Overeenkomst inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levende dier- en plantesoorten, met Bijlagen;

Washington, 3 maart 1973


De Engelse en de Franse tekst van de Overeenkomst zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1975, 23. Zie ook Trb. 1981, 232.

De Engelse tekst van de gewijzigde Bijlagen I, II en III, zoals van kracht op 11 juni 1992, is geplaatst in Trb. 1992, 180.


Zie Trb. 1975, 23, Trb. 1990, 92 en Trb. 1992, 180.


Zie Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1984, 47, Trb. 1986, 1, 104 en 196, Trb. 1987, 55, Trb. 1989, 177, Trb. 1990, 92, Trb. 1991, 162, Trb. 1992, 180 en Trb. 1995, 63.


Zie Trb. 1975, 23, Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1984, 47, Trb. 1986, 1, Trb. 1990, 92, Trb. 1992, 180, Trb. 1995, 63, Trb. 1998, 27 en Trb. 1999, 146.


Zie Trb. 1975, 23, Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1984, 47, Trb. 1986, 1, 104 en 196, Trb. 1987, 55, Trb. 1988, 18, Trb. 1989, 177, Trb. 1990, 92, Trb. 1991, 162, Trb. 1992, 180, Trb. 1995, 63, Trb. 1997, 270, Trb. 1998, 27 en Trb. 1999, 146.

Behalve de aldaar genoemde hebben nog de volgende staten in overeenstemming met artikel XXI van de Overeenkomst een akte van toetreding nedergelegd bij de regering van de Zwitserse Bondsstaat:

Grenada30 augustus 1999
Oekraïne30 december 1999
IJsland1 3 januari 2000
Kazachstan20 januari 2000
Slovenië24 januari 2000
Kroatië14 maart 2000
de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië2 4 juli 2000
Moldavië29 maart 2001
Qatar 8 mei 2001
Sao Tomé en Principe 9 augustus 2001

Iceland considers it to be important in order for CITES to fulfil its purpose that a review of all present inclusions in the appendices will be carried out in an effective and transparent manner and completed as soon as possible. The review should be objective and ensure that all inclusions in the appendices are consistent with Article II of the Convention and the biological criteria agreed of within CITES."

Appendix IAppendix IIAppendix III
(*Canis Lupus L.)**+201(*Canis Lupus L.)*-102(*Vulpes Vulpes L.)
(*Matres matres L.)(*Mustela nivalis L.)(*Matres matres L.)
(*Matres Foina ERH.)(*Mustela putorius L.)(*Matres foina ERH.)
Cyprinidae(*Sus scrofa L.)(*Mustela nivalis L.)
(*Cyprinus carpio L.)  
(*Helix pomatio L.)  
(*Cepea hortensis)  
(*Cepea hemoralis)".  


Zie Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1984, 47, Trb. 1995, 63 en Trb. 1999, 146.


Zie Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1987, 55 en Trb. 1997, 270.

De regering van China heeft op 6 december 1999 medegedeeld dat de Overeenkomst van toepassing blijft op Macau, vanaf 20 december Macau Special Administrative Region geheten.


Zie Trb. 1975, 23, Trb. 1981, 232 en Trb. 1987, 55.


Zie Trb. 1975, 23, Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1984, 47, Trb. 1986, 1, 104 en 196, Trb. 1987, 55, Trb. 1988, 18, Trb. 1989, 177, Trb. 1990, 92, Trb. 1991, 162, Trb. 1992, 180, Trb. 1995, 63, Trb. 1997, 270, Trb. 1998, 27 en Trb. 1999, 146.

I. Wijziging van artikel XI, derde lid, letter a

Behalve de in Trb. 1981, 232, Trb. 1984, 47, Trb. 1986, 1, 104 en 196, Trb. 1987, 55, Trb. 1988, 18, Trb. 1989, 177, Trb. 1991, 162 en Trb. 1999, 146 genoemde staten heeft nog de volgende staat een akte van goedkeuring van de op 22 juni 1979 te Bonn tot stand gekomen en op 13 april 1987 van kracht geworden wijziging nedergelegd bij de regering van de Zwitserse Bondsstaat:

Argentinië17 mei 2001

II. Wijziging van artikel XXI

Behalve de in Trb. 1986, 1 en 104, Trb. 1987, 55, Trb. 1991, 162, Trb. 1992, 180, Trb. 1995, 63, Trb. 1998, 27 en Trb. 1999, 146 genoemde hebben nog de volgende staten een akte van goedkeuring van de op 30 april 1983 te Gaborone tot stand gekomen wijziging van artikel XXI nedergelegd bij de regering van de Zwitserse Bondsstaat:

Grenada30 augustus 1999
Ghana16 december 1999
Kongo 7 februari 2000
IJsland 3 januari 2000
Slovenië24 januari 2000
Kroatië14 maart 2000
Estland14 april 2000
Liechtenstein21 december 2000
Paraguay22 februari 2001

De wijziging is nog niet in werking getreden.

III. Wijzigingen in de Bijlagen I en II

Zie Trb. 1989, 177, Trb. 1990, 92 en Trb. 1997, 270.

Tijdens een van 10 tot 20 april 2000 te Gigiri, Kenya, gehouden vergadering van de Conferentie der Partijen bij de Overeenkomst zijn wijzigingen van de Bijlagen I en II aangenomen: De Conferentie nam de volgende besluiten:

2. The Conference of the Parties took the following decisions:

  • a) The following taxa are deleted from Appendix II of the Convention:

HyaenidaeParahyaena brunnea
BufonidaeBufo retiformis
 Frerea indica
CEPHALOTACEAECephalotus follicularis
CYATHEACEAECYATHEACEAE spp. with the exception of Cyathea spp. (Including Alsophila, Nephelea, Sphaeropteris, Trichipteris)
DICKSONIACEAEDICKSONIACEAE spp. with the exception of Cibotium barometz and Dicksonia spp. (Populations of the Americas)
ERICACEAEKalmia cuneata
PORTULACACEAELewisia cotyledon
SARRACENIACEAEDarlingtonia californica
  • b) The following taxa are transferred from Appendix I to Appendix II of the Convention:

ElephantidaeLoxodonta africana * (Population of South Africa: for the exclusive purpose of allowing: 1) trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes; 2) trade in live animals for re-introduction purposes into protected areas formally proclaimed in terms of legislation of the importing country; 3) trade in hides and leather goods. Trade in raw ivory shall be whole tusks of government-owned stock originating from the Kruger National Park, subject to a zero quota. All other specimens shall be deemed
 to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly)
RheidaeRhea pennata * (Population of Argentina)
CACTACEAEDisocactus macdougallii
CRASSULACEAEDudleya stolonifera
  • c) The following taxa are transferred from Appendix II to Appendix I of the Convention:

DugongidaeDugong dugon (Population of Australia)
PsittacidaeEunymphicus cornutus
ARAUCARIACEAE Araucaria araucana (Population of Argentina)
  • d) The following taxa are included in Appendix I of the Convention:

LatimeriidaeLatlmeria spp.
  • e) The following taxa are included in Appendix II of the Convention:

BovidaeOvis vignei *
MuscicapidaeGarrulax canorus
EmydidaeCuora spp.
RanidaeMantella spp.
ARALIACEAEPanax ginseng (Population of the Russian Federation; parts and derivatives to be covered: whole and sliced roots and parts of roots, excluding manufactured parts or derivatives such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas and confectionery)
OROBANCHACEAECistanche de serticola (Parts and derivatives to be covered: whole and sliced roots and parts of roots, excluding manufactured parts or derivatives such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas and confectionery)
RANUNCULACEAEAdonis vernalis (Parts and derivatives to be covered: all parts and derivatives, except: a) seeds and pollen; b) seedlings or tissue
 cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and d) chemical derivatives and finished pharmaceutical products
  • f) The population of the United Republic of Tanzania of Crocodylus niloticus included in Appendix II is maintained in Appendix II subject to an annual export quota of 1600 wild specimens (including hunting trophies), in addition to ranched specimens.

  • g) The annotation that indicates the conditions under which populations ofLoxodonta africana of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe are included in Appendix II is amended by the addition of the words ``to ensure that where a) destinations for live animals are to be ``appropriate and acceptable" and/or b) the purpose of the import is to be ``noncommercial", export permits and re-export certificates may be issued only after the issuing Management Authority has received, from the Management Authority of the State of import, a certification to the effect that:

    in case a), in analogy to Article III, paragraph 3(b) of the Convention, the holding facility has been reviewed by the competent Scientific Authority, and the proposed recipient has been found to be suitably equipped to house and care for the animals; and/or

    in case b), in analogy to Article III, paragraph 3(c), the Management Authority is satisfied that the specimens will not be used for primarily commercial purposes".

  • h) The annotation that indicates the conditions under which the population of Vugna vicugna (MAMMALIA, ARTIODACTYLA, Camelidae) of Bolivia is included in Appendix II is amended to delete the words ``with a zero annual export quota".

  • i) As a consequence of the adoption of standard references to the names of the species listed in the appendices, the names of the taxaBalaenoptera bonaerensis (MAMMALIA, CETACEA, Balaenopteridae), Apalone ater, Asperidetes gangeticus, Asperidetes hurum, Asperidetes nigricans (REPTILIA, TESTUDINATA, Trionychidae), Pythonidae and Bolyeriidae (REPTILlA, SERPENTES),Calumma spp. and Furcifer spp. (REPTILIA, SAURIA, Chamaeleonidae) have been included in the appendices.

  • j) The annotations placed against Podophyllum hexandrum, Rauvolfia serpentina and Taxus wallichianato indicate that all parts and derivatives, except specified ones, are subject to the provisions of the Convention, are amended to exclude also, where this is not yet the case, chemical derivatives and finished pharmaceutical products.

3. Following the adoption of the amendments set out in item 2, the following species and other taxa will no longer be listed as they were in Appendix I or II of the Convention, once the amendments enter into force. Some of them may, however, be included in either Appendix I or II under the name of other taxa:

 Appendix IAppendix ll
Hyaenidae Parahyaena brunnea
Dugongidae Dugong dugon (Population of Australia)
Bufonidae Bufo retiformis
Ranidae Mantella aurantiaca
LatimeriidaeLatimeria chalumnae 
ARAUCARIACEAE Araucaria araucana (Population of Argentina)
  Frerea indica
CACTACEAEDisocactus macdougallii 
CEPHALOTACEAE Cephalotus follicularis
CRASSULACEAEDudleya stolonifera 
ERICACEAE Kalmia cuneata
PORTULACACEAE Lewisia cotyledon
SARRACENIACEAE Darlingtonia californica

Het secretariaat deelde voorts het volgende mede:

Annotations in the above lists (item 2) are to be interpreted as follows:

  • a) The abbreviation ``spp." is used to denote all species of a higher taxon.

  • b) An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species indicates that one or more geographically separate populations of that species are included in Appendix I and are excluded from Appendix II.

As a consequence of the adoption of standard references to the names of the species listed in the appendices, some purely editorial changes have been introduced in the revised versions of Appendices I and II and, where appropriate, annotations have been included in the ``Interpretation of Appendices I and II".

In accordance with the provisions of Article XII, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (f), of the Convention, the Secretariat has published an updated version of Appendices I and II to take into account the amendments adopted at the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the changes necessitated by the adoption of standard references mentioned under items 2 i) and 5 above. A copy of the updated Appendices I and II as adopted by the Conference of the Parties, valid from 19 July 2000, is attached to the present Notification.

In overeenstemming met artikel XV, eerste lid, onderdeel c, van de Overeenkomst zijn de wijzigingen 90 dagen na de vergadering, dat wil zeggen op 19 juli 2000, in werking getreden voor alle Partijen, met uitzondering van de Partijen die een voorbehoud hebben gemaakt in overeenstemming met het derde lid van dat artikel.

In overeenstemming met artikel XV, derde lid, van de Overeenkomst kon elke Partij – gedurende bovenbedoelde 90 dagen- door middel van een schriftelijke kennisgeving aan de depot-regering een voorbehoud maken ten aanzien van een of meerdere van de wijzigingen. Zolang dit voorbehoud niet is ingetrokken, wordt deze Partij beschouwd als een Staat die geen Partij is bij deze Overeenkomst wat betreft de handel in bedoelde soorten. De andere Partijen passen dan de bepalingen van artikel X van de Overeenkomst toe op de handel met de Partij die het voorbehoud heeft gemaakt.

Per 19 juli 2000 luidt de gewijzigde tekst van Bijlage I en II als volgt:

Appendices I and II as adopted by the Conference of the Parties, valid from 19 July 2000 (reprinted with corrections, 21 July 2000)


1. Species included in these appendices are referred to:

  • a) by the name of the species; or

  • b) as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.

2. The abbreviation ``spp." is used to denote all species of a higher taxon.

3. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only.

4. The following abbreviations are used for plant taxa below the level of species:

  • a) ``ssp." is used to denote subspecies;

  • b) ``var(s)." is used to denote variety (varieties); and

  • c) ``fa." is used to denote forma.

5. The abbreviation ``p.e." is used to denote species that are possibly extinct.

6. An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicates that one or more geographically separate populations, subspecies or species of that species or taxon are included in Appendix I and are excluded from Appendix II.

7. Two asterisks (**) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicate that one or more geographically separate populations, subspecies or species of that species or taxon are included in Appendix II and are excluded from Appendix I.

8. The symbol (-) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon denotes that designated geographically separate populations, species, groups of species or families of that species or taxon are excluded from the appendix concerned, as follows:

-101Population of West Greenland
-102Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan
-103Populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe
-104No longer applicable
-105Populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the United States of America
-106– Argentina: the population of the Province of Jujuy and the semi-captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan
 – Bolivia: the populations of the Conservation Units of Mauri-Desaguadero, Ulla Ulla and Lípez-Chichas
 – Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, 1a. Region of Tarapacá
 – Peru: the whole population
-107Populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan
-109Melopsittacus undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus and Psittacula krameri
-110Population of Rhea pennata pennata of Argentina
-111Population of Ecuador, subject to a zero annual export quota until an annual export quota has been approved by the CITES Secretariat and the IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group
-112Populations of Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (subject to an annual export quota of no more than 1600 wild specimens including hunding trophies, in addition to ranched specimens), Zambia and Zimbabwe.
-113Populations of Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
-114Populations of Argentine and Chile
-115All species that are not succulent
-116Aloe vera; also referenced as Aloe barbadensis.

9. The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a species, subspecies or higher taxon denotes that only designated geographically separate populations of that species, subspecies or taxon are included in the appendix concerned, as follows:

+201 Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan
+202 Populations of Bhutan, China, Mexico and Mongolia
+203 Populations of Cameroon and Nigeria
+204Population of Asia
+205 Populations of Central and North America
+206 Populations of Bangladesh, India and Thailand
+207 Population of India
+208 Populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe
+209 Population of Argentina
+210 Population of South Africa
+211 – Argentina: the population of the Province of Jujuy and the semi-captive populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan
 – Bolivia: the populations of the Conservation Units of Mauri-Desaguadero, Ulla Ulla and Lípez-Chichas
 – Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, 1a. Region of Tarapacá
 – Peru: the whole population
+212 Populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan
+213Population of Mexico
+214Populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan
+215 Population of Seychelles
+216Population of Europe, except the area which formerly constituted the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
+217 Population of the Russian Federation
+218 Populations of the Americas
+219Populations of Argentina and Chile.

10. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species, subspecies or higher taxon denotes that the name of that species, subspecies or taxon shall be interpreted as follows:

=301Also referenced as Phalanger maculatus
=302Includes family Tupaiidae
=303Formerly included in family Lemuridae
=304Formerly included as subspecies of Callithrix jacchus
=305Includes generic synonym Leontideus
=306Formerly included in species Saguinus oedipus
=307Formerly included in Alouatta palliata
=308Formerly included as Alouatta palliata (villosa)
=309Includes synonym Cercopithecus roloway
=310Formerly included in genus Papio
=311Includes generic synonym Simias
=312Includes synonym Colobus badius kirkii
=313Includes synonym Colobus badius rufomitratus
=314Includes generic synonym Rhinopithecus
=315Also referenced as Presbytis entellus
=316Also referenced as Presbytis geei and Semnopithecus geei
=317Also referenced as Presbytis pileata and Semnopithecus pileatus
=318Includes synonyms Bradypus boliviensis and Bradypus griseus
=319Includes synonym Priodontes giganteus
=320Includes synonym Physeter macrocephalus
=321Includes synonym Eschrichtius glaucus
=322Formerly included in genus Balaena
=323Formerly included in genus Dusicyon
=324Includes synonym Dusicyon fulvipes
=325Includes generic synonym Fennecus
=326Also referenced as Selenarctos thibetanus
=327Also referenced as Aonyx microdon or Paraonyx microdon
=328Formerly included in genus Lutra
=329Formerly included in genus Lutra; includes synonyms Lutra annectens, Lutra enudris, Lutra incarum and Lutra platensis
=330Includes synonym Eupleres major
=331Includes Eunymphicus cornutus cornutus andE.c. uvaeensis
=332Also referenced as Felis caracal and Lynx caracal
=333Formerly included in genus Felis
=334Also referenced as Felis pardina or Felis lynx pardina
=335Formerly included in genus Panthera
=336Also referenced as Equus asinus
=337Formerly included in species Equus hemionus
=338Also referenced as Equus caballus przewalskii
=339Also referenced as Choeropsis liberiensis
=340Also referenced as Cervus porcinus calamianensis
=341Also referenced as Cervus porcinus kuhlii
=342Also referenced as Cervus porcinus annamiticus
=343Also referenced as Cervus dama mesopotamicus
=344Excludes the domesticated form of Bos gaurus referenced as Bos frontalis
=345Excludes the domesticated form of Bos mutus referenced as Bos grunniens
=346Includes generic synonym Novibos
=347Includes generic synonym Anoa
=348Also referenced as Damaliscus dorcas dorcas
=349Formerly included in species Naemorhedus goral
=350Also referenced as Capricornis sumatraensis
=351Includes synonym Oryx tao
=352Includes synonym Ovis aries ophion
=353Formerly included as Ovis vignei
=354Also referenced as Rupicapra rupicapra ornata
=355Also referenced as Pterocnemia
=356Also referenced as Sula abbotti
=357Also referenced as Ciconia ciconia boyciana
=358Includes synonyms Anas chlorotis and Anas nesiotis
=359Also referenced as Anas platyrhynchos laysanensis
=360Probably a hybrid between Anas platyrhynchos and Anas superciliosa
=361Also referenced as Aquila heliaca adalberti
=362Also referenced as Chondrohierax wilsonii
=363Also referenced as Falco peregrinus babylonicus and Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides
=364Also referenced as Crax mitu mitu
=365aFormerly included in genus Aburria
=365bFormerly included in genus Aburria; also referenced as Pipile pipile pipile
=366Formerly included in species Crossoptilon crossoptilon
=367Formerly included in species Polyplectron malacense
=368Includes synonym Rheinardia nigrescens
=369Also referenced as Tricholimnas sylvestris
=370Also referenced as Choriotis nigriceps
=371Also referenced as Houbaropsis bengalensis
=372Also referenced as Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha
=373Often traded under the incorrect designation Ara caninde
=374Also referenced as Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii
=375Also referenced as Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni
=376Also referenced as Pezoporus occidentalis
=377Formerly included in species Psephotus chrysopterygius
=378Also referenced as Psittacula krameri echo
=379Formerly included in genus Gallirex; also referenced as Tauraco porphyreolophus
=380Also referenced as Otus gurneyi
=381Also referenced as Ninox novaeseelandiae royana
=382Formerly included in genus Glaucis
=383Includes generic synonym Ptilolaemus
=384Formerly included in genus Rhinoplax
=385Also referenced as Pitta brachyura nympha
=386Also referenced as Muscicapa ruecki or Niltava ruecki
=387Also referenced as Dasyornis brachypterus longirostris
=388Also referenced as Meliphaga cassidix
=389Includes generic synonym Xanthopsar
=390Formerly included in genus Spinus
=391Also referenced in genus Damonia
=392Formerly included as Kachuga tecta tecta
=393Includes generic synonyms Nicoria and Geoemyda (part)
=394Also referenced as Geochelone elephantopus; also referenced in genus Testudo
=395Also referenced in genus Testudo
=396Formerly included in genus Trionyx
=397Formerly included in Podocnemis spp.
=398Includes Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae and Gavialidae
=399Also referenced as Crocodylus mindorensis
=400Also referenced in genus Nactus
=401Includes generic synonym Rhoptropella
=402Formerly included in Chamaeleo spp.
=403Also referenced in the genus Afrormosia
=404Formerly included in family Boidae
=405Also referenced as Constrictor constrictor occidentalis
=406Includes synonym Python molurus pimbura
=407Includes synonym Sanzinia manditra
=408Includes synonym Pseudoboa cloelia
=409Also referenced as Hydrodynastes gigas
=410Includes synonyms Naja atra, Naja kaouthia, Naja oxiana, Naja philippinensis, Naja samarensis, Naja sputatrix and Naja sumatrana
=411Includes generic synonym Megalobatrachus
=412Formerly included in Nectophrynoides spp.
=413Formerly included in Dendrobates spp.
=414Also referenced in genus Rana
=415Sensu D'Abrera
=416Includes synonyms Pandinus africanus and Heterometrus roeseli
=417Formerly included in genus Brachypelma
=418Also referenced as Conchodromus dromas
=419Also referenced in genera Dysnomia and Plagiola
=420Includes generic synonym Proptera
=421Also referenced in genus Carunculina
=422Also referenced as Megalonaias nickliniana
=423Also referenced as Cyrtonaias tampicoensis tecomatensis and Lampsilis tampicoensis tecomatensis
=424Includes generic synonym Micromya
=425Includes generic synonym Papuina
=426Includes only the family Helioporidae with one species Heliopora coerulea
=427Also referenced as Podophyllum emodi and Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
=428Includes generic synonyms Neogomesia and Roseocactus
=429Also referenced in genus Echinocactus
=430Includes synonym Coryphantha densispina
=431Also referenced in genus Parodia
=432Also referenced as Echinocereus lindsayi
=433Also referenced in genus Wilcoxia; includes Wilcoxia nerispina
=434Also referenced in genus Coryphantha; includes synonym Escobaria nellieae
=435Also referenced in genus Coryphantha; includes Escobaria leei as a subspecies
=436Includes synonym Solisia pectinata
=437Also referenced in genera Backebergia,Cephalocereus and Mitrocereus; includes synonym Pachycereus chrysomallus
=438Includes Pediocactus bradyi ssp. despainii and Pediocactus bradyi ssp. winkleri and synonyms Pediocactus despainii, Pediocactus simpsonii ssp.bradyi and Pediocactus winkleri; also referenced in genus Toumeya
=439Includes genera Alsophila, Nephelea, Sphaeropteris, Trichipteris
=440Also referenced in genera Navajoa, Toumeya and Utahia; includes synonyms Pediocactus fickeisenii,Navajoa peeblesiana ssp.fickeiseniiand Navajoa fickeisenii
=441Also referenced in genera Echinocactus and Utahia
=442Includes generic synonym Encephalocarpus
=443Also referenced in genus Pediocactus; includes synonyms Ancistrocactus tobuschii and Ferocactus tobuschii
=444Also referenced in genera Echinomastus, Neolloydia and Pediocactus; includes synonyms Echinomastus acunensis and Echinomastus krausei
=445Includes synonyms Ferocactus glaucus, Sclerocactus brevispinus,Sclerocactus wetlandicus and Sclerocactus wetlandicus ssp. ilseae; also referenced in genus Pediocactus
=446Also referenced in genera Echinomastus, Neolloydia and Pediocactus
=447Also referenced in genera Coloradoa, Ferocactus and Pediocactus
=448Also referenced in genera Pediocactus and Toumeya
=449Also referenced in genera Ferocactus and Pediocactus
=450Also referenced in genera Ferocactus and Pediocactus
=451Includes generic synonyms Gymnocactus and Normanbokea; also referenced in genera Kadenicarpus, Neolloydia, Pediocactus, Pelecyphora, Strombocactus, Thelocactus and Toumeya
=452Also referenced as Saussurea lappa
=453Also referenced as Euphorbia decaryi var. capsaintemariensis
=454Includes Euphorbia cremersii fa. viridifolia and Euphorbia cremersii var. rakotozafyi
=455Includes Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. tuberifera
=456Includes Euphorbia decaryi vars. ampanihyensis, robinsonii and spirosticha
=457Includes Euphorbia moratii vars. antsingiensis, bemarahensis and multiflora
=458Also referenced as Euphorbia capsaintemariensis var. tulearensis
=459Also referenced as Engelhardia pterocarpa
=460Includes Aloe compressa vars. rugosquamosa, schistophila and paucituberculata
=461Includes Aloe haworthioides var. aurantiaca
=462Includes Aloe laeta var. maniaensis
=463Includes families Apostasiaceae and Cypripediaceae as subfamilies Apostasioideae and Cypripedioideae
=464Anacampseros australiana and A. kurtzii are also referenced in genus Grahamia
=465Formerly included in Anacampseros spp.
=466Also referenced as Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis
=467Also referenced as Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii
=468Formerly included in ZAMIACEAE spp.
=469Includes synonym Stangeria paradoxa
=470Also referenced as Taxus baccata ssp. wallichiana
=471Includes synonym Welwitschia bainesii
=472Tupinambis merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) was until 1 August 2000 listed as T. teguixin (Linnaeus, 1758) (Distribution: northern Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, southern Brazil, extending into southern Amazonian Brazil). Tupinambis teguixin (Linnaeus, 1758) was until 1 August 2000 listed as Tupinambis nigropunctatus (Spix, 1824) (Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Amazonian basin of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, in Brazil south into State of Sao Paulo).
=473Formerly included in Balaenoptera acutorostrata

11. The symbol (°#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon shall be interpreted as follows:

° 601A zero annual export quota has been established. All specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly
° 602Specimens of the domesticated form are not subject to the provisions of the Convention
° 603Annual export quotas for live specimens and hunting trophies are granted as follows:
 Botswana: 5
 Namibia: 150
 Zimbabwe: 50

The trade in such specimens is subject to the provisions of Article III of the Convention

° 604Populations of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe
 For the exclusive purpose of allowing: 1) export of hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes; 2) export of live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations (Namibia: for non-commercial purposes only); 3) export of hides (Zimbabwe only); 4) export of leather goods and ivory-carvings for non-commercial purposes (Zimbabwe only). [ ]1

1 The following text has been omitted from the text of the annotation because it is no longer applicable. [No international trade in ivory is permitted before 18 months after the transfer to Appendix II comes into effect (i.e. 18 March 1999). Thereafter, under experimental quotas for raw ivory not exceeding 25.3 tonnes (Botswana), 13.8 tonnes (Namibia) and 20 tonnes (Zimbabwe), raw ivory may be exported to Japan subject to the conditions established in Decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding ivory No. 10.1.]

 All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly. To ensure that where a) destinations for live animals are to be ``appropriate and acceptable" and/or b) the purpose of the import is to be ``non-commercial", export permits and re-export certificates may be issued only after the issuing Management Authority has received, from the Management Authority of the State of import, a certification to the effect that:
 in case a), in analogy to Article III, paragraph 3(b) of the Convention, the holding facility has been reviewed by the competent Scientific Authority, and the proposed recipient has been found to be suitably equipped to house and care for the animals; and/or
 in case b), in analogy to Article III, paragraph 3(c), the Management Authority is satisfied that the specimens will not be used for primarily commercial purposes; and
 Population of South Africa
 For the exclusive purpose of allowing: 1) trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes; 2) trade in live animals for re-introduction purposes into protected areas formally proclaimed in terms of legislation of the importing country; 3) trade in hides and leather goods. Trade in raw ivory shall be whole tusks of government-owned stock originating from the Kruger National Park, subject to a zero quota. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.
° 605For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations and
 hunting trophies. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly
° 606For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in wool sheared from live vicuñas of the populations included in
 Appendix II (see +211) and in the stock extant at the time of the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (November 1994) in Peru of 3249 kg of wool, and in cloth and items made thereof, including luxury handicrafts and knitted articles. The reverse side of the cloth must bear the logotype adopted by the range States of the species, which are signatories to the Convenio para la Conservación y Manejo de la Vicuña, and the selvages the words ``VICUÑA-
 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN", depending on the country of origin. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly
° 607Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention
° 608Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids and/or cultivars are not subject to the provisions of the Convention:
 Hatiora x graeseri
 Schlumbergera x buckleyi
 Schlumbergera russelliana x Schlumbergera truncata
 Schlumbergera orssichiana x Schlumbergera truncata
 Schlumbergera opuntioides x Schlumbergera truncata
 Schlumbergera truncata (cultivars)
 Gymnocalycium mihanovichii (cultivars) forms lacking chlorophyll, grafted on the following grafting stocks: Harrisia 'Jusbertii', Hylocereus trigonus or Hylocereus undatus
 Opuntia microdasys (cultivars)
° 609Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia trigona are not subject to the provisions of the Convention
° 610Seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention
° 611Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Cyclamen persicum are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.
 However, the exemption does not apply to such specimens traded as dormant tubers
°612A zero annual export quota has been established for Manis crassicaudata, M. javanica and M. pentadactyla for specimens removed from the wild and traded for primarily commercial purposes
°613A zero annual export quota has been established for Geochelone sulcata for specimens removed from the wild and traded for primarily commercial purposes.

12. In accordance with Article I, paragraph b, sub-paragraph (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon included in Appendix II designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:

#1Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and
 c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants
#2Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds and pollen;
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;
 c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and
 d) chemical derivatives and finished pharmaceutical products
#3Designates whole and sliced roots and parts of roots, excluding manufactured parts or derivatives such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas and confectionery
#4Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds, except those from Mexican cacti originating in Mexico, and pollen;
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;
 c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants;
 d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants; and
 e) separate stem joints (pads) and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genus Opuntia subgenus Opuntia
#5Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets
#6Designates logs, wood-chips and unprocessed broken material
#7Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds and pollen (including pollinia);
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;
 c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and
 d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of artificially propagated plants of the genus Vanilla.

13. As none of the species or higher taxa of FLORA included in Appendix I is annotated to the effect that its hybrids shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of Article III of the Convention, this means that artificially propagated hybrids produced from one or more of these species or taxa may be traded with a certificate of artificial propagation, and that seeds and pollen (including pollinia), cut flowers, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers of these hybrids are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.

