Radioreglement 1979, met Bijlagen;

Genève, 6 december 1979


De Engelse tekst van het Reglement, cum annexis, is geplaatst in Trb. 1981, 78. Zie ook de rubrieken J van Trb. 1984, 9, Trb. 1988, 97 en 146, Trb. 1989, 93, Trb. 1990, 132, Trb. 1995, 218, Trb. 1997, 135, Trb. 2001, 159 en rubriek J hieronder.


Zie Trb. 1981, 78, Trb. 1982, 137, Trb. 1984, 9 en 121, Trb. 1987, 125, Trb. 1988, 26, 97 en 146, Trb. 1989, 93, Trb. 1990, 132, Trb. 1992, 176, Trb. 1995, 218, Trb. 1997, 135, Trb. 1999, 46 en Trb. 2001, 159.

In overeenstemming met artikel 8 van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking van verdragen zijn bij een brief van 8 mei 2001 de op 2 juni 2000 te Istanboel tot stand gekomen Slotakten van de Mondiale Radio Communicatie Conferentie ter kennis gebracht aan de Eerste en Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal en de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.

De in rubriek J hieronder afgedrukte Slotakten van 2 juni 2000 behoeven ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel b, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking van verdragen niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.


Zie Trb. 1982, 137, Trb. 1984, 9 en 121, Trb. 1987, 125, Trb. 1988, 26, Trb. 1990, 132 en Trb. 1997, 135.


Zie Trb. 1981, 78.


Zie Trb. 1981, 78, Trb. 1982, 137, Trb. 1984, 9 en 121, Trb. 1987, 125, Trb. 1988, 26, 97 en 146, Trb. 1989, 93, Trb. 1990, 132, Trb. 1992, 176, Trb. 1995, 218, Trb. 1999, 46 en Trb. 2001, 159.


Tijdens de Mondiale Radio Communicatie Conferentie die werd gehouden te Istanboel van 8 mei tot 2 juni 2000, zijn op 2 juni 2000 Slotakten ondertekend waarvan de Engelse tekst1 als volgt luidt:


of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000) Istanbul, 2000

De Slotakten zijn op 2 juni 2000 te Istanboel ondertekend voor:













Bosnië en Herzegowina





Burkina Faso



de Centraalafrikaanse Republiek




de Comoren


Costa Rica




de Dominicaanse Republiek




El Salvador



de Filippijnen









de Heilige Stoel















het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden












de Maldiven






























San Marino



de Seychellen





Sri Lanka







Trinidad en Tobago







de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten

het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland

de Verenigde Staten van Amerika


de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië









Partial Revision of the Radio Regulations



De bepalingen van het Herziene Radioreglement zullen ingevolge artikel 54, vierde lid, juncto het eerste lid van hetzelfde artikel, van het Statuut van de Internationale Telecommunicatie-Unie (Genève 1992) voor de Leden, voor welke het Reglement ingevolge het derde lid van hetzelfde artikel voorlopig wordt toegepast, in werking treden op de dag waarop hun instemming door het Reglement gebonden te worden, aan de Secretaris-Generaal van de Internationale Telecommunicatie-Unie wordt gegeven.

Ingevolge artikel S59, derde lid, van het Herziene Radioreglement, worden de bepalingen, zoals herzien door de Mondiale Radiocommunicatie Conferentie (Genève, 1995 en 1997), voorlopig toegepast vanaf 1 januari 1999. Ingevolge het vijfde lid van hetzelfde artikel treden de overige bepalingen van het Herziene Radioreglement, zoals herzien door de Mondiale Telecommunicatie Conferentie (Istanboel 2000), in werking op 1 januari 2002. Van inwerkingtreding op 1 januari 2002 zijn, ingevolge het zesde lid van hetzelfde artikel, uitgezonderd de herziene bepalingen waarvoor andere data van inwerkingtreding zijn bepaald in de Resoluties 49 (Rev.WRC-2000), 51 (Rev.WRC-2000), 53 (Rev.WRC-2000), 55 (WRC-2000), 56 (WRC-2000), 58 (WRC-2000), 59 (WRC-2000), 77 (WRC-2000), 84 (WRC-2000), 122 (Rev.WRC-2000), 128 (Rev.WRC-2000), 533 (Rev.WRC-2000), 539 (WRC-2000), 540 (WRC-2000), 541 (WRC-2000), 542 (WRC-2000), 640 (WRC-2000) en 605 (WRC-2000).

Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, zal het Herziene Radioreglement voor het gehele Koninkrijk gelden.

De volgende staten hebben in overeenstemming met artikel 54, vierde lid, juncto het eerste lid van hetzelfde artikel, van het Statuut van de Internationale Telecommunicatie-Unie (Genève, 1992) de Secretaris-Generaal van de Internationale Telecommunicatie-Unie in kennis gesteld van de goedkeuring of bekrachtiging van de Slotakten van 2 juni 2000:

Canada 9 oktober 2000
Duitsland18 mei 2001

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de Slotakten van 2 juni 2000 zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in het Koninkrijk op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad



of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000)

Istanbul, 1997

Preamble 3
Partial revision of the Radio Regulations 
Article S1Terms and definitions 19
Article S5Frequency allocations 20
Article S8Status of frequency assignments recorded in the Master International Frequency Register 69
Article S9Procedure for effecting coordination with or obtaining agreement of other administrations 70
Article S11Notification and recording of frequency assignments 77
Article S13Instructions to the Bureau 80
Article S14Procedure for the review of a finding or other decision of the Bureau 81
Article S15Interferences 82
Article S20Service documents 83
Article S21Terrestrial and space services sharing frequency bands above 1 GHz 84
Article S22Space Services 89
Article S23Broadcasting services 108
Article S52Special rules relating to the use of frequencies 109
Article S59Entry into force and provisional application of the Radio Regulations 111
Appendix S3Table of maximum permitted spurious emission power levels 112
Appendix S4Consolidated list and tables of characteristics for use in the application of the procedures of Chapter SIII 116
Appendix S5Identification of administrations with which coordination is to be effected or agreement sought under the provisions of article S9139
Appendix S7Methods for the determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 GHz 152
Appendix S13Distress and safety communications (Non-GMDSS) 248
Appendix S17Frequencies and channelling arrangements in the high-frequency bands for the maritime mobile service 249
Appendix S18Table of transmitting frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band 251
Appendix S26Provisions and associated Frequency Allotment Plan for the aeronautical mobile (OR) service in the bands allocated exclusively to that service between 3 025 kHz and 18 030 kHz 253
Appendix S27Frequency allotment Plan for the aeronautical mobile (R) service and related information 254
Appendix S30Provisions for all services and associated Plans for the broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands 11.7–12.2 GHz (in Region 3), 11.7–12.5 GHz (in Region 1) and 12.2–12.7 GHz (in Region 2) 255
Appendix S30AProvisions and Associated Plans for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service (11.7–12.5 GHz in Region 1, 12.2–12.7 GHz in Region 2 and 11.7–12.2 GHz in Region 3) in the Frequency Bands 14.5–14.8 GHz and 17.3–18.1 GHz in Regions 1 and 3, and 17.3–17.8 GHz in Region 2 307
Appendix S30bProvisions and Associated Plans for fixes-salellite service inde frequency bands 4 500–4 800 MHz, 6 725–7 025 MHz, 10.70–10.95 GHz, 11.20–11.45 GHz and 12.75–13.25 GHz 361
Appendix S42Table of allocation of international call sign series 363
Final Protocol364

List of countries in alphabetical order giving the number(s) of their declarations:

Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) (18, 48)

Armenia (Republic of) (69)

Australia (91)

Austria (8, 71)

Azerbaijani (69)

Bahrain (State of) (60, 65)

Belarus (Republic of) (69)

Belgium (8)

Botswana (Republic of) (29)

Brazil (Federative Republic of) (61)

Brunei Darussalam (28)

Bulgaria (Republic of) (13)

Burkina Faso (12)

Burundi (Republic of) (52)

Cameroon (Republic of) (22)

Canada (26)

Chad (Republic of) (53)

China (People's Republic of) (54, 82)

Colombia (Republic of) (63, 64)

Costa Rica (24, 64)

Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) (33)

Croatia (Republic of) (72, 78)

Cuba (56)

Cyprus (Republic of) (19, 91)

