Overeenkomst tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Socialistische Federatieve Republiek Joegoslavië inzake de bevordering en de wederzijdse bescherming van investeringen, met brieven;

Belgrado, 16 februari 1976


De tekst van de Overeenkomst, met brieven, is geplaatst in Trb. 1976, 40.


Zie Trb. 1976, 40.


Zie Trb. 1977, 36.


Zie Trb. 1977, 36, Trb. 1997, 278, Trb. 1998, 177, Trb. 1999, 91 en Trb. 2002, 4.

Op 9 en 20 augustus 2002 zijn te 's-Gravenhage nota's gewisseld tussen de regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de regering van de Federale Republiek Joegoslavië (zie voor de tekst van de nota's rubriek J hieronder). In de nota's wordt de de relatie geregeld tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Federale Republiek Joegoslavië met betrekking tot o.a. de onderhavige Overeenkomst.


Zie Trb. 1976, 40, Trb. 1977, 36, Trb. 1997, 278, Trb. 1998, 177, Trb. 1999, 91 en Trb. 2002, 4.


Titel:Verdrag inzake de bevordering en wederzijdse bescherming van investeringen tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Federale Republiek Joegoslavië; 's-Gravenhage, 29 januari 2002
Tekst:Trb. 2002, 83 (Engels en Nederlands)

Op 9 en 20 augustus 2002 zijn te 's-Gravenhage nota's gewisseld tussen de regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de regering van de Federale Republiek Joegoslavië inzake hun bilaterale verdragsverhoudingen. De tekst van de nota's luidt als volgt:

Nr. I

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Jugoslavia

The Hague, August 9 2002

No. 1316/02-3

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to propose that:

– the treaties concluded between the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands referred to in Attachment A are in force between and represent treaties concluded between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and that

– the treaties concluded between the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands referred to in Attachment B will not be considered in force between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Embassy has taken note, however, that the present Exchange of Notes is without prejudice to future discussions regarding the continuance of the treaties referred to in Attachment B.

In case the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts the proposal contained herein, the Embassy will consider the receipt of the Note of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia confirming the acceptance of this proposal as an agreement that the treaties referred to in Attachment A of this note constitute treaties between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands and that the present Exchange of Notes is without prejudice to future discussions regarding the continuance of the treaties referred to in Attachment B.

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Hague

Attachment A

1. Agreement on the Extradition of Criminals, Belgrade, 28 February/11 March 18971.

2. Convention on Trade and Navigation, Belgrade, 28 May 1930, entered into force on 17 April 1932.

3. Agreement concerning regular air services, Belgrade, 12 March 1957, entered into force 3 March 1958, plus supplements of 16 August 1962 and 21 January 1964.

4. Cultural Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 11 August 1966, entered into force 29 May 1967.

5. Agreement concerning the international roadtransport, Belgrade, 8 September 1966, entered into force 4 Aril 1967, and the Exchange of Notes to supplement the Agreement concerning the international roadtransport with Article 7 bis, Belgrade, 20 November 1972, entered into force 15 November 1973.

6. Agreement on the protection of investments between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 16 February 1976, entered into force 1 April 1977.

7. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on social security, Belgrade, 11 May 1977, entered into force 1 April 1979, and the Administrative arrangement concerning the modalities of application of the Convention on Social Security, Belgrade, 16 May 1977, entered into force 1 April 1979.

Attachment B

1. Convention on the Settlement of Disputes Through Adjudication, Arbitration or Conciliation, The Hague, 11 March 1931, entered into force 2 April 1932.

2. Exchange of Notes concerning the reciprocal submission of information on criminal sentences against foreigners, Belgrade, 9 October 1953/8 June 1954.

3. Agreement on compensation for interest of the Netherlands in Yugoslavia which have been affected by nationalisation measures, Belgrade, 22 July 1958, entered into force 25 August 1959.

4. Agreement concerning the regulation of certain financial claims of the Netherlands, The Hague, 9 February 1961, entered into force 21 November 1961.

5. Agreement concerning economic, industrial and technical co-operation, Belgrade 13 March 1968.

6. Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concerning the Regulation of the Employment of Yugoslav Workers in the Netherlands, Belgrade, 9 March 1970.

Nr. II

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Legal Affairs Service

The Hague, 20 August 2002


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and has the honour to refer to Note No. 1316/02-3, dated August 9, 2002, from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which reads as follows:

Zoals in Nr. I

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs accepts the proposal contained in Note No. 1316/02-3 of August 9, 2002, so that an understanding has been reached between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that the treaties referred to in Attachment A constitute treaties between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and that the present Exchange of Notes is without prejudice to future discussions regarding the continuance of the treaties referred to in Attachment B in the relation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Ministry avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia the assurances of its highest consideration.

To the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at The Hague

Uitgegeven de achttiende oktober 2002

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,



De Overeenkomst is tot stand gekomen op 11 maart 1896.

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