Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2003, 117 | Verdrag |
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Datum publicatie | Organisatie | Jaargang en nummer | Rubriek | Datum totstandkoming |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Tractatenblad 2003, 117 | Verdrag |
Verdrag inzake Antarctica;
Washington, 1 december 1959
De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1965, 148.
Zie Trb. 1965, 148.
Zie Trb. 1967, 63.
Zie Trb. 1965, 148.
Zie Trb. 1965, 148, Trb. 1967, 63, Trb. 1973, 140, Trb. 1976, 34,1 Trb. 1980, 180, Trb. 1983, 57 en 180 en Trb. 1987, 68.
Behalve de aldaar genoemde hebben nog de volgende staten in overeenstemming met artikel XIII, derde lid, een akte van toetreding bij de regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika nedergelegd:
Canada | 4 mei 1988 |
Colombia | 31 januari 1989 |
Ecuador | 15 september 1987 |
Estland | 17 mei 2001 |
Griekenland | 8 januari 1987 |
Guatemala | 31 juli 1991 |
Noord-Korea | 21 januari 1987 |
Oekraïne | 28 oktober 1992 |
Oostenrijk | 25 augustus 1987 |
Turkije | 24 januari 1996 |
Zuid-Korea | 28 november 1986 |
Zwitserland | 15 november 1990 |
Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid
De regeringen van de volgende staten hebben de regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika medegedeeld zich blijvend gebonden te achten aan het onderhavige Verdrag:
Slowakije per | 1 januari 1993 |
Tsjechië per | 1 januari 1993 |
Zie Trb. 1965, 148 en Trb. 1967, 63.
De regering van China heeft de regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika medegedeeld dat het onderhavige Verdrag per 20 december 1999 van toepassing is op de SAR Macao.
Zie Trb. 1965, 148, Trb. 1967, 63, Trb. 1968, 21, Trb. 1969, 83, Trb. 1971, 154, Trb. 1973, 140, Trb. 1976, 34, Trb. 1978, 141, Trb. 1980, 180, Trb. 1983, 57 en 180 en Trb. 1987, 68.
Hieronder volgt een volledig overzicht van alle Aanbevelingen en Maatregelen die door de Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) zijn aangenomen en waarvan sommige in eerdere Tractatenbladen zijn opgenomen:
Maatregel Nr. | |
ATCM V-2 | Consultative Parties to continue to cooperate with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), to consider the usefulness of creating Antarctic Meteorological Centres in the Antarctic. |
ATCM V-3 | SCAR to be encouraged to continue its interest in the Southern Ocean and to make available advice to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Coordination Group. |
ATCM V-5 | Modification of Specially Protected Area (SPA) 12 (Fildes Peninsula). |
ATCM V-6 | Modification of Agreed Measures. |
ATCM V-7 | Consultative Parties voluntarily to take account of SCAR proposals to modify the Interim Guidelines on Pelagic Sealing. |
ATCM VI-1 | Consultative Parties to adopt the proposals in the Final Report of the 1969 Antarctic Treaty Meeting on Telecommunications as guidelines, and to try and implement them in their plans for expeditions. |
ATCM VI-2 | Exchanges on the basis of VII.5 and I-6 of the Antarctic Treaty (AT) to include information on telecommunications facilities. |
ATCM VI-3 | Consultative Parties to adopt the attached Annexes as current bases for planning, to implement them to this end as far as practicable, to invite the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to review the Annexes from time to time and to advise the ATCM of the results. |
ATCM VI-6 | Consultative Parties to provide information to others on the use of radio isotopes. |
ATCM VI-7 | Consultative Parties to try to ensure that tourists and other visitors uphold the Treaty and Recommendations, to inform them on do's and don'ts, to notify other Consultative Parties about expeditions. |
ATCM VI-8 | Introduction of permits for entry into Specially Protected Area's (SPA). |
ATCM VI-9 | Consultative Parties to transmit information on the conservation of flora and fauna to national Antarctic committees and to invite SCAR to assemble |
Maatregel Nr. | |
and publish this information and to prepare reports on the status of species. | |
ATCM VI-10 | Coppermine Peninsula Specially Protected Area (SPA). |
ATCM VI-11 | Consultative Parties to consult over new islands in order to give them special protection and to prevent tourists from landing on them. |
ATCM VI-12 | Exchange on the basis of AT VII.5 and Rec I-6 para 8 to include information on scientific research rockets to be launched from Antarctica. |
ATCM VI-13 | Information exchanged annually to include information about ships carrying out substantial oceanographic research programmes in the Antarctic. |