Czech Republic (58, 72, 91)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (35)

Denmark (8, 91)

Dominican Republi (62, 64)

Ecuador (10, 64)

Egypt (Arab Republic of) (92)

El Salvador (Republic of) (64)

Estonia (Republic of) (84)

Ethiopia (Fedral Democratic Republic of) (39)

Finland (8)

France (8, 70, 91)

Gabonese Republic (15)

Germany (Federal Republic of) (8, 71, 91)

Ghana (7)

Greece (8, 75, 91)

Guatemala (Republic of) (20,64)

Hungary (Republic of) (67, 72)

Iceland (4)

India (Republic of) (34, 86, 91)

Indonesia (Republic of) (42)

Iran (Islamic Republic of) (47, 60)

Ireland (8, 91)

Israel (State of) (85)

Italy (8, 91)

Japan (91)

Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) (9)

Kazakstan (Republic of) (69)

Kenya (Republic of) (16)

Korea (Republic of) (41)

Kyrgyz Republic (69)

Lao People's Democratic Republic (77, 80)

Latvia (Republic of) (51)

Lebanon (18, 60)

Lesotho (Kingdom of) (5)

Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) (3, 60)

Liechtenstein (Principality of) (4, 71, 91)

Lithuania (Republic of) (51, 91)

Luxembourg (8, 91)

Malaysia (14)

Mali (Republic of) (79)

Malta (55, 93)

Mauritius (Republic of) (2)

Mexico (50)

Micronesia (Federated States of) (88)

Mongolia (44)

Morocco (Kingdom of) (18)

Mozambique (Republic of) (11)

Namibia (Republic of) (31)

Netherlands (Kingdom of the) (8, 91)

New Zealand (32)

Nigeria (Federal Republic of) (6)

Norway (4, 91)

Oman (Sultanate of) (18, 65)

Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) (46)

Papua New Guinea (40)

Peru (64)

Philippines (Republic of the) (83)

Portugal (8, 91)

Qatar (State of) (18, 65)

Romania (89)

Russian Federation (69)

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) (18, 60, 65)

Senegal (Republic of) (37)

Singapore (Republic of) (45)

Slovak Republic (57, 72, 91)

South Africa (Republic of) (36)

Spain (8, 21)

Sweden (8, 90, 91)

Switzerland (Confederation of) (71, 91)

Syrian Arab Republic (60, 66)

Tanzania (United Republic of) (27)

Thailand (17)

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (81)

Tonga (Kingdom of) (68)

Tunisia (Republic of) (38)

Turkey (76)

Uganda (Republic of) (25)

Ukraine (69)

United Arab Emirates (60, 65)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (8, 91)

United States of America (73, 74, 87, 91)

Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) (1)

Uzbekistan (Republic of) (69)

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (30, 64)

Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) (49)

Yemen (Republic of) (23, 60)

Zambia (Republic of) (43)

Zimbabwe (Republic of) (59)

