Briefwisseling tussen de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en het Internationale Monetaire Fonds houdende een verdrag inzake de verlening van privileges en immuniteiten aan de Residerend Vertegenwoordiger van het Internationale Monetaire Fonds op de Nederlandse Antillen;

Washington/'s-Gravenhage, 4 en 11 oktober 1996


Nr. I


October 4, 1996

Dear Mr. Minister:

In reference to the assignment of a Resident Representative by the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter the IMF) to the Netherlands Antilles, I would appreciate your confirmation of the following understandings:

1. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Antilles, acknowledges the application of the immunities and privileges of the IMF as specified in the Articles of Agreement of the IMF (27 December 1945) and the UN Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (21 November 1947).

2. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Antilles, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Netherlands Antilles, acknowledges the agreement by the Kingdom of the Netherlands to accord:

  • a) to the Resident Representative and to members of his family forming part of his household, if they are not nationals of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the same privileges and immunities as are accorded to chiefs of diplomatic missions accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and

  • b) to the Resident Representative, members of his family forming part of his household, and his private servants the same repatriation facilities in the event of serious crises as are accorded to chiefs of diplomatic missions accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and

  • c) to the Resident Representative's private servants, if they are not nationals of or permanent residents in the Kingdom of the Netherlands:

    • (i) exemption from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment, and

    • (ii) the privileges and immunities customarily accorded by the Kingdom to private servants of chiefs of diplomatic missions accredited to the Kingdom.

3. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Antilles, agrees to:

  • a) permit entry of and grant exemption from all customs duties, taxes, and related charges other than charges for storage, cartage, and similar services, on:

    • (i) articles for official use of the office of the Resident Representative; and

    • (ii) articles for personal use of the Resident Representative or members of his family forming part of his household, including his personal baggage, one automobile, and articles intended for his establishment.

  • b) exempt items falling under paragraph 3a) above from all local taxation.

4. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Antilles, agrees to:

  • a) provide suitable office space and secretarial assistance for the Resident Representative; and

  • b) take reasonable measures to secure the office and home of the Resident Representative and to protect him, members of his family forming part of his household, and private servants from physical harm.

5. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Antilles, agrees to assist in and facilitate the opening and operation of a Resident Representative office insofar as such assistance and facilitation are within the jurisdiction or control of the Netherlands Antilles.

I have the honor to propose that this letter and your affirmative answer shall constitute an Agreement between the International Monetary Fund and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Antilles, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt of your reply.

Sincerely yours,


Michel Camdessus

Managing Director

The Minister of Foreign Affairs

Kingdom of the Netherlands

2500 EB The Hague

The Netherlands

Nr. II


The Hague, 11 October 1996

I should like to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 4 October 1996, which reads as follows:

(Zoals in Nr. I)

On behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, I have the honour to confirm that your letter and this letter in reply shall constitute an Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the International Monetary Fund, which shall enter into force as of today.

(sd) H. A. F. M. O. VAN MIERLO

Hans van Mierlo

Minister for Foreign Affairs of

the Kingdom of the Netherlands

To Mr M. Camdessus

Managing Director

International Monetary Fund



Op grond van artikel 3 van de Wet van 24 december 1947 (Stb. H 452), houdende goedkeuring van de toetreding tot het door de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties op 13 februari 1946 aangenomen Verdrag nopens de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de Verenigde Naties (Stb. I 224), junctis artikel 91 van de Grondwet en artikel 7, onder- deel a, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen, behoeft het onderhavige verdrag niet de goedkeuring der Staten-Generaal alvorens in werking te kunnen treden.

Dit artikel luidt: „Wij behouden Ons voor verdragen te bekrachtigen en andere maatregelen te nemen teneinde aan andere internationale organisaties overeenkomstige voorrechten en immuniteiten toe te kennen als in het in artikel 1 bedoelde Verdrag worden toegekend aan de Verenigde Naties.".

Deze Wet is gecontrasigneerd door de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken W. VAN BOETZELAER, de Minister van Justitie J. H. VAN MAARSEVEEN, de Minister van Financiën P. LIEFTINCK en de Minister van Overzeese Gebiedsdelen a.i. GÖTZEN.

Zie voor de behandeling in de Staten-Generaal: Bijl. Hand. II 1947/48-629; Hand. II 1947/48, blz. 636; Bijl. Hand. I 1947/48, nr. 30; Hand. I 1947/48, blz. 48.


De bepalingen van het in de brieven vervatte verdrag zijn ingevolge het in de laatste alinea van de brieven gestelde op 11 oktober 1996 in werking getreden.

Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, geldt het verdrag alleen voor de Nederlandse Antillen.


Van de op 27 december 1945 te Washington tot stand gekomen Overeenkomst betreffende het Internationale Monetaire Fonds zijn de tekst en vertaling zoals deze vanaf 1 april 1978 luiden, geplaatst in Trb. 1977, 40; zie ook, laatstelijk, Trb. 1991, 70.

Van het op 21 november 1947 te New York tot stand gekomen Verdrag nopens de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de gespecialiseerde organisaties, naar welk Verdrag in punt 1 van de onderhavige brieven wordt verwezen, zijn tekst en vertaling bekendgemaakt bij Koninklijk besluit van 11 februari 1949 in Stb. J 67; zie ook, laatstelijk, Trb. 1944, 211.

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat het onderhavige verdrag zal zijn bekendgemaakt op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de zevende november 1996

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken a.i.,


Naar boven