM) Firm provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

13. Damage experience related to the ship

This section of the Plan shall, using the tables provided below, provide details of the hull damages for at least the last three years in way of the cargo and ballast tanks areas and void spaces within the cargo area. These damages are subject to CAS survey.

Hull damages sorted by location for this ship

(to be provided by the Company and supplemented by the Recognised Organisation, as necessary)

Tank Number or AreaPossible cause, if knownDescription of the damagesLocationRepairDate of repair

Hull damages for sister or similar ships (if available) in the case of design related damage

(to be provided by the Company and supplemented by the Recognised Organisation, as necessary)

Tank Number or AreaPossible cause if knownDescription of the damagesLocationRepairDate of repair

14. Areas identified with substantial corrosion from previous surveys (to be provided by the Recognised Organisation)

This section of the Plan shall identify and list the areas of substantial corrosion from previous surveys.

15. Critical structural areas and suspect areas(to be provided by Company and supplemented by the Recognised Organisation, as necessary)

This section of the Plan shall identify and list the critical structural areas and the suspect areas, when such information is available.

16. Other relevant comments and information(to be provided by the Company and supplemented by the Recognised Organisation)

This section of the Plan shall provide any other relevant, to the CAS survey, comments and information.


Appendix 1 – List of Plans

Paragraph of CAS requires that main structural plans of cargo and ballast tanks (scantling drawings), including information on regarding use of high tensile steel (HTS) to be provided.

This Appendix of the Plan shall identify and list the main structural plans which form part of the Plan and which are attached to the Plan.

Appendix 2 – Survey Planning Questionnaire

The Survey Planning Questionnaire, which has been submitted by the Company, shall be appended to the Plan.

Appendix 3 – Mandatory Requirements for the Safe Conduct of CAS Surveys

The Mandatory Requirement for the Safe Conduct of CAS Surveys, which is contained in Appendix 4 shall be appended to the Plan.

Appendix 4 – CAS Schedule

The CAS Schedule shall be attached to the Plan1

Appendix 5 – Other documentation

This part of the Plan shall identify and list any other documentation that forms part of the Plan.

Prepared on behalf of the Company by ........................

Date: ........................ ................................................................................................

(name and signature of authorised representative)

Reviewed by the Recognized Organization for compliance with paragraph 6.2.2 of the CAS.

Date: ........................ ................................................................................................

(name and signature of authorised representative)

Appendix 4

Mandatory Requirements for the Safe Conduct of CAS Surveys

1. General

1.1. The present mandatory requirements have been developed for the safe conduct of CAS Surveys. Although the mandatory requirements make explicit reference to the CAS survey and to attending surveyor(s) it shall be used also in connection with any thickness measurement work required by the CAS.

2. Conditions for survey

2.1. The Company shall provide the necessary facilities for a safe conduct of the CAS survey.

2.2. In cases where the provisions of safety and required access are judged by the attending surveyors not to be adequate, the CAS survey of the spaces involved shall not proceed.

2.3. In order to enable the attending surveyors to carry out the CAS survey, provisions for proper and safe access, shall be agreed between Company and Recognised Organisation.

2.4. Details of the means of access are provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

2.5. Tanks and spaces shall be safe for access*. Tanks and spaces shall be gas free and shall be ventilated. Prior to entering a tank, void or enclosed space, it shall be verified that the atmosphere in the tank is free from hazardous gas and contains sufficient oxygen.

2.6. Tanks and spaces shall be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues, corrosion scale, sediments etc., to reveal significant corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration as well as the condition of the coating.

2.7. Sufficient illumination shall be provided to reveal significant corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration as well as the condition of the coating.

2.8. Where soft coatings have been applied, safe access shall be provided for the attending surveyor(s) to verify the effectiveness of the coating and to carry out an assessment of the conditions of internal structures, which may include spot removal of the coating. Where the presence of soft coating inhibits safe access, the soft coating shall be removed.

2.9. The attending surveyor(s) shall always be accompanied by at least one responsible person assigned by the Company experienced in tank and enclosed spaces inspection. In addition a backup team of at least two experienced persons shall be stationed at the hatch opening of the tank or space that is being surveyed. The back-up team shall continuously observe the work in the tank or space and shall keep lifesaving and evacuation equipment ready for use.