Tachyglossidae Zaglossus spp.
DasyuridaeSminthopsis longicaudata 
 Sminthopsis psammophila 
ThylacinidaeThylacinus cynocephalus p.e. 
PeramelidaeChaeropus ecaudatus p.e.  
 Macrotis lagotis 
 Macrotis leucura 
 Perameles bougainville 
Phalangeridae Phalanger orientalis
  Spilocuscus maculatus =301
VombatidaeLasiorhinus krefftii 
Macropodidae Dendrolagus inustus
  Dendrolagus ursinus
 Lagorchestes hirsutus 
 Lagostrophus fasciatus 
 Onychogalea fraenata 
 Onychogalea lunata 
PotoroidaeBettongia spp. 
 Caloprymnus campestris p.e.  
Pteropodidae Acerodon spp.*
 Acerodon jubatus 
 Acerodon lucifer p.e.  
  Pteropus spp.*
 Pteropus insularis 
 Pteropus mariannus 
 Pteropus molossinus 
 Pteropus phaeocephalus 
 Pteropus pilosus 
 Pteropus samoensis 
 Pteropus tonganus 
LemuridaeLemuridae spp. 
MegaladapidaeMegaladapidae spp. =303 
CheirogaleidaeCheirogaleidae spp. 
IndridaeIndridae spp.  
DaubentoniidaeDaubentonia madagascariensis 
CallithricidaeCallimico goeldii 
 Callithrix aurita =304  
 Callithrix flaviceps =304  
 Leontopithecus spp. =305 
 Saguinus bicolor 
 Saguinus geoffroyi =306 
 Saguinus leucopus 
 Saguinus oedipus 
CebidaeAlouatta coibensis =307 
 Alouatta palliata 
 Alouatta pigra =308  
 Ateles geoffroyi frontatus 
 Ateles geoffroyi panamensis 
 Brachyteles arachnoides 
 Cacajao spp. 
 Chiropotes albinasus 
 Lagothrix flavicauda 
 Saimiri oerstedii 
CercopithecidaeCercocebus galeritus galeritus 
 Cercopithecus diana =309 
 Macaca silenus 
 Mandrillus leucophaeus =310  
 Mandrillus sphinx =310  
 Nasalis concolor =311  
 Nasalis larvatus 
 Presbytis potenziani 
 Procolobus pennantii kirkii =312 
 Procolobus rufomitratus =313 
 Pygathrix spp. =314  
 Semnopithecus entellus =315  
 Trachypithecus geei =316 
 Trachypithecus pileatus =317 
HylobatidaeHylobatidae spp. 
HominidaeGorilla gorilla 
 Pan spp.  
 Pongo pygmaeus 
Myrmecophagidae Myrmecophaga tridactyla
Bradypodidae Bradypus variegatus =318
Dasypodidae Chaetophractus nationi °601
 Priodontes maximus =319  
Manidae Manis spp. °612
LeporidaeCaprolagus hispidus 
 Romerolagus diazi 
SciuridaeCynomys mexicanus 
  Ratufa spp.
MuridaeLeporillus conditor 
 Pseudomys praeconis 
 Xeromys myoides 
 Zyzomys pedunculatus 
ChinchillidaeChinchilla spp. °602  
PlatanistidaeLipotes vexillifer 
 Platanista spp. 
ZiphiidaeBerardius spp. 
 Hyperoodon spp. 
PhyseteridaePhyseter catodon =320 
DelphinidaeSotalia spp.  
 Sousa spp.  
PhocoenidaeNeophocaena phocaenoides 
 Phocoena sinus 
EschrichtiidaeEschrichtius robustus =321 
BalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera acutorostrata** -101 
 Balaenoptera bonaerensis =473  
 Balaenoptera borealis 
 Balaenoptera edeni 
 Balaenoptera musculus 
 Balaenoptera physalus 
 Megaptera novaeangliae 
BalaenidaeBalaena mysticetus 
 Eubalaena spp. =322 
NeobalaenidaeCaperea marginata 
CanidaeCanis lupus** +201Canis lupus* -102
  Cerdocyon thous =323
  Chrysocyon brachyurus
  Cuon alpinus
  Pseudalopex culpaeus =323
  Pseudalopex griseus =324
  Pseudalopex gymnocercus =323
 Speothos venaticus 
  Vulpes cana
  Vulpes zerda =325
Ursidae Ursidae spp.*
 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 
 Ailurus fulgens 
 Helarctos malayanus 
 Melursus ursinus 
 Tremarctos ornatus 
 Ursus arctos** +202  
 Ursus arctos isabellinus 
 Ursus thibetanus =326 
Mustelidae Lutrinae Lutrinae spp.*
 Aonyx congicus** +203 =327  
 Enhydra lutris nereis 
 Lontra felina =328  
 Lontra longicaudis =329  
 Lontra provocax =328 
 Lutra lutra 
 Pteronura brasiliensis 
Mephitinae Conepatus humboldtii
MustelinaeMustela nigripes 
Viverridae Cryptoprocta ferox
  Cynogale bennettii
  Eupleres goudotii =330
  Fossa fossana
  Hemigalus derbyanus
  Prionodon linsang
 Prionodon pardicolor 
Felidae Felidae spp.* °602
 Acinonyx jubatus °603  
 Caracal caracal** +204 =332 
 Catopuma temminckii =333  
 Felis nigripes 
 Herpailurus yaguarondi** +205 =333 
 Leopardus pardalis =333  
 Leopardus tigrinus =333  
 Leopardus wiedii =333 
 Lynx pardinus =334  
 Neofelis nebulosa 
 Oncifelis geoffroyi =333 
 Oreailurus jacobita =333  
 Panthera leo persica 
 Panthera onca 
 Panthera pardus 
 Panthera tigris 
 Pardofelis marmorata =333  
 Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis** +206 =333  
 Prionailurus planiceps =333 
 Prionailurus rubiginosus** +207 =333 
 Puma concolor coryi =333  
 Puma concolor costaricensis =333  
 Puma concolor couguar =333 
 Uncia uncia =335 
Otariidae Arctocephalus spp.*
 Arctocephalus townsendi 
Phocidae Mirounga leonina
 Monachus spp. 
ElephantidaeElephas maximus 
 Loxodonta africana** -103Loxodonta africana * +208 °604
DugongidaeDugong dugon 
TrichechidaeTrichechus inunguis 
 Trichechus manatus 
  Trichechus senegalensis
EquidaeEquus africanus =336  
 Equus grevyi 
  Equus hemionus*
 Equus hemionus hemionus 
  Equus kiang =337
  Equus onager* =337
 Equus onager khur =337  
 Equus przewalskii =338 
  Equus zebra hartmannae
 Equus zebra zebra 
TapiridaeTapiridae spp.** 
  Tapirus terrestris
RhinocerotidaeRhinocerotidae spp.**  
  Ceratotherium simum simum* +210 °605
SuidaeBabyrousa babyrussa 
 Sus salvanius 
Tayassuidae Tayassuidae spp.* -105
 Catagonus wagneri 
Hippopotamidae Hexaprotodon liberiensis =339
  Hippopotamus amphibius
Camelidae Lama guanicoe
 Vicugna vicugna** -106Vicugna vicugna* +211 °606
MoschidaeMoschus spp.** +212Moschus spp.* -107
CervidaeAxis calamianensis =340  
 Axis kuhlii =341 
 Axis porcinus annamiticus =342 
 Blastocerus dichotomus 
 Cervus duvaucelii 
  Cervus elaphus bactrianus
 Cervus elaphus hanglu 
 Cervus eldii 
 Dama mesopotamica =343 
 Hippocamelus spp.  
 Megamuntiacus vuquanghensis 
 Muntiacus crinifrons 
 Ozotoceros bezoarticus 
  Pudu mephistophiles
 Pudu puda 
AntilocapridaeAntilocapra americana +213 
BovidaeAddax nasomaculatus 
  Ammotragus lervia
  Bison bison athabascae
 Bos gaurus =344 °602  
 Bos mutus =345 °602  
 Bos sauveli =346 
 Bubalus depressicornis =347  
 Bubalus mindorensis =347.  
 Bubalus quarlesi =347 
  Budorcas taxicolor
 Capra falconeri 
  Cephalophus dorsalis
 Cephalophus jentinki 
  Cephalophus monticola
  Cephalophus ogilbyi
  Cephalophus silvicultor
  Cephalophus zebra
  Damaliscus pygargus pygargus =348
 Gazella dama 
 Hippotragus niger variani 
  Kobus leche
 Naemorhedus baileyi =349  
 Naemorhedus caudatus =349  
 Naemorhedus goral 
 Naemorhedus sumatraensis =350  
 Oryx dammah =351  
 Oryx leucoryx 
  Ovis ammon*
 Ovis ammon hodgsonii 
 Ovis ammon nigrimontana 
  Ovis canadensis +213
 Ovis orientalis ophion =352  
  Ovis vignei*
 Ovis vignei vignei =353  
 Pantholops hodgsonii 
 Pseudoryx nghetinhensis 
 Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata =354 
  Saiga tatarica
StruthionidaeStruthio camelus +214  
RheidaeRhea americana 
 Rhea pennata** -110 =355 
  Rhea pennata pennata* +209 =355
TinamidaeTinamus solitarius 
Spheniscidae Spheniscus demersus
 Spheniscus humboldti 
PodicipedidaePodilymbus gigas 
DiomedeidaeDiomedea albatrus 
PelecanidaePelecanus crispus 
SulidaePapasula abbotti =356 
FregatidaeFregata andrewsi 
BalaenicipitidaeBalaeniceps rex 
CiconiidaeCiconia boyciana =357 
  Ciconia nigra
 Jabiru mycteria 
 Mycteria cinerea 
Threskiornithidae Eudocimus ruber
  Geronticus calvus
 Geronticus eremita 
 Nipponia nippon 
  Platalea leucorodia
Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopteridae spp.
AnatidaeAnas aucklandica =358 
  Anas bernieri
  Anas formosa
 Anas laysanensis =359 
 Anas oustaleti =360  
 Branta canadensis leucopareia 
  Branta ruficollis
 Branta sandvicensis 
 Cairina scutulata 
  Coscoroba coscoroba
  Cygnus melanocorypha
  Dendrocygna arborea
  Oxyura leucocephala
 Rhodonessa caryophyllacea p.e. 
  Sarkidiornis melanotos
CathartidaeGymnogyps californianus 
 Vultur gryphus 
AccipitridaeAquila adalberti =361  
 Aquila heliaca 
 Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii =362 
 Haliaeetus albicilla 
 Haliaeetus leucocephalus 
 Harpia harpyja 
 Pithecophaga jefferyi 
FalconidaeFalco araea 
 Falco jugger 
 Falco newtoni** +215  
 Falco pelegrinoides =363  
 Falco peregrinus 
 Falco punctatus 
 Falco rusticolus 
MegapodiidaeMacrocephalon maleo 
CracidaeCrax blumenbachii 
 Mitu mitu =364  
 Oreophasis derbianus 
 Penelope albipennis 
 Pipile jacutinga =365a  
 Pipile pipile =365b  
Phasianidae Argusianus argus
 Catreus wallichii 
 Colinus virginianus ridgwayi 
 Crossoptilon crossoptilon 
 Crossoptilon harmani =366  
 Crossoptilon mantchuricum 
  Gallus sonneratii
  Ithaginis cruentus
 Lophophorus impejanus 
 Lophophorus lhuysii 
 Lophophorus sclateri 
 Lophura edwardsi 
 Lophura imperialis 
 Lophura swinhoii 
  Pavo muticus
  Polyplectron bicalcaratum
 Polyplectron emphanum 
  Polyplectron germaini
  Polyplectron malacense
  Polyplectron schleiermacheri =367
 Rheinardia ocellata =368  
 Syrmaticus ellioti 
 Syrmaticus humiae 
 Syrmaticus mikado 
 Tetraogallus caspius 
 Tetraogallus tibetanus 
 Tragopan blythii 
 Tragopan caboti 
 Tragopan melanocephalus 
 Tympanuchus cupido attwateri 
Gruidae Gruidae spp.*
 Grus americana 
 Grus canadensis nesiotes 
 Grus canadensis pulla 
 Grus japonensis 
 Grus leucogeranus 
 Grus monacha 
 Grus nigricollis 
 Grus vipio 
RallidaeGallirallus sylvestris =369  
RhynochetidaeRhynochetos jubatus 
Otididae Otididae spp.*
 Ardeotis nigriceps =370  
 Chlamydotis undulata 
 Eupodotis bengalensis =371  
ScolopacidaeNumenius borealis 
 Numenius tenuirostris 
 Tringa guttifer 
LaridaeLarus relictus 
ColumbidaeCaloenas nicobarica 
 Ducula mindorensis 
  Gallicolumba luzonica
  Goura spp.
PsittacidaeAmazona arausiaca 
 Amazona barbadensis 
 Amazona brasiliensis 
 Amazona guildingii 
 Amazona imperialis 
 Amazona leucocephala 
 Amazona pretrei 
 Amazona rhodocorytha =372  
 Amazona tucumana 
 Amazona versicolor 
 Amazona vinacea 
 Amazona viridigenalis 
 Amazona vittata 
 Anodorhynchus spp.  
 Ara ambigua 
 Ara glaucogularis =373  
 Ara macao 
 Ara maracana 
 Ara militaris 
 Ara rubrogenys 
 Aratinga guarouba 
 Cacatua goffini 
 Cacatua haematuropygia 
 Cacatua moluccensis 
 Cyanopsitta spixii 
 Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi 
 Cyanoramphus cookii =374 
 Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae 
 Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni =375 
 Eos histrio 
 Eunymphicus cornutus =331  
 Geopsittacus occidentalis p.e. =376 
 Neophema chrysogaster 
 Ognorhynchus icterotis 
 Pezoporus wallicus 
 Pionopsitta pileata 
 Probosciger aterrimus 
 Psephotus chrysopterygius 
 Psephotus dissimilis =377  
 Psephotus pulcherrimus p.e.  
 Psittacula echo =378 
 Pyrrhura cruentata 
 Rhynchopsitta spp.  
 Strigops habroptilus 
 Vini ultramarina 
Musophagidae Musophaga porphyreolopha =379
  Tauraco spp.
TytonidaeTyto soumagnei 
StrigidaeAthene blewitti 
 Mimizuku gurneyi =380  
 Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata 
 = 381  
 Ninox squamipila natalis 
Trochilidae Trochilidae spp.*
 Ramphodon dohrnii =382  
TrogonidaePharomachrus mocinno 
Bucerotidae Aceros spp.*
 Aceros nipalensis 
 Aceros subruficollis 
  Anorrhinus spp. =383
  Anthracoceros spp.
  Buceros spp.*
 Buceros bicornis 
 Buceros vigil =384 
  Penelopides spp.
Ramphastidae Pteroglossus aracari
  Pteroglossus viridis
  Ramphastos sulfuratus
  Ramphastos toco
  Ramphastos tucanus
  Ramphastos vitellinus
PicidaeCampephilus imperialis 
 Dryocopus javensis richardsi 
CotingidaeCotinga maculata 
  Rupicola spp.
 Xipholena atropurpurea 
Pittidae Pitta guajana
 Pitta gurneyi 
 Pitta kochi 
  Pitta nympha =385
AtrichornithidaeAtrichornis clamosus 
HirundinidaePseudochelidon sirintarae 
Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus zeylanicus
Muscicapidae Cyornis ruckii =386
 Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis p.e. 
 Dasyornis longirostris =387 
  Garrulax canorus
  Leiothrix argentauris
  Leiothrix lutea
  Liocichla omeiensis
 Picathartes gymnocephalus 
 Picathartes oreas 
ZosteropidaeZosterops albogularis 
MeliphagidaeLichenostomus melanops cassidix =388 
Emberizidae Gubernatrix cristata
  Paroaria capitata
  Paroaria coronata
  Tangara fastuosa
IcteridaeAgelaius flavus =389 
FringillidaeCarduelis cucullata =390 
  Carduelis yarrellii =390
Estrildidae Amandava formosa
  Padda oryzivora
  Poephila cincta cincta
Sturnidae Gracula religiosa
 Leucopsar rothschildi 
Paradisaeidae Paradisaeidae spp.
Dermatemydidae Dermatemys mawii
EmydidaeBatagur baska 
  Callagur borneoensis
  Clemmys insculpta
 Clemmys muhlenbergi 
  Cuora spp.
 Geoclemys hamiltonii =391  
 Kachuga tecta =392  
 Melanochelys tricarinata =393 
 Morenia ocellata 
  Terrapene spp.*
 Terrapene coahuila 
Testudinidae Testudinidae spp.* °613
 Geochelone nigra =394  
 Geochelone radiata =395  
 Geochelone yniphora =395 
 Gopherus flavomarginatus 
 Psammobates geometricus =395  
 Testudo kleinmanni 
CheloniidaeCheloniidae spp. 
DermochelyidaeDermochelys coriacea 
Trionychidae Lissemys punctata
 Apalone ater =396  
 Asperidetes gangeticus =396  
 Asperidetes hurum =396  
 Asperidetes nigricans =396 
Pelomedusidae Erymnochelys madagascariensis =397
  Peltocephalus dumeriliana =397
  Podocnemis spp.
ChelidaePseudemydura umbrina 
AlligatoridaeAlligator sinensis 
 Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis 
 Caiman latirostris** -110  
 Melanosuchus niger** -111 
CrocodylidaeCrocodylus acutus 
 Crocodylus cataphractus 
 Crocodylus intermedius 
 Crocodylus moreletii 
 Crocodylus niloticus** -112  
 Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensis =399  
 Crocodylus palustris 
 Crocodylus porosus** -113  
 Crocodylus rhombifer 
 Crocodylus siamensis 
 Osteolaemus tetraspis 
 Tomistoma schlegelii 
GavialidaeGavialis gangeticus 
SphenodontidaeSphenodon spp.  
Gekkonidae Cyrtodactylus serpensinsula =400
  Phelsuma spp. =401
Agamidae Uromastyx spp.
Chamaeleonidae Bradypodion spp. =402
  Calumma spp. =402
  Chamaeleo spp.
  Furcifer spp. =402
Iguanidae Amblyrhynchus cristatus
 Brachylophus spp.  
  Conolophus spp.
 Cyclura spp.  
  lguana spp.
  Phrynosoma coronatum
 Sauromalus varius 
LacertidaeGallotia simonyi 
  Podarcis lilfordi
  Podarcis pityusensis
Cordylidae Cordylus spp.
  Pseudocordylus spp.
Teiidae Cnemidophorus hyperythrus
  Crocodilurus lacertinus
  Dracaena spp.
  Tupinambis spp. =472
Scincidae Corucia zebrata
Xenosauridae Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Helodermatidae Heloderma spp.
Varanidae Varanus spp.*
 Varanus bengalensis 
 Varanus flavescens 
 Varanus griseus 
 Varanus komodoensis 
Loxocemidae Loxocemidae spp. =404
Pythonidae Pythonidae spp.* =404
 Python molurus molurus =406  
Boidae Boidae spp.*
 Acrantophis spp.  
 Boa constrictor occidentalis =405  
 Epicrates inornatus 
 Epicrates monensis 
 Epicrates subflavus 
 Sanzinia madagascariensis =407  
Bolyeriidae Bolyeriidae spp.* =404
 Bolyeria multocarinata 
 Casarea dussumieri 
Tropidophiidae Tropidophiidae spp. =404
Colubridae Clelia clelia =408
  Cyclagras gigas =409
  Elachistodon westermanni
  Ptyas mucosus
Elapidae Hoplocephalus bungaroides
  Naja naja =410
  Ophiophagus hannah
ViperidaeVipera ursinii +216 
  Vipera wagneri
BufonidaeAltiphrynoides spp. =412 
 Atelopus varius zeteki 
 Bufo periglenes 
 Bufo superciliaris 
 Nectophrynoides spp. 
 Nimbaphrynoides spp. =412 
 Spinophrynoides spp. =412 
Dendrobatidae Allobates spp. =413
  Dendrobates spp.
  Epipedobates spp. =413
  Minyobates spp. =413
  Phobobates spp. =413
  Phyllobates spp.
MicrohylidaeDyscophus antongilii 
Myobatrachidae Rheobatrachus spp.
Ranidae Mantella spp.
  Euphlyctis hexadactylus =414
  Hoplobatrachus tigerinus =414
Ambystomidae Ambystoma dumerilii
  Ambystoma mexicanum
CryptobranchidaeAndrias spp. =411  
Ceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri
LatimeriidaeLatimeria spp. 
AcipenseridaeAcipenser brevirostrum 
 Acipenser sturio 
 OsteoglossidaeArapaima gigas
 Scleropages formosus 
Cyprinidae Caecobarbus geertsi
 Probarbus jullieni 
CatostomidaeChasmistes cujus 
PangasiidaePangasianodon gigas 
SciaenidaeCynoscion macdonaldi 
Papilionidae Bhutanitis spp.
  Ornithoptera spp.* =415
 Ornithoptera alexandrae 
 Papilio chikae 
 Papilio homerus 
 Papilio hospiton 
  Parnassius apollo
  Teinopalpus spp.
  Trogonoptera spp. =415
  Troides spp. =415
Scorpionidae Pandinus dictator
  Pandinus gambiensis
  Pandinus imperator =416
Theraphosidae Aphonopelma albiceps =417
  Aphonopelma pallidum =417
  Brachypelma spp.
  Brachypelmides klaasi =417
Hirudinidae Hirudo medicinalis
Tridacnidae Tridacnidae spp.
UnionidaeConradilla caelata 
  Cyprogenia aberti
 Dromus dromas =418  
 Epioblasma curtisi =419 
 Epioblasma florentina =419  
 Epioblasma sampsoni =419  
 Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua =419  
 Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum =419 
  Epioblasma torulosa rangiana =419
 Epioblasma torulosa torulosa =419 
 Epioblasma turgidula =419  
 Epioblasma walkeri =419  
 Fusconaia cuneolus 
 Fusconaia edgariana 
 Lampsilis higginsii 
 Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata 
 Lampsilis satur 
 Lampsilis virescens 
 Plethobasus cicatricosus 
 Plethobasus cooperianus 
  Pleurobema clava
 Pleurobema plenum 
 Potamilus capax =420  
 Ouadrula intermedia 
 Ouadrula sparsa 
 Toxolasma cylindrella =421  
 Unio nickliniana =422 
 Unio tampicoensis tecomatensis =423 
 Villosa trabalis =424  
AchatinellidaeAchatinella spp. 
Camaenidae Papustyla pulcherrima =425
Strombidae Strombus gigas
Tubiporidae Tubiporidae spp. °607
Milleporidae Milleporidae spp. °607
Stylasteridae Stylas.teridae spp. °607
AGAVACEAEAgave arizonica 
 Agave parviflora 
  Agave victoriae-reginae #1
 Nolina interrata 
AMARYLLIDACEAE Galanthus spp. #1
  Sternbergia spp. #1
APOCYNACEAE Pachypodium spp.* #1
 Pachypodium ambongense 
 Pachypodium baronii 
 Pachypodium decaryi 
  Rauvolfia serpentina #2
ARALIACEAE Panax ginseng +217 #3
  Panax quinquefolius #3
ARAUCARIACEAEAraucaria araucana** +219Araucaria araucana* -114 #1
BERBERIDACEAE Podophyllum hexandrum =427 #2
BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia harrisii #1
  Tillandsia kammii #1
  Tillandsia kautskyi #1
  Tillandsia mauryana #1
  Tillandsia sprengeliana #1
  .Tillandsia sucrei #1
  Tillandsia xerographica #1
 Ariocarpus spp. =428  
 Astrophytum asterias =429  
 Aztekium ritteri 
 Coryphantha werdermannii =430 
 Discocactus spp.  
 Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi =432 
 Echinocereus schmollii =433  
 Escobaria minima =434  
 Escobaria sneedii =435 
 Mammillaria pectinifera =436 
 Mammillaria solisioides 
 Melocactus conoideus 
 Melocactus deinacanthus 
 Melocactus glaucescens 
 Melocactus paucispinus 
 Obregonia denegrii 
 Pachycereus militaris =437  
 Pediocactus bradyi =438  
 Pediocactus knowltonii 
 Pediocactus paradinei 
 Pediocactus peeblesianus =440 
 Pediocactus sileri =441 
 Pelecyphora spp. =442  
 Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii =443 
 Sclerocactus erectocentrus =444 
 Sclerocactus glaucus =445  
 Sclerocactus mariposensis =446  
 Sclerocactus mesae-verdae =447  
 Sclerocactus papyracanthus =448 
 Sclerocactus pubispinus =449 
 Sclerocactus wrightiae =450 
 Strombocactus spp.  
 Turbinicarpus spp. =451  
 Uebelmannia spp. =431 
CARYOCARACEAE Caryocar costaricense #1
COMPOSITAE (ASTERACEAE)Saussurea costus =452 
CRASSULACEAE Dudleya stolonifera
 Dudleya traskiae 
CUPRESSACEAEFitzroya cupressoides 
 Pilgerodendron uviferum 
CYATHEACEAE Cyathea spp. =439 #1
 Cycas beddomei 
DIAPENSIACEAE Shortia galacifolia #1
DICKSONIACEAE Cibotium barometz #1
  Dicksonia spp. +218 #1
DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea deltoidea #1
DROSERACEAE Dionaea muscipula #1
EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia spp.* -115 °609 #1
 Euphorbia ambovombensis 
 Euphorbia capsaintemariensis =453  
 Euphorbia cremersii =454  
 Euphorbia cylindrifolia =455 
 Euphorbia decaryi =456  
 Euphorbia francoisii 
 Euphorbia moratii =457  
 Euphorbia parvicyathophora 
 Euphorbia quartziticola 
 Euphorbia tulearensis =458 
FOUQUIERIACEAE Fouquieria columnaris #1
 Fouquieria fasciculata 
 Fouquieria purpusii 
JUGLANDACEAE Oreomunnea pterocarpa =459 #1
LEGUMINOSAEDalbergia nigra 
(FABACEAE) Pericopsis elata =403 #5
  Platymiscium pleiostachyum #1
  Pterocarpus santalinus #6
LILIACEAE Aloe spp.* -116 #1
 Aloe albida 
 Aloe albiflora 
 Aloe alfredii 
 Aloe bakeri 
 Aloe bellatula 
 Aloe calcairophila 
 Aloe compressa =460  
 Aloe delphinensis 
 Aloe descoingsii 
 Aloe fragilis 
 Aloe haworthioides =461  
 Aloe helenae 
 Aloe laeta =462 
 Aloe parallelifolia 
 Aloe parvula 
 Aloe pillansii 
 Aloe polyphylla 
 Aloe rauhii 
 Aloe suzannae 
 Aloe thomcroftii 
 Aloe versicolor 
 Aloe vossii 
MELIACEAE Swietenia humilis #1
  Swietenia mahagoni #5
NEPENTHACEAE Nepenthes spp.* #1
 Nepenthes khasiana 
 Nepenthes rajah 
 Cattleya trianaei °610  
 Dendrobium cruentum °610  
 Laelia jongheana °610 
 Laelia lobata °610 
 Paphiopedilum spp. °610  
 Peristeria elata °610  
 Phragmipedium spp. °610 
 Renanthera imschootiana °610  
 Vanda coerulea °610  
OROBANCHACEAE Cistanche deserticola #3
PALMAE (ARECACEAE) Chrysalidocarpus decipiens #1 Neodypsis decaryi #1
PINACEAEAbies guatemalensis 
PODOCARPACEAEPodocarpus parlatorei 
PORTULACACEAE Anacampseros spp. =464 #1
  Avonia spp. =465 #1
  Lewisia maguirei #1
  Lewisia serrata #1
PRIMULACEAE Cyclamen spp. °611 #1
PROTEACEAE Orothamnus zeyheri #1
  Protea odorata #1
RANUNCULACEAE Adonis vernalis #2
  Hydrastis canadensis #3
ROSACEAE Prunus africana #1
RUBIACEAEBalmea stormiae 
SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia spp.* #1
 Sarracenia alabamensis ssp. alabamensis =466  
 Sarracenia jonesii =467 
 Sarracenia oreophila 
SCROPHULARIACEAE Picrorhiza kurrooa #3
STANGERIACEAE Bowenia spp. =468 #1
 Stangeria eriopus =469 
TAXACEAE Taxus wallichiana =470 #2
(AQUILARIACEAE) Aquilaria malaccensis #1
VALERIANACEAE Nardostachys grandiflora #3
WELWITSCHIACEAE Welwitschia mirabilis =471 #1
 Ceratozamia spp.  
 Chigua spp. 
 Encephalartos spp.  
 Microcycas calocoma 
ZINGIBERACEAE Hedychium philippinense #1
ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Guaiacum officinale #1
  Guaiacum sanctum #1