List of Resolutions approved for deletion by WRC-200 397
RESOLUTION 5 (Rev.WRC-2000): Technical cooperation with the developing contries in the study of propagation in tropical areas 400
RESOLUTION 10 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use of two-way wireless telecommunications b the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 402
RESOLUTION 20 (Rev.WRC-2000): Technical cooperation with developing countries in the field of aeronautical telecommunications 403
RESOLUTION 25 (Rev.WRC-2000): Operation of global satellite systems or personal communications 405
RESOLUTION 27 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use of incorporation by reference in the Radio Regulations 407
RESOLUTION 28 (Rev.WRC-2000): Revision of references to the text of ITU-R Recommendations incoporated by reference in the Redio Regulations 411
RESOLUTION 46 (Rev.WRC-97): Interim procedures for the coordination and notification of frequency assignments of satellite networks in certain space services and the other services to which certain bands are allocated 413
RESOLUTION 49 (Rev.WRC-2000): Administrative due diligence applicable to some satellite radiocommunication services 414
RESOLUTION 51 (Rev.WRC-2000): Transitional arrangements relating to the advance publication and coordination of satellite networks 420
RESOLUTION 53 (Rev.WRC-2000): Updating of the ``Remarks" columns in the tables of Article 9A of Appendix S30A and Article 11 of Appendix S30 to the Radio Regulations 421
RESOLUTION 55 (WRC-2000): Temporary procedures for improving satellite network coordination and notification procedures 424
RESOLUTION 56 (WRC-2000): Modification of the procedures and requirements for advance publication 427
RESOLUTION 57 (WRC-2000): Modification of bringing into use and administrative due diligence requirements as a consequence of allocation changes above 71 GHz 428
RESOLUTION 58 (WRC-2000): Transitional measures for coordination between certain specific geostationary fixed-satellite service receive earth stations and non-geostationary fixed-satellite service transmit space stations in the frequency bands 10.7–12.75 GHz, 17.8–18.6 GHz, and 19.7–20.2 GHz where epfd limits apply 431
RESOLUTION 59 (WRC-2000): Transitional and implementation arrangements in certain frequency bands for the use of geostationary networks in the fixed-satellite service and the broadcasting-satellite service, and non-geostationary systems in the fixed-satellite service as well as for the use of networks in the radionavigation-satellite service and terrestrial services 435
RESOLUTION 72 (Rev.WRC-2000): Regional preparations for world radiocommunication conferences 437
RESOLUTION 73 (Rev.WRC-2000): Measures to solve the incompatibility between the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 1 and the fixed-satellite service in Region 3 in the frequency band 12.2–12.5 GHz 439
RESOLUTION 74 (WRC-2000): Process to keep the technical bases of Appendix S7 current 441
RESOLUTION 75 (WRC-2000): Development of the technical basis for determining the coordination area for coordination of a receiving earth station in the space research service (deep space) with transmitting stations of high-density systems in the fixed service in the 31.8–32.3 GHz and 37–38 GHz bands 443
RESOLUTION 76 (WRC-2000): Protection of geostationary fixed-satellite service and geostationary broadcasting-satellite service networks from the maximum aggregate equivalent power flux-density produced by multiple non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems in frequency bands where equivalent power flux-density limits have been adopted 445
RESOLUTION 77 (WRC-2000): Protection of terrestrial services in all Regions from geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service in Region 2 using the frequency band 11.7–12.2 GHz 453
RESOLUTION 78 (WRC-2000): Development of procedures in case the operational or additonal operational limits in Article S22 are exceeded 455
RESOLUTION 79 (REV.WRC-2000): Development of the technical basis for coordination of radio astronomy stations with transmitting high-density fixed systems in the fixed service, in the band 42.5–43.5 GHz 459
RESOLUTION 80 (Rev.WRC-2000): Due diligence in applying the principles embodied in the Constitution 460
RESOLUTION 81 (WRC-2000): Evaluation of the administrative due diligence procedure for satellite networks 463
RESOLUTION 82 (WRC-2000): Provisions relating to earth stations located on board vessels which operate in fixed-satellite service networks in the bands 3 700–4 200 MHz and 5 925–6 425 MHz 465
RESOLUTION 83 (WRC-2000): Administrative procedures for cost recovery for satellite network filings 469
RESOLUTION 84 (WRC-2000): Power flux-density limits in the bands 37.5–42.5 GHz for the fixed-satellite service, broadcasting-satellite service and mobile-satellite service 471
RESOLUTION 95 (Rev.WRC-2000): General review of the Resolutions and Recommendations of world administrative radio conferences and world radiocommunication conferences 474