3. Access to structures

3.1. For overall survey, means shall be provided to enable the attending surveyors to examine the structure in a safe and practical way.

3.2. For close-up survey, one or more of the following means for access, acceptable to the attending surveyors, shall be provided:

– permanent staging and passages through structures

– temporary staging and passages through structures

– lifts and moveable platforms

– rafts or boats

– other equivalent means.

3.3. Surveys of tanks or spaces by means of rafts or boats may only be undertaken with the agreement of the attending surveyors, who shall take into account the safety arrangements provided, including weather forecasting and ship response in reasonable sea conditions.

3.4. When rafts or boats will be used for close up survey the following conditions shall be observed:

    • .1 only rough duty, inflatable rafts or boats, having satisfactory residual buoyancy and stability even if one chamber is ruptured, shall be used;

    • .2 the boat or raft shall be tethered to the access ladder and an additional person shall be stationed down the access ladder with a clear view of the boat or raft;

    • .3 appropriate lifejackets shall be available for all participants;

    • .4 the surface of water in the tank shall be calm (under all foreseeable conditions the expected rise of water within the tank shall not exceed 0.25 m) and the water level either stationary or falling. On no account shall the level of the water be rising while the boat or raft is in use;

    • .5 the tank or space must contain clean ballast water only. Even a thin sheen of oil on the water is not acceptable;

    • .6 at no time shall the water level be allowed to be within 1 m of the deepest under deck web face flat so that the survey team is not isolated from a direct escape route to the tank hatch. Filling to levels above the deck transverses shall only be contemplated if a deck access manhole is fitted and open in the bay being examined, so that an escape route for the survey party is available at all times;

    • .7 if the tanks (or spaces) are connected by a common venting system, or Inert Gas system, the tank in which the boat or raft is to be used shall be isolated to prevent a transfer of gas from other tanks (or spaces).

3.5. In addition to the above rafts or boats alone may be allowed for inspection of the under deck areas for tanks or spaces, if the depth of the webs are 1.5 m or less.

3.6. If the depth of the webs is more than 1.5 m, rafts or boats alone may be allowed only:

    • .1 when the coating of the under deck structure is in GOOD condition and there no evidence of wastage; or

    • .2 if a permanent means of access is provided in each bay to allow safe entry and exit. This means of access is to be direct from the deck via a vertical ladder and a small platform shall be fitted approximately 2 m below the deck.

If neither of the above conditions are met then staging shall be provided for the survey of the under deck area.

4. Equipment for survey

4.1. Thickness measurement shall normally be carried out by means of ultrasonic test equipment. The accuracy of the equipment shall be proven to the attending surveyor(s) as required.

4.2. One or more of the following fracture detection procedures may be required if deemed necessary by the attending surveyor(s):

– radiographic equipment

– ultrasonic equipment

– magnetic particle equipment

– dye penetrant

– other equivalent means.

4.3. Explosimeter, oxygen-meter, breathing apparatus, lifelines, riding belts with rope and hook and whistles together with instructions and guidance on their use shall be made available during the CAS survey. A safety check-list shall be provided.

4.4. Adequate and safe lighting shall be provided for the safe and efficient conduct of the CAS survey.

4.5. Adequate protective clothing shall be made available and used (e.g. safety helmet, gloves, safety shoes, etc) during the CAS survey.

5. Meetings and Communication Arrangements

5.1. The establishment of proper preparation and the close co-operation between the attending surveyors and the Company's representatives onboard prior to and during the CAS survey are an essential part in the safe and efficient conduct of the CAS survey. During the CAS survey on board safety meetings shall be held regularly.

5.2. Prior to commencement of the CAS survey a survey meeting shall be held between the attending surveyors the Company's representative(s) in attendance, the TM Firm Operator (as applicable) and the Master of the ship for the purpose to ascertain that all the arrangements envisaged in the Survey Plan are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried out.

5.3. The following is an indicative list of items that shall be addressed in the meeting:

    • .1 schedule of the vessel (i.e. the voyage, docking and undocking manoeuvres, periods alongside, cargo and ballast operations etc.);

    • .2 provisions and arrangements for thickness measurements (i.e. access, cleaning/de-scaling, illumination, ventilation, personal safety);

    • .3 extent of the thickness measurements;

    • .4 acceptance criteria (refer to the list of minimum thicknesses);

    • .5 extent of close up survey and thickness measurement considering the coating condition and suspect areas/areas of substantial corrosion;

    • .6 execution of thickness measurements;

    • .7 taking representative readings in general and where uneven corrosion/pitting is found;

    • .8 mapping of areas of substantial corrosion;

    • .9 communication between attending surveyor(s) the TM operator(s) and Company representative(s) concerning findings.