IV. Wijzigingen in Bijlage III

Zie Trb. 1991, 162 en Trb. 1998, 27.

Hieronder zijn vier wijzigingen afgedrukt die volgens de schriftelijke procedure in overeenstemming met artikel XVI van de Overeenkomst op de achtereenvolgende data zijn aangenomen:

1. aangenomen op 31 juli 2001 (voorstel Australië en Colombia; van kracht vanaf 29 oktober 2001)

2. aangenomen op 8 mei 2001 (voorstel Indonesië; van kracht 6 augustus 2001)

3. aangenomen op 14 maart 2001 (voorstel Peru; van kracht 12 juni 2001)

4. aangenomen op 15 juni 2000 (voorstel Zuid-Afrika en Verenigd Koninkrijk; van kracht 13 september 2002).

Op 31 juli 2001 is volgens de schriftelijke procedure in overeenstemming met artikel XVI van de Overeenkomst aangenomen de navolgende door Australië en Colombia voorgestelde wijziging van Bijlage III:

1. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article XVI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Government of Australia has requested the Secretariat to include the following species in Appendix III:




Lamnidae Carcharodon carcharias

2. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article XVI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Government of Colombia has requested the Secretariat to include its populations of the following species in Appendix III:


MELIACEA Cedrela odorata#23

Swietenia macrophylla #23

#23 means that logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets only are subject to the provisions of the Convention.

Ingevolge artikel XVI, tweede lid, van de Overeenkomst zijn bovenstaande wijzigingen op 29 oktober 2001 in werking getreden.

Per 29 oktober 2001 luidt de gewijzigde tekst van Bijlage III als volgt:

Appendix III valid from 29 October 2001

Note: The annotations in Appendix III are all succeeded by the superscript3, in order to distinguish the numbers of annotations from those in Appendices I and II.


1. References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of information or classification only.

2. The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that only designated geographically separate populations of that species are included in Appendix III as follows:

+ 2013Population of the species in Bolivia
+ 2023Population of the species in Brazil
+ 2033All populations of the species in the Americas
+ 2043Population of the species in Mexico
+ 2053Population of the species in Peru
+ 2063Population of the species in Colombia.

3. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted as follows:

= 4013Also referenced as Vampyrops lineatus
= 4023Formerly included as Tamandua tetradactyla (in part)
= 4033Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus
= 4043Includes generic synonym Coendou
= 4053Includes generic synonym Cuniculus
= 4063Includes synonym Vulpes vulpes leucopus
= 4073Formerly included as Nasua nasua
= 4083Includes synonym Galictis allamenda
= 4093Formerly included in Martes flavigula
= 4103Includes generic synonym Viverra
= 4113Formerly included as Viverra megaspila
= 4123Formerly included as Herpestes auropunctatus
= 4133Formerly included as Herpestes fuscus
= 4143Excludes the domesticated form of Bubalus arnee referenced as Bubalus bubalis
= 4153Also referenced as Boocercus eurycerus; includes generic synonym Taurotragus
= 4163Also referenced as Ardeola ibis
= 4173Also referenced as Egretta alba and Ardea alba
= 4183Also referenced as Hagedashia hagedash
= 4193Also referenced as Lampribis rara
= 4203Also referenced as Spatula clypeata
= 4213Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca
= 4223Includes synonym Dendrocygna fulva
= 4233Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii
= 4243Also referenced as Crax pauxi
= 4253Formerly included as Arborophila brunneopectus (in part)
= 4263Also referenced as Turturoena iriditorques;formerly included as Columba malherbii (in part)
= 4273Also referenced as Nesoenas mayeri
= 4283Formerly included as Treron australis(in part)
= 4293Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri;includes synonym Calopelia puella
= 4303Also referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria
= 4313Also referenced as Tchitrea bourbonnensis
= 4323Formerly included as Serinus gularis (in part)
= 4333Also referenced as Estrilda subflava or Sporaeginthus subflavus
= 4343Formerly included as Lagonosticta larvata (in part)
= 4353Includes generic synonym Spermestes
= 4363Also referenced as Euodice cantans;formerly included as Lonchura malabarica (in part)
= 4373Also referenced as Hypergos nitidulus
= 4383Formerly included as Parmoptila woodhousei (in part)
= 4393Includes synonyms Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi
= 4403Also referenced as Estrilda bengala
= 4413Also referenced as Malimbus rubriceps or Anaplectes melanotis
= 4423Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens
= 4433Formerly included as Euplectes orix (in part)
= 4443Also referenced as Coliuspasser macrourus
= 4453Also referenced as Ploceus superciliosus
= 4463Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps
= 4473Also referenced as Sitagra luteola
= 4483Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala
= 4493Formerly included as Ploceus velatus
= 4503Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms Vidua amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina
= 4513Formerly included as Vidua paradisaea (in part)
= 4523Also referenced as Pelusios subniger
= 4533Formerly included in genus Natrix
= 4543Formerly included as Talauma hodgsonii;also referenced as Magnolia hodgsonii and Magnolia candollii var. obovata
= 4553Formerly inclu ded as Bothrops nummifer
= 4563Formerly included as Bothrops schlegelii
= 4573Formerly included es Vipera russelii
= 4583Formerly included as Bothrops nasutus
= 4593Formerly included as Bothrops ophryomegas.