ATCM VI-14 | Consultative Parties to adopt adequate measures for the preservation of historic monuments and to mark them in situ; to prepare a list of historic monuments for consideration at ATCM VII. |
ATCM VII-1 | Consultative Parties to discuss SCAR's advice on environmental matters, given in response to Rec. VI-4, and to adopt it as voluntary guidelines. |
ATCM VII-2 | Consultative Parties to adopt criteria for the selection of Specially Protected Area's (SPA), and to ask SCAR to review the existing SPA's and the need for new ones in the light of the criteria. |
ATCM VII-4 | Consultative Parties to keep effects of visits by tourists and other visitors under review, to consider designating Areas of Special Tourist Interest, and to try and apply the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty and Recommendations to visitors not sponsored by Consultative Parties. |
ATCM VII-5 | Import of laboratory animals and plants. |
ATCM VII-8 | Consultative Parties to use common transport facilities as much as possible and to consult on arrangements and financing. |
ATCM VII-9 | Consultative Parties to adopt a proposed list of historic monuments. |
ATCM VIII-1 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 17 (Litchfield Island). |
ATCM VIII-2 | Terminates Specially Protected Areas (SPA) 6 (Cape Crozier), 10 (Byers Peninsula), 12 (Fildes Peninsula). |
ATCM VIII-3 | Institution of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (criteria, management plans required, expiry dates). |
ATCM VIII-4 | SSSI 1(Cape Royds), 2 (Arrival Heights), 3 (Barwick Valley), 4 (Cape Crozier), 5 (Fildes Peninsula), 6 (Byers Peninsula), 7 (Haswell Island). |
ATCM VIII-5 | Modifies Agreed Measures on entry permits for Specially Protected Area's (SPA). |
ATCM VIII-6 | Consultative Parties to use standard format annexed for annual exchange of information, to be carried out before 30 November. Modifications to be reported before 30 June. |
ATCM VIII-7 | Consultative Parties to identify the ways in which a cooperative air transport system might be useful, to inform SCAR via SCALOG (SCAR working group on Logistics) and to request SCAR to draw conclusions and inform Consultative Parties. |
ATCM VIII-8 | Consultative Parties to urge states with activities in the Antarctic to become Non-Consultative parties, and Non-Consultative Parties to approve Recommendations that have become effective. |
ATCM VIII-9 | Consultative Parties to promote awareness of the Statement of Accepted Practices. Visits to stations to proceed in accordance with Rec. IV-27. Consultative Parties to require reports from tour organisers on visits to stations, and to forward such reports to ATCM. |
ATCM VIII-10 | Consultative Parties to undertake and encourage various activities to the end of protection, scientific study and rational use of Antarctic marine living resources and to include the item on the agenda of ATCM IX. |
ATCM VIII-11 | Consultative Parties to carry out environmental impact assessment and take other measures recommended in code of conduct. |
ATCM VIII-12 | Consultative Parties to try and keep Antarctica free from nuclear waste. |
ATCM VIII-13 | Consultative Parties to protect as much as possible and to continue to monitor the Antarctic environment. |
ATCM IX-1 | Consultative Parties to continue to study and discuss a future regime on Antarctic mineral resources, and in the meantime to urge nationals and other states to refrain from exploration and exploitation of mineral resources. |
ATCM IX-4 | Consultative Parties to request SCAR to continue the work of the Sub-Committee on Cooperative Transport Systemfor Antarctica and to adopt what SCAR may come up with. |
ATCM IX-5 | Consultative Parties to approve a declaration on the protection of the Antarctic environment. |
ATCM IX-6 | Consultative Parties to study various matters with respect to oil contamination and to hold an expert meeting. |
ATCM X-2 | Consultative Parties to seek conclusion and entry into force of a CCAMLR (Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) and to cooperate in activities facilitating its operation once it is in force. |
ATCM X-3 | Consultative Parties to improve the collection and the distribution of Antarctic meteorological data, and to ask SCAR to prepare a telecommunications handbook. |
ATCM X-4 | Consultative Parties to refer problems in connection with the removal of geological specimens to SCAR for further study. |