5.4. A communication system shall be arranged between the survey party in the tank or space being examined, the responsible officer on deck and, as the case may be, the navigation bridge. This system shall also include the personnel in charge of handling the ballast pump(s) if rafts or boats are used. The communication arrangements shall be maintained throughout the CAS survey."

Resolutie MEPC.111(50) van 4 december 2003

Op 4 december 2003 heeft de Commissie voor de Bescherming van het Mariene Milieu in overeenstemming met artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel d, van het Verdrag juncto artikel VI van het Protocol resolutie MEPC.111(50) aangenomen houdende wijzigingen van Bijlage I bij het Verdrag zoals gewijzigd bij het Protocol van 1978.

In overeenstemming met artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel f, (iii) van het Verdrag zijn de wijzigingen aanvaard op 4 oktober 2004, tenzij, voorafgaand aan die datum, ten minste een derde van de Partijen, dan wel de Partijen waarvan de koopvaardijvloten te zamen ten minste vijftig procent vormen van de bruto tonnage van de wereldkoopvaardijvloot, bij de Organisatie bezwaar hebben aangetekend tegen de wijzigingen.

Ingevolge artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel g, (ii) van het Verdrag zullen de wijzigingen op 5 april 2005 in werking treden.

Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, gelden de wijzigingen voor het gehele Koninkrijk.

De Engelse tekst1 van de resolutie luidt als volgt:

Resolution MEPC.111(50)

adopted on 4 December 2003

Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973

(Amendments to regulation 13G, addition of new regulation 13H and consequential amendments to the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78)

The Marine Environment Protection Committee,

Recalling article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,

Noting article 16 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the ``1973 Convention") and article VI of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the ``1978 Protocol") which together specify the amendment procedure of the 1978 Protocol and confer upon the appropriate body of the Organization the function of considering and adopting amendments to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978 Protocol (MARPOL 73/78),

Having considered the proposed amendments to regulation 13G and consequential amendments to the Supplement (Form B) of the IOPP Certificate of Annex I to MARPOL 73/38,

Having also considered the proposed new regulation 13H of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78,

1. Adopts, in accordance with article 16(2)(d) of the 1973 Convention, the amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, the text of which is set out at annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the present resolution, each of which being subject to separate consideration by the Parties pursuant to Article 16(2)(f)(ii) of the 1973 Convention;

2. Determines, in accordance with article 16(2)(f)(iii) of the 1973 Convention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 4 October 2004 unless, prior to that date, not less than one-third of the Parties or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50 per cent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant fleet, have communicated to the Organization their objection to the amendments;

3. Invites the Parties to note that, in accordance with article 16(2)(g)(ii) of the 1973 Convention, the said amendments shall enter into force on 5 April 2005 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;

4. Requests the Secretary-General, in conformity with article 16(2)(e) of the 1973 Convention, to transmit to all Parties to MARPOL 73/78 certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the annexes; and

5. Requests further the Secretary-General to transmit to the Members of the Organization which are not Parties to MARPOL 73/78 copies of the present resolution and its annexes.

Annex 1

Amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78

The existing regulation 13G is replaced by the following:

``Regulation 13G

Prevention of accidental oil pollution – Measures for existing oil tankers

1. Unless expressly provided otherwise this regulation shall:

  • a) apply to oil tankers of 5,000 tons deadweight and above, which are contracted, the keels of which are laid, or which are delivered before the dates specified in regulation 13F(1) of this Annex; and

  • b) not apply to oil tankers complying with regulation 13F of this Annex, which are contracted, the keels of which are laid, or are delivered before the dates specified in regulation 13F(1) of this Annex; and

  • c) not apply to oil tankers covered by subparagraph (a) above which comply with regulation 13F(3)(a) and (b) or 13F(4) or 13F(5) of this Annex, except that the requirement for minimum distances between the cargo tank boundaries and the ship side and bottom plating need not be met in all respects. In that event, the side protection distances shall not be less than those specified in the International Bulk Chemical Code for type 2 cargo tank location and the bottom protection distances at centreline shall comply with regulation 13E(4)(b) of this Annex.