4. The names of the countries placed against the names of species are those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this appendix.

5. In accordance with Article l, paragraph (b), sub-paragraphs (ii) and (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species included in Appendix III, designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:

#13Designates all readily recognizable parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and
 c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants
#23Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets
#33Designates, in addition to whole animals, fins and parts of fins only.
PhyllostomidaePlatyrrhinus lineatus = 4013Uruguay
MyrmecophagidaeTamandua mexicana = 4023Guatemala
MegalonychidaeCholoepus hoffmanniCosta Rica
DasypodidaeCabassous centralisCosta Rica
 Cabassous tatouay = 4033Uruguay
SciuridaeEpixerus ebiiGhana
 Marmota caudataIndia/Inde
 Marmota himalayanaIndia/Inde
 Sciurus deppeiCosta Rica
AnomaluridaeAnomalurus beecroftiGhana
 Anomalurus derbianusGhana
 Anomalurus peliiGhana
 ldiurus macrotisGhana
HystricidaeHystrix cristataGhana
ErethizontidaeSphiggurus mexicanus = 4043Honduras
 Sphiggurus spinosus = 4043Uruguay
AgoutidaeAgouti paca = 4053Honduras
DasyproctidaeDasyprocta punctataHonduras
CanidaeCanis aureusIndia/Inde
 Vulpes bengalensisIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes griffithiIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes montanaIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes pusilla = 4063India/Inde
ProcyonidaeBassaricyon gabbiiCosta Rica
 Bassariscus sumichrastiCosta Rica
 Nasua narica = 4073Honduras
 Nasua nasua solitariaUruguay
 Potos flavusHonduras
MustelidaeEira barbaraHonduras
 Galictis vittata = 4083Costa Rica
 Martes flavigulaIndia/Inde
 Martes foina intermediaIndia/Inde
 Martes gwatkinsii = 4093India/Inde
 Mellivora capensisBotswana, Ghana
Mustelidae (cont.)Mustela altaicaIndia/Inde
 Mustela erminea ferghanaeIndia/Inde
 Mustela kathiahIndia/Inde
 Mustela sibiricaIndia/Inde
ViverridaeArctictis binturongIndia/Inde
 Civettictis civetta = 4103Botswana
 Paguma larvataIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus hermaphroditusIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus jerdoniIndia/Inde
 Viverra civettina = 4113India/Inde
 Viverra zibethaIndia/Inde
 Viverricula indicaIndia/Inde
HerpestidaeHerpestes brachyurus fuscus = 4133India/Inde
 Herpestes edwardsiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus = 4123India/Inde
 Herpestes smithiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes urvaIndia/Inde
 Herpestes vitticollisIndia/Inde
HyaenidaeProteles cristatusBotswana
OdobenidaeOdobenus rosmarusCanada
TragulidaeHyemoschus aquaticusGhana
CervidaeCervus elaphus barbarusTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Mazama americana cerasinaGuatemala
 Odocoileus virginianus mayensisGuatemala
BovidaeAntilope cervicapraNepal/Népal
 Bubalus arnee = 4143Nepal/Népal
 Damaliscus lunatusGhana
 Gazella cuvieriTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella dorcasTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella leptocerosTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Tetracerus quadricornisNepal/Népal
 Tragelaphus eurycerus= 4153Ghana
 Tragelaphus spekiiGhana
ArdeidaeArdea goliathGhana
 Bubulcus ibis = 4163Ghana
 Casmerodius albus= 4173Ghana
 Egretta garzettaGhana
CiconiidaeEphippiorhynchus senegalensisGhana
 Leptoptilos crumeniferusGhana
ThreskiornithidaeBostrychia hagedash = 4183Ghana
 Bostrychia rara = 4193Ghana
 Threskiornis aethlopicusGhana
AnatidaeAlopochen aegyptiacusGhana
 Anas acutaGhana
 Anas capensisGhana
 Anas clypeata = 4203Ghana
 Anas creccaGhana
 Anas penelopeGhana
 Anas querquedulaGhana
 Aythya nyroca = 4213Ghana
 Cairina moschataHonduras
 Dendrocygna autumnalisHonduras
 Dendrocygna bicolor = 4223Ghana, Honduras
 Dendrocygna viduataGhana
 Nettapus auritusGhana
 Plectropterus gambensisGhana
 Pteronetta hartlaubii = 4233Ghana
CathartidaeSarcoramphus papaHonduras
CracidaeCrax albertiColombia/Colombie
 Crax daubentoniColombia/Colombie
 Crax globulosaColombia/Colombie
 Crax rubraColombia/Colombie, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras
 Ortalis vetulaGuatemala, Honduras
 Pauxi pauxi = 4243Colombia/Colombie
 Penelope purpurascensHonduras
 Penelopina nigraGuatemala
PhasianidaeAgelastes meleagridesGhana
 Agriocharis ocellataGuatemala
 Arborophila charltoniiMalaysia/Malasia/ Malaisie
 Arborophila orientalis = 4253Malaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Caloperdix oculeaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura erythrophthalmaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura ignitaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Melanoperdix nigraMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Polyplectron inopinatumMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rhizothera longirostrisMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rollulus rouloulMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Tragopan satyraNepal/Népal
BurhinidaeBurhinus bistriatusGuatemala
ColumbidaeColumba guineaGhana
 Columba iriditorques = 4263Ghana
 Columba liviaGhana
 Columba mayeri = 4273Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Columba unicinctaGhana
 Oena capensisGhana
Columbidae (cont.)Streptopelia decipiensGhana
 Streptopelia roseogriseaGhana
 Streptopelia semitorquataGhana
 Streptopelia senegalensisGhana
 Streptopelia turturGhana
 Streptopelia vinaceaGhana
 Treron calva = 4283Ghana
 Treron waaliaGhana
 Turtur abyssinicusGhana
 Turtur aferGhana
 Turtur brehmeri = 4293Ghana
 Turtur tympanistria = 4303Ghana
PsittacidaePsittacula krameriGhana
MusophagidaeCorythaeola cristataGhana
 Crinifer piscatorGhana
 Musophaga violaceaGhana
CapitonidaeSemnornis ramphastinusColombia/Colombie
RamphastidaeBaillonius bailloniArgentina/Argentine
 Pteroglossus castanotisArgentina/Argentine
 Ramphastos dicolorusArgentina/Argentine
 Selenidera maculirostrisArgentina/Argentine
CotingidaeCephalopterus ornatusColombia/Colombie
 Cephalopterus penduligerColombia/Colombie
MuscicapidaeBebrornis rodericanusMauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Terpsiphone bourbonnensis = 4313Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
FringillidaeSerinus canicapillus= 4323Ghana
 Serinus leucopygiusGhana
 Serinus mozambicusGhana
EstrildidaeAmadina fasciataGhana
 Amandava subflava = 4333Ghana
 Estrilda astrildGhana
 Estrilda caerulescensGhana
 Estrilda melpodaGhana
 Estrilda troglodytesGhana
 Lagonosticta raraGhana
 Lagonosticta rubricetaGhana
 Lagonosticta rufopictaGhana
 Lagonosticta senegalaGhana
 Lagonosticta vinacea = 4343Ghana
 Lonchura bicolor = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura cantans = 4363Ghana
 Lonchura cucullata = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura fringilloides = 4353Ghana
 Mandingoa nitidula = 4373Ghana
 Nesocharis capistrataGhana
 Nigrita bicolorGhana
 Nigrita canicapillaGhana
 Nigrita fusconotaGhana
 Nigrita luteifronsGhana
 Ortygospiza atricollisGhana
 Parmoptila rubrifrons = 4383Ghana
 Pholidornis rushiaeGhana
 Pyrenestes ostrinus = 4393Ghana
 Pytilia hypogrammicaGhana
 Pytilia phoenicopteraGhana
 Spermophaga haematinaGhana
 Uraeginthus bengalus = 4403Ghana
PloceidaeAmblyospiza albifronsGhana
 Anaplectes rubriceps = 4413Ghana
 Anomalospiza imberbisGhana
 Bubalornis albirostrisGhana
 Euplectes aferGhana
 Euplectes ardens = 4423Ghana
 Euplectes franciscanus = 4433Ghana
 Euplectes hordeaceusGhana
 Euplectes macrourus = 4443Ghana
 Malimbus cassiniGhana
 Malimbus malimbicusGhana
 Malimbus nitensGhana
 Malimbus rubricollisGhana
 Malimbus scutatusGhana
 Pachyphantes superciliosus = 4453Ghana
 Passer griseusGhana
 Petronia dentataGhana
 Plocepasser superciliosusGhana
 Ploceus albinuchaGhana
 Ploceus aurantiusGhana
 Ploceus cucullatus = 4463Ghana
 Ploceus heugliniGhana
 Ploceus luteolus = 4473Ghana
 Ploceus melanocephalus = 4483Ghana
 Ploceus nigerrimusGhana
 Ploceus nigricollisGhana
 Ploceus pelzelniGhana
 Ploceus preussiGhana
 Ploceus tricolorGhana
 Ploceus vitellinus = 4493Ghana
 Quelea erythropsGhana
 Sporopipes frontalisGhana
 Vidua chalybeata = 4503Ghana
 Vidua interjectaGhana
 Vidua larvaticolaGhana
 Vidua macrouraGhana
 Vidua orientalis = 4513Ghana
 Vidua raricolaGhana
 Vidua togoensisGhana
 Vidua wilsoniGhana
TrionychidaeTrionyx triunguisGhana
Pelomedusidae Pelomedusa subrufaGhana
 Pelusios adansoniiGhana
Pelomedusidae (cont.) Pelusios castaneusGhana
 Pelusios gabonensis = 4523Ghana
 Pelusios nigerGhana
ColubridaeAtretium schistosumIndia/Inde
 Cerberus rhynchopsIndia/Inde
 Xenochrophis piscator = 4533India/Inde
ElapidaeMicrurus diastemaHonduras
 Micrurus nigrocinctusHonduras
ViperidaeAgkistrodon bilineatusHonduras
 Atropoides nummifer = 4553Honduras
 Bothriechis schlegelii= 4563Honduras
 Bothrops asperHonduras
 Crotalus durissusHonduras
 Daboia russellii = 4573India/Inde
 Porthidium nasutum = 4583Honduras
 Porthidium ophryomegas = 4593Honduras
LamnidaeCarcharodon carchariasAustralia/Australie
 Cetorhinus maximus #33United Kingdom/Reino Unido/ Royaume-Uni
LucanidaeColophon spp.South Africa/Sudáfrica/Afrique du Sud
GNETACEAEGnetum montanum #1Nepal/Népal
MAGNOLIACEAEMagnolia liliifera var. obovata = 4543 #13Nepal/Népal
MELIACEAE Cedrela odorata #23Colombia/Colombie + 2063 Peru/Perú/Pérou + 2053
 Swietenia macrophylla #23Bolivia/Bolivie + 2013 Brazil/Brasil/Brésil + 2023 Colombia/Colombie + 2063 Costa Rica + 2033 Mexico/México/Mexique + 2043 Peru/Perú/Pérou + 2053
PAPAVERACEAEMeconopsis regia #13Nepal/Népal
PODOCARPACEAEPodocarpus neriifolius #13Nepal/Népal
TETRACENTRACEAETetracentron sinense #13Nepal/Népal
THYMELAEACEAEGonystylus spp. #13Indonesia/lndonésie

Op 15 juni 2000 is volgens de schriftelijke procedure in overeenstemming met artikel XVI van de Overeenkomst aangenomen de navolgende door Zuid-Afrika en het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland voorgestelde wijziging van Bijlage III:

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article XVI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Governments of South Africa and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have requested the Secretariat to include the following species in Appendix III:





CetorhinidaeCetorhinus maximus #33United Kingdom

#33 Designates, in addition to whole animals, fins and parts of fins only.




LucanidaeColophon spp.South Africa

Ingevolge artikel XVI, tweede lid, van de Overeenkomst is bovenstaande wijziging op 13 september 2000 in werking getreden.

Per 13 september 2000 luidt de gewijzigde tekst van Bijlage III als volgt:

Appendix III valid from 13 September 2000 (reprinted with corrections, 21 July 2000)

Note: The numbering of annotations in Appendix III has been revised using the superscript 3, in order to distinguish the numbers of annotations from those in Appendices I and II.


1. References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of information or classification only.

2. The symbol (+) followed by a number pIaced against the name of a species denotes that onIy designated geographically separate populations of that species are included in Appendix III as follows:

+ 2013Population of the species in Bolivia
+ 2023Population of the species in Brazil
+ 2033All populations of the species in the Americas
+ 2043Population of the species in Mexico

3. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted as follows:

= 4013Also referenced as Vampyrops lineatus
= 4023Formerly included as Tamandua tetradactyla (in part)
= 4033Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus
= 4043Includes generic synonym Coendou
= 4053Includes generic synonym Cunicuius
= 4063Includes synonym Vulpes vulpes leucopus
= 4073Formerly included as Nasua nasua
= 4083Includes synonym Galictis allamandi
= 4093Formerly included in Martes flavigula
= 4103Includes generic synonym Viverra
= 4113Formerly included as Viverra megaspila
= 4123Formerly included as Herpestes auropunctatus
= 4133Formerly included as Herpestes fuscus
= 4143Excludes the domesticated form of Bubalus arnee referenced as Bubalus bubalis
= 4153Also referenced as Boocercus eurycerus; includes generic synonym Taurotragus
= 4163Also referenced as Ardeola ibis
= 4173Also referenced as Egretta alba and Ardea alba
= 4183Also referenced as Hagedashia hagedash
= 4193Also referenced as Lampribis rara
= 4203Also referenced as Spatula clypeata
= 4213Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca
= 4223Includes synonym Dendrocygna fulva
= 4233Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii
= 4243Also referenced as Crax pauxi
= 4253Formerly included as Arborophila brunneopectus (in part)
= 4263AIso referenced as Turturoena iriditorques; formerly included as Columba malherbii (in part)
= 4273Also referenced as Nesoenas mayeri
= 4283Formerly included as Treron australis (in part)
= 4293Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri; includes synonym Calopelia puella
= 4303AIso referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria
= 4313AIso referenced as Tchitrea bourbonnensis
= 4323Formerly included as Serinus gularis (in part)
= 4333AIso referenced as Estrilda subflava or Sporaeginthus subflavus
= 4343Formerly included as Lagonosticta larvata (in part)
= 4353Includes generic synonym Spermestes
= 4363Also referenced as Euodice cantans; formerly included as Lonchura malabarica (in part)
= 4373Also referenced as Hypargos nitidulus
= 4383Formerly included as Parmoptila woodhousei (in part)
= 4393Includes synonyms Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi
= 4403Also referenced as Estrilda bengala
= 4413Also referenced as Malimbus rubriceps or Anaplectes melanotis
= 4423Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens
= 4433Formerly included as Euplectes orix (in part)
= 4443AIso referenced as Coliuspasser macrourus
= 4453Also referenced as Ploceus superciliosus
= 4463Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps
= 4473Also referenced as Sitagra luteola
= 4483Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala
= 4493Formerly included as Ploceus velatus
= 4503Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms Vidua amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina
= 4513Formerly included as Vidua paradisaea (in part)
= 4523Also referenced as Pelusios subniger
= 4533Formerly included in genus Natrix
= 4543Formerly included as Talauma hodgsonii; also referenced as Magnolia hodgsonii and Magnolia candollii var. obovata
= 4553Formerly included as Bothrops nummifer
= 4563Formerly included as Bothrops schlegelii
= 4573Formerly included as Vipera russelli
= 4583Formerly included as Bothrops nasutus
= 4593Formerly included as Bothrops ophryomegas.