RESOLUTION 122 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use of the bands 47.2–47.5 GHz and 47.9–48.2 GHz by high altitude platform stations (HAPS) in the fixed service and by other services and the potential use of bands in the range 18–32 GHz by HAPS in the fixed service 476
RESOLUTION 124 (Rev.WRC-2000): Protection of the fixed service in the frequency band 8 025–8 400 MHz sharing with geostationary-satellite systems of the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) 479
RESOLUTION 127 (Rev.WRC-2000): Studies relating to consideration of allocations in bands around 1.4 GHz for feeder links of the non-geostationary-satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service with service links operating below 1 GHz 480
RESOLUTION 128 (Rev.WRC-2000): Protection of the radio astronomy service in the 42.5–43.5 GHz band 483
RESOLUTION 135 (WRC-2000): Criteria and process for the resolution of poosible cases of misapplication of non-geostationary fixed-setellite service single-entry limits in Article S22485
RESOLUTION 136 (WRC-200): Frequencuy sharing in the range 37.5–50.2 GHz between geostationary fixed-satellite service networks and non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems 490
RESOLUTION 137 (WRC-2000): Further studies on the sharing conditions between geostationary fixed-satellite service networks and non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems and between non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems 492
RESOLUTION 138 (WRC-2000): Possible identification of spectrum for non-geostationary fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) gateway type operations 495
RESOLUTION 139 (WRC-2000): Use of fixed-satellite service systems for the provision of direct-to-home television broadcasting 496
RESOLUTION 207 (Rev.WRC-2000): Measures to address unauthorized use of and interference to frequencies in the bands allocated to the maritime mobile service and to the aeronautical mobile (R) service 497
RESOLUTION 214 (Rev.WRC-2000): Sharing studies relating to consideration of the allocation of bands below 1 GHz to the non-geostationary mobile-satellite service 500
RESOLUTION 216 (Rev.WRC-2000): Possible broadening of the secondary allocation to the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the band 14-14.5 GHz to cover aeronautical applications 503
RESOLUTION 221 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use of high altitude platform stations providing IMT-2000 in the bands 1 885–1 980 MHz, 2 010–2 025 MHz and 2 110–2 170 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 and 1 885–1 980 MHz and 2 110–2 160 MHz in Region 2 505
RESOLUTION 222 (WRC-2000): Use of the bands 1 525–1 559 MHz and 1 626.5–1 660.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service 509
RESOLUTION 223 (WRC-2000): Additional frequency bands identified for IMT-2000 512
RESOLUTION 224 (WRC-2000): Frequency bands for the terrestrial component of IMT-2000 below 1 GHz 517
RESOLUTION 225 (WRC-2000): Use of additional frequency bands for the satellite component of IMT-2000 519
RESOLUTION 226 (WRC-2000): Sharing studies for, and possible additional allocations to, the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the 1–3 GHz range, including consideration of the band 1 518–1 525 MHz 521
RESOLUTION 227 (WRC-2000): Sharing studies for, and possible additional allocations to, the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the 1–3 GHz range, including consideration of the band 1 683–1 690 MHz 524
RESOLUTION 228 (WRC-2000): Studies to consider requirements for the future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 as defined by ITU-R 527
RESOLUTION 300 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use and notification of the paired frequencies reserved for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy and data transmission systems in the HF bands allocated on an exclusive basis to the maritime mobile service 529
RESOLUTION 342 (Rev.WRC-2000): New technology to provide improved efficiency in the use of the band 156–174 MHz by stations in the maritime mobile service 530
RESOLUTION 350 (WRC-2000): Study on interference caused to the distress and safety frequencies 12 290 kHz and 16 420 kHz by routine calling 532
RESOLUTION 533 (Rev.WRC-2000): Implementation of the decisions of WRC-2000 relating to processing of proposed networks submitted under Artcles 4, 6 and 7 of Appendices S30 and S30A to the Radio Regulations 534
RESOLUTION 539 (WRC-2000): Use of the bands 2 630–2 655 MHz in cetain Region 3 countries by non-geostationary satellite systems in the broadcasting-satellite service (sound) 538
RESOLUTION 540 (WRC-2000): Application and study of the regulatory procedures and associated sharing criteria contained in Appendices S30 and S30A and in the associated provisions of Articles S9 and S11541
RESOLUTION 541 (WRC-2000): Implementation of WRC-2000 broadcasting-satellite service Plans and associated broadcasting-satellite service feeder-link Plans of Appendices S30 and S30A545
