Verdrag tot regeling van de walvisvangst, met Reglement;

Washington, 2 december 1946


De tekst van Verdrag en Reglement is bekendgemaakt bij Koninklijk Besluit van 1 december 1948 in Stb. I 534.

De tekst is gewijzigd bij het op 19 november 1956 te Washington tot stand gekomen Protocol, waarvan de tekst is geplaatst in Trb. 1957, 38; zie ook, laatstelijk, Trb. 1982, 31.

De tekst van het Reglement zoals dat sinds 10 november 1981 luidde, is afgedrukt in rubriek J van Trb. 1982, 90. Voor de wijzigingen van het Reglement van juli 1982 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1983, 148, voor de wijzigingen van juli 1983 en van juni 1984 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1985, 44, voor de wijzigingen van juli 1985 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1986, 71, voor de wijzigingen van juni 1986 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1987, 70, voor de wijzigingen van juni 1987 zie rubriek J van Trb. 1988, 36 en voor de wijzigingen van mei/juni 1988, van juni 1989, van juli 1990, van mei 1991, van juni/juli 1992, van mei 1993 en van mei 1994 zie rubriek J hieronder.


Zie Stb. I 534.


Zie Trb. 1951, 26, Trb. 1953, 13, Trb. 1959, 156, Trb. 1962, 93, Trb. 1963, 55, Trb. 1964, 116, Trb. 1970, 17, Trb. 1977, 102 en Trb. 1982, 30.


Zie Trb. 1951, 26, Trb. 1962, 93, Trb. 1979, 162, rubriek F van Trb. 1983, 148 en Trb. 1985, 44.


Zie Trb. 1951, 26, Trb. 1953, 13, Trb. 1962, 93, Trb. 1977, 64 en 102, Trb. 1979, 162, Trb. 1982, 30 en 90, Trb. 1983, 148, Trb. 1985, 44 en Trb. 1986, 71.

Behalve de aldaar genoemde zijn nog de volgende Staten in overeenstemming met artikel X, tweede lid, tot het Verdrag toegetreden:

Ecuador1 2 mei 1991
Venezuela11 juli 1991
Dominica18 juni 1992
Sint Christopher en Nevis24 juni 1992
Grenada 7 april 1993
Salomon-eilanden10 mei 1993
Oostenrijk20 mei 1994

Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid

De volgende Staat heeft de Internationale Walvisvaart Commissie medegedeeld dat zij zich gebonden acht aan het onderhavige Verdrag:

de Russische Federatie25 juni 1992


Zie Trb. 1951, 26, Trb. 1962, 93, Trb. 1966, 181, Trb. 1970, 17, Trb. 1977, 64 en 102, Trb. 1982, 30, Trb. 1983, 148, Trb. 1985, 44, Trb. 1986, 71, Trb. 1987, 70 en Trb. 1988, 36.

Het Verdrag is voor de volgende Staten buiten werking getreden:

de Filippijnen30 juni 1988
Egypte30 juni 1989
Salomon-eilanden30 juni 1990
Uruguay30 juni 1991
IJsland30 juni 1992
Ecuador30 juni 1994
Seychellen30 juni 1995


Zie Trb. 1982, 30.


Zie Trb. 1959, 126, Trb. 1962, 93, Trb. 1966, 181, Trb. 1970, 17, Trb. 1977, 64, Trb. 1979, 162, Trb. 1982, 30, Trb. 1983, 148, Trb. 1985, 44 en Trb. 1988, 36.

Het Verdrag is opgezegd door de volgende Staten:

de Filippijnen 7 december 1987
Egypte29 november 1988
Salomon-eilanden 9 november 1989
Uruguay15 oktober 1990
IJsland27 december 1991
Ecuador 8 december 1993
Seychellen 3 juni 1994


Zie laatstelijk Trb. 1988, 36.

De tekst van het Reglement bij het Verdrag is in mei/juni 1988, juni 1989, juli 1990, mei 1991, juni/juli 1992, mei 1993 en mei 1994 wederom gewijzigd. De wijzigingen zijn de volgende1:

Wijzigingen van mei/juni 1988

De punten 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1988/89 pelagic season and the 1989 coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1989 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1989 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 en punt 13 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1988/89 pelagic season and 1989 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS602232
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..122..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3.