4. The names of the countries placed against the names of species are those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this appendix.

5. Any animal or plant, whether live or dead, of a species listed in this appendix, is covered by the provisions of the Convention, as is any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof unless in accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), sub-paragraphs (ii) and (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species included in Appendix III, designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:

#13Designates all readily recognizable parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants
#23Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets
#33Designates, in addition to whole animaIs, fins and parts of fins only.
PhyllostomidaePlatyrrhinus lineatus = 4013Uruguay
MyrmecophagidaeTamandua mexicana = 4023Guatemala
MegalonychidaeCholoepus hoffmanniCosta Rica
DasypodidaeCabassous centralisCosta Rica
 Cabassous tatouay = 4033Uruguay
SciuridaeEpixerus ebiiGhana
 Marmota caudataIndia/Inde
 Marmota himalayanaIndia/Inde
 Sciurus deppeiCosta Rica
AnomaluridaeAnomalurus beecroftiGhana
 Anomalurus derbianusGhana
 Anomalurus peliiGhana
 Idiurus macrotisGhana
 Hystrix cristataGhana
ErethizontidaeSphiggurus mexicanus = 4043Honduras
 Sphiggurus spinosus = 4043Uruguay
AgoutidaeAgouti paca = 4053Honduras
DasyproctidaeDasyprocta punctataHonduras
CanidaeCanis aureusIndia/Inde
 Vulpes bengalensisIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes griffithiIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes montanaIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes pusilla = 4063India/Inde
ProcyonidaeBassaricyon gabbiiCosta Rica
 Bassariscus sumichrastiCosta Rica
 Nasua narica = 4073Honduras
 Nasua nasua solitariaUruguay
 Potos flavusHonduras
MustelidaeEira barbaraHonduras
 Galictis vittata = 4083Costa Rica
 Martes flavigulaIndia/Inde
 Martes foina intermediaIndia/Inde
 Martes gwatkinsii = 4093India/Inde
 Mellivora capensisBotswana, Ghana
 Mustela attaicaIndia/Inde
 Mustela erminea ferghanaeIndia/Inde
 Mustela kathiahIndia/Inde
 Mustela sibiricaIndia/Inde
ViverridaeArctictis binturongIndia/Inde
 Civettictis civetta = 4103Botswana
 Paguma larvataIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus hermaphroditusIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus jerdoniIndia/Inde
 Viverra civettina = 4113India/Inde
 Viverra zibethaIndia/Inde
 Viverricula indicaIndia/Inde
HerpestidaeHerpestes brachyurus fuscus = 4133India/Inde
 Herpestes edwardsiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus = 4123India/Inde
 Herpestes smithiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes urvaIndia/Inde
 Herpestes vitticollisIndia/Inde
HyaenidaeProteles cristatusBotswana
OdobenidaeOdobenus rosmarusCanada
TragulidaeHyemoschus aquaticusGhana
CervidaeCervus elaphus barbarusTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Mazama americana cerasinaGuatemala
 Odocoileus virginianus mayensisGuatemala
BovidaeAntilope cervicapraNepal/Népal
 Bubaius amee = 4143Nepal/Népal
 Damaliscus lunatusGhana
 Gazella cuvieriTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella dorcasTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella leptocerosTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Tetracerus quadricomisNepal/Népal
 Tragelaphus eurycerus = 4153Ghana
 Tragelaphus spekiiGhana
ArdeidaeArdea goliathGhana
 Bubulcus ibis = 4163Ghana
 Casmerodius aibus = 4173Ghana
 Egretta garzettaGhana
CiconiidaeEphippiorhynchus senegalensisGhana
 Leptoptilos crumeniferusGhana
ThreskiornithidaeBostrychia hagedash = 4183Ghana
 Bostrychia rara = 4193Ghana
 Threskiornis aethiopicusGhana
AnatidaeAlopochen aegyptiacusGhana
 Anas acutaGhana
 Anas capensisGhana
 Anas clypeata = 4203Ghana
 Anas creccaGhana
 Anas penelopeGhana
 Anas querquedulaGhana
 Aythya nyroca = 4213Ghana
 Cairina moschataHonduras
 Dendrocygna autumnalisHonduras
 Dendrocygna bicolor = 4223Ghana, Honduras
 Dendrocygna viduataGhana
 Nettapus auritusGhana
 Plectropterus gambensisGhana
 Pteronetta hartiaubii = 4233Ghana
CathartidaeSarcoramphus papaHonduras
CracidaeCrax albertiColombia/Colombie
 Crax daubentoniColombia/Colombie
 Crax globulosaColombia/Colombie
 Crax rubraColombia/Colombie, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras
 Ortalis vetulaGuatemala, Honduras
 Pauxi pauxi = 4243Colombia/Colombie
 Penelope purpurascensHonduras
 Penelopina nigraGuatemala
PhasianidaeAgelastes meleagridesGhana
 Agriocharis ocellataGuatemala
 Arborophila charltoniiMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Arborophila orientalis = 4253Malaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Caloperdix oculeaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura erythrophthalmaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura ignitaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Melanoperdix nigraMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Polyplectron inopinatumMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rhizothera longirostrisMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rollulus rouloulMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Tragopan satyraNepal/Népal
Burhinidae Burhinus bistriatusGuatemala
ColumbidaeColumba guineaGhana
 Columba iriditorques = 4263Ghana
 Columba liviaGhana
 Columba mayeri = 4273Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Columba unicinctaGhana
 Oena capensisGhana
 Streptopelia decipiensGhana
 Streptopelia roseogriseaGhana
 Streptopelia semitorquataGhana
 Streptopelia senegalensisGhana
 Streptopelia turturGhana
 Streptopelia vinaceaGhana
 Treron calva = 4283Ghana
 Treron waaliaGhana
 Turtur abyssinicusGhana
 Turtur aferGhana
 Turtur brehmeri = 4293Ghana
 Turtur tympanistria = 4303Ghana
Psittacidae Psittacula krameriGhana
MusophagidaeCorythaeola cristataGhana
 Crinifer piscatorGhana
 Musophaga violaceaGhana
CapitonidaeSemnornis ramphastinusColombia/Colombie
RamphastidaeBaillonius bailloniArgentina/Argentine
 Pteroglossus castanotisArgentina/Argentine
 Ramphastos dicolorusArgentina/Argentine
 Selenidera maculirostrisArgentina/Argentine
CotingidaeCephalopterus ornatusColombia/Colombie
 Cephalopterus penduligerColombia/Colombie
MuscicapidaeBebrornis rodericanusMauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Terpsiphone bourbonnensis = 4313Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
FringillidaeSerinus canicapillus = 4323Ghana
 Serinus leucopygiusGhana
 Serinus mozambicusGhana
EstrildidaeAmadina fasciataGhana
 Amandava subflava = 4333Ghana
 Estrilda astrildGhana
 Estrilda caerulescensGhana
 Estrilda melpodaGhana
 Estrilda troglodytesGhana
 Lagonosticta raraGhana
 Lagonosticta rubricataGhana
 Lagonosticta rufopictaGhana
 Lagonosticta senegalaGhana
 Lagonosticta vinacea = 4343Ghana
 Lonchura bicolor = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura cantans = 4363Ghana
 Lonchura cucullata = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura fringilloides = 4353Ghana
 Mandingoa nitidula = 4373Ghana
 Nesocharis capistrataGhana
 Nigrita bicolorGhana
 Nigrita canicapillaGhana
 Nigrita fusconotaGhana
 Nigrita luteifronsGhana
 Ortygospiza atricollisGhana
 Parmoptila rubrifrons = 4383Ghana
 Pholidornis rushiaeGhana
 Pyrenestes ostrinus = 4393Ghana
 Pytilia hypogrammicaGhana
 Pytilia phoenicopteraGhana
 Spermophaga haematinaGhana
 Uraeginthus bengalus = 4403Ghana
PloceidaeAmblyospiza albifronsGhana
 Anaplectes rubriceps = 4413Ghana
 Anomalospiza imberbisGhana
 Bubalornis albirostrisGhana
 Euplectes aferGhana
 Euplectes ardens = 4423Ghana
 Euplectes franciscanus = 4433Ghana
 Euplectes hordeaceusGhana
 Euplectes macrourus = 4443Ghana
 Malimbus cassiniGhana
 Malimbus malimbicusGhana
 Malimbus nitensGhana
 Malimbus rubricollisGhana
 Malimbus scutatusGhana
 Pachyphantes superciliosus = 4453Ghana
 Passer griseusGhana
 Petronia dentataGhana
 Plocepasser superciliosusGhana
 Ploceus albinuchaGhana
 Ploceus aurantiusGhana
 Ploceus cucullatus = 4463Ghana
 Ploceus heugliniGhana
 Ploceus luteolus = 4473Ghana
 Ploceus melanocephalus = 4483Ghana
 Ploceus nigerrimusGhana
 Ploceus nigricollisGhana
 Ploceus pelzelniGhana
 Ploceus preussiGhana
 Ploceus tricolorGhana
 Ploceus vitellinus = 4493Ghana
 Quelea erythropsGhana
 Sporopipes frontalisGhana
 Vidua chalybeata = 4503Ghana
 Vidua interjectaGhana
 Vidua larvaticolaGhana
 Vidua macrouraGhana
 Vidua orientalis = 4513Ghana
 Vidua raricolaGhana
 Vidua togoensisGhana
 Vidua wilsoniGhana
TrionychidaeTrionyx triunguisGhana
PelomedusidaePelomedusa subrufaGhana
 Pelusios adansoniiGhana
 Pelusios castaneusGhana
 Pelusios gabonensis = 4523Ghana
 Peliusios nigerGhana
ColubridaeAtretium schistosumIndia/Inde
 Cerberus rhynchopsIndia/Inde
 Xenochrophis piscator = 4533India/Inde
ElapidaeMicrurus diastemaHonduras
 Micrurus nigrocinctusHonduras
ViperidaeAgkistrodon bilineatusHonduras
 Atropoides nummifer = 4553Honduras
 Bothriechis schlegelii = 4563Honduras
 Bothrops asperHonduras
 Crotalus durissusHonduras
 Daboia russellii = 4573India/Inde
 Porthidium nasutum = 4583Honduras
 Porthidium ophryomegas = 4593Honduras
CetorhinidaeCetorhinus maximus #33United Kingdom/Reino Unido/Royaume-Uni
LucanidaeColophon spp.South Africa/Sudáfrica/Afrique du Sud
GNETACEAEGnetum montanum #13Nepal/Népal
MAGNOLIACEAEMagnolia liliifera var. obovata = 4543#13Nepal/Népal
MELIACEAESwietenia macrophylla #23Bolivia/Bolivie + 2013
  Brazil/Brasil/Brésil + 2023
  Costa Rica + 2033
  Mexico/México/Mexique + 2043
PAPAVERACEAEMeconopsis regia #13Nepal/Népal
PODOCARPACEAEPodocarpus neriifolius #13Nepal/Népal
TETRACENTRACEAETetracentron sinense #13Nepal/Népal

Op 14 maart 2001 is volgens de schriftelijke procedure in overeenstemming met artikel XVI van de Overeenkomst aangenomen de navolgende door Peru voorgestelde wijziging van Bijlage III:

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article XVI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Government of Peru has requested the Secretariat to include its populations of the following species in Appendix III:


MELIACEAECedrela odorata#23 
 Swietenia macrophylla #23 

#23 means that logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets only are subject to the provisions of the Convention.

Ingevolge artikel XVI, tweede lid, van de Overeenkomst is bovenstaande wijziging op 12 juni 2001 in werking getreden.

Per 12 juni 2001 luidt de gewijzigde tekst van Bijlage III als volgt:

Appendix III valid from 12 June 2001

Note: The numbering of annotations in Appendix III has been revised using the superscript 3, in order to distinguish the numbers of annotations from those in Appendices I and II.


1. References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of information or classification only.

2. The symbol (+) followed by a number pIaced against the name of a species denotes that onIy designated geographically separate populations of that species are included in Appendix III as follows:

+ 2013Population of the species in Bolivia
+ 2023Population of the species in Brazil
+ 2033All populations of the species in the Americas
+ 2043Population of the species in Mexico
+ 2053Population of the species in Peru.

3. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted as follows:

= 4013Also referenced as Vampyrops lineatus
= 4023Formerly included as Tamandua tetradactyla (in part)
= 4033Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus
= 4043Includes generic synonym Coendou
= 4053Includes generic synonym Cuniculus
= 4063Includes synonym Vulpes vulpes leucopus
= 4073Formerly included as Nasua nasua
= 4083Includes synonym Galictis allamandi
= 4093Formerly included in Martes flavigula
= 4103Includes generic synonym Viverra
= 4113Formerly included as Viverra megaspila
= 4123Formerly included as Herpestes auropunctatus
= 4133Formerly included as Herpestes fuscus
= 4143Excludes the domesticated form of Bubalus arnee referenced as Bubalus bubalis
= 4153Also referenced as Boocercus eurycerus; includes generic synonym Taurotragus
= 4163Also referenced as Ardeola ibis
= 4173Also referenced as Egretta alba and Ardea alba
= 4183Also referenced as Hagedashia hagedash
= 4193Also referenced as Lampribis rara
= 4203Also referenced as Spatula clypeata
= 4213Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca
= 4223Includes synonym Dendrocygna fulva
= 4233Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii
= 4243Also referenced as Crax pauxi
= 4253Formerly included as Arborophila brunneopectus (in part)
= 4263AIso referenced as Turturoena iriditorques; formerly included as Columba malherbii (in part)
= 4273Also referenced as Nesoenas mayeri
= 4283Formerly included as Treron australis (in part)
= 4293Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri; includes synonym Calopelia puella
= 4303AIso referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria
= 4313AIso referenced as Tchitrea bourbonnensis
= 4323Formerly included as Serinus gularis (in part)
= 4333AIso referenced as Estrilda subflava or Sporaeginthus subflavus
= 4343Formerly included as Lagonosticta larvata (in part)
= 4353Includes generic synonym Spermestes
= 4363Also referenced as Euodice cantans; formerly included as Lonchura malabarica (in part)
= 4373Also referenced as Hypargos nitidulus
= 4383Formerly included as Parmoptila woodhousei (in part)
= 4393Includes synonyms Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi
= 4403Also referenced as Estrilda bengala
= 4413Also referenced as Malimbus rubriceps or Anaplectes melanotis
= 4423Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens
= 4433Formerly included as Euplectes orix (in part)
= 4443Also referenced as Coliuspasser macrourus
= 4453Also referenced as Ploceus superciliosus
= 4463Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps
= 4473Also referenced as Sitagra luteola
= 4483Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala
= 4493Formerly included as Ploceus velatus
= 4503Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms Vidua amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina
= 4513Formerly included as Vidua paradisaea (in part)
= 4523Also referenced as Pelusios subniger
= 4533Formerly included in genus Natrix
= 4543Formerly included as Talauma hodgsonii; also referenced as Magnolia hodgsonii and Magnolia candollii var. obovata
= 4553Formerly included as Bothrops nummifer
= 4563Formerly included as Bothrops schlegelii
= 4573Formerly included as Vipera russelli
= 4583Formerly included as Bothrops nasutus
= 4593Formerly included as Bothrops ophryomegas.

4. The names of the countries placed against the names of species are those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this appendix.