2. For the purpose of this regulation:

  • a) ``Heavy diesel oil" means diesel oil other than those distillates of which more than 50 per cent by volume distils at a temperature not exceeding 340°C when tested by the method acceptable to the Organization1.

  • b) ``Fuel oil" means heavy distillates or residues from crude oil or blends of such materials intended for use as a fuel for the production of heat or power of a quality equivalent to the specification acceptable to the Organization1.

3. For the purpose of this regulation, oil tankers are divided into the following categories:

  • a) ``Category 1 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above, which does not comply with the requirements for new oil tankers as defined in regulation 1(26) of this Annex;

  • b) ``Category 2 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above, which complies with the requirements for new oil tankers as defined in regulation 1(26) of this Annex; and

  • c) ``Category 3 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above but less than that specified in subparagraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph.

4. An oil tanker to which this regulation applies shall comply with the requirements of regulation 13F of this Annex not later than 5 April 2005 or the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship on the date or in the year specified in the following table:

Category of oil tankerDate or year
Category 15 April 2005 for ships delivered on 5 April 1982 or earlier 2005 for ships delivered after 5 April 1982
Category 2 and Category 35 April 2005 for ships delivered on 5 April 1977 or earlier 2005 for ships delivered after 5 April 1977 but before 1 January 1978 2006 for ships delivered in 1978 and 1979 2007 for ships delivered in 1980 and 1981 2008 for ships delivered in 1982 2009 for ships delivered in 1983 2010 for ships delivered in 1984 or later

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (4) of this regulation, in the case of a Category 2 or 3 oil tanker fitted with only double bottoms or double sides not used for the carriage of oil and extending to the entire cargo tank length or double hull spaces which are not used for the carriage of oil and extend to the entire cargo tank length, but which does not fulfil conditions for being exempted from the provisions of paragraph (1)(c) of this regulation, the Administration may allow continued operation of such a ship beyond the date specified in paragraph (4) of this regulation, provided that:

  • a) the ship was in service on 1 July 2001;

  • b) the Administration is satisfied by verification of the official records that the ship complied with the conditions specified above;

  • c) the conditions of the ship specified above remain unchanged; and

  • d) such continued operation does not go beyond the date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery.

6. A Category 2 or 3 oil tanker of 15 years and over after the date of its delivery shall comply with the Condition Assessment Scheme adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee by resolution MEPC.94 (46), as amended, provided that such amendments shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the present Convention relating to amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex.

7. The Administration may allow continued operation of a Category 2 or 3 oil tanker beyond the date specified in paragraph (4) of this regulation, if satisfactory results of the Condition Assessment Scheme warrant that, in the opinion of the Administration, the ship is fit to continue such operation, provided that the operation shall not go beyond the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2015 or the date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery, whichever is the earlier date.

8. a) The Administration of a Party to the present Convention which allows the application of paragraph (5) of this regulation, or allows, suspends, withdraws or declines the application of paragraph (7) of this regulation, to a ship entitled to fly its flag shall forthwith communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Convention particulars thereof, for their information and appropriate action, if any.

  • b) A Party to the present Convention shall be entitled to deny entry into the ports or offshore terminals under its jurisdiction of oil tankers operating in accordance with the provisions of:

    • (i) paragraph (5) of this regulation beyond the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2015; or

    • (ii) paragraph (7) of this regulation.

      In such cases, that Party shall communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Convention particulars thereof for their information.”

Annex 2

Amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78

The following new regulation is added after regulation 13G:

``Regulation 13H

Prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers carrying heavy grade oil as cargo

1. This regulation shall:

  • a) apply to oil tankers of 600 tons deadweight and above carrying heavy grade oil as cargo regardless of the date of delivery; and

  • b) not apply to oil tankers covered by subparagraph (a) above which comply with regulation 13F(3)(a) and (b) or 13F(4) or 13F(5) of this Annex, except that the requirement for minimum distances between the cargo tank boundaries and the ship side and bottom plating need not be met in all respects. In that event, the side protection distances shall not be less than those specified in the International Bulk Chemical Code for type 2 cargo tank location and the bottom protection distances at centreline shall comply with regulation 13E(4)(b) of this Annex.