RESOLUTION 542 (WRC-2000): Appendices S30 and S30A Regions 1 and 3 Plans and associated Lists of additional uses 547
RESOLUTION 603 (WRC-2000): Studies on compatiblity between stations of the radionavigation-satellite service (Earth-to-space) operating in the frequency band 5 000–5 010 MHz and the international standard system (microwave landing system) operating in the band 5 030–5 150 MHz 601
RESOLUTION 604 (WRC-2000): Studies on compatibility between the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) operating in the frequency band 5 010–5–030 MHz and the radio astronomy service operating in the band 4 990–5 000 MHz 602
RESOLUTION 605 (WRC-2000): Use of the frequency band 1 164–1 215 MHz by systems of the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) 605
RESOLUTION 606 (WRC-2000): Use of the frequency band 1 215–1 300 MHz by systems of the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) 607
RESOLUTION 607 (WRC-2000): Studies on compatibility between stations of the radionavigation-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and the radiolocation service operating in the frequency band 1 300–1 350 MHz 608
RESOLUTION 644 (Rev.WRC-2000): Telecommunication resources for disaster mitigation and relief operations 609
RESOLUTION 645 (WRC-2000): Global harmonization of spectrum for public protection and disaster relief 611
RESOLUTION 703 (Rev.WARC-92): Calculation methods and interference criteria recommended by the ITU-R for sharing frequency bands between space radiocommunication and terrestrial radiocommunication services or between space rediocommunication services 613
RESOLUTION 706 (Rev.WRC-2000): Operation of the fixed service in the band 90–110 kHz 614
RESOLUTION 716 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use of the frequency bands 1 980–2 010 MHz and 2 170–2 200 MHz in all three Regions and 2 010–2 025 MHz and 2 160–2 170 MHz in Region 2 by the fixed and mobile-satellite services and associated transition arrangements 615
RESOLUTION 723 (Rev.WRC-2000): Consideration by a future competent world radiocommunication conference of issues dealing with allocations to science services 619
RESOLUTION 727 (Rev.WRC-2000): Use of the frequency band 420-470 MHz by the earth exploration-satellite (active) service 621
RESOLUTION 728 (Rev.WRC-2000): Studies relating to consideration of allocations in the broadcasting band 470-862 MHz to non-geostationary mobile-satellite services 623
RESOLUTION 730 (WRC-2000): Use of the frequency band 35.5–35.6 GHz by spaceborne precipitation radars 625
RESOLUTION 731 (WRC-2000): Consideration by a future competent world radiocommuncation conference of issues dealing with sharing and adjacent-band comptability between passive and active services above 71 GHz 626
RESOLUTION 732 (WRC-2000): Consideration by a future competent world radiocommunication conference of issues dealing with sharing between active services above 71 GHz 628
RESOLUTION 733 (WRC-2000): Review of sharing conditions between services in the band 13.75–14 GHz 630
RESOLUTION 734 (WRC-2000): Feasibility of use by high altitude platform stations in the fixed and mobile services in the frequency bands above 3 GHz allocated exclusively for terrestrial radiocommunication 631
RESOLUTION 735 (WRC-2000): Sharing procedures and criteria between receiving earth stations in the broadcasting-satellite service and transmitting earth station of terrestrial stations in frequency bands allocated to the broadcasting-satellite service and the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) or to terrestrial services 633
RESOLUTION 736 (WRC-2000): Consideration by a future competent world radiocommunication conference of issues dealing with allocations to the mobile, fixed, radiolocation, Earth exploration-satellite (acitve), and space research (active) services in the frequency range 5 150–5 725 MHz 635
RESOLUTION 737 (WRC-2000): Review of spectrum and regulatory requirements to facilitate worldwide harmonization of emerging terrestrial wireless interactive multimedia applications 637
RESOLUTION 800 (WRC-2000): Agenda for the 2003 World Radiocommunication Conference 639
RESOLUTION 801 (WRC-2000): Preliminary agenda for the 2005/2006 World Radiocommunication Conference 645

N.B. Van de Bijlagen is slechts 1 pagina in deze digitale versie opgemomen. De oorzaak hiervan is een technisch (omvangs)probleem..

Raadpleeg voor de Bijlagen het gedrukte exemplaar van dit Tractatenblad

Uitgegeven de veertiende september 2001

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,



De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet afgedrukt. De bij de Slotakten behorende Aanbevelingen zijn ook niet afgedrukt en liggen ter inzage bij het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directoraat-Generaal Telecommunicatie en Post.

Verklarende noot: De volgende symbolen zijn gebruikt om per geval de aard van de herziening aan te geven:

ADD = toevoeging van een nieuwe bepaling

MOD = wijziging van een bestaande bepaling

(MOD) = redactionele wijziging van een bestaande bepaling

SUP = schrapping van een bestaande bepaling

Naar boven