5. Any animal or plant, whether live or dead, of a species listed in this appendix, is covered by the provisions of the Convention, as is any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof unless in accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), sub-paragraphs (ii) and (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species included in Appendix III, designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:

#13Designates all readiIy recognizable parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and c) cut flowers of artificially propagated pIants
#23Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets
#33Designates, in addition to whole animaIs, fins and parts of fins only.
PhyllostomidaePlatyrrhinus lineatus = 4013Uruguay
MyrmecophagidaeTamandua mexicana = 4023Guatemala
MegalonychidaeCholoepus hoffmanniCosta Rica
DasypodidaeCabassous centralisCosta Rica
 Cabassous tatouay = 4033Uruguay
SciuridaeEpixerus ebiiGhana
 Marmota caudataIndia/Inde
 Marmota himalayanaIndia/Inde
 Sciurus deppeiCosta Rica
AnomaluridaeAnomalurus beecroftiGhana
 Anomalurus derbianusGhana
 Anomalurus peliiGhana
 Idiurus macrotisGhana
 Hystrix cristataGhana
ErethizontidaeSphiggurus mexicanus = 4043Honduras
 Sphiggurus spinosus = 4043Uruguay
AgoutidaeAgouti paca = 4053Honduras
DasyproctidaeDasyprocta punctataHonduras
CanidaeCanis aureusIndia/Inde
 Vulpes bengalensisIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes griffithiIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes montanaIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes pusilla = 4063India/Inde
ProcyonidaeBassaricyon gabbiiCosta Rica
 Bassariscus sumichrastiCosta Rica
 Nasua narica = 4073Honduras
 Nasua nasua solitariaUruguay
 Potos flavusHonduras
 Eira barbaraHonduras
 Galictis vittata = 4083Costa Rica
 Martes flavigulaIndia/Inde
 Martes foina intermediaIndia/Inde
 Martes gwatkinsii = 4093India/Inde
 Mellivora capensisBotswana, Ghana
 Mustela altaicaIndia/Inde
 Mustela erminea ferghanaeIndia/Inde
 Mustela kathiahIndia/Inde
 Mustela sibiricaIndia/Inde
ViverridaeArctictis binturongIndia/Inde
 Civettictis civetta = 4103Botswana
 Paguma larvataIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus hermaphroditusIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus jerdoniIndia/Inde
 Viverra civettina = 4113India/Inde
 Viverra zibethaIndia/Inde
 Viverricula indicaIndia/Inde
HerpestidaeHerpestes brachyurus fuscus = 4133India/Inde
 Herpestes edwardsiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus = 4123India/Inde
 Herpestes smithiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes urvaIndia/Inde
 Herpestes vitticollisIndia/Inde
HyaenidaeProteles cristatusBotswana
OdobenidaeOdobenus rosmarusCanada
TragulidaeHyemoschus aquaticusGhana
CervidaeCervus elaphus barbarusTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Mazama americana cerasinaGuatemala
 Odocoileus virginianus mayensisGuatemala
BovidaeAntilope cervicapraNepal/Népal
 Bubaius arnee = 4143Nepal/Népal
 Damaliscus lunatusGhana
 Gazella cuvieriTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella dorcasTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella leptocerosTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Tetracerus quadricomisNepal/Népal
 Tragelaphus eurycerus = 4153Ghana
 Tragelaphus spekiiGhana
ArdeidaeArdea goliathGhana
 Bubulcus ibis = 4163Ghana
 Casmerodius aibus = 4173Ghana
 Egretta garzettaGhana
CiconiidaeEphippiorhynchus senegalensisGhana
 Leptoptilos crumeniferusGhana
ThreskiornithidaeBostrychia hagedash = 4183Ghana
 Bostrychia rara = 4193Ghana
 Threskiornis aethiopicusGhana
AnatidaeAlopochen aegyptiacusGhana
 Anas acutaGhana
 Anas capensisGhana
 Anas clypeata = 4203Ghana
 Anas creccaGhana
 Anas penelopeGhana
 Anas querquedulaGhana
 Aythya nyroca = 4213Ghana
 Cairina moschataHonduras
 Dendrocygna autumnalisHonduras
 Dendrocygna bicolor = 4223Ghana, Honduras
 Dendrocygna viduataGhana
 Nettapus auritusGhana
 Plectropterus gambensisGhana
 Pteronetta hartiaubii = 4233Ghana
CathartidaeSarcoramphus papaHonduras
CracidaeCrax albertiColombia/Colombie
 Crax daubentoniColombia/Colombie
 Crax globulosaColombia/Colombie
 Crax rubraColombia/Colombie, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras
 Ortalis vetulaGuatemala, Honduras
 Pauxi pauxi = 4243Colombia/Colombie
 Penelope purpurascensHonduras
 Penelopina nigraGuatemala
PhasianidaeAgelastes meleagridesGhana
 Agriocharis ocellataGuatemala
 Arborophila charltoniiMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Arborophila orientalis = 4253Malaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Caloperdix oculeaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura erythrophthalmaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura ignitaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Melanoperdix nigraMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Polyplectron inopinatumMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rhizothera longirostrisMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rollulus roulouLMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Tragopan satyraNepal/Népal
Burhinidae Burhinus bistriatusGuatemala
ColumbidaeColumba guineaGhana
 Columba iriditorques = 4263Ghana
 Columba liviaGhana
 Columba mayeri = 4273Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Columba unicinctaGhana
 Oena capensisGhana
 Streptopelia decipiensGhana
 Streptopelia roseogriseaGhana
 Streptopelia semitorquataGhana
 Streptopelia senegalensisGhana
 Streptopelia turturGhana
 Streptopelia vinaceaGhana
 Treron calva = 4283Ghana
 Treron waaliaGhana
 Turtur abyssinicusGhana
 Turtur aferGhana
 Turtur brehmeri = 4293Ghana
 Turtur tympanistria = 4303Ghana
Psittacidae Psittacula krameriGhana
MusophagidaeCorythaeola cristataGhana
 Crinifer piscatorGhana
 Musophaga violaceaGhana
CapitonidaeSemnornis ramphastinusColombia/Colombie
RamphastidaeBaillonius bailloniArgentina/Argentine
 Pteroglossus castanotisArgentina/Argentine
 Ramphastos dicolorusArgentina/Argentine
 Selenidera maculirostrisArgentina/Argentine
CotingidaeCephalopterus ornatusColombia/Colombie
 Cephalopterus penduligerColombia/Colombie
MuscicapidaeBebrornis rodericanusMauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Terpsiphone bourbonnensis = 4313Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
FringillidaeSerinus canicapillus = 4323Ghana
 Serinus leucopygiusGhana
 Serinus mozambicusGhana
EstrildidaeAmadina fasciataGhana
 Amandava subflava = 4333Ghana
 Estrilda astrildGhana
 Estrilda caerulescensGhana
 Estrilda melpodaGhana
 Estrilda troglodytesGhana
 Lagonosticta raraGhana
 Lagonosticta rubricataGhana
 Lagonosticta rufopictaGhana
 Lagonosticta senegalaGhana
 Lagonosticta vinacea = 4343Ghana
 Lonchura bicolor = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura cantans = 4363Ghana
 Lonchura cucullata = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura fringilloides = 4353Ghana
 Mandingoa nitidula = 4373Ghana
 Nesocharis capistrataGhana
 Nigrita bicolorGhana
 Nigrita canicapillaGhana
 Nigrita fusconotaGhana
 Nigrita luteifronsGhana
 Ortygospiza atricollisGhana
 Parmoptila rubrifrons = 4383Ghana
 Pholidornis rushiaeGhana
 Pyrenestes ostrinus = 4393Ghana
 Pytilla hypogrammicaGhana
 Pytilia phoenicopteraGhana
 Spermophaga haematinaGhana
 Uraeginthus bengalus = 4403Ghana
PloceidaeAmblyospiza albifronsGhana
 Anaplectes rubriceps = 4413Ghana
 Anomalospiza imberbisGhana
 Bubalornis albirostrisGhana
 Euplectes aferGhana
 Euplectes ardens = 4423Ghana
 Euplectes franciscanus = 4433Ghana
 Euplectes hordeaceusGhana
 Euplectes macrourus = 4443Ghana
 Malimbus cassiniGhana
 Malimbus malimbicusGhana
 Malimbus nitensGhana
 Malimbus rubricollisGhana
 Malimbus scutatusGhana
 Pachyphantes superciliosus = 4453Ghana
 Passer griseusGhana
 Petronia dentataGhana
 Plocepasser superciliosusGhana
 Ploceus albinuchaGhana
 Ploceus aurantiusGhana
 Ploceus cucullatus = 4463Ghana
 Ploceus heugliniGhana
 Ploceus luteolus = 4473Ghana
 Ploceus melanocephalus = 4483Ghana
 Ploceus nigerrimusGhana
 Ploceus nigricollisGhana
 Ploceus pelzelniGhana
 Ploceus preussiGhana
 Ploceus tricolorGhana
 Ploceus viteilinus = 4493Ghana
 Quelea erythropsGhana
 Sporopipes frontalisGhana
 Vidua chalybeata = 4503Ghana
 Vidua interjectaGhana
 Vidua larvaticolaGhana
 Vidua macrouraGhana
 Vidua orientalis = 4513Ghana
 Vidua raricolaGhana
 Vidua togoensisGhana
 Vidua wilsoniGhana
TrionychidaeTrionyx triunguisGhana
PelomedusidaePelomedusa subrufaGhana
 Pelusios adansoniiGhana
 Pelusios castaneusGhana
 Pelusios gabonensis = 4523Ghana
 Peliusios nigerGhana
ColubridaeAtretium schistosumIndia/Inde
 Cerberus rhynchopsIndia/Inde
 Xenochrophis piscator = 4533India/Inde
ElapidaeMicrurus diastemaHonduras
 Micrurus nigrocinctusHonduras
ViperidaeAgkistrodon bilineatusHonduras
 Atropoides nummifer = 4553Honduras
 Bothriechis schlegelii = 4563Honduras
 Bothrops asperHonduras
 Crotalus durissusHonduras
 Daboia russellii = 4573India/Inde
 Porthidium nasutum = 4583Honduras
 Porthidium ophryomegas = 4593Honduras
CetorhinidaeCetorhinus maximus #33United Kingdom/Reino Unido/Royaume-Uni
LucanidaeColophon spp.South Africa/Sudáfrica/Afrique du Sud
GNETACEAEGnetum montanum #13Nepal/Népal
MAGNOLIACEAEMagnolia liliifera var. obovata = 4543 #13Nepal/Népal
MELIACEAECedrela odorata #23Peru/Perú/Pérou+ 2053
 Swietenia macrophylla #23Bolivia/Bolivie + 2013
  Brazil/Brasil/Brésil + 2023
  Costa Rica + 2033
  Mexico/México/Mexique + 2043
  Peru/Perú/Pérou + 2053
PAPAVERACEAEMeconopsis regia #13Nepal/Népal
PODOCARPACEAEPodocarpus neriifolius #13Nepal/Népal
TETRACENTRACEAETetracentron sinense #13Nepal/Népal

Op 8 mei 2001 is volgens de schriftelijke procedure in overeenstemming met artikel XVI van de Overeenkomst aangenomen de navolgende door Indonesië voorgestelde wijziging van Bijlage III:

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article XVI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Government of Indonesia has requested the Secretariat to include its populations of the following species in Appendix III:


THYMELAEACEAEGonystylus spp. #13

#13 Designates that all readily recognizable parts and derivates are subject to the provisions of the Convention except:

  • a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);

  • b) seeding or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and

  • c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants.

    Ingevolge artikel XVI, tweede lid, van de Overeenkomst zal bovenstaande wijziging op 6 augustus 2001 in werking treden.

    Per 6 augustus 2001 luidt de gewijzigde tekst van Bijlage III als volgt:

Appendix III valid from 6 August 2001

Note: The numbering of annotations in Appendix III has been revised using the superscript 3, in order to distinguish the numbers of annotations from those in Appendices I and II.


1. References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of information or classification only.

2. The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that onIy designated geographically separate populations of that species are included in Appendix III as follows:

+ 2013Population of the species in Bolivia
+ 2023Population of the species in Brazil
+ 2033All populations of the species in the Americas
+ 2043Population of the species in Mexico
+ 2053Population of the species in Peru.

3. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted as follows:

= 4013Also referenced as Vampyrops lineatus
= 4023Formerly included as Tamandua tetradactyla (in part)
= 4033Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus
= 4043Includes generic synonym Coendou
= 4053Includes generic synonym Cuniculus
= 4063Includes synonym Vulpes vulpes leucopus
= 4073Formerly included as Nasua nasua
= 4083Includes synonym Galictis allamandi
= 4093Formerly included in Martes flavigula
= 4103Includes generic synonym Viverra
= 4113Formerly included as Viverra megaspila
= 4123Formerly included as Herpestes auropunctatus
= 4133Formerly included as Herpestes fuscus
= 4143Excludes the domesticated form of Bubalus arnee referenced as Bubalus bubalis
= 4153Also referenced as Boocercus eurycerus; includes generic synonym Taurotragus
= 4163Also referenced as Ardeola ibis
= 4173Also referenced as Egretta alba and Ardea alba
= 4183Also referenced as Hagedashia hagedash
= 4193Also referenced as Lampribis rara
= 4203Also referenced as Spatula clypeata
= 4213Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca
= 4223Includes synonym Dendrocygna fulva
= 4233Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii
= 4243Also referenced as Crax pauxi
= 4253Formerly included as Arborophila brunneopectus (in part)
= 4263AIso referenced as Turturoena iriditorques; formerly included as Columba malherbii (in part)
= 4273Also referenced as Nesoenas mayeri
= 4283Formerly included as Treron australis (in part)
= 4293Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri; includes synonym Calopelia puella
= 4303AIso referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria
= 4313AIso referenced as Tchitrea bourbonnensis
= 4323Formerly included as Serinus gularis (in part)
= 4333AIso referenced as Estrilda subflava or Sporaeginthus subflavus
= 4343Formerly included as Lagonosticta larvata (in part)
= 4353Includes generic synonym Spermestes
= 4363Also referenced as Euodice cantans; formerly included as Lonchura malabarica (in part)
= 4373Also referenced as Hypargos nitidulus
= 4383Formerly included as Parmoptila woodhousei (in part)
= 4393Includes synonyms Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi
= 4403Also referenced as Estrilda bengala
= 4413Also referenced as Malimbus rubriceps or Anaplectes melanotis
= 4423Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens
= 4433Formerly included as Euplectes orix (in part)
= 4443AIso referenced as Coliuspasser macrourus
= 4453Also referenced as Ploceus superciliosus
= 4463Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps
= 4473Also referenced as Sitagra luteola
= 4483Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala
= 4493Formerly included as Ploceus velatus
= 4503Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms Vidua amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina
= 4513Formerly included as Vidua paradisaea (in part)
= 4523Also referenced as Pelusios subniger
= 4533Formerly included in genus Natrix
= 4543Formerly included as Talauma hodgsonii; also referenced as Magnolia hodgsonii and Magnolia candollii var. obovata
= 4553Formerly included as Bothrops nummifer
= 4563Formerly included as Bothrops schlegelii
= 4573Formerly included as Vipera russelli
= 4583Formerly included as Bothrops nasutus
= 4593Formerly included as Bothrops ophryomegas.

4. The names of the countries placed against the names of species are those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this appendix.