ATCM X-5 | Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 8 (Admiralty Bay). |
ATCM X-6 | Expiry dates for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 1-6 extended to 30-6-1985, SSSI7 to 30-6-1983. |
ATCM X-7 | Consultative Parties to encourage oil contamination studies, to ask SCAR to keep under review the possibility of further research, and to consider whether their existing obligations under international agreements could be sufficient. |
ATCM X-8 | Consultative Parties to modify Rec. VIII-9 Annex A, to comply with specified government-government arrangements for help/advice to non-governmental expeditions, to encourage tour operators to use experienced guides, and to discourage commercial overflights. |
ATCM XI-3 | Mount Erebus declared a tomb. |
ATCM XII-1 | Consultative Parties to maintain and improve collection and distribution of meteorological data in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organisation. |
ATCM XII-2 | Consultative Parties to use the existing Antarctic telecommunications systems effectively, and satellite communications as appropriate. SCAR to be asked to examine and advise on satellite telecommunications issues. |
ATCM XII-3 | Consultative Parties to make IEE's (Initial Environmental Evaluation) and, if necessary, CEE's (Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation), to ask advice from SCAR and to discuss matters further at ATCM XIII. |
ATCM XII-4 | Consultative Parties to seek advice from Antarctic operating agencies on problems in implementing the code of conduct (VIII-11) and the need to revise it. |
ATCM XII-5 | Expiry dates for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 1-8 extended to 31-12-85. |
ATCM XII-6 | Duties of ATCM Host Governments with regard to the distribution and publication of ATCM reports and documents. |
ATCM XII-7 | Monument 44 (Dakshin Gangotri) added to List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XII-8 | Consultative Parties to consider favourably requests for funding of costs to SCAR for advising of Consultative Parties. |
ATCM XIII-1 | Recommendations with regard to the improvement of ATCM and the Antarctic Treaty Handbook and better availability of Antarctic Treaty reports and documents, content of information exchanges on the basis of Antarctic Treaty, reports to SCAR and scientific data. |
ATCM XIII-2 | Item 'Operation ATS (Antarctic Treaty System): reports' to be permanently on agenda ATCM. |
ATCM XIII-3 | Modifies Rec. VIII-6. The deadline of 30 June in the Annex, paragraph II is changed to 30 November, etc. |
ATCM XIII-4 | Consultative Parties to invite SCAR to undertake a comprehensive review of the waste disposal aspects of the code of conduct annexed to Rec. VIII-11. |
ATCM XIII-5 | Consultative Parties to ask SCAR for advice on the areas system and the possible inclusion of new types of areas and to request advice from SCAR on improvement of comparability and accessibility of scientific data on Antarctica. |
ATCM XIII-6 | Antarctic Program Operators of the Consultative Parties to consult together over stations in each other's proximity. |
ATCM XIII-7 | Expiry dates for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 2-8 extended to various dates between 1987 and 1995. |
ATCM XIII-8 | Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 9 (Rothera Point), 10 (Caughley Beach), 11 (Tramway Ridge), 12 (Canada Glacier), 13 (Potter Peninsula), 14 (Harmony Point), 15 (Cierva Point), 16 (Bailey Peninsula), 17 (Clark Peninsula), 18 (White Island), 19 (Linnaeus Terrace), 20 (Biscoe Point), 21 (Shores of Port Foster). |
ATCM XIII-9 | Modification of management plan for SSSI 1 (Cape Royds), expiry date extended to 31/12/95. |
ATCM XIII-10 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 18 (North Coronation Island). |
ATCM XIII-11 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 19 (Lagotellerie Island). |
ATCM XIII-12 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 20 (New College Valley). |
ATCM XIII-13 | Revision of Specially Protected Area (SPA) 7 (Cape Hallett). |
ATCM XIII-14 | Recommendations XIII-10 to 13 to be considered as guidelines until effective. |
ATCM XIII-15 | Host Government of ATCM's to invite non-consultative parties to the meetings. |
ATCM XIII-16 | Historic monuments 45-52 to be added to the List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XIV-1 | Modifies Rec. XII-6 para 4 on public availability of documents. |
ATCM XIV-2 | Consultative Parties to adopt a forerunner to Annex 1 (applicable to scientific activities only). |