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1988/89 pelagic season and 1989 costal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1989 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1988/89 pelagic season and1989 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* In 1981 the Commission set no catch limit for this stock and added a footnote stating that no whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits to zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

13.–(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 10, catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling to satisfy aboriginal subsistence need for the 1984 whaling season and each whaling season thereafter shall be established in accordance with the following principles:

(1) For stocks at or above MSY level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as total removals do not exceed 90 per cent of MSY.

(2) For stocks below the MSY level but above a certain minimum level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as they are set at levels which will allow whale stocks to move to the MSY level.1

(3) The above provisions will be kept under review, based upon the best scientific advice, and by 1990 at the latest the Commission will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the effects of these provisions on whale stocks and consider modification.

(b) Catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling are as follows:

(1) The taking of bowhead whales from the Bering – Chukchi – Beaufort Seas stock by aborigines is permitted, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines and further provided that:

    • (i)For each of the years 1989, 1990 and 1991, the total number of whales struck shall not exceed 44 and the total number of whales landed shall not exceed 41, except that in 1988, 1989 or 1990, any unused strikes up to a maximum of 3 shall be transferred to the following year.

    • (ii) It is forbidden to strike, take or kill calves or any bowhead whale accompanied by a calf.

(2) The taking of gray whales from the Eastern stock in the North Pacific is permitted, but only by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines, and then only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines. The number of gray whales taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph in each of the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 shall not exceed the limit shown in Table 1.

(3) The taking by aborigines of minke whales from the West Greenland and Central stocks and fin whales the West Greenland stock is permitted and then only when the meat and products are to be used exclu-sively for local consumption. The number of whales taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph shall not exceed the limits shown in Table 1.

(4) For the seasons 1987/88 to 1989/90 the taking of 31 humpback whales each season is permitted by Bequians of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

De wijzigingen zijn op 20 oktober 1988 in werking getreden.

Wijzigingen van juni 1989

De punten 7, 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

7. In accordance with Article V(I)(c) of the Convention, commercial whaling, whether by pelagic operations or from land stations, is prohibited in a region designated as the Indian Ocean Sanctuary. This comprises the waters of the Northern Hemisphere from the coast of Africa to 100°E, including the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Oman; and the waters of the Southern Hemisphere in the sector from 20°E to 130°E, with the Southern boundary set at 55°S. This prohibition applies irrespective of the classifications of baleen or toothed whale stocks in the Sanctuary, as may from time to time be determined by the Commission. This prohibition will apply until24 October 1992 unless the Commission decides otherwise.

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1988/89 pelagic season and the 1990 coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1990 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1990 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1989/90 pelagic season and 1990 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS1002233
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..124..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. The total catch of minke whales shall not exceed 190 in the two years 1990 and 1991 inclusive.

3 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. The total catch of fin whales shall not exceed 42 in the two years 1990 and 1991 inclusive.

4 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. Catch limit for each of the years 1990, 1991 and 1992.

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1989/90 pelagic season and 1990 coastal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1990 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1989/90 pelagic season and1990 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* In 1981 the Commission set no catch limit for this stock and added a footnote stating that no whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits to zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

De wijzigingen zijn op 25 september 1989 in werking getreden.

Wijzigingen van juli 1990

De punten 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1990/91 pelagic season and the 1991 coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1991 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1991 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 en punt 13 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1990/91 pelagic season and 1991 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, A RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS1002233
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..124..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborgines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. The total catch of minke whales shall not exceed 190 in the two years 1990 and 1991 inclusive.

3 Available to be taken by aborgines pursuant to paragraph 13(b3). The total catch of fin whales shall not exceed 42 in the two years 1990 and 1991 inclusive.

4 Available to be taken by aborgines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. Catch limit for each of the years 1990, 1991 and 1992.