5. Any animal or plant, whether live or dead, of a species listed in this appendix, is covered by the provisions of the Convention, as is any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof unless in accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), sub-paragraphs (ii) and (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species included in Appendix III, designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:

#13Designates all readily recognizable parts and derivatives, except:
 a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
 b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and c) cut flowers of artificially propagated pIants
#23Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets
#33Designates, in addition to whole animaIs, fins and parts of fins only.
PhyllostomidaePlatyrrhinus lineatus = 4013Uruguay
MyrmecophagidaeTamandua mexicana = 4023Guatemala
MegalonychidaeCholoepus hoffmanniCosta Rica
DasypodidaeCabassous centralisCosta Rica
 Cabassous tatouay = 4033Uruguay
SciuridaeEpixerus ebiiGhana
 Marmota caudataIndia/Inde
 Marmota himalayanaIndia/Inde
 Sciurus deppeiCosta Rica
AnomaluridaeAnomalurus beecroftiGhana
 Anomalurus derbianusGhana
 Anomalurus peliiGhana
 Idiurus macrotisGhana
 Hystrix cristataGhana
ErethizontidaeSphiggurus mexicanus = 4043Honduras
 Sphiggurus spinosus = 4043Uruguay
AgoutidaeAgouti paca = 4053Honduras
DasyproctidaeDasyprocta punctataHonduras
CanidaeCanis aureusIndia/Inde
 Vulpes bengalensisIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes griffithiIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes montanaIndia/Inde
 Vulpes vulpes pusilla = 4063India/Inde
ProcyonidaeBassaricyon gabbiiCosta Rica
 Bassariscus sumichrastiCosta Rica
 Nasua narica = 4073Honduras
 Nasua nasua solitariaUruguay
 Potos flavusHonduras
MustelidaeEira barbaraHonduras
 Galictis vittata = 4083Costa Rica
 Martes flavigulaIndia/Inde
 Martes foina intermediaIndia/Inde
 Martes gwatkinsii = 4093India/Inde
 Mellivora capensisBotswana, Ghana
 Mustela attaicaIndia/Inde
 Mustela erminea ferghanaeIndia/Inde
 Mustela kathiahIndia/Inde
 Mustela sibiricaIndia/Inde
ViverridaeArctictis binturongIndia/Inde
 Civettictis civetta = 4103Botswana
 Paguma larvataIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus hermaphroditusIndia/Inde
 Paradoxurus jerdoniIndia/Inde
 Viverra civettina = 4113India/Inde
 Viverra zibethaIndia/Inde
 Viverricula indicaIndia/Inde
HerpestidaeHerpestes brachyurus fuscus = 4133India/Inde
 Herpestes edwardsiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus = 4123India/Inde
 Herpestes smithiiIndia/Inde
 Herpestes urvaIndia/Inde
 Herpestes vitticollisIndia/Inde
HyaenidaeProteles cristatusBotswana
OdobenidaeOdobenus rosmarusCanada
TragulidaeHyemoschus aquaticusGhana
CervidaeCervus elaphus barbarusTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Mazama americana cerasinaGuatemala
 Odocoileus virginianus mayensisGuatemala
BovidaeAntilope cervicapraNepal/Népal
 Bubalus arnee = 4143Nepal/Népal
 Damaliscus lunatusGhana
 Gazella cuvieriTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella dorcasTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Gazella leptocerosTunisia/Túnez/Tunisie
 Tetracerus quadricornisNepal/Népal
 Tragelaphus eurycerus = 4153Ghana
 Tragelaphus spekiiGhana
ArdeidaeArdea goliathGhana
 Bubulcus ibis = 4163Ghana
 Casmerodius albus = 4173Ghana
 Egretta garzettaGhana
CiconiidaeEphippiorhynchus senegalensisGhana
 Leptoptilos crumeniferusGhana
ThreskiornithidaeBostrychia hagedash = 4183Ghana
 Bostrychia rara = 4193Ghana
 Threskiornis aethiopicusGhana
AnatidaeAlopochen aegyptiacusGhana
 Anas acutaGhana
 Anas capensisGhana
 Anas clypeata = 4203Ghana
 Anas creccaGhana
 Anas penelopeGhana
 Anas querquedulaGhana
 Aythya nyroca = 4213Ghana
 Cairina moschataHonduras
 Dendrocygna autumnalisHonduras
 Dendrocygna bicolor = 4223Ghana, Honduras
 Dendrocygna viduataGhana
 Nettapus auritusGhana
 Plectropterus gambensisGhana
 Pteronetta hartiaubii = 4233Ghana
CathartidaeSarcoramphus papaHonduras
CracidaeCrax albertiColombia/Colombie
 Crax daubentoniColombia/Colombie
 Crax globulosaColombia/Colombie
 Crax rubraColombia/Colombie, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras
 Ortalis vetulaGuatemala, Honduras
 Pauxi pauxi = 4243Colombia/Colombie
 Penelope purpurascensHonduras
 Penelopina nigraGuatemala
PhasianidaeAgelastes meleagridesGhana
 Agriocharis ocellataGuatemala
 Arborophila charltoniiMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Arborophila orientalis = 4253Malaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Caloperdix oculeaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura erythrophthalmaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Lophura ignitaMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Melanoperdix nigraMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Polyplectron inopinatumMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rhizothera longirostrisMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Rollulus roulouLMalaysia/Malasia/Malaisie
 Tragopan satyraNepal/Népal
BurhinidaeBurhinus bistriatusGuatemala
ColumbidaeColumba guineaGhana
 Columba iriditorques = 4263Ghana
 Columba liviaGhana
 Columba mayeri = 4273Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Columba unicinctaGhana
 Oena capensisGhana
 Streptopelia decipiensGhana
 Streptopelia roseogriseaGhana
 Streptopelia semitorquataGhana
 Streptopelia senegalensisGhana
 Streptopelia turturGhana
 Streptopelia vinaceaGhana
 Treron calva = 4283Ghana
 Treron waaliaGhana
 Turtur abyssinicusGhana
 Turtur aferGhana
 Turtur brehmeri = 4293Ghana
 Turtur tympanistria = 4303Ghana
PsittacidaePsittacula krameriGhana
MusophagidaeCorythaeola cristataGhana
 Crinifer piscatorGhana
 Musophaga violaceaGhana
CapitonidaeSemnornis ramphastinusColombia/Colombie
RamphastidaeBaillonius bailloniArgentina/Argentine
 Pteroglossus castanotisArgentina/Argentine
 Ramphastos dicolorusArgentina/Argentine
 Selenidera maculirostrisArgentina/Argentine
CotingidaeCephalopterus ornatusColombia/Colombie
 Cephalopterus penduligerColombia/Colombie
MuscicapidaeBebrornis rodericanusMauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
 Terpsiphone bourbonnensis = 4313Mauritius/Mauricio/Maurice
FringillidaeSerinus canicapillus = 4323Ghana
 Serinus leucopygiusGhana
 Serinus mozambicusGhana
EstrildidaeAmadina fasciataGhana
 Amandava subflava = 4333Ghana
 Estrilda astrildGhana
 Estrilda caerulescensGhana
 Estrilda melpodaGhana
 Estrilda troglodytesGhana
 Lagonosticta raraGhana
 Lagonosticta rubricataGhana
 Lagonosticta rufopictaGhana
 Lagonosticta senegalaGhana
 Lagonosticta vinacea = 4343Ghana
 Lonchura bicolor = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura cantans = 4363Ghana
 Lonchura cucullata = 4353Ghana
 Lonchura fringilloides = 4353Ghana
 Mandingoa nitidula = 4373Ghana
 Nesocharis capistrataGhana
 Nigrita bicolorGhana
 Nigrita canicapillaGhana
 Nigrita fusconotaGhana
 Nigrita luteifronsGhana
 Ortygospiza atricollisGhana
 Parmoptila rubrifrons = 4383Ghana
 Pholidornis rushiaeGhana
 Pyrenestes ostrinus = 4393Ghana
 Pytilia hypogrammicaGhana
 Pytilia phoenicopteraGhana
 Spermophaga haematinaGhana
 Uraeginthus bengalus = 4403Ghana
PloceidaeAmblyospiza albifronsGhana
 Anaplectes rubriceps = 4413Ghana
 Anomalospiza imberbisGhana
 Bubalornis albirostrisGhana
 Euplectes aferGhana
 Euplectes ardens = 4423Ghana
 Euplectes franciscanus = 4433Ghana
 Euplectes hordeaceusGhana
 Euplectes macrourus = 4443Ghana
 Malimbus cassiniGhana
 Malimbus malimbicusGhana
 Malimbus nitensGhana
 Malimbus rubricollisGhana
 Malimbus scutatusGhana
 Pachyphantes superciliosus = 4453Ghana
 Passer griseusGhana
 Petronia dentataGhana
 Plocepasser superciliosusGhana
 Ploceus albinuchaGhana
 Ploceus aurantiusGhana
 Ploceus cucullatus = 4463Ghana
 Ploceus heugliniGhana
 Ploceus luteolus = 4473Ghana
 Ploceus melanocephalus = 4483Ghana
 Ploceus nigerrimusGhana
 Ploceus nigricollisGhana
 Ploceus pelzelniGhana
 Ploceus preussiGhana
 Ploceus tricolorGhana
 Ploceus viteilinus = 4493Ghana
 Ouelea erythropsGhana
 Sporopipes frontalisGhana
 Vidua chalybeata = 4503Ghana
 Vidua interjectaGhana
 Vidua larvaticolaGhana
 Vidua macrouraGhana
 Vidua orientalis = 4513Ghana
 Vidua raricolaGhana
 Vidua togoensisGhana
 Vidua wilsoniGhana
TrionychidaeTrionyx triunguisGhana
PelomedusidaePelomedusa subrufaGhana
 Pelusios adansoniiGhana
 Pelusios castaneusGhana
 Pelusios gabonensis = 4523Ghana
 Peliusios nigerGhana
ColubridaeAtretium schistosumIndia/Inde
 Cerberus rhynchopsIndia/Inde
 Xenochrophis piscator = 4533India/Inde
ElapidaeMicrurus diastemaHonduras
 Micrurus nigrocinctusHonduras
ViperidaeAgkistrodon bilineatusHonduras
 Atropoides nummifer = 4553Honduras
 Bothriechis schlegelii = 4563Honduras
 Bothrops asperHonduras
 Crotalus durissusHonduras
 Daboia russellii = 4573India/Inde
 Porthidium nasutum = 4583Honduras
 Porthidium ophryomegas = 4593Honduras
CetorhinidaeCetorhinus maximus #33United Kingdom/Reino Unido/Royaume-Uni
LucanidaeColophon spp.South Africa/Sudáfrica/Afrique du Sud
GNETACEAEGnetum montanum #13Nepal/Népal
MAGNOLIACEAEMagnolia liliifera var. obovata = 4543 #13Nepal/Népal
MELIACEAECedrela odorata #23Peru/Perú/Pérou+ 2053
 Swietenia macrophylla #23Bolivia/Bolivie + 2013
  Brazil/Brasil/Brésil + 2023
  Costa Rica + 2033
  Mexico/México/Mexique + 2043
  Peru/Perú/Pérou + 2053
PAPAVERACEAEMeconopsis regia #13Nepal/Népal
PODOCARPACEAEPodocarpus neriifollus #13Nepal/Népal
TETRACENTRACEAETetracentron sinense #13Nepal/Népal
 Gonystylus spp. #13Indonesia/Indonésie

V. Voorbehouden ten aanzien van de wijzigingen in de Bijlagen I, II en III

Zie Trb. 1991, 162, Trb. 1992, 180 en Trb. 1997, 270.

Japan heeft op 4 juli 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de soort Balaenoptera bonarensis in Bijlage I, zoals door de 11e Conferentie aangenomen in Gigiri op 20 april 2000, en een voorbehoud tegen de opname van de soort Cetorhinus maximus in Bijlage III.

Noorwegen heeft op 17 juli 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de soort Balaenoptera bonarensis in Bijlage I, zoals door de 11e Conferentie aangenomen in Gigiri op 20 april 2000, en heeft het voorbehoud tegen de opname van de soort Balaenoptera acutorostrata in Bijlage I bevestigd.

Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden heeft op 18 juli 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland heeft op 11 augustus 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Duitsland heeft op 16 augustus 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela sibirica, Arctictis binturong en civettictis civetta.

Frankrijk heeft op 31 oktober 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Denemarken heeft op 8 november 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela erminea ferghanae, Mustela kathiah, Mustela sibirica, Vulpes vulpes griffithi, Vulpus vulpus montana en Vulpus vulpus pusilla.

Finland heeft op 15 november 2000 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela erminea ferghanae, Mustela kathiah, Mustela sibirica, Vulpes vulpes griffithi, Vulpus vulpus montana en Vulpus vulpus pusilla.

België heeft op 19 januari 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela erminea ferghanae, Mustela kathiah, Mustela sibirica, Vulpes vulpes griffithi, Vulpus vulpus montana en Vulpus vulpus pusilla.

Luxemburg heeft op 26 januari 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Zweden heeft op 9 april 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Duitsland heeft op 12 april 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica en Mustela kathiah.

Griekenland heeft op 25 mei 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela erminea ferghanae, Mustela kathiah, Mustela sibirica, Vulpes vulpes griffithi, Vulpes vulpes montana en Vulpes vulpes pusilla.

Noorwegen heeft op 11 juni 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soort in Bijlage III: Cetorhinus maximus.

Spanje heeft op 12 juni 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Italië heeft op 13 juni 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de volgende soorten in Bijlage III: Mustela altaica, Mustela kathiah en Mustela sibirica.

Maleisië heeft op 17 september 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de soort Gonystylus in Bijlage III.

Japan heeft op 22 oktober 2001 een voorbehoud gemaakt tegen de opname van de soort Carcharodon carcharias in Bijlage III.

VI. Intrekking van voorbehouden

Zie Trb. 1992, 180, Trb. 1995, 63, Trb. 1997, 270, Trb. 1998, 27 en Trb. 1999, 146.

Rusland heeft op 20 juli 1999 het voorbehoud gemaakt op 14 januari 1977 met betrekking tot Lutra lutra ingetrokken.

Zuid-Afrika heeft op 6 september 2000 het voorbehoud gemaakt in 1989 met betrekking tot Loxodonta africana in Bijlage I ingetrokken.

Zwitserland en Liechtenstein hebben op 5 april 2001 het voorbehoud gemaakt op 3 september 1987 met betrekking tot Vipera ursinii in Bijlage I ingetrokken.

Duitsland heeft op 12 april 2001 het voorbehoud gemaakt op 16 augustus 2000 met betrekking tot Arctitis binturong en Civettictis civetta in Bijlage III ingetrokken.

Peru heeft op 24 oktober 2001 de voorbehouden gemaakt met betrekking tot Balaenoptera, Balaenoptera bonaerensis, Balaenoptera edén en Caperea marginata in Bijlage I ingetrokken.

In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de onderhavige wijzigingen van de Overeenkomst in het gehele Koninkrijk zullen zijn bekendgemaakt op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.

Uitgegeven de achttiende december 2001

De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,



 I. Wijziging van artikel XI, derde lid, letter a3
 II. Wijziging van artikel XXI3
 III. Wijzigingen in de Bijlagen I en II3
 IV. Wijzigingen in Bijlage III61
 V. Voorbehouden ten aanzien van de wijzigingen in de Bijlagen I, II en II118
 VI. Intrekking van de voorbehouden119


Onder de volgende voorbehouden en verklaring:

``In accordance with Article XXIII, paragraph 2, subparagraph a, of the Convention, Iceland makes reservations with regard to the following species included in Appendices I and II:

Balaenoptera muscules in Appendix I

Balaenoptera physalus in Appendix I

Balaenoptera borealis in Appendix I

Megaptera novaengliae in Appendix I

Physeter macrocephalus in Appendix I

Hyperoodon ampullatus in Appendix I

Balaenoptera acutorostrata, Population of West Greenland in Appendix II, other populations in Appendix I

Globicephala melas in Appendix II

Orcinus orca in Appendix II

Lagenorhyncus albirostris in Appendix II

Lagenorhyncus acutus in Appendix II

Phocoena phocoena in Appendix II

Delphinus delphis in Appendix II

Tursiops truncatus in Appendix II"

``Upon acceding to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Iceland makes the following declaration:

In the view of Iceland the inclusion of some species in the appendices of the Convention is inconsistent with Article II of the Convention and the biological criteria agreed on within CITES for such inclusion. A number of the cetaceans which are included in the appendices are a good example of this.

It was decided that, upon acceding to the Convention, Iceland would only enter reservations with regard to the species that occur within its national jurisdiction which are, in the view of Iceland, inappropriately included in the appendices.

This should, however, not be interpreted as Iceland's acceptance of the appropriateness of all other inclusions in the appendices.

If new scientific evidence will show that species regarding which Iceland has made reservations are in fact appropriately included in the appendices, Iceland will reassess the relevant reservations.


Onder de volgende voorbehouden:

``Subject to the Article 23 (2), the Republic of Macedonia enters specific reservations on Appendix I, II and III, with regard to the species as listed:

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