Mode S EHS exemption in Amsterdam FIR on behalf of the State Secretary of Infrastructure and Environment

20 September 2011

Nr. IENM/IVW-2011/5986-331

The Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,

Having read the request from Maine Aviation Aircraft Charter LLC, Mr R. Clyde, by electronic form dated 20 September 2011, mail:;

In regard to article 49 of the Air Navigation Order (Luchtverkeersreglement);


Article 1

An exemption is granted to Maine Aviation Aircraft Charter to perform flights in the Mode S Enhanced Surveillance designated Airspace in Amsterdam FIR with aircraft with nationality and registration marking N517LR, N168WV en N201TT equipped with an non-EHS capable SSR Mode S transponder.

Article 2

Exemptions applying to EHS-non capable aircraft carry no time limit. However, any new mandate that alters the exemption status will be subject to a minimum period of a 5 (five) year notice period.

A copy of this decree shall be carried on board of the aircraft during the flight.

The State Secretary of Infrastructure and Environment,

on his behalf:

the inspector,

A. Schurink-v.d. Klugt.


Anyone directly affected by this decision may lodge an objection within six weeks after the date on which the decision has been sent.

Pursuant to section 6:5 of the Algemene wet bestuursrecht, the notice of objection has to be signed and should include in any event the following information:

  • name and address of the person lodging the objection,

  • the date and a description of the decision, and

  • the grounds for objection.

The notice of objection should be addressed to the following address:

Transport and Water Management Inspectorate (The Netherlands)

Supervision Services

Legal Affairs

P.O. Box 90653


The Netherlands

Naar boven