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1990/91 pelagic season and 1991 costal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1991 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1990/91 pelagic season and1991 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* In 1981 the Commission set no catch limit for this stock and added a footnote stating that no whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits to zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

13.–(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 10, catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling to satisfy aboriginal subsistence need for the 1984 whaling season and each whaling season thereafter shall be established in accordance with the following principles:

(1) For stocks at or above MSY level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as total removals do not exceed 90 per cent of MSY.

(2) For stocks below the MSY level but above a certain minimum level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as they are set at levels which will allow whale stocks to move to the MSY level.1

(3) The above provisions will be kept under review, based upon the best scientific advice, and by 1990 at the latest the Commission will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the effects of these provisions on whale stocks and consider modification.

(b) Catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling are as follows:

(1) The taking of bowhead whales from the Bering – Chukchi – Beaufort Seas stock by aborigines is permitted, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines and further provided that:

    • (i) For each of the years 1989, 1990 and 1991, the total number of whales struck shall not exceed 44 and the total number of whales landed shall not exceed 41, except that in 1988, 1989 or 1990, any unused strikes up to a maximum of 3 shall be transferred to the following year.

    • (ii) It is forbidden to strike, take or kill calves or any bowhead whale accompanied by a calf.

(2) The taking of gray whales from the Eastern stock in the North Pacific is permitted, but only by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines, and then only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines. The number of gray whales taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph in each of the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 shall not exceed the limit shown in Table 1.

(3) The taking by aborigines of minke whales from the West Greenland and Central stocks and fin whales the West Greenland stock is permitted and then only when the meat and products are to be used exclu-sively for local consumption. The number of whales taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph shall not exceed the limits shown in Table 1.

(4) For the seasons 1990/91 to 1992/93 the taking of 31 humpback whales each season is permitted by Bequians of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

De wijzigingen zijn op 16 oktober 1990 in werking getreden.

Wijzigingen van mei 1991

De punten 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1991/92 pelagic season and the 1992 coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1992 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1992 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 en punt 13 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1991/92 pelagic season and 1992 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS0212
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..123..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborgines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3.

3 Available to be taken by aborgines pursuant to paragraph 13(b3). Catch limit for each of the years 1990, 1991 and 1992.

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1991/92 pelagic season and 1992 coastal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1992 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1991/92 pelagic season and1992 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* In 1981 the Commission set no catch limit for this stock and added a footnote stating that no whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits to zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

13.–(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 10, catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling to satisfy aboriginal subsistence need for the 1984 whaling season and each whaling season thereafter shall be established in accordance with the following principles:

(1) For stocks at or above MSY level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as total removals do not exceed 90 per cent of MSY.

(2) For stocks below the MSY level but above a certain minimum level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as they are set at levels which will allow whale stocks to move to the MSY level.1

(3) The above provisions will be kept under review, based upon the best scientific advice, and by 1990 at the latest the Commission will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the effects of these provisions on whale stocks and consider modification.

(b) Catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling are as follows:

(1) The taking of bowhead whales from the Bering – Chukchi – Beaufort Seas stock by aborigines is permitted, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines and further provided that:

    • (i)For the years 1992, 1993 and 1994 combined, the total number of whales struck shall not exceed 141, except that:

      • (A)any unused strikes up to ten percent (10%) of the total strikes allowed in the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 combined shall be carried forward from those years and added to the combined total of strikes for the years 1992, 1993, and 1994; and

      • (B)in any one year no more than 54 whales shall be struck and no more than 41 shall be landed.

    • (ii) It is forbidden to strike, take or kill calves or any bowhead whale accompanied by a calf.

    • (iii)This provision shall be reviewed annually by the Commission in light of the advice of the Scientific Committee.

(2) The taking of gray whales from the Eastern stock in the North Pacific is permitted, but only by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines, and then only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines.

    • (i) The number of gray whales taken in accordance with this subparagraph in each of the years 1992, 1993 and 1994 shall not exceed the limit shown in Table 1.

    • (ii)This provision shall be reviewed annually by the Commission in light of the advice of the Scientific Committee.

(3) The taking by aborigines of minke whales from the West Greenland and Central stocks and fin whales the West Greenland stock is permitted and then only when the meat and products are to be used exclusively for local consumption.