ATCM XIV-3 | Conditions under which scientific drilling may take place. Recommendation to be adopted as a guideline. |
ATCM XIV-4 | Expiry date of SSSI 2 extended to 31/12/97. |
ATCM XIV-5 | Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 22 (Yukidori Valley), 23 (Svarthamaren), 24 (Summit of Mt Melbourne), 25 (Marine Plain), 26 (Chile Bay), 27 (Port Foster), 28 (South Bay). |
ATCM XIV-6 | Institution of Marine Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (criteria, management plans, expiry dates). |
ATCM XIV-7 | Consultative Parties to adopt new or amended documents annexed on the collection and dissemination of meteorological data and cooperate with the World Meteorological Organisation and SCAR in this regard. |
ATCM XIV-8 | Historic monument 53 (Elephant Island). |
ATCM XIV-10 | Consultative Parties to invite WMO and SCAR (in coordination with the IOC) to consider ways of improving meteorological and sea ice information services and thereafter, if necessary to convene an Expert Meeting. |
ATCM XV-3 | Consultative Parties to adopt a fore-runner of Annex III. |
ATCM XV-4 | Consultative Parties to take measures to prevent marine pollution. |
ATCM XV-5 | Consultative Parties 1) to encourage and to undertake environmental monitoring activities as well as keeping accurate records of activities in the Antarctic Treaty area, to ask SCAR for advice and 2) to convene an expert meeting. |
ATCM XV-6 | Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 29 (Ablation Point-Ganymede Heights), 30 (Avian Island), 31 (Mount Flora). |
ATCM XV-7 | SSSI 32 (Cape Shireff). |
ATCM XV-8 | Modifies Agreed Measure VIII by introducing the requirement for Specially Protected Area's (SPA) to have management plans. |
ATCM XV-9 | Consultative Parties to improve the descriptions of Specially Protected Area's (SPA) and to develop management plans for them. SCAR to have regard to this when considering proposals for SPA's. |
ATCM XV-10 | Institution of Specially Reserved Areas (SRA's). |
ATCM XV-11 | Institution of Multiple-Use Planning Areas (MPA's). |
ATCM XV-12 | Historic monuments 54 (Stonington Island) and 55 (McMurdo Station). |
ATCM XV-13 | Description of historic monument 53 (Elephant Island) modified. |
ATCM XV-14 | Declaration on the promotion of international scientific cooperation. |
ATCM XV-15 | Consultative Parties to promote international scientific cooperation according to Article II and III of the Antarctic Treaty, working through SCAR. |
ATCM XV-16 | Consultative Parties to work towards data directory listings, a scientific data directory and an Antarctic Scientific and Environmental Data System under the aegis of SCAR, and to convene an Expert Meeting after completion of a draft work programme to be developed by SCAR. |
ATCM XV-17 | Consultative Parties to consult with one another over the establishment of new stations, to prepare a Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation (CEE), and to help Non-Consultative Parties with choice of siting and CEE. |
ATCM XV-18 | Consultative Parties to try and improve meteorological and ice sea information services and to participate in IGOSS programmes as soon as possible; to refer a report to WMO and, after its review there, to invite SCAR and COMNAP to recommend appropriate action to ATCM XVI. |
ATCM XV-19 | Consultative Parties to increase cooperation in hydrographic survey and charting and to coordinate their activities within the framework of IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) or SCAR. |
ATCM XV-20 | Consultative Parties to take measures to improve air safety in the Antarctic Treaty area. |
ATCM XV-21 | Consultative Parties to exchange information on the exploitation of icebergs and to ask SCAR for advice. |
ATCM XVI-1 | Exchange on the basis of Art. VII-5 Antarctic Treaty to include information on implementing legislation of Antarctic Treaty and Recommendations. |
ATCM XVI-2 | SSSI 33 (Ardley Island), 34 (Lions Rump). |
ATCM XVI-3 | Marine SSSI 35 (Western Branfield Strait), 36 (East Dallmann Bay). |
ATCM XVI-4 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 21 (Avian Island). |
ATCM XVI-5 | Revised management plan for SSSI 6 (Byers peninsula), to last until 31-12-2001. |
ATCM XVI-6 | Revised management plans for Specially Protected Area (SPA) 8 (Dion Islands), 9 (Green Island), 13 (Moe Island), 14 (Lynch Island), 15 (Powell Island), 16 (Coppermine Peninsula), 18 (Coronation Island) and 19 (Lagotellerie Island). |
ATCM XVI-7 | Expiry dates for Sites of Special Scientific Interest 4, 5, 7, 10-12, 18 extended to 31-12-2001; for SSSI 22 to 31-12-2003. |