2. For the purpose of this regulation `heavy grade oil' means any of the following:

  • a) crude oils having a density at 15 C higher than 900 kg/m3;

  • b) fuel oils having either a density at 15° C higher than 900 kg/m3 or a kinematic viscosity at 50° C higher than 180 mm2/s;

  • c) bitumen, tar and their emulsions.

3. An oil tanker to which this regulation applies shall comply with the provisions of paragraphs (4) to (8) of this regulation in addition to complying with the applicable provisions of regulation 13G.

4. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (5), (6) and (7) of this regulation, an oil tanker to which this regulation applies shall:

  • a) if 5,000 tons deadweight and above, comply with the requirements of regulation 13F of this Annex not later than 5 April 2005; or

  • b) if 600 tons deadweight and above but less than 5,000 tons deadweight, be fitted with both double bottom tanks or spaces complying with the provisions of regulation 13F(7)(a) of this Annex, and wing tanks or spaces arranged in accordance with regulation 13F(3)(a) and complying with the requirement for distance w as referred to in regulation 13F(7)(b), not later than the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in the year 2008.

5. In the case of an oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above, carrying heavy grade oil as cargo fitted with only double bottoms or double sides not used for the carriage of oil and extending to the entire cargo tank length or double hull spaces which are not used for the carriage of oil and extend to the entire cargo tank length, but which does not fulfil conditions for being exempted from the provisions of paragraph (1)(b) of this regulation, the Administration may allow continued operation of such a ship beyond the date specified in paragraph (4) of this regulation, provided that:

  • a) the ship was in service on 4 December 2003;

  • b) the Administration is satisfied by verification of the official records that the ship complied with the conditions specified above;

  • c) the conditions of the ship specified above remain unchanged; and

  • d) such continued operation does not go beyond the date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery.

6. a) The Administration may allow continued operation of an oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above, carrying crude oil having a density at 15° C higher than 900 kg/m3 but lower than 945 kg/m3, beyond the date specified in paragraph (4)(a) of this regulation, if satisfactory results of the Condition Assessment Scheme referred to in regulation 13G(6) warrant that, in the opinion of the Administration, the ship is fit to continue such operation, having regard to the size, age, operational area and structural conditions of the ship and provided that the operation shall not go beyond the date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery.

  • b) The Administration may allow continued operation of an oil tanker of 600 tons deadweight and above but less than 5,000 tons deadweight, carrying heavy grade oil as cargo, beyond the date specified in paragraph (4)(b) of this regulation, if, in the opinion of the Administration, the ship is fit to continue such operation, having regard to the size, age, operational area and structural conditions of the ship, provided that the operation shall not go beyond the date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery.

7. The Administration of a Party to the present Convention may exempt an oil tanker of 600 tons deadweight and above carrying heavy grade oil as cargo from the provisions of this regulation if the oil tanker:

  • a) either is engaged in voyages exclusively within an area under its jurisdiction, or operates as a floating storage unit of heavy grade oil located within an area under its jurisdiction; or

  • b) either is engaged in voyages exclusively within an area under the jurisdiction of another Party, or operates as a floating storage unit of heavy grade oil located within an area under the jurisdiction of another Party, provided that the Party within whose jurisdiction the oil tanker will be operating agrees to the operation of the oil tanker within an area under its jurisdiction.

8. a) The Administration of a Party to the present Convention which allows, suspends, withdraws or declines the application of paragraphs (5), (6) or (7) of this regulation to a ship entitled to fly its flag shall forthwith communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Convention particulars thereof, for their information and appropriate action, if any.

  • b) Subject to the provisions of international law, a Party to the present Convention shall be entitled to deny entry of oil tankers operating in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (5) or (6) of this regulation into the ports or offshore terminals under its jurisdiction, or deny ship-to-ship transfer of heavy grade oil in areas under its jurisdiction, except when this is necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea. In such cases, that Party shall communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Convention particulars thereof for their information.