    • (i) The number of fin whales from the West Greenland stock and minke whales from the Central stock taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph shall not exceed the limits shown in Table 1.

    • (ii)For each of the years 1992, 1993 and 1994, the number of minke whales struck from the West Greenland stock shall not exceed 115, and the total number of whales struck shall not exceed 315 in these three years.

(4) For the seasons 1990/91 to 1992/93 the taking of 31 humpback whales each season is permitted by Bequians of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

14. It is forbidden to take or kill suckling calves or female whales accompanied by calves.

De wijzigingen zijn op 8 september 1991 in werking getreden.

Wijzigingen van juni/juli 1992

De punten 7, 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

7. In accordance with Article V(I)(c) of the Convention, commercial whaling, whether by pelagic operations or from land stations, is prohibited in a region designated as the Indian Ocean Sanctuary. This comprises the waters of the Northern Hemisphere from the coast of Africa to 100°E, including the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Oman; and the waters of the Southern Hemisphere in the sector from 20°E to 130°E, with the Southern boundary set at 55°S. This prohibition applies irrespective of such catch limits for baleen or toothed whales as may from time to time be determined by the Commission. This prohibition shall be reviewed by the Commission at its annual meeting in 2002.

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1992/93 pelagic season and the 1993 coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1993 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1993 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1992/93 pelagic season and 1993 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS0212
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..123..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. Catch limit for each of the years 1993 and 1994.

3 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. Catch limit for each of the years1993 and 1994 .

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1992/93 pelagic season and 1993 coastal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1993 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1992/93 pelagic season and1993 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* In 1981 the Commission set no catch limit for this stock and added a footnote stating that no whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits to zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

De wijzigingen zijn op 8 oktober 1992 in werking getreden.

Wijzigingen van mei 1993

De punten 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1993/94 pelagic season and the 1994 coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1994 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1994 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 en punt 13 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1993/94 pelagic season and 1994 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS0212
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..123..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. Catch limit for each of the years 1993 and 1994.

3 Available to be taken by aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)3. Catch limit for each of the years 1993 and 1994.

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1993/94 pelagic season and 1994 costal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1994 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1993/94 pelagic season and1994 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* In 1981 the Commission set no catch limit for this stock and added a footnote stating that no whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

13.–(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 10, catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling to satisfy aboriginal subsistence need for the 1984 whaling season and each whaling season thereafter shall be established in accordance with the following principles:

(1) For stocks at or above MSY level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as total removals do not exceed 90 per cent of MSY.

(2) For stocks below the MSY level but above a certain minimum level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as they are set at levels which will allow whale stocks to move to the MSY level.1

(3) The above provisions will be kept under review, based upon the best scientific advice, and by 1990 at the latest the Commission will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the effects of these provisions on whale stocks and consider modification.

(b) Catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling are as follows:

(1) The taking of bowhead whales from the Bering – Chukchi – Beaufort Seas stock by aborigines is permitted, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines and further provided that:

    • (i) For the years 1992, 1993 and 1994 combined, the total number of whales struck shall not exceed 141, except that:

      • (A) any unused strikes up to ten percent (10%) of the total strikes allowed in the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 combined shall be carried forward from those years and added to the combined total of strikes for the years 1992, 1993, and 1994; and

      • (B) in any one year no more than 54 whales shall be struck and no more than 41 shall be landed.

    • (ii) It is forbidden to strike, take or kill calves or any bowhead whale accompanied by a calf.

    • (iii) This provision shall be reviewed annually by the Commission in light of the advice of the Scientific Committee.

(2) The taking of gray whales from the Eastern stock in the North Pacific is permitted, but only by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines, and then only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines.

    • (i) The number of gray whales taken in accordance with this subparagraph in each of the years 1992, 1993 and 1994 shall not exceed the limit shown in Table 1.

    • (ii) This provision shall be reviewed annually by the Commission in light of the advice of the Scientific Committee.

(3) The taking by aborigines of minke whales from the West Greenland and Central stocks and fin whales the West Greenland stock is permitted and then only when the meat and products are to be used exclusively for local consumption.