ATCM XVI-8 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 22 (Cryptogram Ridge). |
ATCM XVI-9 | Specially Protected Area (SPA) 23 (Forlidas and Davis Valley Ponds). |
ATCM XVI-11 | Historic monuments 56 (Waterboat Point), 57 (Yankee Bay), 58 (Whalers Bay), 59 (Half Moon Beach) added to the List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XVI-12 | Consultative Parties to implement the Seismic Data Library System. |
ATCM XVII-1 | Consultative Parties to ask SCAR to do research and together with COMNAP (Committee of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes) to provide data on the effects of human activities on Antarctica and advice on the monitoring of these effects. |
ATCM XVII-2 | Annex V management plans for Specially Protected Area's (SPA) 1-3, 20. |
ATCM XVII-3 | Historic monument 60 (Penguins Bay) added to List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XVII-4 | Consultative Parties to welcome, encourage and support SCAR initiatives in global change research, to give high priority to such research. |
ATCM XVIII-1 | Consultative Parties to circulate annexed Guidance for visitors and Guidance for organizers and operators of tourism, and urge compliance. |
ATCM XIX-M1 | Revised management plans for Specially Protected Area (SPA) 13 (Moe Island) and 15 (S. Powell Island). |
ATCM XIX-M2 | Revised management plan for SSSI 11 (Tramway Ridge). |
ATCM XIX-M3 | Establishment of Specially Protected Area (SPA) 24 (Pointe-Geologie). |
ATCM XIX-M4 | 11 monuments added to the List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XIX-M5 | Amendment to Historic Monument No. 14: Inexpressible Island. |
ATCM XX-M1 | New management plans for SSSI 9 (Rothera Point) and 19 (Linnaeus Terrace). |
ATCM XX-M2 | Historical monument ``Mikkelsen Cairn" to be added to the List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XXI-M1 | New management plan for Specially Protected Area (SPA) 5 (Beaufort Island). |
ATCM XXI-M2 | Management plans for Specially Protected Area (SPA) 25 (Cape Evans) and Specially Protected Area (SPA) 26 (Lewis Bay Tomb). |
ATCM XXI-M3 | Revised management plans for SSSI 11-15; SSSI 37 (Botany Bay). |
ATCM XXI-M4 | Lewis Bay Tomb to be added to the List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XXI-M5 | Description of Historic Site No. 41 (Stone Hut on Paulet Island) modified. |
ATCM XXII-M1 | Management plans for Specially Protected Area (SPA) 27 (Cape Royds), 28 (Hut Point) and 29 (Cape Adare). |
ATCM XXII-M2 | Wreckage of large wooden sailing ship on SW coast of Elephant Island to be added to the List of Historical Monuments. |
ATCM XXIII-M1 | Revised management plan for SSSI 23 (Svarthamaren). |
ATCM SXII-M1 | Revised management plans for Specially Protected Area (SPA) 14 (Lynch Island), 19 (Lagotellerie Island), 20 (New College Valley) and SSSI 8 (Admiralty Bay), 17 (Clark Peninsula), 22 (Yukidori Valley), 34 (Lions Rump). |
ATCM SXII-M2 | Expiry dates for Sites of Special Scientific Interest 1-3, 16, 20, 21, 24-29, 31, 32 extended to 31 December 2005. |
ATCM XXIV-M1 | A hut of Scott Base to be added to List of Historical Monuments. |
ATCM XXIV-M2 | Ruins of Base Pedro Aguirre Cerda on Deception Island to be added to the List of Historic Monuments. |
ATCM XXIV-M3 | Management Plans of SSSI Nos. 4 (Cape Crozier), 5 (Fildes Peninsula), 6 (Byers Peninsula), 7 (Haswell Island), 18 (Northwest White Island), 33 (Ardley Island), 35 (Western Bransfield Strait), and 36 (East Dallman Bay) extended to 31-12-2005. |
ATCM XXV-M1 | New Management Plans for ASPA 106 (Cape Hallett), 107 (Emperor Island), 108 (Green Island), 117 (Avian Island), 121 (Cape Royds, subject to CCAMLR approval), 123 (Barwick and Balham Valleys), 124 (Cape Crozier), 126 (Byers Peninsula), 130 (Tramway Ridge), 137 (Northwest White Island), 147 (Ablation Point), 148 (Mount Flora), and 157 (Backdoor Bay) approved. |
De tekst van de Aanbevelingen en Maatregelen is ter inzage gelegd bij het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Directie Economische Samenwerking.
Op 2 oktober 1990 heeft de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland de depositaris medegedeeld dat door de hereniging van de Duitse Democratische Republiek met de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland, met ingang van 3 oktober 1990, de twee Duitse Staten nu één soevereine staat vormen, die als partij aan het Verdrag inzake Antarctica zullen zijn gebonden.
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