Annex 3

Amendments to Form B of the supplement to the IOPP Certificate relating to revised Regulation 13G of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78

The existing paragraph 5.8.4 in Form B of the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate is replaced by the following:

``5.8.4. The ship is subject to regulation 13G and:

.1is required to comply with regulation 13F not later than
.2is so arranged that the following tanks or spaces are not used for the carriage of oil
.3is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13G(5) until
.4is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13G(7) until □"

Annex 4

Amendments to Form B of the supplement to the IOPP Certificate relating to new Regulation 13H of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78

The following new paragraphs are added after paragraph 5.8.5 in the Form B of the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate:

``5.8.6. The ship is subject to regulation 13H and:

.1is required to comply with regulation 13H(4) not later than
.2is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13H(5) until
.3is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13H(6)(a) until
.4is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13H(6)(b) until
.5is exempted from the provisions of regulation 13H in accordance with regulation 13H(7)(b)

5.8.7. The ship is not subject to regulation 13H □"

Resolutie MEPC.112(50) van 4 december 2003

Op 4 december 2003 heeft de Commissie voor de Bescherming van het Mariene Milieu in overeenstemming met artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel d, van het Verdrag juncto artikel VI van het Protocol resolutie MEPC.112(50) aangenomen houdende wijzigingen van de keuringsregeling scheepvaart (CAS) MEPC.94(46) van 27 april 2001 bij het Verdrag zoals gewijzigd bij het Protocol van 1978.

In overeenstemming met artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel f, (iii) van het Verdrag zijn de wijzigingen aanvaard op 4 oktober 2004, tenzij, voorafgaand aan die datum, ten minste een derde van de Partijen, dan wel de Partijen waarvan de koopvaardijvloten te zamen ten minste vijftig procent vormen van de bruto tonnage van de wereldkoopvaardijvloot, bij de Organisatie bezwaar hebben aangetekend tegen de wijzigingen.

Ingevolge artikel 16, tweede lid, onderdeel g, (ii) van het Verdrag zullen de wijzigingen op 5 april 2005 in werking treden.

Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, gelden de wijzigingen voor het gehele Koninkrijk.

De Engelse tekst1 van de resolutie luidt als volgt:

Resolution MEPC.112(50)

Adopted on 4 December 2003

Amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme

The Marine Environment Protection Committee,

Recalling Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,

Noting article 16 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the ``1973 Convention") and article VI of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the ``1978 Protocol") which together specify the amendment procedure of the 1978 Protocol and confer upon the appropriate body of the Organization the function of considering and adopting amendments to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978 Protocol (MARPOL 73/78),

Noting also that regulation 13G of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 specifies that the Condition Assessment Scheme, adopted by resolution MEPC.94(46), may be amended provided such amendments shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the 1973 Convention relating to amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex,

Recalling also resolution MEPC.99(48), by which the Committee adopted amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme, in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the 1973 Convention relating to amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex,

Having adopted, at its fiftieth session, amendments to regulation 13G of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 by resolution MEPC.111(50) to further accelerate the phase-out of single-hull tankers in an effort to further enhance the protection of the marine environment,

Recognizing the need to amend the Condition Assessment Scheme for the purposes of application of the amendments to regulation 13G and the new regulation 13H of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78, as adopted by resolution MEPC.111(50),

Having considered, at its fiftieth session, the proposed amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme,

1. Adopts, in accordance with article 16(2)(d) of the 1973 Convention, the amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme, the text of which is set out at Annex to the present resolution;

2. Determines, in accordance with article 16(2)(f)(iii) of the 1973 Convention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 4 October 2004, unless, prior to that date, not less than one third of the Parties to MARPOL 73/78 or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50 per cent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant fleet, have notified to the Organization their objections to the amendments;

3. Invites Parties to MARPOL 73/78 to note that, in accordance with article 16(2)(g)(ii) of the 1973 Convention, the said amendments shall enter into force on 5 April 2005 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;

4. Requests the Secretary-General, in conformity with article 16(2)(e) of the 1973 Convention, to transmit to all Parties to MARPOL 73/78 certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the Annex;

5. Requests further the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex to Members of the Organization which are not Parties to MARPOL 73/78;

6. Invites the Maritime Safety Committee to note the amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme;

7. Urges the Maritime Safety Committee to undertake, as a matter of priority, a review of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (the Guidelines), adopted by resolution A.744(18) as amended, for the purpose of introducing and incorporating relevant elements and provisions of the Condition Assessment Scheme in the Guidelines, so as to ensure that oil tankers required to comply with the provisions of the Condition Assessment Scheme will be subject to a single and harmonized survey and inspection regime; and

8. Agrees that the Committee will undertake, as soon as the Maritime Safety Committee has incorporated relevant elements and provisions of the Condition Assessment Scheme into the Guidelines, to carry out the necessary review of the Condition Assessment Scheme and, if needed, of the provisions of regulations 13G and 13H of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 related thereto with a view to ensuring that oil tankers required to comply with the provisions of the Condition Assessment Scheme will be subject to a single and harmonized survey and inspection regime as adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee.


Amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme

1. In the last sentence of paragraph 1.1, the following words are added at the end of the sentence:

``, or Interim Statement of Compliance, as applicable."

2. In paragraph 2, the words ``regulation 13G(7)" are replaced by ``regulations 13G(6) and (7) and 13H(6)(a)", and the words ``resolution MEPC.95(46)" are deleted.

3. Paragraph 3.3 is deleted and the existing paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 are renumbered as paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 respectively.

4. Paragraph 3.6 is deleted and the existing paragraph 3.7 is renumbered as paragraph 3.5.

5. The following new paragraph 3.6 is added, and the existing paragraphs 3.8 through 3.14 are renumbered as paragraphs 3.7 through 3.13.

  • ``3.6. `Category 3 oil tanker' means an oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above but less than that specified in regulation 13G(3)(a) or (b) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.".

6. Paragraph 4.3 is replaced by the following:

  • ``4.3. The Administration shall require Category 2 and Category 3 oil tankers flying its flag which are subject to the provisions of regulation 13G(7) to remain out of service during the periods referred to in paragraph 5.1.2, until these oil tankers are issued with a valid Statement of Compliance."

7. Paragraph 5.1 is replaced by the following:

  • ``5.1. Application

  • The requirements of the CAS apply to:

  • .1 oil tankers of 5,000 tons deadweight and above and of 15 years and over after date of delivery of the ship, in accordance with regulation 13G(6);

  • .2 oil tankers subject to the provisions of regulation 13G(7), where authorization is requested for continued service beyond the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2010; and

  • .3 oil tankers of 5,000 tons deadweight and above and of 15 years and over after date of delivery of the ship, carrying crude oil as cargo having a density at 15 ° C higher than 900 kg/m3 but lower than 945 kg/m3, in accordance with regulation 13H(6)(a)."

8. Paragraph 5.3 is replaced by the following:

  • ``5.3.1. The CAS survey shall be aligned to the Enhanced Programme of Inspection.

  • 5.3.2. The first CAS survey in accordance with regulation 13G(6) shall be carried out concurrent with the first scheduled intermediate or renewal survey after 5 April 2005, or when the ship reaches the 15 years of age, whichever occurs later.

  • 5.3.3. The first CAS survey in accordance with regulation 13G(7) shall be carried out concurrent with the scheduled intermediate or renewal survey due prior to the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2010.

  • 5.3.4. The first CAS survey in accordance with regulation 13H(6)(a) shall be carried out concurrent with the first scheduled intermediate or renewal survey after 5 April 2005.

  • 5.3.5. In the case where the Statement of Compliance issued following the first CAS survey under 5.3.2 is valid beyond the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2010, that CAS may be treated as the first CAS carried out in compliance with regulation 13G(7).

  • 5.3.6. Any subsequent CAS survey, required for the renewal of the Statement of Compliance, shall be carried out at intervals not exceeding 5 years and 6 months.

  • 5.3.7. Notwithstanding the above, the Company may, with the agreement of the Administration, opt to carry out the CAS survey at a date earlier than the due date of the survey referred to above, provided that all the requirements of the CAS are complied with."

9. Paragraph is replaced by the following:

  • `` Such relaxation shall, at all times, be subject to the RO having sufficient time to complete the CAS survey and issue the Interim Statement of Compliance under regulation 13G(6) or 13H(6)(a), or the Administration to review the CAS Final Report and issue the Statement of Compliance under regulation 13G(7), as applicable, prior to re-entry of the ship to service."

10. Paragraph 10.2.2 is replaced by the following:

    • ``10.2.2. The CAS Final Report shall be submitted by the RO to the Administration without delay and:

    • .1 in the case of the CAS survey in accordance with regulation 13G(6) or 13H(6)(a), not later than 3 months after the completion of the CAS survey; or

    • .2 in the case of the CAS survey in accordance with regulation 13G(7), not later than 3 months after the completion of the CAS survey, or 2 months prior to the date the ship is required to be issued with a Statement of Compliance, whichever occurs earlier."