    • (i) The number of fin whales from the West Greenland stock and minke whales from the Central stock taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph shall not exceed the limits shown in Table 1.

    • (ii) For each of the years 1992, 1993 and 1994, the number of minke whales struck from the West Greenland stock shall not exceed 115, and the total number of whales struck shall not exceed 315 in these three years.

(4) For the seasons 1993/94 to 1995/96 the taking of 21 humpback whales each season is permitted by Bequians of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

De wijzigingen zijn op 31 augustus 1993 in werking getreden.

Wijziging van mei 1994

De punten 7, 11 en 12 luiden als volgt:

7. (a) In accordance with Article V(1)(c) of the Convention, commercial whaling, whether by pelagic operations or from land stations, is prohibited in a region designated as the Indian Ocean Sanctuary. This comprises the waters of the Northern Hemisphere from the coast of Africa to 100°E, including the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Oman; and the waters of the Southern Hemisphere in the sector from 20°E to 130°E, with the Southern boundary set at 55°S. This prohibition applies irrespective of such catch limits for baleen or toothed whales as may from time to time be determined by the Commission. This prohibition shall be reviewed by the Commission at its Annual Meeting in 2002.

(b) In accordance with Article V(I)(c) of the Convention, commercial whaling, whether by pelagic operations or from land stations, is prohibited in a region designated as the Southern Ocean Sanctuary. This Sanctuary comprises the waters of the Southern Hemisphere southwards of the following line: starting from 40 degrees S, 50 degrees W; thence due east to 20 degrees E; thence due south to 55 degrees S; thence due east to 130 degrees E; thence due north to 40 degrees S; thence due east to 130 degrees W; thence due south to 60 degrees S; thence due east to 50 degrees W; thence due north to the point of beginning. This prohibition applies irrespective of the conservation status of baleen and toothed whale stocks in this Sanctuary, as may from time to time be determined by the Commission. However, this prohibition shall be reviewed ten years after its initial adoption and at succeeding ten year intervals, and could be revised at such times by the Commission. Nothing in this sub-paragraph is intended to prejudice the special legal and political status of Antarctica.11

11. The number of baleen whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1994/95 pelagic season and the 1995coastal season shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

12. The number of baleen whales taken in the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters in 1995 and in the North Atlantic Ocean in1995 shall not exceed the limits shown in Tables 1 and 2.

De tabellen 1, 2 en 3 en punt 13 luiden als volgt:

Table 1. Baleen whale stock classifications and catch limits†

(excluding Bryde's whales)

 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1994/95 pelagic season and 1995 coastal season
II 60°W–0°PS00PS0
III 0°–70°EPS00PS0
IV 70°E–130°EPS00PS0
Total catch not to exceed: 0 0 0
Whole regionPS0..PS0
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific Stock..0..
Sea of Japan-Yellow Sea- East China Sea Stock..PS0..
Eastern Stock......
Western Stock......

1 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

† The catch limits of zero introduced into Table 1 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
 0 0 0  
 Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit
Whole region......
West Greenland Stock..PS0192
Newfoundland-Labrador Stock....0
Canadian East Coast Stock..0..
Nova Scotia StockPS0..PS0
Central Stock..122..
East Greenland-Iceland Stock....SMS0
Iceland-Denmark Strait Stock0....
Spain-Portugal-British Isles Stock....0
Northeastern Stock..PS*0..
West Norway-Faroe Islands Stock....PS0
North Norway Stock....0
Eastern Stock0....

2 Available to be taken by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines pursuant to paragraph 13(b)2.

* The Government of Norway presented objection to the classification of the Northeastern Atlantic stock of minke whales as a Protection Stock within the prescribed period. This classification came into force on 30 January 1986 but is not binding on the Government of Norway.

BlueHump-backRight,Bowhead,Pygmy, RightGray
Classi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limitClassi- ficationCatch limit

Table 2: Bryde's whale stock classifications and catch limits†

 Classi- ficationCatch limit
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1994/95 pelagic season and 1995 coastal season   
South Atlantic Stock0
Southern Indian Ocean StockIMS0
Southern African Inshore Stock0
Solomon Islands StockIMS0
Western South Pacific StockIMS0
Eastern South Pacific StockIMS0
Peruvian Stock0
NORTH PACIFIC–1995 season   
Eastern StockIMS0
Western StockIMS0
East China Sea StockPS0

† The catch limits of zero introduced in Table 2 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph

Table 3: Toothed whale stock classifications and catch limits†

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE–1994/95 pelagic season and1995 coastal season

DivisionLongitudesClassi- ficationCatch limit
1 60°W–30°W0
3 20°E–60°E0
4 60°E–90°E0
5 90°E–130°E0
Western Division PS0*
Eastern Division 0
  Classi- ficationCatch limit

* No whales may be taken from this stock until catch limits including any limitations on size and sex are established by the Commission.

† The catch limits to zero introduced in Table 3 as editorial amendments as a result of the coming into effect of paragraph 10(e) are not binding upon the governments of the countries which lodged and have not withdrawn objections to the said paragraph.

13.–(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 10, catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling to satisfy aboriginal subsistence need for the 1984 whaling season and each whaling season thereafter shall be established in accordance with the following principles:

(1) For stocks at or above MSY level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as total removals do not exceed 90 per cent of MSY.

(2) For stocks below the MSY level but above a certain minimum level, aboriginal subsistence catches shall be permitted so long as they are set at levels which will allow whale stocks to move to the MSY level.1

(3) The above provisions will be kept under review, based upon the best scientific advice, and by 1990 at the latest the Commission will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the effects of these provisions on whale stocks and consider modification.

(b) Catch limits for aboriginal subsistence whaling are as follows:

(1) The taking of bowhead whales from the Bering – Chukchi – Beaufort Seas stock by aborigines is permitted, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines and further provided that:

    • (i)For the years 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, the number of bowhead whales landed shall not exceed 204, and the number of bowheads struck shall not exceed 68 in 1995, 67 in 1996, 66 in 1997, and 65 in 1998, except that any unused portion of the strike quota for each year shall be carried forward from that year and added to the strike quota of any subsequent years, provided that no more than 10 strikes shall be added to the strike quota for any one year.

    • (ii) It is forbidden to strike, take or kill calves or any bowhead whale accompanied by a calf.

    • (iii) This provision shall be reviewed annually by the Commission in light of the advice of the Scientific Committee.

(2) The taking of gray whales from the Eastern stock in the North Pacific is permitted, but only by aborigines or a Contracting Government on behalf of aborigines, and then only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines.

    • (i) The number of gray whales taken in accordance with this sub- paragraph in each of the years 1995, 1996 and 1997 shall not exceed the limit shown in Table 1.

    • (ii) This provision shall be reviewed annually by the Commission in light of the advice of the Scientific Committee.

(3) The taking by aborigines, of minke whales from the West Greenland and Central stocks and fin whales from the West Greenland stock is permitted and then only when the meat and products are to be used exclusively for local consumption.

    • (i) The number of fin whales from the West Greenland stock and minke whales from the Central stock taken in accordance with this sub-paragraph shall not exceed the limits shown in Table 1.

    • (ii) For each of the years 1995, 1996 and 1997, the number of minke whales struck from the West Greenland stock shall not exceed165, and the total number of whales struck shall not exceed465 in these three years.

(4) For the seasons 1993/94 to 1995/96 the taking of 21 humpback whales each season is permitted by Bequians of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but only when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

De wijzigingen zijn op 7 september 1994 in werking getreden met uitzondering van punt 7, dat op 6 december 1994 in werking trad.

De wijzigingen van het Reglement behoefden ingevolge additioneel artikel XXI, eerste lid, onderdeel b, van de Grondwet, juncto artikel 62, eerste lid, onderdeel b, van de Grondewet naar de tekst van 1972 niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.

De in juni 1987 tot stand gekomen wijzigingen van het Reglement, zoals afgedrukt in rubriek J van Trb. 1988, 36, zijn medegedeeld aan de Eerste en de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, aan de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen en aan de Staten van Aruba bij brieven van 10 juni 1988.