11. In paragraph 11.1, the words ``Category 1 and Category 2" are replaced by the words ``Category 2 and Category 3".

12. Paragraph 13.1 is replaced by the following:

    • ``13.1. The Administration shall, in accordance with its procedures, issue to each ship which completes the CAS to the satisfaction of the Administration, the Statement of Compliance.

    • Such Statement shall be issued:

    • .1 in the case of the CAS in accordance with regulation 13G(6) or 13H(6)(a), not later than 5 months after the completion of the CAS survey; or

    • .2 in the case of the CAS in accordance with regulation 13G(7), not later than 5 months after the completion of the CAS survey, or the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2010, whichever occurs earlier, for the first CAS survey, and not later than the expiry date of the Statement of Compliance for any subsequent CAS survey."

13. Paragraph 13.6 is replaced by the following:

    • ``13.6. The validity of the Statement of Compliance shall not exceed 5 years and 6 months from the date of completion of the CAS survey."

14. Paragraph 13.7 is replaced by the following:

    • ``13.7. The RO which has carried out the CAS survey in accordance with regulation 13G(6) or 13H(6)(a), upon satisfactory completion of the survey, shall issue an Interim Statement of Compliance in a form corresponding to the model given in appendix 1, for a period not exceeding 5 months. It shall remain valid until its expiry date or the date of issue of a Statement of Compliance, whichever is the earlier date, and shall be accepted by other Parties to MARPOL 73/78."

15. In appendix 1, the words ``, as amended" are inserted after ``MEPC.94(46)" (in two places).

16. In appendix 1, the following words are added after point 2:

    • ``Date of completion of the CAS survey: dd/mm/yyyy."

17. In appendix 1, the Form of the Interim Statement of Compliance, which is attached to this document, is added after the Form of Statement of Compliance.

18. In appendix 3, in paragraph 1.1.1, the words ``by resolution MEPC.99(48)" are deleted.

Form of Interim Statement of Compliance

Interim Statement of Compliance

Issued under the provisions of the Condition Assessment Scheme (resolution MEPC.94(46), as amended) by:

`` ....................................................................................................

(full name of the Recognized Organization)

Particular of ship ....................................................................................................

Name of ship ....................................................................................................

Distinctive number or letters ....................................................................................................

Port of registry ....................................................................................................

Gross tonnage ....................................................................................................

Deadweight of ship (metric tons) ....................................................................................................

IMO number ....................................................................................................

Category of tanker ....................................................................................................


1. That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the requirements of the Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) (resolution MEPC.94(46), as amended);

2. That the survey showed that the structural conditions of the ship covered by CAS are in all respects satisfactory and the ship complies with the survey requirements of CAS.

Date of completion of the CAS survey: dd/mm/yyyy.

This Statement is valid until ...................., or the date of issue of the Statement of Compliance, whichever is the earlier date.

Issued at ....................................................................................................

(Place of issue of the Statement)

.................................................... ....................................................................................................

(Date of issue) (Signature of duly authorized official issuing the Statement)

(Seal or stamp of the Recognized Organization, as appropriate)

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijzigingen zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in het gehele Koninkrijk op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de zesentwintigste januari 2005

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,



De aanvaarding geldt eveneens voor de Faeröereilanden.


Op 3 Oktober 1990 is de Duitse Democratische Republiek toegetreden tot de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland. De Duitse Democratische Republiek heeft Bijlage IV op 25 april 1984 aanvaard.


The CAS Schedule is contained in annex 3 to MEPC/Circ.390. The solwe purpose of the CAS Schedule is to aid Companies and Recognized Organizations in the preparation of CAS Survey and scholl be read and used for this purpose only.


De Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet afgedrukt.


The wastage allowance tables shall be attached to the CAS Survey Plan.


Reference is made to chapter 10 of the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) - Entry into and working in enclosed spaces.


De Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet afgedrukt.


Refer to the American Society for Testing and Material's Standard Test Method (Designation D86).


Refer to the American Society for Testing and Material's Specification for Number Four Fuel Oil (Designation D396) or heavier.


De Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet afgedrukt.

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