Uitgegeven de zeventiende oktober 1995

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,



Onder het volgende voorbehoud:

“None of its provisions may affect or diminish the sovereign rights which Ecuador holds, has exercised, and exercises over its 200 nautical mile territorial sea, both insular and continental."

De Regering van de Russische Federatie heeft ten aanzien van het door Ecuador gemaakte voorbehoud bij Nota van 10 februari 1992 verklaard “that the Russian Federation cannot agree with the provision made by Ecuador, because it is incompatible with the objective and goals of this Convention and contradicts the norms of international law, according to which the breadth of the territorial waters of a state may not exceed 12 nautical miles."

De Regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika heeft ten aanzien van het door Ecuador gemaakte voorbehoud bij Nota van 1 mei 1992 verklaard dat “The Secretary of State wishes to state that, while the United States recognizes the right of Ecuador under international law to exercise fisheries jurisdiction within 200 nautical miles of its coast, the United States does not accept the reservation contained in the instrument of adherence by Ecuador, insofar as it asserts a claim to a territorial sea greater than 12 nautical miles, the maximum limit permitted under international law."

De Regering van de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland heeft ten aanzien van het door Ecuador gemaakte voorbehoud bij Nota van 29 mei 1992 verklaard dat “The reservation made in the circular note of May 15, 1991 – concerning Ecuador – cannot be accepted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany as it is not in accordance with general principles of International Law as these have found expression in the 1982 UN Convention of the Law of the Sea. Those principles state explicitly that Sovereign Rights exercised by a State over its Territorial Sea should not exceed the limit of 12 nautical miles."


De wijzigingen zijn vet afgedrukt.


Each year this figure will be reviewed and if necessary amended on the basis of the advice of the Scientific Committee.


The Commission, on advice of the Scientific Committee, shall establish as far as possible (a) a minimum stock level for each stock below which whales shall not be taken, and (b) a rate of increase towards the MSY level for each stock. The Scientific Committee shall advise on a minimum stock level and on a range of rates on increase towards the MSY level under different catch regimes.


Each year this figure will be reviewed and if necessary amended on the basis of the advice of the Scientific Committee.


The Commission, on advice of the Scientific Committee, shall establish as far as possible (a) a minimum stock level for each stock below which whales shall not be taken, and (b) a rate of increase towards the MSY level for each stock. The Scientific Committee shall advise on a minimum stock level and on a range of rates on increase towards the MSY level under different catch regimes.


Each year this figure will be reviewed and if necessary amended on the basis of the advice of the Scientific Committee.


The Commission, on advice of the Scientific Committee, shall establish as far as possible (a) a minimum stock level for each stock below which whales shall not be taken, and (b) a rate of increase towards the MSY level for each stock. The Scientific Committee shall advise on a minimum stock level and on a range of rates on increase towards the MSY level under different catch regimes.


Each year this figure will be reviewed and if necessary amended on the basis of the advice of the Scientific Committee.


The Commission, on advice of the Scientific Committee, shall establish as far as possible (a) a minimum stock level for each stock below which whales shall not be taken, and (b) a rate of increase towards the MSY level for each stock. The Scientific Committee shall advise on a minimum stock level and on a range of rates on increase towards the MSY level under different catch regimes.


Each year this figure will be reviewed and if necessary amended on the basis of the advice of the Scientific Committee.


The Government of Japan lodged an objection, within the prescribed period to paragraph 7(b) to the extent that it applies to the Antarctic minke whale stocks. The Government of the Russian Federation also lodged an objection to paragraph 7(b) within the prescribed period but withdrew it on 26 October 1994.

For all Contracting Governments except Japan paragraph 7(b) came into force on 6 December 1994.


The Commission, on advice of the Scientific Committee, shall establish as far as possible (a) a minimum stock level for each stock below which whales shall not be taken, and (b) a rate of increase towards the MSY level for each stock. The Scientific Committee shall advise on a minimum stock level and on a range of rates on increase towards the MSY level under different catch regimes.


Paragraph 7(b) contains a provision for review of the Souterhn Ocean Sanctuary “ten years after its initial adoption". Paragraph 7(b) was adopted at the 46th (1994) Annual Meeting. Therefore, the first review is due in 2004.

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